Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Looks like I won't be picking it up than. Never read the previous Batman Beyond arc.
I Think even with just Future's End you'll be okay. That seems to be the big point if anything, you'll miss out on not getting one of the character's, but that's really it I dare say.

I Don't know, it's a weird hard sell because the whole world of Batman Beyond revolved around Terry McGuiness and to see that taken away and forcibly replaced is a hard idea to adjust to or even calling it Batman Beyond. I'm in the weird spot where I love the world and everything, but it feels empty with them just shoe horning Tim Drake from the past (and alternate universe?) into this. I Want to say give it time and see where it goes with reviews and maybe it'll pick up, but it's hard to recommend out of personal feelings.

I loved the older Batman Beyond comics and the show. Future's End was a train wreck, and sending Tim Drake to an alternative future to be the new Batman Beyond is just dumb.

I'll be honest - I don't know everything about DC but Future's End just seemed like it was spinning its wheels. Fifty Sue with Grifter and Deathstroke, the Firestrom plotline, Superman out being a farmer, the Frankenstein and Dark JLA story, Brainiac showng up, etc. I originally got it because I thought it was going to be a Batman Beyond story - instead Terry was a pretty minor character and Tim Drake tookover. Maybe stuff would've seemed more important to me if I read anything aside from Batman related stuff in the DC Universe (I use to read Animal Man and Swamp Thing but they are done).

Poke my head in here from time to time but discussion is usually about super hero comics which I tend to dislike (not too sure why.)

Anyway, I have a fairly small collection, first 10 or so Dark Horse Conan volumes (the main artist left and the whole style went to shit so I bailed), Bone, Blacksad, Metabarons, Severed, Get Jiro, Tale of Sand. Then a few outliers, Incognito, Luther Strode, and Cape which is really the closest I can stand to get to superheroing. I'd like to pick up the Sandman stuff some day but can't really justify the price when Bone is 25 and its sitting at 100+.

So, I like one-shot stories, I like "good value" stuff (omnibus-esque things that give you either a great story or great art or both *cough* metabarons), and I LOVE a certain artstyle that I cannot describe as anything other than "good" (see: blacksad, metabarons).

If you made it through my post, does anything pop into your mind that you feel would meet some of my criteria?

Thanks :)

Record week for me. 13 new single issues and that Axis Revolutions TPB I received on Tuesday. Here's my list:

• Bizarro #1
• Darth Vader #6
• Giant-Size Little Marvel AvX #1
• Groot #1
• Guardians Team-Up #6
• Justice League #41
• Midnighter #1
• Princess Leia #4
• Secret Wars #3
• Secret Wars: Battleworld #2
• Star Wars #6
• Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6
• Years of Future Past #1
Record week for me. 13 new single issues and that Axis Revolutions TPB I received on Tuesday. Here's my list:

• Bizarro #1
• Darth Vader #6
• Giant-Size Little Marvel AvX #1
• Groot #1
• Guardians Team-Up #6
• Justice League #41
• Midnighter #1
• Princess Leia #4
• Secret Wars #3
• Secret Wars: Battleworld #2
• Star Wars #6
• Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6
• Years of Future Past #1
ANAD Marvel is going to destroy your budget in the fall. I also picked up Bizarro. It's great.

You're not wrong about Marvel, but I was buying mostly Marvel before. Justice League, Harley Quinn, and Deathstroke were my only DC books. Those continue, and I'll be buying Harley/Power Girl. Bizarro is only a 6 issue series. Midnighter was one I really looked forward to, but I was disappointed with the first issue. Also intrigued by the Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Black Canary books.
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Secret Wars #3 was excellent. I haven't had the luxury of reading the multiple years' worth of buildup, yet I'm loving the main series.Most of the tie-ins have been enjoyable as well. How can you not love stuff like M.O.D.O.K. Assassin and Secret Wars 2099? I haven't even gotten to read this week's tie-ins yet since I just got my books last night.
I Read the Future Imperfect and Old Man Logan tie ins. Goddammit, now I gotta get more comics?!?

And as much shit as I gotta give Marvel I gotta praise them that from after the huge momentum given to them with the first Avengers movie they decide to just go into a three year long multiuniverse slow (but deep) storyline with alot of dialogue and little action and let it lead up to Secret Wars.

I skipped Future Imperfect for financial reasons. Chose to skip that and X-Tinction Agenda. The new Old Man Logan was okay, but definitely didn't live up to my expectations.
I was really into early 90's X-Men, but that original storyline was published a year or two before my time, so I have no attachment to it. Review scores for the debut of the Secret Wars version were decidedly mediocre.
I was really into early 90's X-Men, but that original storyline was published a year or two before my time, so I have no attachment to it. Review scores for the debut of the Secret Wars version were decidedly mediocre.
Are you planning to pick up Age of Apocalypse and X-Men 92?

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Nice. I'll try to post my pickup as pics from now on, they however won't be as much as your. Also Secret Wars #3 was really good. I am getting a sense of what is actually happening now.

I bought 13 last week plus a trade, so I'm cutting back! 2 DC books this week. 1 Image. The rest, Marvel.

Secret Wars #3 was great. Really shed a lot of light on the situations of Doom and Strange.
This week's issues, purchased last night. Pic was too large to attach to post

• Birthright #8
• Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1
• Harley Quinn #17
• Inferno #2
• Inhumans: Attilan Rising #2
• Kanan: The Last Padawan #3
• Marvel Zombies #1
• Secret Wars 2099 #2
• Starfire #1
• Ultimate End #2

So Common is playing the Tattooed Man, as in Abel Tarrant, or is he playing Victor Zsasz? Or is he playing Victor Szasz? Are those Green Lantern Comics going to rise in price? I doubt it.

Anyway, Eternal Con is happening in Garden City, Long Island at the Aerospace Museum. Anybody going? My co-worker is, since he lives in the faaar side of Queens.

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Batmanga is a very interesting read as Jiro Kuwata adapts those classic Silver Age stories for a Japanese audience. While the public thinks of Batman in the 1960s as something quite cheesy, the comics then started to get more serious and incorporated more scientific ideas into its plots, much like the Atom comics. Kuwata does the same with his adaptations, though I imagine he must have to do more research, considering I doubt National Comics was willing to translate everything to the T.

Batman vs the Human Ball featured a lot of experimentation, much like a Flash episode, as the Dark Knight couldn't beat the villain with sheer force of will the first few times, nor with the gadgets he had on hand.

I was disappointed that Kuwata did not want to adapt the greatest story I've ever read:


Edit: Oh it's basically the same plot, considering Karmak and Gorilla Grodd basically have the same abilities. Even Kuwata thought the bomb thing was pretty stupid, so he took it out.

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My pick up:

Descender #1-4 and var. #1

Thors #1

Mad Max Fury Road: Furiosa #1

Justice League of America #1

Earth 2 Society #1


can someone explain to me the endgame behind the marvel secret wars event?  is everything going to be brand new going forward?  cause if so that's a great time for me to stop reading

I get charged sales tax at my local shop, but they always discount the total by 15% prior to calculating the tax, so it's alright.
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And read first issue of JLA and man, I'm sure there's a good story somewhere, but from the first issue it's hard to deny that Bryan Hitch's first occupation is not writing. The last page I kept thinking of that scene from Simpsons where a burlesque house opened up and they were showing all the men who had gone there and they get to Barney and Moe "tries" to look and sound shocked. That's how I feel about the last page. There's a good story somewhere, but the set up is so by the numbers that it's hard to get excited.

Only half Marvel this time. Marvel books would have been outnumbered had Ghostbusters Get Real #1 been in stock. That one was ordered late, but I'll be notified when it comes in.

• Archie vs. Predator #3
• Black Canary #1
• Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #9
• Deathlok #9
• Harley Quinn & Power Girl #1
• Justice League of America #1
• Martian Manhunter #1
• Ms. Marvel #16
• Old Man Logan #2
• Thors #1

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Is that right of Gamestop to sell Secret Wars #1 for $5.40 despite the cover price of $5. Are they really charging sales tax on a periodical?
It varies by how the business collects taxes. In Illinois there was never tax on comics, but some stores charge tax. HPB never charges tax on comics, but I believe it has to do with them being "used".

Took me long enough but I finally bought Kick-Ass 3 since I waited a tad longer than necessary to get it when it was all collected. In short, I enjoyed it and it ended pretty much how I figured. I didn't believe for a second he'd kill off either of the two mains and I was right. Fitting end for Dave and Mindy's fate was pretty obvious. I'm glad Red Mist died at least partially redeemed and I mean that by the smallest classification I can use with the word as he did help them in the end. The final fights were predictable and I don't mean that as a criticism as this has just been one of those stories where every finale is pretty much a given.

I wonder if Mindy will be destined to always be a vigilante and will slowly become more unhinged like her father was or will she manage to keep the balance or even stop? Probably won't do the last if this finale was any indicator but I hope her life doesn't get sad to the extent of her father's. I hear Miller wants to do another Hit-Girl series but honestly I'd prefer it if it took place after the KA finale and we get some more insight on what happened to her throughout her life growing older to answer what I just asked in the previous sentence. Between that series he did that served as a prequel to KA2 and as an extension of her backstory plus the flashbacks we've got of her and Big Daddy in every KA novel I really don't feel we need a Hit-Girl backstory series as there isn't much left to explore with all of that. I get it she's the most marketable thing of the series and people love the character but I'd rather see a series that explores post-KA3 and years beyond.

Whatever happens I loved this series and will take anything else we ever get. I would still love to see them do KA3 at the movies even though 2 bombed if only to see how they would do it since they made some pretty drastic changes in 2 that would almost certainly dictate a different direction in the third film that would be far from the original comic.

My pick up for this week:

Batman Arkham Knight #0

Infinity Gauntlet #2

S.H.E.L.D. #7

Mad Max Fury Road Nux & Immortan Joe #1

Injustice #4

X-Men '92 #1


bread's done