Dead Space 3, Anarchy Reigns, Aliens Colonial Marine $9.99 and more at Newegg --DEAD

That's what was happening last week for a bit. It kept teasing me with the KZ Trilogy.
Maybe it was simply a glitch in their system? I'lll hand it to them, Newegg has been doing awesome stealth deals as of late...I'm sure there'll be another one really soon. :)

Can't even remember the last time I bought anything off Amazon. It's been Best Buy and Newegg...back and forth.

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Although i missed everything, I'm pretty sure Aliens Colonial Marines and Epic Mickey 2 will be sold for $9.99 or cheaper as we get near Black Friday. I'm pissed i missed Dead Space 3 though. 

dammit, why did nobody mention SAVE10SEP25Z for 10% off!  Just noticed on Slickdeals and of course now the games I bought are sold out so no reordering.

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Hmmm...still haven't decided on Bioshock Infinite, which is still in stock for $19.99. That coupon code would knock $2.00 off... :whistle2:k
Well if you're going to play it right away then go for it since it still has a decent resale value so is basically a cheap rental. If it's going to sit there for months it's probably going to be a door buster type game on BF.

Well if you're going to play it right away then go for it since it still has a decent resale value so is basically a cheap rental. If it's going to sit there for months it's probably going to be a door buster type game on BF.

If it matters, BioShock Infinite is in my top 3 for game of the year. It's really a fabulous game if you like the series.
Yeah I love the franchise, but I decided to hold off, Eldritch is right, it'll be in my backlog until BF (or more) and I know it'll be cheaper then. It's hard to say no to $10 (or less) games, but my fortitude against $20 has improved over the years. :cool:

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I keep missing these Newegg deals. I so would have been in for Dead Space 3 at 10 bucks. I've been waiting for a significant price drop on that game.

Well, Aliens: CM came back in stock again for less than 1 minute.  I had a hunch about it, it popped back up again, this time I was able to complete and submit my order and it went through.  Also used SAVE10SEP25Z, so it knocked $1.00 off.  As soon as I finished it was OOS again. 

It should have been limited to one. All of them should be limited to one.
Totally agree with you man. I know I'll properly get some flack here for saying this but I don't care. The hoarders/flippers need to go get real jobs and let those that work hard for their gaming hobby have a chance to be able to buy the game so they can enjoy playing it . Not all of us have time to sit at our computer 24/7 waiting to mass-buy out every deal we have a life to take care of.

I know they could care less that I feel this way because they obviously don't care because they are not respectful people. I'm also sorry that I got ranty a bit here but this dis-respectfulness just rubs me the wrong way.

Totally agree with you man. I know I'll properly get some flack here for saying this but I don't care. The hoarders/flippers need to go get real jobs and let those that work hard for their gaming hobby have a chance to be able to buy the game so they can enjoy playing it . Not all of us have time to sit at our computer 24/7 waiting to mass-buy out every deal we have a life to take care of.

I know they could care less that I feel this way because they obviously don't care because they are not respectful people. I'm also sorry that I got ranty a bit here but this dis-respectfulness just rubs me the wrong way.
See they will all come back with "I have a job, and probably make more than you so who is the dummy now?" (but its still them)

"I will still make $10 per copy, so thats still a good deal. Thats more than you make working at mcdonalds" (another popular response to flipper dissing)

I was able to order $9.99 aliens on 360 just now. Its a fun coop game if you like the fiction. As for flipping. I've traded in 5 copies of aliens within the past week. This copy will be a keeper though. Thanks to flipping I've paid off an x1 and ps4 completely so off :)
There is another thread that has a code that gives you 10% off. Just wanted to make anyone aware who is placing an order.
Yeah it was mentioned here by someone, and I used it for Aliens: CM when it came back in stock.


It's a one-time use 10% off code. Once used by your account, it won't work again. Unless you create another account. So if you just placed an order, just contact a CSR via their chat and let them know the code, they will apply it to your order.

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I was able to order $9.99 aliens on 360 just now. Its a fun coop game if you like the fiction. As for flipping. I've traded in 5 copies of aliens within the past week. This copy will be a keeper though. Thanks to flipping I've paid off an x1 and ps4 completely so <insert Shaq Fu> off :)
How much is the trade in on Aliens right now?

Just got my shipping confirmation.  Did not know DHL delivered still.

Edit: I see the PSN maintenance has erased all my trophy information for now.

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Dead Space 3 is already OOS would of liked to pick that up, no worries though, I can see it dropping to that price again sometime soon, especially with halloween just around the corner. Bioshock Infinite is tempting but I already have it on steam, I like to double dip but I can't justify buying it right now since I haven't even started playing it on steam yet.

How hard is Donkey Kong? My niece is 7 and is getting into games. She likes platformers but doesn't have much skill in them. I was wondering if that would be a good one for her. I recall her playing it at gamestop and having a lot of fun but i think i head these games get hard. WOuld she be able to play it or is it for more advanced platform players? I need to decide if im throwing it into an order im doing here.

How hard is Donkey Kong? My niece is 7 and is getting into games. She likes platformers but doesn't have much skill in them. I was wondering if that would be a good one for her. I recall her playing it at gamestop and having a lot of fun but i think i head these games get hard. WOuld she be able to play it or is it for more advanced platform players? I need to decide if im throwing it into an order im doing here.
I had it at launch. I used to be a skilled platformer before I got my 360 but I've neglected them since. I had fun and I'm sure she'll manage to get though it. After I gave up on collecting everything I enjoyed the game a lot more.
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Thanks OP...I picked up Aliens Colonial Marines for $9.99 @ Best Buy with a newegg price match. The employee was in awe and called everyone he could (managers & other employees) to "verify." The game rang up for $59.99 and he said newegg was crazy for selling it so cheap. After a short wait, he couldn't do much but honor the deal. Then another employee with an earpiece asked the employee to reprint the receipt lol
I hope that there are some things to price match at Best Buy tomorrow, but of course we'll get swarmed by Hoardos before the night ends.
lol well done
Suck my computer not running this morning... i can't believe i missed the greatest deal ever :(
try pming at bestbuy local stores, some people had success, but you might want to try today, before they pull the price off their sites.
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Lol. What was this, another "sale" where they had five copies for each game? I wish people would stop listing Newegg game "sales." Half the stuff is out of stock before they even finish making the thread.  :rofl:

Lol. What was this, another "sale" where they had five copies for each game? I wish people would stop listing Newegg game "sales." Half the stuff is out of stock before they even finish making the thread. :rofl:
What do you expect if you're late?

Deals here lasted quite a while, even after SD lurked my topic.

I honestly don't get your a whiny brat throwing a tantrum...except you're an "adult".

What do you expect if you're late?

Deals here lasted quite a while, even after SD lurked my topic.

I honestly don't get your a whiny brat throwing a tantrum...except you're an "adult".
Wow, forum troll taking offence to blatantly unoffensive rhetoric. Way to go. Notice the laughing emote? I didn't want anything in this "sale," I just think it's a waste of time posting Newegg's junk game "sales." Now go get pissy with someone else...

Lmao PetersHere is on every thread whining n complaining about a deal he couldn't get so pathetic
Man, hypocritical forum trolls are rampant. By the way, what are these "deals" I missed? Lol. I commented on another thread about the sale sucking, and I did so within minutes of the thread starting. That's hardly missing the "deal." I don't hop on every so-called "sale" that hits the forums. That doesn't mean I'm whiny, it means I'm a cheap ass gamer. That also means, unlike you, I'm smart. I don't waste my money on games that are clearly not at a legitimate sale price.

bread's done