Destiny Discussion Thread - Fear The Moon Wizards on September 9th

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Got in a game with randoms. It was about half west coast Americans and half Australians (what with it being mid-day there and 2:30 AM here).

Two or three of them had never done it before. We did fairly well, actually, though the oracles took a bit longer than they should have. We got to the Gorgon part and no one really knew how to do it and much to my surprise (and you guys for sure since you are used to me not seeing the exits) I found it pretty easily.

Then the fireteam leader (who pulled us all together from apparently got in an argument with his girlfriend or wife (complete with crying baby in the background) and bailed on us without saying anything. So we were at the Gatekeeper checkpoint and only had 5. We were all kind of worn out and no one could find anyone so we stopped there. Meanwhile we heard various background noises and some swearing from this guy's wife (something about cleaning up his fucking shit...). It was kind of funny.

That's OK though because I did get Raid gloves for my Warlock (after getting Raid gloves for my Titan the other day). I still need the rest of it for her, but it's a start. If we run it on Sunday I'll use my Hunter who has no Raid gear either. Then I'll start using my Warlock for our regular Tuesday run since my Titan has everything.

If anyone needs someone for the Gatekeeper/Atheon checkpoints let me know and I'll hop in with my Warlock.

One thing I noticed is that a lot of the experienced people seem to be doing only Hard mode now. Oh, I got invited into a random game before that and got the Oracle checkpoint on Hard if anyone is up for trying that.
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^^ Yeah, it would seem logical that weapons damage would be increased. If not, there really would be no reason to use them over our current maxed out weapons...unless they throw some crazy perks on them.

Appreciate the help in nightfall Io. It was late, so i was gonna take one shot at it but had not decided how I was gonna do the boss yet. I was either going to not jump down (which is what we did) or there is an elevated sort of chubby hole you can sit in. I soloed the heroic by sitting in the chubby hole, but one wrong move and it's over in nightfall. Seemed to work out pretty good the way we did it.

Did the raid with bear, others from here, and some randoms (I guess). Got titan gaunts first run thru with him. We only made it to Atheon and did not beat him, so I would be up for going thru again or from whatever checkpoint people have. People were jumping in and out of the party and people were not always mic'd it made it a lot more difficult than it should have been.

Io, your story about the guy's wife making him rage quit is funny. I feel like that is coming from my wife soon :) She's fine though. Most of our in raid arguments involve her trying to get me to look at silly cat videos or something like that while shit is getting real...I'm just like...look at my gd screen, there are goblins everywhere.

EDIT: LOL, the nightfall strategy above is to sit in a cubby hole...not a "chubby" hole which it auto corrected to...but it does sound better :)
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Well, if you don't mind backing up a spot to Gatekeeper we could run my save some time. We ought to be able to knock out that end part pretty quickly.
Well, if you don't mind backing up a spot to Gatekeeper we could run my save some time. We ought to be able to knock out that end part pretty quickly.
I don't mind, done right it goes quick. I know bear, Drunkz, and radasaurus are at the same spot as I am....not sure who the others were.
It was raining ascendant materials last night! Finally dinged 28 and I'm one energy away from having my Devil You Know hand cannon fully upgraded. Also picked up my second exotic bounty for Pocket Infinity.

Anyone doing the raid on 360 at all? I wouldn't mind getting in on that, haven't even touched it so far.

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my hunter is currently up to gatekeeper as well. 

was on patrol on venus on a stolen pike when i came across 3 people trying to open the vault doors - helped them out and they shot me a game invite but no party invite (weird). we made it up to the portals with 4 people and no communication which was pretty good and just speaks to how second nature the raid sections are becoming at this point.

also io our damage caps at 3 levels above iirc so you are already doing max damage in the normal raid at level 29. this is also the same reason level 29 titans can get into a fist fight with level 8s where the enemy doesn't just explode immediately.

Yea, I am pretty happy with how we did yesterday considering we only had 4 consistent members for most of the first half of the raid.  We pulled a few randoms in from the team finder site and they actually knew what was going on.  I think once we got the spire up we went straight through to the start of the gorgons without wiping.  We had the gorgons glitch where they didn't wipe the entire team at once and we were able to take one down for a lame grimoire card, lol.  Of course we missed the chest again that spawns only when the templar doesn't teleport (I swear we will never find it, hah).  Once we got to the guardian we finally got a stable team and got to Atheon, but at that point most of us were wiped out and we called it a night. 

I got Hazen Vengance so at least I know it is possible for me to get a raid weapon as a drop instead of chatterwhite, hunter cloak, ship or sparrow .  I'd love to actually get one of these primary weapons as a drop.  Seems like those really make a difference when I see others mowing down vex with them. 

All hail the gorgon's grimoire card! My heart sunk last night when we missed the hidden chest after cheesing the templer. Of course with my luck it would have more energy shards in it, got 16 in total. It was fun running with a mostly CAG crew. I got tired after getting killed with one hits trying to take out the enemy with the shield. Hopefully next time we do this we get everyone on with mics and it goes smoother. I'm free for today and most of tonight if anyone wants to try to finish from last night let me know.

It was raining ascendant materials last night! Finally dinged 28 and I'm one energy away from having my Devil You Know hand cannon fully upgraded. Also picked up my second exotic bounty for Pocket Infinity.

Anyone doing the raid on 360 at all? I wouldn't mind getting in on that, haven't even touched it so far.
I'm still 23 or 24 but when I can be of use I'm down - still haven't touched most of the strikes. I think we may have added each other from another game.

Don't see many 360 players posting here and no idea how the Clan board on bungie works. With the amount on 360 I would think some would be posting here more.

Tuesday I didn't run into any server connection issues. Last night though, a lot.

It would happen every few minutes interrupting me trying to do Venus patrol missions bounty (tried to farm the 2story jump spot).

I did get the Vanguard Missive item. Not sure which exotic bounty I should choose. I believe these are the ones:

  1. Shattered Memory (Pocket Infinity)
  2. Toland (Bad Juju)
  3. A Voice (Super Good Advice)
All hail the gorgon's grimoire card! My heart sunk last night when we missed the hidden chest after cheesing the templer. Of course with my luck it would have more energy shards in it, got 16 in total. It was fun running with a mostly CAG crew. I got tired after getting killed with one hits trying to take out the enemy with the shield. Hopefully next time we do this we get everyone on with mics and it goes smoother. I'm free for today and most of tonight if anyone wants to try to finish from last night let me know.
Where did you guys leave off? Normal or Hard?

Either there is something wrong with my disc for Sunset Overdrive or my X1's disc drive is pooping out haha so I barely even played at all last night I was just trying to get it to work!

I did get the Vanguard Missive item. Not sure which exotic bounty I should choose. I believe these are the ones:

  1. Shattered Memory (Pocket Infinity)
  2. Toland (Bad Juju)
  3. A Voice (Super Good Advice)
Super Good Advice was really easy and fast to finish the bounty. The gun is okay... the recoil is very rough. I chose Pocket Infinity last night because the Bad Juju bounty involves a lot of Crucible and I wasn't in the mood for that. Toughest part of the Pocket Infinity bounty will probably be dismantling 10 blue fusion rifles but that's just a matter of getting lucky with the vendor.

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Where did you guys leave off? Normal or Hard?

Either there is something wrong with my disc for Sunset Overdrive or my X1's disc drive is pooping out haha so I barely even played at all last night I was just trying to get it to work!
Right at the last boss on normal. Speaking of failing disc drive mine needs to go in for repair, I don't want to send it in and wait for the return. Depending on the disc it can take 5 tries up to 30 tries of me taking the disc out and back in before reading.
Right at the last boss on normal. Speaking of failing disc drive mine needs to go in for repair, I don't want to send it in and wait for the return. Depending on the disc it can take 5 tries up to 30 tries of me taking the disc out and back in before reading.
That is exactly what mine is doing with Sunset Overdrive!!

First time I popped in Black Flag though it read it right away (last night). So I think it is the disc that is really the problem, but there was an issue with Black Flag a while ago. I think I will exchange my copy of Sunset Overdrive and see if that temporarily fixes that game at least and then I will send my X1 in for repairs soon. Mine is also the Day One edition that makes a consistent clicking sound whenever there is a disc in there.

I believe we have 1 year free of a warranty with MS correct? If so I need to do it really soon! Looking at their site it seems I can request an early replacement unit. For $15 (and then a $400 charge hold on my CC) I can have them send me an X1 replacement unit first and THEN once I get that I can send mine in and never see it again. Kind of sucks that I have to pay $15 though. I like the idea but really it is their fault this is messed up. I got my unit at midnight and have been a supporter since the OG Xbox and yet I have to pay $15 for you to give me a seamless transition during repairs?

That is exactly what mine is doing with Sunset Overdrive!!

First time I popped in Black Flag though it read it right away (last night). So I think it is the disc that is really the problem, but there was an issue with Black Flag a while ago. I think I will exchange my copy of Sunset Overdrive and see if that temporarily fixes that game at least and then I will send my X1 in for repairs soon. Mine is also the Day One edition that makes a consistent clicking sound whenever there is a disc in there.

I believe we have 1 year free of a warranty with MS correct? If so I need to do it really soon! Looking at their site it seems I can request an early replacement unit. For $15 (and then a $400 charge hold on my CC) I can have them send me an X1 replacement unit first and THEN once I get that I can send mine in and never see it again. Kind of sucks that I have to pay $15 though. I like the idea but really it is their fault this is messed up. I got my unit at midnight and have been a supporter since the OG Xbox and yet I have to pay $15 for you to give me a seamless transition during repairs?
I had the clicking disc drive issue on my launch console. I did that rapid replacement option and I want to say they didn't charge me the $15 fee, but cant recall for sure now. It was convenient, but I agree that if this is a MS issue they shouldn't charge you the fee especially since they put a hold on the card.

I think I am having the same issue that you guys are having though because every so often when I put a disc in, it doesn't read it every time. Never have had to eject it more than 1 or 2 times to get it to read, but definitely not a good sign for the long term. Is shipping shoddy blu ray drives their way of forcing us towards an all digital futrue? lol! It is pretty lame that I have had 2 issues in less than a year, including this one which is on a refurbished machine. As bad as the RRoD was on the 360 I only had it happen 2 times to me over a bunch of consoles I owned.

If you bought it at launch it is under warranty until Nov 22. I will probably monitor it for the next few weeks and decide what I want to do then. Last thing I want to do is have to redownload all these games and their 20gb patches if they send me a new console. I'll blow my internet cap out of the water in one day.

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Yeah that is the one thing I really do not look forward to, redownloading all this crap.

I have Ghosts, Rayman Legends and Destiny all digital not to mention the 10 other XBLA titles and all the patches for all the games. Are they still called Arcade titles? I dont know, I will continue to call them XBLA games haha. 

Do all of our saves and everything get backed up to their servers? If I replace the console do I have to take any data off before sending it or can I just recover it all on the new one?

Back on track though with Destiny, if you guys didnt think of it already you really shouldn't be wasting your jackolytes. In the upcoming DLC Raid they look like they will be useful. I have only heard about a damage boost and not seen it myself so take it with a grain of salt.

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Yeah that is the one thing I really do not look forward to, redownloading all this crap.

I have Ghosts, Rayman Legends and Destiny all digital not to mention the 10 other XBLA titles and all the patches for all the games. Are they still called Arcade titles? I dont know, I will continue to call them XBLA games haha.

Do all of our saves and everything get backed up to their servers? If I replace the console do I have to take any data off before sending it or can I just recover it all on the new one?

Back on track though with Destiny, if you guys didnt think of it already you really shouldn't be wasting your jackolytes. In the upcoming DLC Raid they look like they will be EXTREMELY useful.
Saves are backed up to their server and should sync up when you login on the replacement console. But for every game you will have to redownload it and the patches and other dlc and the way to do it is not very intuitive. You have to find the game in games and apps and then it shows you all the content tied to your account and you have to click and download each one.

I actually remembered that I bought a external USB drive for all my XB1 games and stuff so I could just move everything over to that. Might not be a bad idea since you can get 2-3 tb drives for under $100 now.

I would reformat your console before sending it back and you also might want to setup some of the other security proofs once you get your new console. Definitely change the password on your MS account as well.

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Saves are backed up to their server and should sync up when you login on the replacement console. But for every game you will have to redownload it and the patches and other dlc and the way to do it is not very intuitive. You have to find the game in games and apps and then it shows you all the content tied to your account and you have to click and download each one.

I actually remembered that I bought a external USB drive for all my XB1 games and stuff so I could just move everything over to that. Might not be a bad idea since you can get 2-3 tb drives for under $100 now.

I would reformat your console before sending it back and you also might want to setup some of the other security proofs once you get your new console. Definitely change the password on your MS account as well.
I didn't even think of that! I have a ton of HDDs all over the place that I could easily use. I have a 2tb that I could use to move over all the DLed games and then just put them back on the new one. Thanks!

[quote name="io" post="12196300" timestamp="1414669873"]Got in a game with randoms. It was about half west coast Americans and half Australians (what with it being mid-day there and 2:30 AM here).

Two or three of them had never done it before. We did fairly well, actually, though the oracles took a bit longer than they should have. We got to the Gorgon part and no one really knew how to do it and much to my surprise (and you guys for sure since you are used to me not seeing the exits) I found it pretty easily.

Then the fireteam leader (who pulled us all together from apparently got in an argument with his girlfriend or wife (complete with crying baby in the background) and bailed on us without saying anything. So we were at the Gatekeeper checkpoint and only had 5. We were all kind of worn out and no one could find anyone so we stopped there. Meanwhile we heard various background noises and some swearing from this guy's wife (something about cleaning up his fucking shit...). It was kind of funny.

That's OK though because I did get Raid gloves for my Warlock (after getting Raid gloves for my Titan the other day). I still need the rest of it for her, but it's a start. If we run it on Sunday I'll use my Hunter who has no Raid gear either. Then I'll start using my Warlock for our regular Tuesday run since my Titan has everything.

If anyone needs someone for the Gatekeeper/Atheon checkpoints let me know and I'll hop in with my Warlock.

One thing I noticed is that a lot of the experienced people seem to be doing only Hard mode now. Oh, I got invited into a random game before that and got the Oracle checkpoint on Hard if anyone is up for trying that.[/quote]
I wouldn't mind taking a crack at it. I wouldn't be available until this weekend, though. I would like to start at the beginning just to ease myself into it.
I'm taking my son to a hockey game tonight so won't be on until probably 10-11pm eastern and would be ok finishing raid then.  If you guys have a full team earlier then no worries.  I'm sure some people can help me finish at some point.  I wouldn't mind taking a swing at hard mode over the weekend if there is a team.  After that I might just do one more raid run next week before moving on to CoD & Halo for a bit.  At this point the grinding with no payout has started to get to me and they don't really seem interested in fixing it.  Not going to keep raiding each week especially if the raid drops will be obsolete in a month or so when new raid gear comes out.

speaking of pocket infinity - the gunsmith should be selling rare fusion rifles over the next couple of hours according to reddit
I am tempted to buy them and just hold onto them but seeing as the storage space is so limited and I have so many legendary and exotic weapons I probably won't.

Yeah, I'm sitting on 12 just in case I can get the bounty, but it's becoming a problem.

I think I'll create a new character just to use it as a pack mule and free up some of the vault space.

Yeah, I'm sitting on 12 just in case I can get the bounty, but it's becoming a problem.

I think I'll create a new character just to use it as a pack mule and free up some of the vault space.
I already have three characters though and so I am constantly swapping gear back and forth between them all and having that many fusion rifles stored up will make it even more tricky : /

I already have three characters though and so I am constantly swapping gear back and forth between them all and having that many fusion rifles stored up will make it even more tricky : /
Didn't realize we were capped at 3. I've got a few friends who tell me they manage 5-6 toons. Guess they're playing under different ID's or even different consoles (sony v. MS).

Since I've got no shot at running all 3 classes without deleting my 2nd titan, might as well run 3 titans and triple my VoG disappointment/rage. Assuming I ever decide to level a 3rd toon that is...

gotdott said:
also io our damage caps at 3 levels above iirc so you are already doing max damage in the normal raid at level 29. this is also the same reason level 29 titans can get into a fist fight with level 8s where the enemy doesn't just explode immediately.
Hmmm... But doesn't the damage they do to you become much less? It seems like I can run patrol on Earth, for example, and almost completely ignore the mobs as they shoot at me if I'm collecting spinmetal or a bounty or something.

Of course we missed the chest again that spawns only when the templar doesn't teleport (I swear we will never find it, hah).
I know exactly where that is as I've found it twice in the last 3 nights. It is right before the last drop to the second chest. So if you go into the opening (before jumping) and see that doorway to the chest down to the left, turn back and you'll find a small opening (you have to crouch) that leads to the wonderful chest with 2 mats in it ;).

bear489 said:
All hail the gorgon's grimoire card! My heart sunk last night when we missed the hidden chest after cheesing the templer. Of course with my luck it would have more energy shards in it, got 16 in total. It was fun running with a mostly CAG crew. I got tired after getting killed with one hits trying to take out the enemy with the shield. Hopefully next time we do this we get everyone on with mics and it goes smoother. I'm free for today and most of tonight if anyone wants to try to finish from last night let me know.
I can jump in with you guys and just do Atheon or we can use my save and go from Gatekeeper. Either way works for me. This evening is pumpkin carving with the kids but I'll be free later.

Renegade Moose said:
I wouldn't mind taking a crack at it. I wouldn't be available until this weekend, though. I would like to start at the beginning just to ease myself into it.
This is in reference to the Hard mode oracle checkpoint that I have. I tried the Hard raid with some randoms last week and the confluence part (before the oracles) was a nasty pain (and the rewards aren't great). I think that's why this guy was giving out oracle saves. With that one and the Templar (who we can still push) you can get Raid gear and I think a few hard-mode only items from those checkpoints too. Broly - I think you said the conflux part was one of the toughest on Hard, right? So maybe we could give the oracles/Templar a shot at least and see how it goes. In the mean time I'll be leveling up my Raid gloves for my Warlock so I can get to 29 before we try it.

I'm taking my son to a hockey game tonight so won't be on until probably 10-11pm eastern and would be ok finishing raid then. If you guys have a full team earlier then no worries. I'm sure some people can help me finish at some point. I wouldn't mind taking a swing at hard mode over the weekend if there is a team. After that I might just do one more raid run next week before moving on to CoD & Halo for a bit.
That works for me tonight - 8 Pacific / 11 Eastern would be perfect. We shouldn't have to spend more than 30 minutes on it even if we use my Gatekeeper save.

I think we should definitely give the oracle/Templar hard mode a shot this weekend. I'm also up for a full normal Raid with my Hunter on the weekend.

Funny how this game gets you with the grind and randomness of rewards and makes you almost want to give up on it. Then, all of a sudden, you get some Raid gear and now you want to play as much as possible to max those out so maybe you can get more ;). I was all set to play Sunset Overdrive last night but when I snagged those Raid gloves for my Warlock I just had to grind those instead. I also still need to grind my Titan's gear to get him to 30.
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[quote name="io" post="12198012" timestamp="1414709460"]Hmmm... But doesn't the damage they do to you become much less? It seems like I can run patrol on Earth, for example, and almost completely ignore the mobs as they shoot at me if I'm collecting spinmetal or a bounty or something.

I know exactly where that is as I've found it twice in the last 3 nights. It is right before the last drop to the second chest. So if you go into the opening (before jumping) and see that doorway to the chest down to the left, turn back and you'll find a small opening (you have to crouch) that leads to the wonderful chest with 2 mats in it ;).

I can jump in with you guys and just do Atheon or we can use my save and go from Gatekeeper. Either way works for me. This evening is pumpkin carving with the kids but I'll be free later.

This is in reference to the Hard mode oracle checkpoint that I have. I tried the Hard raid with some randoms last week and the confluence part (before the oracles) was a nasty pain (and the rewards aren't great). I think that's why this guy was giving out oracle saves. With that one and the Templar (who we can still push) you can get Raid gear and I think a few hard-mode only items from those checkpoints too. Broly - I think you said the conflux part was one of the toughest on Hard, right? So maybe we could give the oracles/Templar a shot at least and see how it goes. In the mean time I'll be leveling up my Raid gloves for my Warlock so I can get to 29 before we try it.

That works for me tonight - 8 Pacific / 11 Eastern would be perfect. We shouldn't have to spend more than 30 minutes on it even if we use my Gatekeeper save.

I think we should definitely give the oracle/Templar hard mode a shot this weekend. I'm also up for a full normal Raid with my Hunter on the weekend.

Funny how this game gets you with the grind and randomness of rewards and makes you almost want to give up on it. Then, all of a sudden, you get some Raid gear and now you want to play as much as possible to max those out so maybe you can get more ;). I was all set to play Sunset Overdrive last night but when I snagged those Raid gloves for my Warlock I just had to grind those instead. I also still need to grind my Titan's gear to get him to 30.[/quote]
That's fine. Maybe I can get lucky and get boots. I was just thinking, I believe gotdott told me this, you can only get the chests once a week. So that would mean anybody who has finished it already can only get rewards for the four different checkpoints.
Renegade Moose said:
That's fine. Maybe I can get lucky and get boots. I was just thinking, I believe gotdott told me this, you can only get the chests once a week. So that would mean anybody who has finished it already can only get rewards for the four different checkpoints.
Indeed - so yeah if you already did it on normal you wouldn't get anything from the first chest anyway. And the very first part (syncing the vex plates to open the door) is the same in Normal vs. Hard.
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[quote name="io" post="12198127" timestamp="1414713447"]Indeed - so yeah if you already did it on normal you wouldn't get anything from the first chest anyway. And the very first part (syncing the vex plates to open the door) is the same in Normal vs. Hard.[/quote]
But there is a reward after the confluxes/oracles, right? I'm more concerned about the oracles at atheon but now my raid guns are maxed and I'm level 29. Not like we lose anything trying it out, but I'd love to pick it apart wherever we go in.
Renegade Moose said:
But there is a reward after the confluxes/oracles, right? I'm more concerned about the oracles at atheon but now my raid guns are maxed and I'm level 29. Not like we lose anything trying it out, but I'd love to pick it apart wherever we go in.
Yeah, everything but the chests give you new rewards for Hard. So Oracles and Templar will give us rewards if we can get through that.

The one part of the Raid I never fully understand is after the Gatekeeper. I just sort of go with the flow and usually just guard portals. But I have no idea what is going on inside those things. It seems like 3 people usually get the first relic and then 2 the other. And in between we have to guard the center? I was sort of glad our random group didn't follow through with that part last night because they would have looked to me to lead it ;).

All in all it was a successful run for me last night though. In addition to the Raid gloves for my Warlock I got the cool prismatic Warlock bond.

I actually want more Sparrows and ships from Atheon. I only ever got one whereas I've gotten Chatterwhite every single time except the first one we did. Also, apparently there is a Raid sniper rifle. I want that as I need alternate snipers for when I use an exotic rocket launcher. I saw some guy on the Bungie forums complaining that in 25+ Raids he has yet to get a single piece of Raid armor but he got 11 sniper rifles. That is pretty extreme. I mean, it took me 4 runs or so to get all my Titan armor but I got 3 duplicates along the way. Getting absolutely nothing from 25 runs would have pretty low odds I would think. Though perhaps he didn't understand you don't get more than 1 set of rewards per week. 25 seems like a lot of times to have run through the Raid in the time it has been out, even with alternate characters.
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Yeah, everything but the chests give you new rewards for Hard. So Oracles and Templar will give us rewards if we can get through that.

The one part of the Raid I never fully understand is after the Gatekeeper. I just sort of go with the flow and usually just guard portals. But I have no idea what is going on inside those things. It seems like 3 people usually get the first relic and then 2 the other. And in between we have to guard the center? I was sort of glad our random group didn't follow through with that part last night because they would have looked to me to lead it ;).

All in all it was a successful run for me last night though. In addition to the Raid gloves for my Warlock I got the cool prismatic Warlock bond.

I actually want more Sparrows and ships from Atheon. I only ever got one whereas I've gotten Chatterwhite every single time except the first one we did. Also, apparently there is a Raid sniper rifle. I want that as I need alternate snipers for when I use an exotic rocket launcher. I saw some guy on the Bungie forums complaining that in 25+ Raids he has yet to get a single piece of Raid armor but he got 11 sniper rifles. That is pretty extreme. I mean, it took me 4 runs or so to get all my Titan armor but I got 3 duplicates along the way. Getting absolutely nothing from 25 runs would have pretty low odds I would think. Though perhaps he didn't understand you don't get more than 1 set of rewards per week. 25 seems like a lot of times to have run through the Raid in the time it has been out, even with alternate characters.
Yes the raid sniper is void and cause big orb explosions when you get headshots

Earlier in the thread, there was mention of the disc drive not reading discs. I blew in mine and magic... fixed. Sounds like the lense may be getting dirty or dust in the drive. Duster seems to fix it.
[quote name="io" post="12198277" timestamp="1414717947"]Yeah, everything but the chests give you new rewards for Hard. So Oracles and Templar will give us rewards if we can get through that.

The one part of the Raid I never fully understand is after the Gatekeeper. I just sort of go with the flow and usually just guard portals. But I have no idea what is going on inside those things. It seems like 3 people usually get the first relic and then 2 the other. And in between we have to guard the center? I was sort of glad our random group didn't follow through with that part last night because they would have looked to me to lead it ;).

All in all it was a successful run for me last night though. In addition to the Raid gloves for my Warlock I got the cool prismatic Warlock bond.

I actually want more Sparrows and ships from Atheon. I only ever got one whereas I've gotten Chatterwhite every single time except the first one we did. Also, apparently there is a Raid sniper rifle. I want that as I need alternate snipers for when I use an exotic rocket launcher. I saw some guy on the Bungie forums complaining that in 25+ Raids he has yet to get a single piece of Raid armor but he got 11 sniper rifles. That is pretty extreme. I mean, it took me 4 runs or so to get all my Titan armor but I got 3 duplicates along the way. Getting absolutely nothing from 25 runs would have pretty low odds I would think. Though perhaps he didn't understand you don't get more than 1 set of rewards per week. 25 seems like a lot of times to have run through the Raid in the time it has been out, even with alternate characters.[/quote]
Ah, I think I was misunderstanding. I thought your checkpoint was AFTER the oracles.

Inside each portal is a gatekeeper. As soon as you kill one the relic appears and everybody inside gets marked. Once you grab the relic, run out, and cleanse your team. The way we've been doing that seems to work is then the relic holder and one other go into the second portal. By then your super should be charged which will take off around half the health of the second gatekeeper. Grab the second relic and book it on out to help defend the conflux for a bit. There are also some vex inside the portals, but that is essentially it. We could change it up next time if people want to learn different roles. I've only stayed outside probably twice so I'm not entirely practiced in that portion.
I'm on now and willing to run that Gatekeeper or Atheon checkpoint with you guys. I'm just doing other stuff in the house now so bear with me.
It doesn't look like there are many people on right now for raid.  Unless you guys have others who are interested. 

I still need to run weekly if anyone needs to do that on one of their characters.

Maybe Saturday. I can do Friday but not till 8 or 9 Pacific (after Halloween stuff with the kids).

I still want to finish off that Raid with my Warlock (either at Gatekeeper or Atheon) and then maybe start a new one with my Hunter if that is what you are looking for. My Hunter is at 27 now but I might try to get that to 28 before running the Raid. It all depends on whether I want to use mats on something that will end up getting replaced (a regular legendary armor piece).

Yeah, and I also have that hard mode save at the Oracles on my Warlock, which I just pushed up to level 29.
Xur has arrived.  With the same old crap for the most part.  The Patience and Time SR is nice, I suppose.  But the same titan exotic for the 3rd week in a row?  that's lame.  Also, no Halloween themed goodies for sale, like many suspected would be the case.  Also lame. 

To me, Xur has become another illustration of the lack of content in Destiny.  At first, it felt like you were getting something special.  But after only a few weeks, it's the same old dribble of stuff.  I can't get past the 3rd week in a row offering Armamentatium for the Titan.  It's a great chest piece, no doubt, but it is disappointing when you are looking forward to seeing what he's going to sell and it's the same old stuff.  Couldn't they have thrown Helm of Inmost light again?  Just to mix it up?  Or how about the Sunbreakers for the warlock, it's been a couple weeks for that one, hasn't it? 

I'm a sucker for limited time, themed stuff, so I've been excited about these Halloween promo's.  Not knowing how to get the sparrow is really annoying.  Maybe we'll hear more today. 

Good thing it's so freaking fun to play this game because if it wasn't just raw fun, I think the community would have moved on already. 

Yeah, at first I forgot about Xur once again but then I found him down towards the Vanguard reps. It is still effectively Thursday night for me so I always forget he's there then.

I thought about buying Patience and Time since I have like 60 coins now but I think I'll hold off. For one thing, I could always get it via the Nightfall or something. Plus I don't want to have too many things to level up and Icebreaker is pretty invaluable when ammo is low. I'd love the camouflage ability on a sniper, but since it is another exotic I don't want to replace Icebreaker. Then finally I figure if we really have new weapons coming that will max out at 320 damage then I might as well not buy any more of the current stuff and hold off for that instead. Maybe he'll sell some of those.

Armamentarium is great but I'd need a hard mode raid helmet before I could switch to that (and not use my exotic helm). I did hit 30 tonight on my Titan! But that sort of means I'm done with him for the time being. I'll run Nightfall and Weekly with him and if we ever do a CAG hard mode Raid from the start I'll use him. But otherwise I'm not going to bother with the Daily stuff on the character. I'll still use my Warlock to get the raid gloves leveled up (and get more Raid gear from Normal). I just finished messing around with some bounties and helium farming so I could get those gloves raised up.

I didn't bother with the Daily today as it is Black Garden. I've done it solo at 28 before but it is just too long to bother for the 2 shards. But if I catch anyone else running it Friday night I'll jump in.

Even more annoying is that one of the bounties for today was from the Nexus strike. Ugh - since there was also a not dying on a strike bounty, I ran it on "easy". Me and the other 2 guys made pretty quick work of it...

I did get a pumpkin thing to drop from a Hive enemy today - first one other than the 3 from the postmaster. So, yeah, what is the deal with those sparrows? If they aren't showing up now (I opened a ton of chests after the daily reset and certainly they don't seem to be there) what is the point? Halloween has already begun.
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I bought the patience and time simply because it has arc damage. I have primary weapons with solar and void and several special weapons with solar and void as well. However, I am really lacking when it comes to arc damage. Prior to buying patience and time I only had a fusion rifle that does arc.
To me, Xur has become another illustration of the lack of content in Destiny. At first, it felt like you were getting something special. But after only a few weeks, it's the same old dribble of stuff. I can't get past the 3rd week in a row offering Armamentatium for the Titan. It's a great chest piece, no doubt, but it is disappointing when you are looking forward to seeing what he's going to sell and it's the same old stuff. Couldn't they have thrown Helm of Inmost light again? Just to mix it up? Or how about the Sunbreakers for the warlock, it's been a couple weeks for that one, hasn't it?

I'm a sucker for limited time, themed stuff, so I've been excited about these Halloween promo's. Not knowing how to get the sparrow is really annoying. Maybe we'll hear more today.

Good thing it's so freaking fun to play this game because if it wasn't just raw fun, I think the community would have moved on already.
Yea I agree with you that the game is still flat out fun. Even with poor raid drops I have still invested time each week to play. It really shines when you have a consistent group of people to play with each day. They had a good post on trueachievements the other day about the game and after reading that and the comments I think they summed it up pretty well. Here is the link if anyone is interested:

One thing that I think would help alot is if there was a way to reward your progress in the raid with something other than random drops. Maybe something like a "Raid Mark" to go with the Vanguard and Crucible marks that you get for completing the raid sections. Then have a Xur-like character that appears to sell raid gear for the marks. I wouldn't even care if they made the prices extremely high for the rarer drops (for example you would have to complete the raid 10 or so times to get the Mythoclast). I mean, at least it would feel like you are making some progress towards something. Even if I get an armor drop there is no guarantee it will be one of the pieces I need and that might make me throw my fuck 'ing controller.... :wall:

Xur info this week:

Are they just repeating the same stuff over and over at this point?

To me, Xur has become another illustration of the lack of content in Destiny. At first, it felt like you were getting something special. But after only a few weeks, it's the same old dribble of stuff. I can't get past the 3rd week in a row offering Armamentatium for the Titan. It's a great chest piece, no doubt, but it is disappointing when you are looking forward to seeing what he's going to sell and it's the same old stuff. Couldn't they have thrown Helm of Inmost light again? Just to mix it up? Or how about the Sunbreakers for the warlock, it's been a couple weeks for that one, hasn't it?

I'm a sucker for limited time, themed stuff, so I've been excited about these Halloween promo's. Not knowing how to get the sparrow is really annoying. Maybe we'll hear more today.

Good thing it's so freaking fun to play this game because if it wasn't just raw fun, I think the community would have moved on already.
If you guys haven't realized it yet, there are only 5 class specific exotics (2 helm, 1 gauntlet, 2 chest) so now that we are pretty much 2 months in, yes they are repeating things over and over again.

Chubby if you think Titans have it bad - they are the only class that Xur has sold every single piece of exotic for so you are only really just hitting the repeats. Warlocks have seen only 3/5 on sale (with sunbreakers showing up 3-4 times and void vestments 3 times). Hunters haven't seen their gauntlets on sale either iirc.

The underlying issue is that exotics have been heavily devalued with how accessable Xur and the weekly nightfall are. I mentioned earlier that it probably would have been better to have Xur come for one weekend a month, Friday-Sunday, and rotate his stock on each day. Weekly coin rewards should have been lower (2/4/6?) or the exotics should have simply cost more and everyone would have had to save for the once a month chance to get exotics.

At this point Xur is only good for picking up exotic weapons that you don't have.

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The underlying issue is that exotics have been heavily devalued with how accessable Xur and the weekly nightfall are. I mentioned earlier that it probably would have been better to have Xur come for one weekend a month, Friday-Sunday, and rotate his stock on each day. Weekly coin rewards should have been lower (2/4/6?) or the exotics should have simply cost more and everyone would have had to save for the once a month chance to get exotics.
I like the way you think


I did the nightfall strike yesterday and got the Universal remote, an exotic primary shotgun. Why would anyone use this? Some of these exotics seem pretty worthless.  I think some of them should be downgraded to legendaries.   

I was planning on doing the raid last night after I helped io finish the daily but I ended up falling asleep. I'll be online tonight if anyone wants to run the raid.

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