Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

You guys should totally have this on X1 instead, I am always running teams through the Raid as much as I can : P
Man I'm still on PS3 :oldman: any CAG out there that wants to go on nightfall or VoG just send me a PM. Level 27 Titan (defender) with bubble that blinds people.

Actually I didn't think the blinding was going to be that helpful, but at the Vog , I threw it right at the spawning point and the Vex just halted right there, making it easy for us to kill them. Those who ventured in, I just punched the crap out. And on PvP is the same deal, except pissed off customers

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I need advice, whats really good mod for a special weapon for PvP? I need to get a 25 kill/die spread for an exotic bounty. Was thinking a shotgun with stager rounds.
My fully-automatic shotgun with perfect balance (greatly increased stability), soft ballistics (more increased stability), and reactive reload (bonus damage after a kill+reload), and 5 rounds is kind of lol-funny in PvP.

Edit: That bounty really isn't that bad. It seems that some assists count as well, or some deaths don't, or something beyond just pure kills-deaths. I got it to 24 after 4 control matches, then took 2 more after that to get it to 25. Though, of course, nice PvP weapons helped a lot.

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After attempting the PvP part of the Thorn exotic bounty I've since abandoned it and decided to just not take any exotic bounties with a PvP component. There's just no sense in my PvE ass suffering through those ridiculously tedious PvP steps when I could just randomly get an exotic drop or outright buy an exotic weapon from Xur.

"How did you get that exotic?"

"Well I did a really hard strike, then like 25 more strikes, then a ton of PvP and finally this super hard part. How did you get your exotic?"

"A dreg dropped it."


After attempting the PvP part of the Thorn exotic bounty I've since abandoned it and decided to just not take any exotic bounties with a PvP component. There's just no sense in my PvE ass suffering through those ridiculously tedious PvP steps when I could just randomly get an exotic drop or outright buy an exotic weapon from Xur.

"How did you get that exotic?"

"Well I did a really hard strike, then like 25 more strikes, then a ton of PvP and finally this super hard part. How did you get your exotic?"

"A dreg dropped it."

I wish you could give me your Thorn bounty. I would gladly do it haha

I'm going to attempt the Thorn bounty again, now that I have the Atheon's Epilogue. Hopefully it'll go smoother this time.  I gave up on the bounty last time.

I hate all the exotic bounties with crucible requirements.

I know I say it time and time again but it is ridiculous that I still am yet to get a single freaking Exotic Bounty. Like wtf.

I am almost level 30 now and am finishing up Hard mode Raid tonight AND STILL nothing in regards to those freaking bounties. Then there is all of you guys here talking how you all are getting so many. I feel so gimped : (

Speaking of exotic bounties, I'm actually doing the Thorn exotic bounty right now.

It's not too terrible if you already have some decent void weapons to tackle that 500 void damage points requirement in PvP. I admit I almost gave up on it early on, but I'm already at 459 of 500 and have done so with a void sniper rifle, fusion rifle, rocket launcher, and Nova bombs on Control Crucible matches. I'd say I've probably played about 20 matches to get to that point. It's been an adjustment because I usually prefer a PvP style of guns blazing mixed with tactical precision. Sitting back and picking people off with the rifle isn't as fun but tossing Nova bombs and rockets down on control points is pretty satisfying. Although it's always annoying if you're on the other end of that kind of an attack. :twoguns:

I almost went with the Bad JuJu bounty but I didn't want to have the exotic bounty take up a spot all week while waiting for Xur to show up again. Funny enough I'm not really a hand cannon fan but hopefully Bungie really does give the Thorn a nice buff to make it worth jumping through these bounty hoops. :wall:

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Rage quit queens wrath kill orders after fifth helmet in a row from soloing the same damn two levels over and over.


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Rage quit queens wrath kill orders after fifth helmet in a row from soloing the same damn two levels over and over.
I can see why Bungie would take the materials those helmets/chest gave with the patch, but for fuck sake if you are going to do that at least patch the drop rate for any of the other rewards.

I don't really think there's anything wrong with the queen legendaries. 100% droprate and considering how fast you get them it's 2 free legendaries that can roll better stats than vendor gear. If we had this event at launch no one would've complained about loot...

It's also the fastest way to feed EXP into your armor. Enjoy it while you can...

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At this point I'm kind of stuck at level 25 until I can get the mystical materials to upgrade my gear. To do that my only choice seems to keep playing the same stupid levels I've played already over and over and maybe get lucky and get what I need. Then I can play the only content that I have not yet if I can find people to do the raid with. The thing that is bothering me is that there isnt anything new to do. Recycling the levels would be ok if the enemies spawned somewhere else or were different enemies or something. Everything is so static its not any fun the 3rd, 4th or 5th time you play the same map with the same enemies. I felt like the game was trolling me yesterday.

To add insult to injury I wasnt able to play enough during the week to do enough bounties to unlock the purchase of the guns from the queens emissary so I cant have a pink gun :(

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I don't really think there's anything wrong with the queen legendaries. 100% droprate and considering how fast you get them it's 2 free legendaries that can roll better stats than vendor gear. If we had this event at launch no one would've complained about loot...

It's also the fastest way to feed EXP into your armor. Enjoy it while you can...
But if all you get is the same helmet 5 times in a row how is that useful? I can only use one and they break down into common items.

I had previously already gotten the helmet a few times and the vest a few times as well. So to play again and just get helmets for a couple hours of playing the same two randomly chosen levels just pissed me off.

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I am getting so antsy to beat Raid Hard mode tonight. I wont be back until like 9pm and I am just super stoked. I have literally had the worst luck ever with this game and I am hoping this is when it will turn it around and I get that crazy broken rifle/fusion rifle!!!! 

I got the Bad Juju, Invective, and Thorn Bounties. RNG, please give me a different trio. I would gladly do the Pocket Infinity and Super Good Advice Bounties.

But if all you get is the same helmet 5 times in a row how is that useful? I can only use one and they break down into common items.

I had previously already gotten the helmet a few times and the vest a few times as well. So to play again and just get helmets for a couple hours of playing the same two randomly chosen levels just pissed me off.
You should be resetting and only doing the Earth level. It takes less than 5 minutes. Yeah the event is stupid if you're doing the longer missions but... There's ways to be more efficient.

Even at that rate, there isn't an easier way to get legendaries. A helm saves you 130 Vanguard marks so an hour or two for a good one isn't that bad, especially if the Vanguard vendor's helm has bad stats.

This game sucks for people who don't have hours and hours to pour into it, but the loot curve isn't that bad. With the Queen's Wrath legendaries and 1.5 weeks of Vanguard you can hit 27/28 easily, even without using Ascendant materials.

This game sucks for people who don't have hours and hours to pour into it, but the loot curve isn't that bad. With the Queen's Wrath legendaries and 1.5 weeks of Vanguard you can hit 27/28 easily, even without using Ascendant materials.
I think the problem is that people today have TOO much time to put into games and their rapid progression dwarfs our own and it feels as if we are being left out. That really isnt the case however. Destiny has substantial things to earn and in good time you are supposed to earn them. I have played this game more than the average player by far I would imagine seeing as I have even taken off multiple days 'sick' to play it and everything. Still however I have friends that have almost 3x as much play time logged.

Our gaming culture and means to communicate with each other instaneously in such a broad way I feel has increased the scrutiny of games. If the average player were to play Destiny and not follow online and see all the crazy armors and weapons and other such things available and that others have obtained, I feel it would not feel so short. The end game gear is meant to be obtained after well over 100 hours of playing. That doesnt mean you HAVE to get it soon. Just that it is meant to take time.

This rant is not nearly at the level I wanted it to be because I am in between crap at work but I think you guys get the idea I am trying to convey.

I dont expect to be level 30 over night, I just expect my time that I am putting into the game to be rewarding and fun not a waste of time and a grinding drag. I was having a pretty good time all the way up until the last couple of weeks when its just been the same stuff over and over for little progress. They probably should have launched with more content and/or had some new things to do ready after the first month or so. The events like Queens wrath are not worthwhile when you are doing the some of the same bounties you have already been doing (sometimes I took a regular and queen bounty of the same exact content) when the rewards are repetetive. Why only have 2 items for a kill order you are going to get like 30 times from bounties necessary to unlock buyable items? Why only rotate a few levels over and over for those kill orders? Why all the repitition? 

I don't really think there's anything wrong with the queen legendaries. 100% droprate and considering how fast you get them it's 2 free legendaries that can roll better stats than vendor gear. If we had this event at launch no one would've complained about loot...

It's also the fastest way to feed EXP into your armor. Enjoy it while you can...
I put on the hood/chest/emblem/shader/bond and use the legendary sniper rifle and autoa rifle bought from the queen while doing the missions (I only do the earth 1). I noticed that I get at least more ammo drops and usually 1 blue engram from missions.

I just got my best legendary hood, not just queen hood but best with the mode:

Inverse Shadow: "Increased Super energy gained from killing minions of the darkness"
basically any non guardian kill, from the queens mission. As mainly a PvE guy, I'm happy.

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I dont expect to be level 30 over night, I just expect my time that I am putting into the game to be rewarding and fun not a waste of time and a grinding drag. I was having a pretty good time all the way up until the last couple of weeks when its just been the same stuff over and over for little progress. They probably should have launched with more content and/or had some new things to do ready after the first month or so. The events like Queens wrath are not worthwhile when you are doing the some of the same bounties you have already been doing (sometimes I took a regular and queen bounty of the same exact content) when the rewards are repetetive. Why only have 2 items for a kill order you are going to get like 30 times from bounties necessary to unlock buyable items? Why only rotate a few levels over and over for those kill orders? Why all the repitition?
I can see that but there are other things you could be doing. The weekly strikes, nightfalls, Raids, PvP and at least the Daily Heroic Story missions give you Ascendant Material.

I am never at a loss of things to do personally so it just seems odd when other people say that they are.

I don't really think there's anything wrong with the queen legendaries. 100% droprate and considering how fast you get them it's 2 free legendaries that can roll better stats than vendor gear. If we had this event at launch no one would've complained about loot...

It's also the fastest way to feed EXP into your armor. Enjoy it while you can...
Well when you put it that way you have a point. Especially considering some of the bounties are 5000 a pop.

Right and I do some of that but again its the same damn missions I've already played over and over.
With the different modifiers I feel like you are forced to play each approach a bit differently though.

Are you playing with people? If you play it alone I can see it getting tedious but with a rotating group of friends it rarely feels stale.

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I dont expect to be level 30 over night, I just expect my time that I am putting into the game to be rewarding and fun not a waste of time and a grinding drag. I was having a pretty good time all the way up until the last couple of weeks...
No disagreement that they should have launched with more content, but I can't help but point out the game has been out less than a month, AKA "a couple of weeks." September 9-October 6.

The Queen's Wrath MISSIONS (not Bounties) gives roughly 4.5k worth of EXP to your armor when you complete it. That's what I did to get my leg/exotic armor maxed out. It's an alternative to bounties, or you can stack it on top of bounties if you run out of them.

I think most people who complained about the game and quit are the ones who can't dedicate that much time to it, and I get that. Honestly if I just played 1 character I'd be done with all the relevant content in about 90 minutes of playing each day. But I'm juggling 3 characters at 28 now, and it takes 5-6 hours to complete all the damn bounties and dailys. I was doing all that content with friends a week or two ago but I'm mostly soloing now.

5 Exotic weapons, 8 armor, full legendaries and 20+ legendary weapons. I've also maxed out the EXP on every legendary/exotic piece I have. All that's left for me to do is complete the raid sets and farm materials to upgrade my weapons.

I just treat this as the initial grind at the beginning of every MMO/expansion. Once I'm caught up and exhausted all the content I'll just get on and raid every week, do the daily missions/strike/nightfall and play something else.

It's just like in WoW. Being forced to grind rep and stuff at the beginning of expansions so we could compete for US firsts... After a month or so there wasn't anything else to grind and the time commitment part became a non-issue.

I just severely hope every piece of DLC they release doesn't add a new grind. That would be painful. I fully expect to go into the new raid with level 30 gear and be able to clear normal the first week, and maybe a few bosses of hard mode. If not... fuck you Bungie.

I'm going to attempt the Thorn bounty again, now that I have the Atheon's Epilogue. Hopefully it'll go smoother this time. I gave up on the bounty last time.

I hate all the exotic bounties with crucible requirements.
IMO, Atheon's Epilogue probably isn't that great of a Crucible weapon, unless you happen to have some awesome mods on it. IMO, impact is much more important than rate of fire on an auto rifle for PvP. I'd even say stability is more important than RoF. You don't want to have to shoot a guy 20 times when you can fell him in 8 shots instead.

I think Queen's Wrath was meant specifically for all of us who either got stuck at a level or came along late to the game.

It came along at a perfect time for me. Got some legendary gear that helped me level up for the harder stuff... which helped me get more legendary gear.

But it's still not perfect.  I tried the Queen missions while lvl 21 and just couldn't beat it (and I'm talking about the Earth mission). I needed the help of teammates to get it cleared.

It's great that they gave me a boost, but it made me feel like dead weight.

FYI, there's a dead ghost on the railing behind the Queen's Emissary (off to the right).

Don't think it was there before the event, so it may disappear once the event ends.

I never have played any MMO on pc because I'm not interested in grinding and mostly play alone.

I still need to go through and add more people from the CAG clan. Maybe then I will find more people to play with. I have done a few strikes with CAGs and it was pretty fun but mostly it was just faster than doing it alone...I still havent tried nightfall because of my low level. I need to kill 200 enemies in nightfall with fusion rifles for my epic weapon bounty thing. 

I probably am just annoyed with getting just helmets most of all. Just for shits and giggles I did 4 kill missions after work and got 4 more helmets. I even got a helmet after my helmet slots were full...

You all bring up good points about the time and playing in groups making it more just feels like its been longer because of the repetition. 

Actual free content that is not multiplayer pvp. Like. Story. I doubt we would be getting free raids though. :(

The desire for new equipment is strong though. Going to have play Iron Banner. Unless its shit rewards like Queen's Wrath.

The beta rewards were not that great in terms of stats. However, they look super badass. Game has no xmog though... I might try it for the school bus ship :D


Hmm... there are some pretty damn good weapons to be had there. Almost max impact sniper will be real nice for Nightfall and such. Curious what damage type it does. Hopefully the reputation doesn't take forever to grind.

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Phew, got it done. Luckily I had a fusion rifle doing all the work. Btw, if anyone wants to play with me (ps3), my psn is TwitchyGoat

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add me on ps4 Level 27 Hunter.

psn: mickyt888

Up for weekly and dailies etc and general game play.

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I think the Queen's Wrath event is ending in 21 minutes. Not sure if you'll still be able to do any of the missions once it ticks over.

Curious to see what happens to the 10 missions I have from her that stays in my inventory. Hopefully they don't get removed and I can keep them until the next time the event comes around :/


We tried the final boss on Hard so many times last night and just could not get it done. We would get so close and then someone on the outside would fall and then screw up in bringing the portal back and then we would just get screwed on the inside of the teleporters and not be able to get out. That shit is called hard for a reason.

That being said I am glad I at least made it to 29 for the Iron Banner, I feel like even at my level I am still going to be HEAVILY outclassed by many players but hopefully not!

If you are not level 30 with at least an epic gun what are your chances in Iron Banner? I'll just be cannon fodder for the people who have completed the raid multiple times and have the best gear most likely.

I finished out the last four queen kill missions I had banked just for kicks. 3 more helmets, one vest. Hilarious.

Anyone know if starting a hard vault run resets your normal run, and vice-versa?  Meaning, if I get to Atheon on hard, can I save my progress, start a run on normal, and then come back to the same spot on hard later?

If you are not level 30 with at least an epic gun what are your chances in Iron Banner? I'll just be cannon fodder for the people who have completed the raid multiple times and have the best gear most likely.

I finished out the last four queen kill missions I had banked just for kicks. 3 more helmets, one vest. Hilarious.
Ive went through the raid 3 times and the only gear i got were some gauntlets, and they were legendary. Im level 29 warlock with only a legendary auto rifle and i think i would be fine. Not sure how big of a difference a couple levels might make. Also you may want to change your subclass to all recovery and armor, and forget agility. That should help you stay alive longer. Should be interesting to see how big of a difference a gun or a few levels would make. I still havent fully upgraded a legendary or exotic gun yet so i dont know if that would hurt me much. You should at least be able to get some kills with your super i think. Cant wait to try it out. I also have a titan thats level 26, i probably would rather have iron banner stuff for him than my warlock. Unless the iron banner gear can be upgraded higher than normal legendary gear.

I gotta say Titans get the sweetest looking armor.  The iron banner set for the Titan is perfection.

you can level raid and iron banner armor to 30 light, just like exotic armor.  That's the only way to get to level 30 now.  I'm so jealous of your raid gauntlets.

bread's done