Coke caps/Pepsi/Dr. Pepper caps trading thread

I've got 13 Coke caps free to the first person who pm's me. (Claimed by Zelda)
I have 159 yellow Dr. Pepper caps for "Every Bottle Wins" and 12 gold "Ironman 2" caps for trade. All I want is Mycokerewards codes. I can get many more of both as Summer comes.

Send e-mail to [email protected] and we'll arrange trade.
Have: My coke rewards codes (bottles, fridgepacks, etc; I'm addicted to Diet Coke so I should always have codes lying around)
Want: club nintendo codes, paypal, offer whatever. If you really want I can give you one for free. Just PM me!
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have - my 100 coke rewards points from fridgepacks
want - Dr pepper caps, mass effect terminus armor, xbla joust or robotron
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Looking for coke reward points that are not caps codes.
I am looking for large point codes only, takes forever to enter the small codes.

Paypal or trade xbox codes .
My Coke Rewards (105 x 3pts), (1 x 10 pts) - 325 Points Total

Xbox 360 codes, Microsoft Points, PayPal

Been collecting the caps for awhile... mostly from buying 6 packs, bottles of coke I bought on break, and caps from work. All are unused, working on putting them all in a .txt file.
HAVE: 100's of Coke Rewards caps, family and friends know I collect so I'm well stocked

WANT: Mountain Dew MW3 Double XP Codes

pm me if you want to talk a deal
My Coke Rewards codes (6 x 30pts, 180 total + some bonus caps I'll throw in)

Dr. Pepper Codes
- Looking for six at the most, I'm open to negotiations.
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4 Dr Pepper codes and climbing.
100s of Coke points. 12 and 24pack codes and hundreds of bottle tops.

Gears of War 3 DLC: Weapon skins. Pre Order skins. etc.
Dozens of MCR codes all from 2 liter Sprite/Coke (still have caps whose caps I haven't entered into my text document)
Few Pepsi codes all from 2 liter Pepsi

Rankupxp codes from Mountain Dew (don't care what bottle) or Doritos
have alot of coke rewards 3 point codes

want dew xp/doritos code/dr pepper or wat ever else let me kno wat u want or how many for wat i think i have like 20
Have: 1 Dr. Pepper code

Want: 1 Mtn Dew MW3 double XP code

Just a straight up trade please, already have all the Dr. Pepper DLC so this code does nothing for me. Thanks.

(Over 100) 3 Point My Coke Rewards Cap Codes
(Over 20) 10 Point My Coke Rewards 12 Pack Codes
(4) 18-20 Point My Coke Rewards Codes



WILL SELL 100 MCR POINTS FOR $3.00 Paypal!!!!!
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A lot of 3 points Coke Caps. (I'm dead serious here. I have well over 1000+. I can either type and send the codes via PM/emial or I can physically send all those caps but I have to deal with shipping.

Want: Paypal, games or gift cards
one 40 MCR point code from McDonalds promo *supposedly expires Aug 31 2012*

several cap codes (need to check/locate them)

MSP codes
Have: 2xDr. Pepper Caps
5x Coke Caps (3 pts)
2x 24 Pack Coke Codes (20 pts)

Want: 3x Slim Jim Codes or Dead Space 3 Slim Jim Content (Xbox 360)
Dead Space 3 Javelin Amazon Pre-order gun (Xbox 360)
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2 Dr. pepper caps
2 slim Jim codes
1 Jungle Tai for Gears Judgement (oberto)


Brisk Codes
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Have : multiple 10-point MCR codes from 12-pack flaps, primarily Fuze and Orange Fanta

Want: $3 paypal / 100 points

*note:I work for a mom-n-pop vending company, I'm not unlimited but I do have many many flaps right now

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I've got around 300-500 coke points, 24 pack codes/sprite/coke 20oz codes.
(I'll add them up shortly with an official tally)

Psn games
UV Movies
Max Payne 3 PSN

Edit: No longer need to trade
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bread's done