Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Oh, i thought they another in-store variant like the Star Wars #4. But I know about the 8,000 point variants they have had in the last 2 years.  I really wanted the Amazing Spider-Man #1 GS variant.

I thought the same thing too when I first read it. I am getting Ms Marvel Hardcover in August. I was planning to get the TPB until I saw a listing for a HC version. The HC has vol 1 and vol 2 of the TPB.

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Haha... I actually thought about that when I opened it sinxe they shipped the book in a bubble mailer. I just had to get Axis Revolutions replaced not long ago due to damage. But "Crushed" arrived intact.
can someone explain to me the endgame behind the marvel secret wars event? is everything going to be brand new going forward? cause if so that's a great time for me to stop reading
No, everything will not be brand new. Marvel's been quite clear that this is not a reboot. There will be some passing of the torches so to speak to focus on younger or newer heroes but that won't really be a direct result of Secret Wars in many, dare I say most cases. Instead it is stuff in many cases that has already occurred such as Thor and Ms. Marvel.

For the most part it seems that the changes may be only that there will be some limited elements of the Ultimate Universe that will be brought to the main universe. Miles will be a remnant who most likely remembers his own universe and is mentored by Peter but I don't think our Spidey is giving up the webs entirely. Little May could possibly be back and maybe this helps repair that marriage. Fury Jr. will just be Nick Fury. (Although there are some indications that the older Fury will somehow still be around and go by Sr.)

Really most of the changes in lineups and the like will be the result of perfectly normal continuity in regular books. See Shield #7 and the latest run of Uncanny Avengers for examples of some minor tweaks that are already occurring that have nothing to do with Secret Wars. Marvel is clearly not afraid to make changes to characters as a natural part of storylines without Secret Wars.

There will be another A-force book after Secret Wars, but it will be comprised of heroes we already know from the current world and have nothing to do with Secret Wars. There's is the very strong possibility of a new Exiles book. I don't recall if it has been completely confirmed.

That said I wouldn't be surprised to see the most successful titles of Secret Wars revisited What If style or in limited series down the road.

TLDR; The sky is not falling (metaphorically speaking in this case, I guess). Marvel has been adamant that this is not a reboot. There will be some elements brought over from the Ultimate Universe. Most likely any changes are limited to Miles coming over as a survivor of the destruction of the Ultimate Universe and being mentored by Peter and possibly Nick Fury changing but the latter is somewhat unclear.
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For blueweltall:

• Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #1
• Ant-Man: Larger Than Life #1
• Deathstroke #7
• Howard the Duck #4
• Infinity Gauntlet #2
• M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #2
• Ms. Marvel TOB Volume 3: Crushed
• Planet Hulk #2
• S.H.I.E.L.D #7
• Uncanny Avengers #5
• X-Men '92 #1

Picked up the Noto variant of Runaways @ my LCBS. Surprised they still had it in stock, they tend to list variants on ebay after a week. Got it for 10, see it a bit higher online.

Bout to go get the BAM variant too! The reboot has me hyped!

Thinking it might be time to finally check out the Batman 66 . I think that's the name of it. If it's anything like the show and doesn't cost too much for the volumes, then it will be entertaining .
I'm already buying 12 more issues tomorrow. 13 if they finally got Ghostbusters: Get Real in stock. At last count a few days ago (since a friend asked me), I'm keeping up with 18 series just with Secret Wars. That doesn't include Squirrel Girl or Howard the Duck, or obviously anything DC/Image/Dark Horse.
Speaking of Waid, I loved the new take he managed to come up with in regards to Matt's exposed identity in DD 16. Yet another strong issue.
I'll end up picking his Avengers book and everything else is wait and see. I Am bummed to see him leave Daredevil, but I'm kinda hoping they do a giant omnibus hardcover of his whole run so I can finish off the series that way.

Though I'm WAAAAAAY more bummed not seeing Silver Surfer anywhere or news if it's cancelled or what. That series is fun on a bun.

YAY puppet master got rebooted and the story continues where the movies left so really its all new not sure if its classified as a reboot.

Got these in the mail. Probably will pick up the rest.


YAY puppet master got rebooted and the story continues where the movies left so really its all new not sure if its classified as a reboot.

Got these in the mail. Probably will pick up the rest.

I got my gamestop edition in the mail. 9,000 points is a lot.

I'll end up picking his Avengers book and everything else is wait and see. I Am bummed to see him leave Daredevil, but I'm kinda hoping they do a giant omnibus hardcover of his whole run so I can finish off the series that way.

Though I'm WAAAAAAY more bummed not seeing Silver Surfer anywhere or news if it's cancelled or what. That series is fun on a bun.
Does Allred still do SS? I haven't read any of his Marvel stuff, but I own everything else he has ever done.

Most of what I buy is Marvel. There are tons of titles in the All-New, All-Didferent Marvel that look great to me.
Yeah I am only buying GotG, Daredevil, Moon Knight and Howard the Duck. Still waiting for Fraction's Hawkeye finale though.

I'm looking to pretty much stop buying comics altogether honestly so it works out for me.
My pick up for this week:

Secret Wars #4

We Stand On Guard #1

All New All Different Marvel Preview


Lots of titles I am interested in the Marvel preview cover shots.

Yeah I am only buying GotG, Daredevil, Moon Knight and Howard the Duck. Still waiting for Fraction's Hawkeye finale though.

I'm looking to pretty much stop buying comics altogether honestly so it works out for me.
I just started buying them again last year after an 18 year hiatus, so I'm pretty much on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Does Allred still do SS? I haven't read any of his Marvel stuff, but I own everything else he has ever done.
Yup and his style is perfect for Dan Slott's writing in Silver Surfer. Mike and Laura Allred's pop art gives it the energy of a Jack Kirby comic with Silver Surfer.

I just started buying them again last year after an 18 year hiatus, so I'm pretty much on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Yeah that was me 4 years ago. TMNT got me back into it and I got into a ton of series. I'm at the point now where most have run their course.
Everything gets a new #1, even new 2015 series like Spider-Gwen, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Ant-Man, and Howard the Duck.
This is more marketing than anything. Marvel has been doing this for several years now after a major event. Pretty much anything that isn't in the middle of a storyline gets a new adjective or creative team and starts over at #1.
This week's haul:

• A-Force #2
• All-New All-Different Marvel Previews
• Bizarro #2
• Darth Vader #7
• Giant-Size Little Marvel AvX #2
• Groot #2
• Guardians Team-Up#7
• Midnighter #2
• Princess Leia #5
• Secret Wars #4
• Ultimate End #3
• Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7
• Years of Future Past #2

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Being Hawkeye is hard yo.

And All-New Hawkeye hasn't hit that mark (hah ho!) yet.
True enough. It's just ridiculous that Marvel launched another Hawkeye title when the previous hadn't finished and promptly let it run late by the second issue. You'd think someone there would have had enough sense to have 5-6 issues in the can before they even solicited it.

True enough. It's just ridiculous that Marvel launched another Hawkeye title when the previous hadn't finished and promptly let it run late by the second issue. You'd think someone there would have had enough sense to have 5-6 issues in the can before they even solicited it.
I Think for me it's more depressing that I've kinda accepted it as the Marvel and DC way now. Like who the hell knows when Scarlet will come back. It's just kind of the way things go there now, like how there are so many artists whom can't keep up with the run with a comic in less than a year (Steve McNiven, John Cassady and Bryan Hitch immediatly spring to mind). I Want to say it will get better, but I truly doubt that.

Do you guys get a discount on your comics? I'm just curious. When I collected new books I got 30% off, but that was 25 years ago. Do stores still discount pull books?

Do you guys get a discount on your comics? I'm just curious. When I collected new books I got 30% off, but that was 25 years ago. Do stores still discount pull books?
I get a 15% discount for all comics with my pull list account. They also give me 20% off trades and 10% off supplies.

I get a 15% discount for all comics with my pull list account. They also give me 20% off trades and 10% off supplies.
That's about what I get.

And did anyone pick up the first issue of We Stand on Guard by Brian K. Vaughn and Steve Skroce (storyboard artist for the Matrix if you need any reference) this week? That comic has ridiculous amounts of potential.

That's about what I get.

And did anyone pick up the first issue of We Stand on Guard by Brian K. Vaughn and Steve Skroce (storyboard artist for the Matrix if you need any reference) this week? That comic has ridiculous amounts of potential.
I just picked it up but haven't got the chance to actually read it yet. I think it would be a great issue to read on the 4th.
My pickup:

Age of Apocalypse #1

Batman #42

Civil War #1

Injuctice Year Four #5

Justice League #41

Mad Max Fury Road Max Part One


I am still really enjoying the various miniseries from the Secret Wars event. Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos was particularly good this week.
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Same here. After picking up AoA and Civil War tonight, I'll officially be reading an even 20 Secret Wars series, counting the main title and Secret Wars: Battleworld.
Yeah, Marvel's getting way too much of my money right now and so many of the comics being launched or relaunched after Secret Wars look great too. I think there were easily 20 books out of the already announced titles that I want and more still to be announced
That's how it is with me also.

Where is the best place to order new single issues online? No place around here carries Ghostbusters: Get Real #1 and it's been out for weeks. I just want to make sure to order from a reputable site that will send me a properly packaged shipment that will arrive undamaged.
Holy crap on the new Walking Dead. Thought series was getting a bit stale and non-threating, should've known that only leads to shenanigans.

bread's done