[DEAD!] Playstation.com deals thread (tax+s/h not included)

You're the one cursing, and you want me to grow up?
yeah pretty much, i mean this isnt a childrens website, most of the younger users here are at least 14-ish, i think they can handle it.

My comment was not derrogatory in any way. It was simply a reminder that children do visit this board.
i didnt take it as derrogatory, i understand that children visit websites, thats what net nanny and other such programs are for. with public boards come bad words.

The F word is banned here for this very reason.
stop making up facts.

[quote name='CheapyD']I'm just trying to keep my google search results from winding up in the adult section because of too many f-bombs.

I don't mind the occasional f-bomb, but there are people that take it too far and they ruin it for the rest of us. [/quote]

Personally, I think it would be nice if cursing weren't allowed here due to the amount of younger gamers that come here, but that would seem to go against the name of the site.
why not cross all the 'sass-back' out of huck finn (10 pts to anyone that gets the joke)

Again, I didn't think it was too much to ask to not use the F word. Especially, since you complain that slidecage has issues.
me using fuck has nothing to do with slidecage. i dont see the point of this statement.

My child sometimes walks up while I am on the computer. If he were to see that picture, with the writing so big and bold, I'm sure he would have more than one question for me to answer. I would prefer he a little older before opening his mind to the more vulgar language of the world.
i applaude you for that, since in this society our childrens minds often corrupt too fast, but what can i say, its just a word, and as far the the "big and bold"-ness of the word, the word is yellow on a tan-ish background in a fairly slender font. yes the font size is large, but the color distracts from it and there is no boldness to it. its not emphasized at all.

I also thought it was odd for a moderator to critisize a member so harshly for really not doing anything wrong.
i dont speak for casey, but hes a mod not a saint.

I do enjoy the site, which is why I visit it so, but it has turned more and more like FW as of late, the site everyone here hates. Ironic, huh?
how exactly has it begun to paralell FW? because i havent noticed it at all.
[quote name='fwacce']You're the one cursing, and you want me to grow up?

My comment was not derrogatory in any way. It was simply a reminder that children do visit this board. The F word is banned here for this very reason. Personally, I think it would be nice if cursing weren't allowed here due to the amount of younger gamers that come here, but that would seem to go against the name of the site.

Again, I didn't think it was too much to ask to not use the F word. Especially, since you complain that slidecage has issues.

My child sometimes walks up while I am on the computer. If he were to see that picture, with the writing so big and bold, I'm sure he would have more than one question for me to answer. I would prefer he a little older before opening his mind to the more vulgar language of the world.

I also thought it was odd for a moderator to critisize a member so harshly for really not doing anything wrong. I do enjoy the site, which is why I visit it so, but it has turned more and more like FW as of late, the site everyone here hates. Ironic, huh?[/quote]

Actually, I thought the "F word" was filtered out because it was so rampant in the forums it was causing search engines to mis-categorize the site.

If your child walks up to the computer while you're at Cheapassgamer, he must also see the word ASS prominantly displayed at the top of every page. I mean, geeze, if a risque word is in the title/URL of a Web site you can't expect us all to talk like shaq-fuing Mary Poppins in the forums, can you?

I know a lot of kids that swear more than adults, and I don't think Cheapassgamer needs to moderated in such a way that would turn more like Gamefaqs, the other site everyone here hates.
ah yes...the backorder message came to me...phantom brave and dynasty warriors 4 empires...both of them backordered till who knows when...i wouldnt be surprised if it held out backordered for 30 days so they could cancel my order

Thank you for shopping at PlayStation.com

The following item from your order is currently on backorder. While we cannot
deliver the item as quickly as anticipated, we expect to deliver within 30 days.
For your convenience, we will alert you by email as soon as additional
information is available.


Product Line 1: Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires

Product ID: 2918238

QTY Ordered: 1
QTY BackOrdered: 1


If you do not wish to wait, you may request a cancellation for your order,
provided that the item has not shipped. If we do not hear from you before we
ship the items, we will assume you have agreed to the shipment delay.

If we cannot deliver your item within 30 days, a cancellation will be processed

To request cancellation or to check the status of your order, please return to
PlayStation.com and log into your account. Click the 'Continue' button from the
'Order Status' menu and select the order number to process a cancellation
request or check status.

We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience. Please be
assured we are working hard to get these items sent to you as quickly as
can you post the email so people know what you mean. Do you mean you for a confirm email saying that they took your order. Then a cancell email OR did they say they was sending it and then you got the cancelled Email. IF you could Cut and paste it would really help

[quote name='fwacce']

I also thought it was odd for a moderator to critisize a member so harshly for really not doing anything wrong. I do enjoy the site, which is why I visit it so, but it has turned more and more like FW as of late, the site everyone here hates. Ironic, huh?[/quote]

If he did not lie, made his posts literate, and did not repeat himself constantly I would not have said anything.

I have not said anything bad about him until now, and the only reason I said anything is that I am tired of reading his posts that all say the same thing. If he wanted to up your post count, there are plenty of threads available where you can do just that.
Whats shaq-fu mean? I never heard of it. I looked it up at dictionary.com but nothing. Is it a joke or a real curse word? :? I also kind of agree with fwacce. It really isnt necessary using a curse word when you're trying to be funny. Just replace it with something funny like fudge.

Live it, learn it, love it.
[quote name='CrimsonGeist']Whats shaq-fu mean? I never heard of it. I looked it up at dictionary.com but nothing. Is it a joke or a real curse word? :? I also kind of agree with fwacce. It really isnt necessary using a curse word when you're trying to be funny. Just replace it with something funny like fudge.[/quote]
People won't think you're funny unless you swear. This isn't funny becuase I'm not swearing.
[quote name='slidecage']can you post the email so people know what you mean. Do you mean you for a confirm email saying that they took your order. Then a cancell email OR did they say they was sending it and then you got the cancelled Email. IF you could Cut and paste it would really help


Its alright. I just re-did my order and it seems fine at the moment.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='fwacce']

I also thought it was odd for a moderator to critisize a member so harshly for really not doing anything wrong. I do enjoy the site, which is why I visit it so, but it has turned more and more like FW as of late, the site everyone here hates. Ironic, huh?[/quote]

If he did not lie, made his posts literate, and did not repeat himself constantly I would not have said anything.

I have not said anything bad about him until now, and the only reason I said anything is that I am tired of reading his posts that all say the same thing. If he wanted to up your post count, there are plenty of threads available where you can do just that.[/quote]

not getting into a flaming contest but when did i Lie HUH if u ask me that is pure slander If i made my post literate when did a freaking message board turn into a Final for an english paper. If you ask me no matter what someone does A Mod should NEVER tell someone to STFU.
[quote name='slidecage'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='fwacce']

I also thought it was odd for a moderator to critisize a member so harshly for really not doing anything wrong. I do enjoy the site, which is why I visit it so, but it has turned more and more like FW as of late, the site everyone here hates. Ironic, huh?[/quote]

If he did not lie, made his posts literate, and did not repeat himself constantly I would not have said anything.

I have not said anything bad about him until now, and the only reason I said anything is that I am tired of reading his posts that all say the same thing. If he wanted to up your post count, there are plenty of threads available where you can do just that.[/quote]

not getting into a flaming contest but when did i Lie HUH if u ask me that is pure slander If i made my post literate when did a freaking message board turn into a Final for an english paper. If you ask me no matter what someone does A Mod should NEVER tell someone to STFU.[/quote]

Can I tell you to stfu?
[quote name='blackjaw'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']

Live it, learn it, love it.[/quote]

shaq-fuing right[/quote]

The hillarious thing is, if it wasn't a documented game, people would never believe that it had actually existed, I mean it sounds like a made up photoshop :lol:
[quote name='slidecage'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='fwacce']

I also thought it was odd for a moderator to critisize a member so harshly for really not doing anything wrong. I do enjoy the site, which is why I visit it so, but it has turned more and more like FW as of late, the site everyone here hates. Ironic, huh?[/quote]

If he did not lie, made his posts literate, and did not repeat himself constantly I would not have said anything.

I have not said anything bad about him until now, and the only reason I said anything is that I am tired of reading his posts that all say the same thing. If he wanted to up your post count, there are plenty of threads available where you can do just that.[/quote]

not getting into a flaming contest but when did i Lie HUH if u ask me that is pure slander If i made my post literate when did a freaking message board turn into a Final for an english paper. If you ask me no matter what someone does A Mod should NEVER tell someone to STFU.[/quote]

All you have to do is scroll back a page or two in this thread to see where we all caught you in a lie. This is also not the first time this has happened.

And I never said your typing had to be perfect, but it should at least be coherent.

and as for me telling you STFU, you made the same " I bet all the orders get cancelled on monday LOL" post several times. IT got annoying and someone had to tell you to stop. It is obvious those pictures did not get the point across.
[quote name='guardian_owl'][quote name='blackjaw'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']

Live it, learn it, love it.[/quote]

shaq-fuing right[/quote]

The hillarious thing is, if it wasn't a documented game, people would never believe that it had actually existed, I mean it sounds like a made up photoshop :lol:[/quote]

HAHA i dunno, but i thought Shaq-FU was actually pretty fun. I was awesome at that game lolz.
[quote name='CrashSpyro123']Didn't MJ have his own Shaq-Fu-like game?[/quote]

Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City for Super NES, that's the only game that I can think of
[quote name='CrimsonGeist']Whats shaq-fu mean? I never heard of it. I looked it up at dictionary.com but nothing. Is it a joke or a real curse word? :? I also kind of agree with fwacce. It really isnt necessary using a curse word when you're trying to be funny. Just replace it with something funny like fudge.[/quote]

so start a poll and see what the general feeling on it is.

i didnt make that picture, but really..'fudge'? im not sure if that was a joke or not.

f*ck means the same thing as the word without the * in it, it just looks idiotic with the * in there.

i really dont think as many "children" read this site as you think.
[quote name='siamesellama']Have any of you seen the episode of Bullshit about cursing? The one where the women was advocating the use of words like "fiddlesticks" and "darn."[/quote]

I love that show. I was about to mention that same episode. Man they made that one woman look like a complete idiot. :D
Okay all back to point. Has anyone ever ordered anything from this site cause i got some questions. How long does it take before they ship out if your item isnt on back order. How long does it take to get confirmed (werid i orderd saturday yet my CC is still processing) they should be able to process on the weekends ebgames does. I know they are on the west coast so it will probally be late today or tonight before anything happens but i was just wondering do they ussually ship in 24 hours or does the processing thing go on for days.
now it's gone from the menus.. tried to order burnout 3 and viewtiful joe.. no luck.
even if I were successful ordering, it'd be backordered anyway.. oh well.
go into your account screen and click on the number doing it now on mine la la la slow pc .... man come on hate slow pcs

Phantom Brave Backordered
Gallop Racer 2004 Sourced

so it hasnt changed since saturday night. you would think they would have the sourced games Sourced already..
go into your account screen and click on the number doing it now on mine la la la slow pc .... man come on hate slow pcs

Phantom Brave Backordered
Gallop Racer 2004 Sourced

so it hasnt changed since saturday night. you would think they would have the sourced games Sourced already..
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires
Backordered 1 0 $12.19


Phantom Brave
Backordered 1 0 $20.67
My Sub Rebellion was sourced, and I just now got a shipment notification email. However, Gallop Racer, NFL and NHL are still sourced and Viewtiful Joe is still backordered.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']My Sub Rebellion was sourced, and I just now got a shipment notification email. However, Gallop Racer, NFL and NHL are still sourced and Viewtiful Joe is still backordered.[/quote]

You actually got an email saying that one had shipped? This is the first I've heard of someone actually having something shipped from this deal.
Having doubts about cancellation now. If Playstation.com workers really dont work on the weekends, when they came back didnt they see a bunch of orders with outrageous cheap ass prices? If anybody got a cancellation note post, so I could get my hopes down.
bread's done