Dead Rising 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - Out now!

[quote name='Chronis']Invited..... Jesus Christ, doesn't anyone have real life friends that play next to each other anymore? Seriously, is splitscreen that bad? I can't imagine that anyone is saying "What, splitscreen? fuck that, I play in 16:9 ONLY!"[/QUOTE]
Actually, most of my friends refuse to play split-screen on anything and say exactly that.

I like that the second player can be invited and drop in/out, it should be easy to pick up and play and I don't really think the game would work out well if it was spit screen.
I'm on vacation and I was thinking about finally going for the 7 Day Survivor, popped my disc and realized my Save File was gone. I swapped out my old console (RROD) for a new Elite a few months back. So if I go for Zombie Genocider (again) will the Real Mega Man Blaster unlock? I mean if I already have the achievement how does that work? Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks for your help.

/sidenote: I couldn't find a Dead Rising thread and I didn't want to make a new thread for this. I figured most people reading this thread would be familiar with Dead Rising.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The achievement shouldn't trigger anything, it goes by the save file.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I did it all over again and got the Real Mega Man Blaster. I forgot all about the little scrolling news bar. It popped up when I hit the Zombie Genocider total.
[quote name='Kevlar281']Thanks. I did it all over again and got the Real Mega Man Blaster. I forgot all about the little scrolling news bar. It popped up when I hit the Zombie Genocider total.[/QUOTE]

what's the best way, or your way, of getting this achievement?
[quote name='Mospeada_21']what's the best way, or your way, of getting this achievement?[/QUOTE]

A lot of people go by the 3 vehicle method (red car, white van/truck, white car) in the parking garage/tunnels. Personally I found it a lot easier (safer) to go with the 2 vehicle method and just use the red car and white van truck.

I'd take the red car to the white van/truck and kill everything I could in the dead end just doing donuts until the car died. Then I'd transfer to the white van/truck and drive down the tunnel hitting everything in my path. I'd pass the ramp out of the tunnels and go all the way until I hit the dead end/left turn. I'd make a u-turn come back to the ramp out of the tunnels and get into the newly spawned red car. Rinse and repeat.

As long as your not smashing into walls you should get 1,000+ kills each run. I got it done with plenty of time to spare.

/edit: also picking up horror books 1 & 2 increased my exp gains and I finished at level 38 just from going for the genocider.
Case Zero looks good, even gameplay and boss fights. idk though, my purchase decision will depend on the length of story elements and price. it feels like a demo disguised as a prequel chapter to me.

Capcom has been very shady with its add-on content, so I'm gonna wait and see; even though I loved the first Dead Rising and it was the system seller for me on the :360:.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']Case Zero looks good, even gameplay and boss fights. idk though, my purchase decision will depend on the length of story elements and price. it feels like a demo disguised as a prequel chapter to me.[/QUOTE]
What exactly would it take to convince you that it was a prequel, and not a paid demo? I feel like there is no convincing some people.
[quote name='Corvin']More than 2 hours of straight gameplay. By "Straight" I mean without restarting the game and playing it again.[/QUOTE]

For whatever it's worth the Case Zero wiki says it will be three hours of game play.

So would Frank West be the type of guy to steal someone's truck?
FYI Gamestop has an exclusive pre-order costume:

blades + motor + lots of zombies + a limb removal physics engine = gold

i can only pray that's something that can happen
damn, the release date got pushed out another month?!

these retailer exclusives are beyond annoying now. phucking removing original content bs.

I love these games, but hate the direction distribution is headed. corporate pricks.

Capcom and GameStop executives should put themselves in these games, so we can off them in-game. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yea they pushed the game bad!
Thats BS!!! But now they can fix all the bug and glitches.
Also the ninja suit looks fucking bad ass! I hope you can customization like anything you want! Also I heard you can take a bat and some nails and make a bat with nails or even take a teddy bear and a machine gun and make some sort of "security system teddy." I hope it going to be awesome!
[quote name='TOS XxPsych0xX']Yea they pushed the game bad!
Thats BS!!! But now they can fix all the bug and glitches.[/QUOTE]

even with that TIME they'll still find a way to nichel and dime us. in fact with this time on their hands they could put that prologue on the retail disc!? NO
Collector's Editions Details have been reported.

North America Zombrex Edition:

Price: $79.99

Both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the "Zombrex Edition" are largely the same, each shipping with a two-disc steelbook case that comes with a Zombrex syringe pen, a prescription notepad, a safety card, a 16-page Zombrex" prospectus sales brochure, and a 48-page artwork.

The PlayStation 3 versions comes with a Blu-Ray disc featuring a 24-minute "making of" feature, and a voucher for a dynamic Xross Media Bar theme. The 360 version gets a "high definition game disc" with the 83 minute "Zombrex Dead Rising Sun" movie and the 24-minute "making of featurette."

Europe Outbreak Edition:

Will come with a 12" zombie figurine with accessories such as a Servbot head.

The special edition set will also come with a download token for a bonus theme pack as well as extra content for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This special edition of Dead Rising 2 will hit Europe exclusively on October 1 while the lame regular edition for America will be out September 28.

I'd much rather have the Tourist Zombie figure. Anyone know what Japan is getting?
Normally I don't go to MTV for my gaming news but I saw this in my news feed and...

"Case 0" takes place three years before the events of "Dead Rising 2," according to a report on Andriasang. The game will be available in demo form for free or in its entirety (at least in Japan) for ¥500, which is just under USD$6.00 by today's conversion rates.

Link: To Full Article

Seems like a nice price point. I hope they keep it in that ballpark for the other regions.
So I just walked up to Dead Rising Case Zero here on the Comic-Con show floor, and 25 minutes later I had beaten it.

Not a good sign. I hope it wasn't the full version of Case Zero.

Link: To Full Article

/edit: Found this on Capcom's Community Facebook Page.

Just so you know Case Zero is around 2-3 hours in length and much longer to max it out. The version at Comic Con is an unfinished build that lasts 25 minutes. IGN clocked Case Zero in 25 minutes? They wish!

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[quote name='pete5883']What exactly would it take to convince you that it was a prequel, and not a paid demo? I feel like there is no convincing some people.[/QUOTE]

The shit you do in the prequel is carried over into the main game via bonuses and items. That right there makes it NOT a demo.

Quite Frankly, it's this small snippet that has got me on board. With school and shit picking up I don't really have time to tackle a game as large as Dead Rising and didn't feel like starting out and having to learn the ropes of the sequel. I feel like this is going to kind of ease me in though, and so I am more up to the challenge.

I loved the first game. One of the most underrated titles of this console generation, along with the first Condemned. If you haven't played them you are effing up!

Not to mention the first Dead Rising made AWESOME use of the achievements which was something noted by several game journalism sites and publications. I imagine this time around it will be very similar.

For the n00bs:

You have to realize something with the game. Your first run through, if anything like the first game, you are not going to be able to beat the main story and make all the shit happen that you want to happen. There are going to be several endings and several things that will be just as entertaining as the story to tackle on different play throughs.

You're gonna want to max your dude out, rescue survivors, kill psychos, collect shit, kill as many zombies as you possibly can, etc.

I'm only saying all this because I was pretty pissed off at the first game until I understood the above. Have fun with the game and don't feel you have to complete a certain task your first time around.

Is the save system from the first game back? While a lot of people loathed it; it worked for the game and made getting a lot of the achievements and what not feel like that much more of an accomplishment since it wasn't a matter of just saving and reloading until you got it right. If you screwed something up...good luck on your next play through. :bouncy:
[quote name='62t']There been demos in which you can save and carry on your level to the main game[/QUOTE]

When you make such a statement you usually follow it up with some examples.

Care to name a few?
[quote name='62t']Lunar 1, Lunar 2, Lunar PSP, and Phantasy Star Portable just off the top of my head[/QUOTE]

Did those also include separate narrative arcs than the main game?
The Dead Rising side story movies on XBox Marketplace are pretty terrible. As in dubbed in English and Sy-Fy level movie production values.
[quote name='n00bie']Is that intentional?[/QUOTE]
I Don't think so. Though then again the older brother doesn't know how to turn on a computer, so maybe?
I believe the side story movies are intentionally bad. I mean, your base premise from the first game was mass producing cattle experiments led to zombie creating wasps. So yeah, I think campy horror kinda fits the game. I'm not expecting tense horror. But right now, I haven't seen them yet so I guess I should reserve judgment. I just come into it with that mindset.

And since I saw some chatter about Case Zero on the last page, I'll throw this link out there.

So we should get it by the end of the month. I love this concept. It bridges the story somewhat between the two games and you can carry over experience and those weapon combo cards to Dead Rising 2. I just wish it came out a little earlier than right before the game.
did anyone actually make it through the webisodes they put up on xbox? I made it 2 min into the first one before I just stopped and deleted them all, VERY bad
[quote name='theredworm']did anyone actually make it through the webisodes they put up on xbox? I made it 2 min into the first one before I just stopped and deleted them all, VERY bad[/QUOTE]

I made it through the first one, but then I canceled the downloads for the other two.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']nice! thank you Sir.[/QUOTE]

It looks like there will be a lot of places to run around and I like how they put a mini mall into the game.
[quote name=' KOTAKU']Xbox 360 exclusive download Dead Rising 2: Case 0 was slated for download release on August 31. It won't be making that date.
In an official statement, Capcom's Japanese headquarters has stated that the game is going to be delayed. The reason for the delay is elements were discovered in the trial version that are not appropriate for a free demo.
The game has been delayed so that these issues can be rectified. Capcom has not explicitly stated what exactly needs to be corrected. The company also did not provide a new release date for the game.[/QUOTE]

I guess the amount of gore in the demo of this game made them rethink putting it out there. If they wait too long, there won't be much point in buying this for $5.
bread's done