[dead] PPlay15 stacks with CAG15 at EBgames.com

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It wasn't about the Rumble Roses or Ping Pals, but the fact that these codes are working together in error, most likely due to them trying to re-instate the saver code for us. I just don't feel right taking advantage of the situation.

Yeah, I thought that was obvious. I mean how coincidental this would happen just as everybody was complaining about SAVER not working anymore and Cheapy talking to them about getting it fixed.
Someone jacked God of War from Mine.

And CAG15 +CAG16 + EDGE stopped working

But CAG16 + PPLAY15 + Edge still work!


Qty Product Name Each Total
1 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - Pre-Played $44.99 $44.99
1 Jade Empire Limited Edition - Pre-Played $44.99 $44.99
Total Discount -$36.90

Subtotal $53.08
S & H $1.99
Sales Tax $0.00
Total $55.07
Dude, I was all excited about this...

Then Cheapy posted... Now I feel ashamed. :(

All well, it's not like I really expect them to go through with the sale anyway...

Guys, we all have to agree to not complain/gripe when our orders get mass cancelled...
Admiral you should pull the jade empire LE used out of your order, at EB its only 29.99 new for the LE instead of 44.99 for the used.
Saver works again, but it looks like its back to how it used to be, cag16 and cag15 dont work anymore. cag16 and pplay15 dont work together either.
[quote name='CheapyD']Well, that makes one of you...

EDIT: two of you[/QUOTE]

Well if it's any consolation Cheapy, which it probably isn't (and now I feel bad), but at least I didn't order anything. Couldn't find anything, and yes my conscience was giving me a real headache about it. Hopefully we'll get cag15/edge/saver back up and running and it'll be back to normal.
That's a great steal if you're buying a lot of games...too bad Psyconauts was pulled from my cart.

Only really applicable if the orignal total comes out to at least $50.
[quote name='Lexicon']Admiral you should pull the jade empire LE used out of your order, at EB its only 29.99 new for the LE instead of 44.99 for the used.[/QUOTE]

Oh well, Those were the only two titles I really wanted. That and GOW.

And I say, up with the proletariat! Put it to the man!
Just picked up

Eternal Darkness
Super Mario: Sunshine
Resident Evil 0
Tales of Symphonia

+ 3day Shipping

for my GC collection for $56.91
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Oh well, Those were the only two titles I really wanted. That and GOW.[/QUOTE]

That's cool, just thought I'd point it out in case you didnt notice it.
darnit, had god of war in my cart and was looking around and it got pulled, lol. oh well, stacked cag16, pplay15, and edge....dont mind that saver isn't working cuz shipping was only 3 bucks anyway. let's see what hapepns.
im sorry to disagree with you here cheapy, but this site is all about getting what you want as cheap as you can, so by nature, people will expliot loopholes whenever possible.

now i did not place an order, but i would have no remorse for doing so, simply because even after i place that order, im at the mercy of ebgames. its their call to either ship my order, or cancel it.

as i said in another thread, this is their fault, a problem of their creation, so blaming us for anything other than been greedy would be juvenile. i think eb knows what this site is about, and i wouldnt doubt someone from there has read/will read this thread.

i just hope the actions of the community hasnt damaged your business relationship, or future prospective deals.
EDIT: I wrote this before reading punqsux's post

You guys are here to buy cheap games, so when something like this comes along, I certainly don't expect CAGs to refrain from getting as good a deal as they can. I'm sure I would have bought something if I wasn't running the show here.

It is my job to protect the future of CAG as best as I can, so I am sure you will understand why I had to let my contacts at EB know about this as soon as I could (which was pretty much immediately after this thread was created). Frankly, I can't understand how they let this go on for so long.
cheapy, thanks for posting, though I'm one for occasionally taking advantage of the man...your post combined with the fact that I really just don't want to spend the cash, has convinced me otherwise. No purchase for me today...
[quote name='CheapyD']Well, that makes one of you...

EDIT: two of you[/QUOTE]

Yeah, honestly what does this say about the CAG community that we're knowingly doing this to one of the best online retailers out there. Sure it's a great "deal," but we all know it's a glitch. I wonder what the repercussions could be if EB gets real pissed off at CAG for this.

Chances are CAG15 could get cancelled, and Cheapy's rapport with EB could also take a bad hit from those of use who are just out to make a quick deal. We all know there are going to be some great deals happening later this week, so we should just hold out for those and let this "deal" be fixed.

There's about a 1% chance that all your orders won't be cancelled anyway, so just do the right thing for a chance and let this deal ride on.
1 SSX 3 - Pre-Played $12.99 $12.99
1 Grabbed by the Ghoulies - Pre-Played $9.99 $9.99
1 NFL Street - Pre-Played $7.99 $7.99
1 The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Pre-Played $14.99 $14.99
1 Viewtiful Joe 2 - Pre-Played $17.99 $17.99

Total Discount -$19.18
Subtotal $44.77
Sales Tax $2.42
Total $47.19

Thanks everyone.
nooooooooooo, its fixed, and they took away all my discounts!!! (I wasn't gonna order, but had over 20 games in my cart, just to see how much I would have spent/saved :( )
Cheapy, I understand that us exploiting this deal is not right, but to be honest I have missed out on all the clearance sales, and Best buy $5 sales and this is the first time I am truly getting a major discount...hell it beats my employee discount. So I ordered 3 games and saved some money, its human to exploit this, but at least I didnt overdo it.
Everything is back to normal. Saver works fine and combines with cag15 or pplay 15. Edge gets combined correctly. Its back to the way it used to be.

As for them cancelling the orders, I wouldn't mind if they did. I know it's a really great deal and they have every right to cancel it as they most likely did not mean for it to go through that way. I only did one order and if it did get canceled, I wouldn't be upset at all, just a little disappointed that such a great deal didn't go through.
[quote name='CheapyD']It is my job to protect the future of CAG as best as I can, so I am sure you will understand why I had to let my contacts at EB know about this as soon as I could (which was pretty much immediately after this thread was created). Frankly, I can't understand how they let this go on for so long.[/QUOTE]

Cheapy - let your contacts know that generally none of us will be upset or surprised if our orders get cancelled. I'm sure we'll all be quite excited and collectivly wet our pants as a group if the orders go through, but none of us will be mad when they don't. :)
Cheapy's rapport with EB could also take a bad hit

I'm sorry, but that's a bit rank. This code has been out there for quite some time now. If people find stackable coupons on their site, how are they going to blame him for it?

It's a glitch, sure enough... and if I get my order, great... but I'm sorry to say that we're not doing anything here that hasn't been done before when sites accept double codes.

The same thing happened when Target was doing stackable coupons on Ipod's and PSP's. Were people wrong for doing it? Absolutely not.

Enjoy the ride everyone. Hopefully your orders will go through.
okay, so now i'm going back to work. i shouldn't be ordering things at work anyway, hehe. i'll just open up my email and wait for the cancellation email.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I wonder what the repercussions could be if EB gets real pissed off at CAG for this.

Chances are CAG15 could get cancelled, and Cheapy's rapport with EB could also take a bad hit from those of use who are just out to make a quick deal. We all know there are going to be some great deals happening later this week, so we should just hold out for those and let this "deal" be fixed.[/QUOTE]
I definitely appreciate the sentiments here.

I am assuming/hoping that my relationship with EB will not soured by this event. I go above and beyond the "call of duty" to help some retailers (like EB) that I feel go out of their way to help CAG, which is why I let EB know about this issue ASAP.

I think they realize that I make a much better partner than an enemy.
I have to say I agree 100% with punq but I understand your situation Cheapy. The site provides a great service and EB is always blessing us with great deals, so I have nothing to complain about. I personally did not make an order, but it was more because I was taking too long to search for stuff. ;)

I imagine all of the orders will be cancelled, but we'll see.
[quote name='psunami']I'm sorry, but that's a bit rank. This code has been out there for quite some time now. If people find stackable coupons on their site, how are they going to blame him for it?

It's a glitch, sure enough... and if I get my order, great... but I'm sorry to say that we're not doing anything here that hasn't been done before when sites accept double codes.

The same thing happened when Target was doing stackable coupons on Ipod's and PSP's. Were people wrong for doing it? Absolutely not.

Enjoy the ride everyone. Hopefully your orders will go through.[/QUOTE]

Well, it was Cheapy that got the Saver code working again which in turn caused the glitch that let all these other codes be stackable. That's why I felt differently about taking advantage of this deal. Unfortunately, I think it was 50% morals and 50% empty wallet that held me back on this deal.
[quote name='CheapyD']
I think they realize that I make a much better partner than an enemy.[/QUOTE]

That's right!! Don't mess with Cheapy! :D
[quote name='CheapyD']EDIT: I wrote this before reading punqsux's post

You guys are here to buy cheap games, so when something like this comes along, I certainly don't expect CAGs to refrain from getting as good a deal as they can. I'm sure I would have bought something if I wasn't running the show here.

It is my job to protect the future of CAG as best as I can, so I am sure you will understand why I had to let my contacts at EB know about this as soon as I could (which was pretty much immediately after this thread was created). Frankly, I can't understand how they let this go on for so long.[/QUOTE]

I didn't place an order and would've felt wrong in doing so with a CAG code. Big huge neon sign of where the order originated from.

The fact that you have enough of a relationship with the EB.com folks to make special codes just for us isn't something we should stress/endanger.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. If anyone wants to call BS on me, then you're more than welcome to.

The feeding frenzy that happened due to the mistake was truly eye-opening.

How'd the let it go on for so long? Fighting the massive influx of orders until they could stop it.
Speaking of Fatwallet, this thread almost looks like it's from fatwallet. Don't get me wrong, if there had been something I needed/wanted badly enough, I may have pulled the trigger. I just didn't see anything I couldn't buy at another time with the regular Cag15/Saver/Edge. I think 25% off with free shipping is pretty good and I hope they (EB) don't pull the whole thing due to the frenzy going on today.
[quote name='CheapyD']It is my job to protect the future of CAG as best as I can, so I am sure you will understand why I had to let my contacts at EB know about this as soon as I could (which was pretty much immediately after this thread was created). Frankly, I can't understand how they let this go on for so long.[/QUOTE]

I cannot imagine anyone rationally faulting that. In the longrun, it is much better if cag15/16 continues to works with saver/edge than whatever extra savings could have been squeezed out from a brief stacking glitch. I do not see anything wrong with exploiting the error, nor do I see anything wrong with cheapassgamer taking an active stance in getting this loophole closed, again because the majority benefit from always being able to use the existing stacking codes.
It is completely up to EB whether they honor these transactions, if they do, great for those who slipped in. If not, hopefully the normal codes will continue to provide a solid reason to shop at ebgames.com
[quote name='Heyricochet']Well at least things are back to what we had before.[/QUOTE]

My sentiments exactly. And hopefully CAG will be fine, and that nothing has been damaged by this (CheapyD, CAG, etc.).
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