Demolition's wrestling topic

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[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Then to make matters worse Tugboat goes on to become the Shockmaster, damn you Hogan.[/QUOTE]

"He will... SHOCK... the world. None other than... THE SHOCKMASTER!"

I love that clip. The wall blows up, and Shockmaster eats it... with his mask falling off. Priceless. :)
Scorch, thanks for the clip.

Guyver, thanks for your clip, too. Awesome quality on the clip. Only one thing, though. I'm only getting sound out of the right speaker. Is that how it's supposed to be, or is something wrong with my sound setup?

Taken from

Breaking News On Hassan At Tonight's SD! Tapings
Date Added: July 12, 2005
Story By: Matthew Boone

UPN sent WWE a letter this afternoon informing that that they didn't want the Hassan character to be on this weeks show due to the negative publicity as of late.

WWE had planned on giving the character a makeover on tonight's show.

[quote name='WeaponX2099']Maybe thats not a spoiler, Headline News said that earlier today.[/QUOTE]

Headline News mentioned that? OK, then I guess it's really not a big spoiler. I'm curious about the character makeover though...
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Headline News mentioned that? OK, then I guess it's really not a big spoiler. I'm curious about the character makeover though...[/QUOTE]

Take your pick:






And, by the way, good for UPN.
For those wondering about Matt Hardy, it was a work for the fans. It was revealed today that he had in fact signed a new contract with WWE two weeks ago. It seems the matches he signed for with indy companies are being honored at this moment(which makes why he mentioned ROH).

How could they repackage Hassan, have him be like Kenzo Suzuki and say "he loves america"? That or him reveal he's a terrorist, either way, WWE would be stuck in a corner with pissed fans.
I say Hassan starts going down the ring in a makeshift airplane or something, I mean if you're going to piss the network off, you may as well go all the way! fuck UPN, seriously the WWE is leaving UPN anyway if I'm not mistaken, so why not give them holy hell and see if UPN has the balls to completely remove WWE programming and kick them out now.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I say Hassan starts going down the ring in a makeshift airplane or something, I mean if you're going to piss the network off, you may as well go all the way! fuck UPN, seriously the WWE is leaving UPN anyway if I'm not mistaken, so why not give them holy hell and see if UPN has the balls to completely remove WWE programming and kick them out now.[/QUOTE]

That, from what little we all know, seems to be PRECISELY how Vince McMahon's mind works.
So, just in case I'm not all the way up to speed, this whole Lita/Matt/Edge break up thing that happened almost in it's entirety on the internet was a work and now people are upset because they thought the internet didn't lie or they're upset that they got worked?

I'm not following why people are shocked.
[quote name='guyver2077']Be sure to watch Byte This! right here on this Wednesday when special guest Lita promises to respond to Matt Hardy's comments[/QUOTE]

Now there's a great way to ruin this angle...let Lita talk.
No, Lita really did fuck Edge behind Matt's back. Matt really did get fired. Then Vince played Matt's entrance music and video during the Edge/Lita wedding and saw that the crowd went absolutely nuts. It was at that point that Vince decided that bringing back Matt Hardy would be a good idea. Now the work part of it comes in about a week or so ago when Matt told his fans on his website that he wasn't going to go back to WWE. Matt then shows up last night unannounced and attacks Edge. The commentators and made no mention of Hardy showing up and played it off like an unplanned run-in from a madman.

My question is if Hardy was arrested last night, how did he update his website from jail?

Minor oversite by the WWE I guess.
[quote name='JimmieMac']So, just in case I'm not all the way up to speed, this whole Lita/Matt/Edge break up thing that happened almost in it's entirety on the internet was a work and now people are upset because they thought the internet didn't lie or they're upset that they got worked?

I'm not following why people are shocked.[/QUOTE]

It's part of the irony behind naming people who know too much about the wrestling business "smarts." They're shocked because they were caught with their pants down. Now they're pissed because the line between reality and fantasy is blurred, so they can no longer be certain about the dumb shit that they tend to say.

Full disclosure: I was shocked, but I loved every minute of it. It makes me feel like a kid again, buying into a wrestling storyline. I wonder if the entire thing (including Edge and Lita cheating) was a work: we'll never know, but I don't care, b/c I'm having too much fun.

fuck the pretentious types. They can always get Japanese tapes of they don't want to be worked. Some dipshit, at CM Punk's last ROH match, shouted (cynically) "See you on Velocity!" (implying that Punk won't ever make the "big" shows). Punk, being a genius, shouts back, "Of course you will, because you watch it, you mark!"

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I say Hassan starts going down the ring in a makeshift airplane or something, I mean if you're going to piss the network off, you may as well go all the way! fuck UPN, seriously the WWE is leaving UPN anyway if I'm not mistaken, so why not give them holy hell and see if UPN has the balls to completely remove WWE programming and kick them out now.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly what I thought when I read that report earlier. Why care what they say? Wrestling is entertainment. You don't hear people complain about movies or TV shows depicting terrorists. And now WWE is moving from the CBS stations anyway, screw what they say! It sounds like something McMahon would do: Violate their wishes to provoke CBS into dropping WWE programing before the end of the contract, then suing CBS for breach of contract. All the while, uping ratings for the sensationalism. :twisted:

[quote name='mykevermin']Punk, being a genius, shouts back, "Of course you will, because you watch it, you mark!"


Wow. Even Carlito would know that that is cool.

And just some comments to earlier discussions:

HHH needs to be a face. It has been far too many years (The last time I witnessed it, anyway, was while DX was around. I don't count his faking friendship with HBK for two weeks before punking him as a face run. Was there another time?). And they need to keep him off TV at least until fall. Three to four weeks isn't going to help him (And it ticks me off that reports are saying that the only reason Jericho is getting a title shot at SS is because they want to keep HHH off longer than original plans. Y2J has his finger in about every feud on Raw right now and is on TV more than any other superstar, plus HHH is gone and now Raw is actually improving. Sure, the draft helped, but can't they see that Jericho is miles above HHH???). Maybe bring HHH back with the channel switch. But he needs to stay working every house show. We don't want him to get lazy/rusty again like he was for so long after the leg injuries. But I would be interested to see him pull off being a face. I almost forget what that was like.

Cena isn't on a bad gimmick. He was awesome. But now he just tries too hard. I don't think he is played out, I think that he is just pushing the gimmick too hard and too far. I like him as a face. He needs to just relax. I liked the days where you almost coudn't figure out if he was face or heel and someone who was unfamiliar with wrestling thought he was a "bad guy" and you wanted to boo him, but his charisma was so high that as a fan you just loved him.

JBL needs to die. Seriously. The thing with The Blue Meanie was just too much for me. I am so sick of him. Like Steve said, he's a bully. I hate bullies. I know that he and I would get along almost as well as Y2J and Greenberg. Heyman compared JBL jumping TBM from behind to The Sandman beating on Howard Finkle and Finkle just walking away with bruises. I wish the drunken Sandman and his kendo stick had noticed what JBL did to The Blue Meanie at ONS. Then maybe we really would have had a beatdown.

Hardy's "shoot" was completely unbelievable. Just lame. Announcers did well with not mentioning him and moving on with the show, but the whole plan was awful. First, isn't Raw taped? They wouldn't have left the run-in from the hallway in it if it was a real event. And even if they did, security would have hunted him down in no time. Then there wouldn't have been an event in the ring, thus they would have left the hallway scene out. And then when he hit the ring, he never would have reached Edge. Even if he had reached Edge, security would have taken him down so hard, it wouldn't even be funny. Then they let him go and get a mic? That's a bunch of bull. They would be so liable for anything else he might have been crazy enough to pull. They would have slammed him after the fight, if it had taken them that long. Then when they finally do approach him, they took him down like a baby. I've never seen an arrest where they were so gentle, even with cooperative suspects much less violent ones. And both WCW and WWF history shows that crazed fans seldom reach the wrestlers. And when they do get taken out, it makes the guys in the ring look like they are having a tea party. And yeah, people are figuring it out now, but that all is what went through my head as I watched it. None of it made sense, aside from the announcers not talking about it. And now Matt Hardy's website is being plugged on Even so, I did like it and I am glad that Vince came to his senses and Matt is back (I wondered if Vince had an awakening from the wedding scene - why doesn't Vince visit the message boards? It would be a lot easier for him to figure things out). I just wish they had done it better. And while I'm talking about Hardy, has Matt been getting fat or is he just on steroids?
[quote name='MorPhiend']HHH needs to be a face. It has been far too many years (The last time I witnessed it, anyway, was while DX was around. I don't count his faking friendship with HBK for two weeks before punking him as a face run. Was there another time?).[/QUOTE]

He was face for a long while when he came back from his quad injury. He won the title from Jericho in the Wrestlemania main event as a face. He was face from the quad comeback all the way until he turned on HBK when they faked a DX return.

EDIT: Changed this. Found a more detailed report:

Taken from

Thanks to Pat from Worcester for the following:

Hi, I attended Smackdown in Worcester from the DCU center. Since Im a long time wrestlezone user, I thought I'd share some results.

First, the DCU center(formerly known as Worcester Centrum) is not excatly the worlds largest arena and Id have to say that at least half the place was taped off. Most of the lower level seats were filled, but only the section directly opposite the camera had people on the 2nd level. Infact, I got moved down about 10 rows because they blacked out my original seats. Side with the camera was empty. Worcester has usually been a good wrestling town for tv events (Foley won his first title here) but tonight the place was empty. Anyway, on with the show.

The darkmatch was Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten vs. Two Bald Guys (I think one was a basham) and Balls and Axl won with the Nutcracker Sweet (Michinoku Driver type move for non ECW fans)

Next, Velocity starts

Frankie "The Future" Kazarian beat Nunzio with a Fisherman's suplex. Pretty decent cruiserweight action, Kazarian gave a short interview at the end saying he was the future and it looked good.

Nextup, Simon Dean (guess BWO lasted a week) fought a Jobber from Worcester and won, then stuffed a chocalate bar down the jobbers throat.

Then, we got an interview from Hassan and Davari. I dont think this will be on tv, as you will see later one smackdown, but they basically criticized the press for calling them terrorists when they are just AMericans.

Lastly, we got William Regal vs. Chris Benoit in a werestling purists dream. Great match with Benoit winning with the cross face. Regal showed some athleticism that I didnt think he still had.

Now, we move on to Smackdown

Eddie Guerrero comes out. Rey Mysterio isnt going to be there tonight, so Eddie isnt to happy. Eddie decides that he is going to get even by telling a little bed time story to Rey's son Dominique and let out his little secret. Just when Eddie is about to talk, Eddie's wife and 2 girls come out,. Eddie's wife say you cant do this to poor Rey, he's a good man. Eddie gets ticked and chaces his family out of the ring.

Backstage, Eddie is arguing with his family, ultimately family gets in a car after a little pushing, but Mr. Morality Bob Holly interjects, we got some pushing, and we got a match tonight.

Next, 6 man tag, Mexicools vs. Funaki, Scotty 2 Hotty and Paul London.

Mexicools end up winning with Juvi doing a 450 splash on Paul London. THe noticable thing from this match is that Juvi screwed up doing this move, and he knee landed directly on Londons head. Medical attention came out, London was down for a while, but ultimately he got up.

Next,a backstage segment with Christian and Candance Michelle. Christian says he can show her the ropes, but then Booker and Sharmel come out, mock Christian, and we got a match later on tonight.

MNM is making their way to the ring backstage, but Melina says she has to go take care of some business. She goes over to Torrie Wilson, says she is a has been and old, and chellenges her to a bra and panties match at the Great American Bash.

Heidenrich makes his way to the ring, but gets mugged durring his entrance buy MNM. MNM is having their way with Heidenrich, but out comes Road Warrior Animal for the save. Animal says hes sick of MNM saying they are the greatest tag team ever. MNM responds by saying they will give LOD a tag title shot at the GAB. Nitro tells Mercurry that can be a problem since Hawk is dead. Animal gets ticked, but Heidenrich agrees to be his partner, so we got a tag title match for the next ppv.

Batista gives a backstage interview about JBL. Says JBL is a bully, only way to deal with a bully is to punk them out then beat them up. He punkd JBL out last week, now hes going to beat him up.

Next match, Eddie vs. Bob Holly. Eddie wins by hitting Bob with a pipe and then slapping him with the Texas Clover Leaf. After Eddie wins he says he listened to his wife, and has an idea. He will fight Rey at the GAB. If Rey wins, the secret stays a secret, but if Eddie wins, he finishes telling his bedtime story to Dominique. Eddie says hes a man of his word, and Rey can trust him to stick to the stipulations.

Outcomes Muhammad Hossein's attorney. The attorney says the Hossein and Davari have been persecuted by the media and by the people on Smackdown, and they will not appear on Smackdown until after fighting at the next PPV. Undertaker comes out, chokeslams and gives a tombstone to the attorney, and the attorney is taken out on a stetcher.

Next match, Christian vs. Booker T. Christian attacks Booker while doing his entrances, throws him into the stairs and ringpost and gives Booker a beat down. Christian rolls Booker in the ring, the match starts, and Booker gets hit with the Unprettier and Christian wins. However, at the next PPV, Booker T will have a rematch against Christian.

Here comes are main event, champion vs. champion, Orlando vs. Batista.

JBL comes out with Orlando. JBL gives a short promo, shows his new staples in his head and his black eye and says the he is a wrestling god and while he got humuliated by the Meanie last week, his is going to get back his title at his PPV.

Batista then defeats Orlando despit JBL cheating throughout the whole match. But, at the end, JBL attacks Batista while is celebrating and the show closes with JBL holding the belt over Batista's head. JBL does some funny stuff in this match, such as throwing water at the ref

This is where the show ends. But we in Worcester were treated to a tag main event.

HHH comes out and him and JBL start doing a beatdown on Batista. But, out for the save is John Cena and we got a tag team main event. Batista gets betaten down for the entire match, but Cena eventually comes in, Cena hits an FU on JBL, Batista hits a spinebuster on HHH, and Cena and Batista win. The funniest thing Ive seen in a while happened in this match. HHH goes for a move from the top, Batista puts up the boot, and HHH leans back like he is going to do the faceplot made famous by Ric Flair. But HHH just stays leaning back give a hilarious look for at least a minute. JBL go steals Tazz's water, throws it on HHH, HHH thanks JBL, starts walking, then falls down. Funny stuff.

Overall, good show, crowd was hot even though it was small. Benoit, Taker and Batista got the loudest pops of night, with Mohammad earning the honors of most hated followed by JBL.

[quote name='Scorch']Weak SmackDown. Kinda lame that they used a death as part of a storyline.[/QUOTE]

I agree. It's just not the same if the original person isn't there...
Kazarian deserves more than the recap show, least he's on TV though.

WWE bows to UPN and their request to keep Hassan off the air after what happend recently, I was really expecting them to give the network the finger, but either WWE is sensitive to the issue/ thinks it'd give them a bad rap if they aired him, or they really enjoy their new Friday night timeslot.
[quote name='BLarR']Kazarian deserves more than the recap show, least he's on TV though.

WWE bows to UPN and their request to keep Hassan off the air after what happend recently, I was really expecting them to give the network the finger, but either WWE is sensitive to the issue/ thinks it'd give them a bad rap if they aired him, or they really enjoy their new Friday night timeslot.[/QUOTE]

I would have just done whatever I wanted if I was WWE. They are leaving the network anyway, aren't they? Maybe there is some kind of slander clause in the contract and Vince doesn't want a lawsuit.

Also, here's some info that some might find interesting. Reasons for some of the recent releases. Some of these are no-brainers and/or old news, but eh:

Source: Newsletter

As has been reported, last week's explosive WWE roster cuts were largely done with cost in mind. However, in choosing which talent to cut, various factors were evaluated. Below are specific reasons for several of the releases.

- In addition to lacking the in-ring and microphone skills necessary to succeed, Mark Jindrak reportedly did not have a great attitude and was said to be more interested in life on the road than becoming a great wrestler. WWE felt that he had numerous opportunities to get over on television, and failed each time.

- Aside from having a mixed backstage reputation, Maven was also said to be progressing very slowly as a wrestler and having trouble connecting with the fans.

- Despite the initial backing of Johnny Ace, Kenzo Suzuki, too, did not have the charisma or in-ring ability needed to warrant a place on the roster.

- WWE had little use for David "Gangrel" Heath - his gimmick was far too outdated for the modern scene.
[quote name='Scorch']I8ts Matt
Its Matt
Its Matt ing Hardy


What teh ? is this part of the show? or is this real!??![/quote]

My sentiments exactly. I marked out HARD for that. I saw this guy with black hair run up and attack Edge, and I thought NO WAY THATS HIM. Then, turns out, it WAS! I wil say, that angle was just AWESOME. Kudos to WWE for pulling it off right.
[quote name='Scorch']Screw that, I would've marked hard for a Gangrel return + a bloodbath on Simon Dean or someone.[/QUOTE]

That would've been sweet. I think that most of us can agree that Gangrel had a freakin' awesome entrance.
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']He was face for a long while when he came back from his quad injury. He won the title from Jericho in the Wrestlemania main event as a face. He was face from the quad comeback all the way until he turned on HBK when they faked a DX return.[/QUOTE]

Okay. I guess I hadn't been watching during that time. That's why I asked. But I still think I'd be interested in a face turn.
How come without fail, immediately following a spoiler post, there has to be a minimum of one unmarked reference to the spoiler? What is the logic? What is even the logic of posting a spoiler? I think that everyone is capable of clicking their way to one who wants to do so. If we can't stop referencing spoilers, I say spoiler posts should be banned from here.
[quote name='MorPhiend']How come without fail, immediately following a spoiler post, there has to be a minimum of one unmarked reference to the spoiler? What is the logic? What is even the logic of posting a spoiler? I think that everyone is capable of clicking their way to one who wants to do so. If we can't stop referencing spoilers, I say spoiler posts should be banned from here.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure how "It's lame that they used a death as part of a storyline" is a spoiler.. you're aware how many people die every day, yes?
[quote name='Scorch']I'm not sure how "It's lame that they used a death as part of a storyline" is a spoiler.. you're aware how many people die every day, yes?[/QUOTE]

And if we were referring to a wrestler, it would still not be a big clue, considering the unfortunate fact that wrestlers are dying at an alarming rate.
How about a compromise?

How about next week we start an independant thread for Smackdown spoilers only? The topic can be edited each week. For example...

Smackdown Spoiler Topic 7-12-05

Then for next week edit it to...

Smackdown Spoiler Topic 7-19-05

Personally, it doesn't bother me the way things are now, but I think this would be a fair resolution.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm not sure how "It's lame that they used a death as part of a storyline" is a spoiler.. you're aware how many people die every day, yes?[/QUOTE]

It doesn't say anything specifically, no. But it does leave me with an idea and then I'm waiting through the whole episode for it to happen. The same thing has happened in the past and just from simple deduction, I have had to know what the "coolest" happening of the night was and just wait for it to happen. Now that sucks. And sucking is definitely not cool.
[quote name='MorPhiend']It doesn't say anything specifically, no. But it does leave me with an idea and then I'm waiting through the whole episode for it to happen. The same thing has happened in the past and just from simple deduction, I have had to know what the "coolest" happening of the night was and just wait for it to happen. Now that sucks. And sucking is definitely not cool.[/QUOTE]

It's about Al Wilson, Brian Pillman and Louie Spiccoli. Ha, now you don't know WHERE i'm comin' from!
Regarding the Smackdown spoilers- I go to a forum called, which, as you might have guessed, deals mainly with wrestling. Every Tuesday, someone in the WWE folder will post the Smackdown spoilers.

That person or someone else will, after reading the spoilers, post a list of matches taped for Velocity and Smackdown. It's just the card, no spoilers. We could have a separate spoiler topic but someone could still post the card in this thread.
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']Speaking of wrestling sites, can anyone recommend any good news sites? I've been going to ProWrestling.Com forever.[/QUOTE]

The site's alright. There's also, as well as pwinsider and my personal favorite as of late, Styles and Apter's site,
There is an exclusive video of Kewin White on with him reading the Wall Street Journal and talking about how his individual superstar page has got more hits than John Cena's. There is more in the video with White finishing the piece with his new catch phrase - "It's not right if it's not white."

Niiiice quote. Ha.
I went to when I first started using the internet. It sucks now. used to be the best, but most of the good writers left. The site is still decent, though.

A lot of the quality guys that left 411 formed They, along with 411, have great wrestling, gaming, music, etc. coverage. has the most info out of the news sites I go to. If you're looking for news only, definitely go there.

Also, check out for the organization I trained with, and for the best wrestling forums on the net! *cheap pop*
btw, is completely gone or something. You try to enter it and it immediately says it can't be found.
[quote name='Scorch']It's about Al Wilson, Brian Pillman and Louie Spiccoli. Ha, now you don't know WHERE i'm comin' from![/QUOTE]

*Thumb to the eye* :p

Don't worry. I just want to avoid future happenings.

Posting the match list would be good. But it would obviously have to be doctored. There are many surprises that could still be giveaways. I don't mind the spoilers when properly marked (which Saucy did an excellent job of;) ). I just don't like the slipups. And I like to visit here, so I don't want to just avoid the board from Tuesday night to Friday morning.

[quote name='Scorch']btw, is completely gone or something. You try to enter it and it immediately says it can't be found.[/QUOTE]

Curiouser and curiouser...
Looks like the dark matches/Velocity tapings were better than the actual SD this week. Well good, saves me the time of watching it. I like how Christian gets a shot at Batista then gets immediately shoved back down the card. Am I the only one that wants to see Christian vs Uncle Eddie? I don't care if they're both heels, I want to see it.

As for the spoilers, I've addressed this before, there's another wrestling topic out there and I'm pretty sure that Raven's wrestling topic is spoiler free at this point in time ;)
Anyone else think this will all blow up in WWE's face?

I could just imagine it now. Matt is all ready for a super face return. The fans realize what happened. The next time Matt appears, the "You screwed Matt!" chants get directed at Matt and are changed to "Matt screwed us!!!" And then Edge and Lita become surprise faces by default. The irony. Matt gets screwed by Lita by her screwing Edge, then Matt screws himself. Something sure seems screwy here.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']

for the sake of all that's holy... why is sofa king retarded?[/QUOTE]

Not everyone reads the wrestling nerd sites, so this is an opportunity for it to make sense to those people. I think it really ruined the "is it a work?" mystique, however. If you look at their news page, it's getting to be very ambiguous between kayfabe and "reality." To blur the line will make the product far better in the long run, IMO. It hurts Matt, sure. But if they keep being, err, "honest" in what they post in the news, this could be something really cool.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Anyone else think this will all blow up in WWE's face?

I could just imagine it now. Matt is all ready for a super face return. The fans realize what happened. The next time Matt appears, the "You screwed Matt!" chants get directed at Matt and are changed to "Matt screwed us!!!" And then Edge and Lita become surprise faces by default. The irony. Matt gets screwed by Lita by her screwing Edge, then Matt screws himself. Something sure seems screwy here.[/QUOTE]

yep totally agree with you there. I went from caring about Matt Hardy to not caring. I actually can't wait for him to be fired again or this story line to be over because it kind of makes me sick that they are capatilizing on infidelity and using that as a ploy for ratings. Much like the Mexicools and the whole Hassan gimmick, its almost to the point where I am disgusted with WWE.

If it was not for a few superstars I would have quit watching long ago (mainly Kurt Angle)
[quote name='mykevermin']Not everyone reads the wrestling nerd sites, so this is an opportunity for it to make sense to those people. I think it really ruined the "is it a work?" mystique, however. If you look at their news page, it's getting to be very ambiguous between kayfabe and "reality." To blur the line will make the product far better in the long run, IMO. It hurts Matt, sure. But if they keep being, err, "honest" in what they post in the news, this could be something really cool.[/QUOTE]

That's a good point, myke. But do you really think that they are smart enough to be doing that, or is thatgoing to be the long term result, only if we're lucky and that's how it ends up? I highly doubt that blurring the lines is their purposeful intention. But who knows.

But if they do succeed in blurring the lines, wouldn't it make things like last week's Hassan storyline/London attacks occurences even more disturbing? Is that an aspect that even the insane old Vince would want to go after?
[quote name='CaseyRyback']If it was not for a few superstars I would have quit watching long ago (mainly Kurt Angle)[/QUOTE]

Isn't it kind of ironic that Angle was a leader in the ECW revolt, yet he seems to be one of the highest risk takers in the WWE? Just look at simple things like being tossed over the top rope. Pretty much everyone on both rosters makes sure that they are elevated and can situate themselves to land well, as they tumble to the ground. And they usually even hold on to the rope to slow them down and then bump the apron in a tiered fall effect. Angle gets a back body drop over the rope and he holds on to the rope, not to slow himself down, but to whip himself into the floor as fast as he can go and in whatever possible position he happens to land. And that just seems to be how he works all the way around. Besides the fact that he's great on the mic and can really wrestle, that is a big reason I like him. He seems to be one of the very few who love their job to the point that he would still do what he does, even if it was just a hobby instead of a career.

Anyway, I just thought it was strange that he was anti-ECW when he seems to me to be the mostover the top athlete in the WWE.
[quote name='MorPhiend']That's a good point, myke. But do you really think that they are smart enough to be doing that, or is thatgoing to be the long term result, only if we're lucky and that's how it ends up? I highly doubt that blurring the lines is their purposeful intention. But who knows.

But if they do succeed in blurring the lines, wouldn't it make things like last week's Hassan storyline/London attacks occurences even more disturbing? Is that an aspect that even the insane old Vince would want to go after?[/QUOTE]

Are they smart enough? :rofl: They deserve an A for effort, I'll say that much.

Vince would perform an abortion on television if it meant ratings. I'm deadly serious about that. There are few people who are pure, savage capitalists (i.e., those who disregard taste and decency in the pursuit of greater profit), and Vince is undoubtedly one of the foremost of them. Ironically, his tastelessness works against him, if you consider who is advertising on WWE programming and, more importantly, who is *not* advertising on WWE programming.

I think you can blur the lines between reality and fantasy without going too far. The Hardy/Edge/Lita angle is perfect evidence of that. It's Vince's fault he has pigeonholed Hassan this way (and Hassan and Daivari would be in greater danger, legitimately, if they continue to blur the lines). If Vince could have wrestlers simply be wrestlers (Hassan's motivation is to wrestle, not to get revenge for American stereotypes of Arabs or some ludicrous "I'm angry at the USA, so I'm gonna WRESTLE!!!" junk), it might provide for a better foundation. It's tough to write this shit, I'm sure. But you have to make a concerted effort to be as much of an asshole as Vince is.
[quote name='mykevermin']Are they smart enough? :rofl: They deserve an A for effort, I'll say that much.

Vince would perform an abortion on television if it meant ratings. I'm deadly serious about that. [/QUOTE]

*Flashbacks to Mae Young giving "birth" to a hand* :puke:
[quote name='Scorch']The site's alright. There's also, as well as pwinsider and my personal favorite as of late, Styles and Apter's site,[/QUOTE]

Those are basically the websites I visit as well. Didn't know about 4W though. Thanks. :)

Matt Hardy's site is down for a while because it seems that the WWE doesn't want him to work his fans anymore. Something like that; I believe had something about it.
Byte This was supposedly awesome. I'll have to check it out later. Here's a report.

Taken from

I just got done watching Byte This, and i can confirm that they are not hiding Matt Hardy's name anymore, he was the 3rd and final caller for the show, and he bassically tore Lita into a new asshole. Lita tried to fight back with her comments, but Matt was just to much for her, she ended up taking off her headset and walked away from the stage. the show ended a bit to early for my taste, but it was the best Byte This IMO since ECW's Heyman and Dreamer.

Also, Todd asked Matt if Edge should of been fired instead of him, and Matt said "Of course Yes." its hard to tell what was fake or real, but IMO from the whole way they shot the show, it was completly real. i think Lita and Matt really did show there true feelings, because Lita dint know what to say she dint have no script, and i know Matt dint either.

Also a funny note, Lita said at the start of the show the following "Thanks for not peeing on me Tom", why she said that? i have no idea. but it was hillarious

Also another note, Matt Hardy refered Adam once as "The Edge", doing a little Maria there, which i found hillarious. But you could tell Lita was being real this time, and that she was a total liar and could not say why, all she would say was that she keeps things private. and Matt replied something like "Oh really? We are public Images on TV, our whole life IS public on the WWE" which isnt like i said WHAT he said, but it was alot like that.
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