Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Wow that makes sense of how they came up with such utter crap.
So someone mentioned on another site what I thought was a very good reason why Quill and Kitty won't work in the long run. He's a pirate, she 's a ninja. This whole relationship has been doomed from the beginning.
I just watched Assault on Arkham and I wonder if the Suicide Squad is allowed to kill cops and prison guards and even civilians. If yes, holy sh- Amanda Waller is deplorable. I'm surprised the Justice League puts up with her.

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I just watched Assault on Arkham and I wonder if the Suicide Squad is allowed to kill cops and prison guards and even civilians. If yes, holy sh- Amanda Waller is deplorable. I'm surprised the Justice League puts up with her.
It's been a while since I have read comics with her in it, but it is my understanding they can kill anyone. She also has contingency plans in place to control the justice league. She basically is off the grid and can blackmail everyone if she needs to.

So, been taking the time over the past couple of days to catch up on my reading. I've been pretty behind - about 8 months behind on some books.

Green Arrow - Ugh. This was my favorite comic when Lemire had it, and honestly that just may be my favorite run on any character or book. Then DC brought in Kreisberg and it got AWFUL. Shoe-horning Felicity in as an instant sidekick couldn't have possibly seemed more forced, as was bringing in Mia Deardon to stand in for Thea as a "damaged youth" and Tommy Merlyn was even dusted off for an issue. The only cool moment was Green Lantern's  random appearance, and the moment where he gave Oliver a construct costume mid-battle. Pretending Emiko and Naomi didn't exist until his final issue was also a crime.

Flash - Dug the whole blue future Flash story arc. Especially that last page. Wally West turned out to have a very minor part in the whole thing. And the future Wally... well, his cameo was laughable. The stuff in the Savage Lan--sorry, I meant Savage Speed Force-- was also a little too oddball for my liking. 

Batman Beyond Universe - loved the Mark of the Phantasm two-parter, and how it moved things closer to the "Epilogue" episode of Justice League Unlimited. I'm gonna miss this book, it was a love letter to the DCAU from start to finish... but it lost some of its heart when the Justice League Beyond back-up stories were cancelled.

Spider-Man 2099 - Well, Spider-Verse basically wrecked this book. Got off to a decent start, then the crossover took it off the rails. It was tolerable until Issues #7, #8 and #9, where it became extremely disjointed to someone not keeping up with the crossover. What a waste.

Deathstroke - Definitely got better as it went on. I especially appreciate that they brought back Rose/Ravager toward the end, and Jericho. The Gotham issues were great. Still, Slade getting de-aged is still dumb. Daniels' dialogue got better, but it still felt odd to have Slade saying "crap" in the middle of battle rather than just throwing in a censored f-bomb or something.

Deathstroke got deaged to what a teenager? If it's to match Manu Bennett, that's also laughable, since Arrow made sure he got gray hairs.

I think I'll check out Batman Beyond, considering what I've heard that it's more free of that New52 excess.

Deathstroke got deaged to what a teenager? If it's to match Manu Bennett, that's also laughable, since Arrow made sure he got gray hairs.

I think I'll check out Batman Beyond, considering what I've heard that it's more free of that New52 excess.
Honestly, the way he was drawn, he didn't look much older than his daughter. There's no doubt it was done to match him up more with Manu Bennett (well, season 1 Slade, anyway). It seems to be his new status quo, 'cause he's still young and has both eyes as of the end of the first arc and the lead-in to Convergence.

Yeah, Batman Beyond 2.0/Universe is without a doubt in the DCAU continuity. I mean, there was one weird reference to Batman Inc. at some point... but that was early on before the Universe rebranding, and I think they were still trying to figure out whether the book was the future of the New 52 universe or not at that point. Luckily they settled on the DCAU, and ended up putting an alternate version of Terry in Futures End as well.

The 10,000 Clowns arc is excellent, along with the Justice Lords story. The first two volumes, Hush Beyond and Industrial Revolution are a little mediocre. Everything after that is great though.

I think JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood is a Free Comic Book Day issue, at least that's what I can tell from Lone Star. I hope it's true. I wonder where I should go on Saturday...

Do they normally have sales on comic book days? I want to pick up some Batman novels and the Mortal Kombat X novel.
Most stores have something going on. FCBD is more of "new comic store" event, so they likely have sales at hip stores.

If your comic shop owner looks like comic book guy (Jeff), they may have sales, if he looks like the hipster comic book guy (Milo), they will have sales.


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In regards to this week's issue of Batman...


How is Snyder going to top that? Or even continue after that?
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I'm more surprised if anything DC was able to keep a lid on this and not spill it a week or two early like every other big event from the big two. I Can't deny that's surprise sadly in this day and age.

I always road trip on FCBD to see what each store is doing. I plan to do the same after work with three comic book stores I found since I moved. Since these free books aren't free for the store, I always make sure to spend at least $10 to show my support.

And I always use cash.

That being said, I'm not sure what I should get. I'm not up to date on current continuity (last I followed was Zero Hour) so If there are any one shots available for Batman, Superman, Spider-man, or X-men that are fairly new, I'll be interested.  I did pick up Powers #1 so if #2 is available, I'll get it.

Do they normally have sales on comic book days? I want to pick up some Batman novels and the Mortal Kombat X novel.
The store I'm going to has this sale: All Avengers items – 25% Off, Back Issue Sale – 50% Off, All Graphic Novels – Buy 2, get the 3rd free, All Action Figures – 25% Off, All Board Games – 25% Off and There will be $1 books outside on tables

The local chain I'm skipping is: Early Bird Special 8-9 AM (Comic Subscribers Only) – 33% OFF Entire Store! Early Bird Special 9-10am (General Public) – 33% OFF Entire Store! 10am-noon – 25% OFF Entire Store! Noon till close – ALL DAY SALE!

In regards to this week's issue of Batman...


How is Snyder going to top that? Or even continue after that?
Easy: (this is a spoiler for the NEXT issue, do NOT read if you don't already know!)

I'm still not sure how I feel about that ending. I was shocked, but now I feel like it only happened to shock me

I'm more surprised if anything DC was able to keep a lid on this and not spill it a week or two early like every other big event from the big two. I Can't deny that's surprise sadly in this day and age.
It's funny, the thing I spoilered up there has been out for MONTHS ( is the cover for issue #41) but that ending never came out. DC should get some credit for not being like Marvel and telling every news outlet they can think of what was going to happen.

I always road trip on FCBD to see what each store is doing. I plan to do the same after work with three comic book stores I found since I moved. Since these free books aren't free for the store, I always make sure to spend at least $10 to show my support.

And I always use cash.

For anyone looking for a shop: Comic Shop Locator. CSL lists if the store participates in FCBD and gives a website (if the store added one) so you can check their sales. A bit of a warning, some stores only give a certain amount free after that you have to buy stuff to get more. That's because, as Cage017 mentioned, the books aren't free. The shops have to pay for the printing cost which adds make sure you spend a few bucks.

That being said, I'm not sure what I should get. I'm not up to date on current continuity (last I followed was Zero Hour) so If there are any one shots available for Batman, Superman, Spider-man, or X-men that are fairly new, I'll be interested. I did pick up Powers #1 so if #2 is available, I'll get it.
Off the top of my head Batman Earth One Volume One. Written by Geoff Johns and art by Gary Frank. This came out a couple years ago but if you don't have it you NEED this book. One of the most enjoyable Batman books I've read in years. It's a "re-imaging" of Batman's origin. Everything is different enough but not too different. Volume 2 comes out next week. I linked the hardcover, the softcover is only $12.99. Mad Love and Other Stories is a fun one. By Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, it's the episode of Batman the Animated Story in comic form. It's great and on top of that it comes with two annuals, a short by Dini and Timm, a holiday special and Timm's Two-Face story from an issue of Black and White. The Two-Face story is kind of like what the Animated series would have been like in prime time. There's also a Mad Love Deluxe Edition but that's one's more for people interested in the creative process, instead of extra stories there's stuff like original layouts and color guides. A note about Powers: I haven't read the new Powers series, but that #1 is actually the 5th restart of the series (the original series from Image, then three from Icon plus Powers Bureau which was just another restart). There's a Powers Firsts coming out this week or next that is a reprint of the first series from back when they were at Image Comics. So, yeah, Powers is kind of a complicated. I haven't read the newest version so I'm not sure if it's a good starting point...none of the other number ones were really number ones, all were just continuing the story.

I'm only hitting one store this year, the store I don't like is opening later than the store I do and with my route hitting the store I don't like is first is more convenient so I'm just passing on that store this year. Just went the ATM and have my $100 to spend...and an extra $50 just in case. I splurge on FCBD :D I just hope I don't spend it all in the $1 boxes :whistle2: And as Cage017 mentioned try to pay cash guys, credit card fees aren't as bad as some places make it out to be but are still a hit to the shop.

Here's a look at the books stacked up (the KODANSHA is Manga or Anime or whatever it's called):

Hoping to get Avengers, Secret Wars, and Divergence tomorrow. This is what I bought yesterday:

• All-New Captain America #6
• Convergence #4
• Convergence: Action Comics #1
• Convergence: Booster Gold #1
• Multiversity #2
• Princess Leia #3
• S.H.I.E.L.D #5
• Spider-Man and the X-Men #6
• True Believers: Age of Ultron #1
• True Believers: Miles Morales #1
My FCBD pickups:

• All-New, All-Different Avengers
• BONGO Comics (Simpsons)
• DC's Divergence
• Scooby-Doo Team-Up/Teen Titans Go!
• Secret Wars #0
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Didn't pay for anything today, but I did just buy 10 issues a couple days ago, like every week.
I went to three different comic book stores yesterday and picked up all of the FCBD books that interested me plus the stores were also giving away some random older books as well.  One store I went into had a promotion that for every $10 you spent you got a ticket that could be redeemed to get a select graphic novel for free I bought Green Arrow: Moving Targets and some random back issues I needed and ended up with 3 tickets that I redeemed for Avengers: The Origin and New Warriors Classic - Volume 1.

The last store I went into was late in the day and he was completely out of FCBD books but he did have a B2G1 free on graphic novels so I picked up Green Arrow/Black Canary: The Wedding Album HardcoverGreen Arrow: Heading into the Light and Green Arrow: City Walls.  I only have Green Arrow: Straight Shooter to go and I will have that run finished.

I managed to pick up Vader #3 1st print at one store and Batman 40 at another. I usually capitalize on hype, but these two books I am buying just in case. I got about 10-12 of the FCBD books, but I am bummed because I used to almost get all of them every year when we had more stores in the area.

My store barely had anything didn't get TMNT kinda pissed
One store I went to seemed to be running out of stock/or didn't restock their free shit (it was like 1 P.M. 11:30, hours to go). Only let me get 2 comics. Another store let me get 10, and didn't even check my stack to see if I stole shit like the one with the two free)! All just depends on the store I guess.

Also, anyone ever drop a series and have one of the workers (owner in my case) give you a hard time for it? I dropped Princess Leia and yeah, the nerd in him came out for sure. Ended up buying PL #3 at a store with a 20 percent off sale on FCBD. To spite him, slightly.

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Barnes & Noble has a decent promotion on their website valid May 4, 2015 at 12:01am to May 5, 2015 at 12:00pm (noon) Eastern Time.  Using the coupon code BNMOM20 gives 20% off one item and free express shipping.  

Spent almost $80 at the first store, the good store and the sucky one I went to both had a limit of 1...of each. This limit of 3 or 5 total stuff is awful.

Free Comic Book Day issues:
2000 AD
Bob's Burgers
Bongo Free for All
Boom Ten Year Celebration
Captain Canuck
Dark Circle Comics: Blackhood / Fox / Shield
Fight Club / Goon / Strain
Hip Hop Family Tree
Motorcycle Samurai
Secret Wars

Non FCBD issues free at my store:
1 for 1 Captain Midnight #1
1 for 1 Mind MGMT #1
Avengers Magazine
Letter 44 #1
Image Firsts Fatale #1
Image Firsts Peter Panzerfaust #1
Image Firsts Sex Criminals #1
Image Firsts Zero #1
Must Read Valiant #1
Must Read Valiant #2
Powers Firsts Powers #1
True Believers Age of Apocalypse #1
True Believers Iron Man Armor Wars #1
True Believers Miles Morales Spider-Man #1

Recent releases:
Convergence Blue Beetle
Convergence Supergirl
Fade Out 5
Secret Avengers 15

Plus got some 50% off back issues, Batman / Judge Dredd Die Laughing 1 & 2 and a bunch of Batman and Deadpool and I finally finished off Alias.

Went to another store at around 4pm only FCBD they had left was a few Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and a TON of Secret Wars...more than a 100 left. Spent $25 on a few Batman here.

Saw a picture on Twitter of the first store, also had a stack of Secret Wars left...they can't give that one away! Bad sign or both stores over ordered?

Also went to Half Price Books and bought Seduction of the Innocent by Max Allan Collins (Road to Perdition, Dick Tracy, Batman) from Hard Case Crime. Comics related: a murder happens around the congressional hearings on comic books in the 50's. The third in his series of murder mysteries based in comics history. With a little bit of art by Terry Beatty.
Then my free comic: Justice League America 1990 Annual 4

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Nobody ordered Avengers VS. #1, it seems. This was what I picked up last night:

• All-New Captain America Special #1
• Ant-Man #5
• Convergence #5
• Convergence: Harley Quinn #2
• Convergence: Superman #2
• Guardians Team-Up #5
• Kanan: The Last Padawan #2
• Secret Wars #1
• Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5
Saw the art of the cover of Avengers VS. #1, and I wouldn't have ordered it either. Really it's horrible.

Caught up on all the Batman Endgame stuff. First off Holy fuck ing shit at that conclusion. We will see what sort of impact it has.

I also read Gotham Academy Endgame. Is it bad that I actually know someone that very closely fits the character in the last story. I mean hospital stay, phobia of mirrors, even a thing with jesters from what I am given to understand. I wonder if they can sue.
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So read Secret Wars #1. I am assuming all the stuff with Cyclops comes from Bendis's still to be released Uncanny books. Stupid Xavier's will storyline cost 2-3 needless issues for a story that literally didn't happen and threw off the entire publishing schedule. Stupid, pointless waste of fuck ing time for everyone involved but most importantly for the readers.
So read Secret Wars #1. I am assuming all the stuff with Cyclops comes from Bendis's still to be released Uncanny books. Stupid Xavier's will storyline cost 2-3 needless issues for a story that literally didn't happen and threw off the entire publishing schedule. Stupid, pointless waste of fuck ing time for everyone involved but most importantly for the readers.
Yep, I was so lost when Cyclops hit the scene. Then I saw on Reddit that a lot of that stuff was eluded to in Avengers/New Avengers but we still haven't gotten there with the actual title the full story is supposed to be told in. I was a little annoyed by that because like you said, the Xavier/Original Sin tie-in literally was retconned as soon as it happened. It was kind of a dumb tangent story that literally had almost no impact. "Hey, here's something you never knew before, alright now we'll just change it back to the way it was." Pretty much a retcon of a retcon.
I picked up new mutants 98 for $1 a a garage sale. Not in great shape, but still a find!
Mother of god, I checked to see what they're running for these days and it's north of $250 now! Last time I checked it was in the low $100 range.

I think I paid less than $20 for mine about 10 years ago when I started getting into Deadpool.

I've also noticed that a complete run of his first ongoing seems to be steadily climbing as well. I have every issue except 44 and 50, and I think the most I paid for any individual issue was $5 or so for issue 1. I'm almost certain I got most of the rest from $1 boxes and such.

This almost takes the sting out of never buying that Walking Dead #1 I saw for $30 about 8 years ago. That one still haunts me...
Mother of god, I checked to see what they're running for these days and it's north of $250 now! Last time I checked it was in the low $100 range.

I think I paid less than $20 for mine about 10 years ago when I started getting into Deadpool.

I've also noticed that a complete run of his first ongoing seems to be steadily climbing as well. I have every issue except 44 and 50, and I think the most I paid for any individual issue was $5 or so for issue 1. I'm almost certain I got most of the rest from $1 boxes and such.

This almost takes the sting out of never buying that Walking Dead #1 I saw for $30 about 8 years ago. That one still haunts me...
Yeah deadpool and harley quinn books have gone through the roof.

This link has by far my best comic finds at a garage sale:

They are towards the bottom of the post. Man those avengers books went through the roof too!

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Yeah deadpool and harley quinn books have gone through the roof.

This link has by far my best comic finds at a garage sale:

They are towards the bottom of the post. Man those avengers books went through the roof too!
I don't know enough about the value of comics to pick up individual issues. I did grab New Mutants 98 from a thrift store for a buck a few years ago just because I knew that was Deadpool's 1st appearance.

Aside from obvious like the first few Wolverine issues and stuff like that I would be lost. I wish I'd see some newer comics sometimes - Fables, Saga, stuff like that, but that never happens.

Also most comics I see are not bagged, boarded or anything. So I am extra weary just because of condition.

Does anybody get their comics from the Marvel Subscription? If so how is the condition of the comics coming in the mail and how is it packaged?

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Does anybody get their comics from the Marvel Subscription? If so how is the condition of the comics coming in the mail and how is it packaged?
Just a plastic cover, similar to a magazine subscription. I've never had one damaged, but I'd just as soon pick it up at the comic shop with a bag and board.

bread's done