Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

Yeah I think this was probably the first week since release that I have spent more time in other games than I have in destiny. That will probably be the norm for me now until HoW drops.
Yeah same here. It seems to be that way for pretty much everybody on my FL now. I'm not sure if I'm more surprised that people are finally moving on or the fact that it took most of us this long to do so.

Sidenote: Anybody pick up Gat Out of Hell and want to do some co-op for the trophy? :p

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Seriously though we have played this game for hundreds of hours. Great return on investment compared to most games you play for 10-40 hours and are done...even compared to skyrim or something I put more hours into this in less time.

I do feel a little worn out on the stuff you do continuously. I quit doing the daily missions awhile ago and just do bounties to level up gear/guns. Strikes for glimmer and something different to do. Crota for materials...if its really late spring or early summer for wolves than there most likely will be a break so I can play something else for a bit. 

I kind of hope for the next expansion they increase our character level through xp instead of increasing the gear light/level. That way we dont have to relevel everything again.

Mike did. He then went to over to show it off/sabotage Jimmy's glimmer run. It all ended with a "this gun is trash" statement. I on the other hand got the Fang of Ir Yut and I am pretty happy.

Yeah its getting hard to log in. I did all the Atheon stuff and still need to kill the singer once more just for the chance of the GHorn, but I don't really see the point in trying hard. Maybe the Crux will be worth it, but it seems more like a hassle. The only other raid thing I'm missing is the Song of Ir Yut, so it seems normal might be the way to go for a while...tough who am I kidding, I'll end up doing CE Hard :drool:
Too bad, killed the death singer last night, was about to invite you but saw you were in VOG.

I want to get some more practice with the sword if anyone wants a Titan as a sword barer.

Also, any one want to kill Atheon for fun tonight?

Oh I definitely got my money's worth for sure. More than, in fact. It's just crazy to think at one point it looked like Destiny was going to be that game that I just couldn't tear away from and now I find it hard to even want to sign in on a Tuesday and do the the usual stuff after a reset. I think the timing of The Dark Below helped prolong that feeling but seeing how quickly most of us tore through it and how long of a wait until House of Wolves I guess it's not that surprising. I will say though that HoW is really going to have to impress me to even want to come back for that. I haven't paid for it yet so I might just hold off and wait to see what others say about it beforehand. I don't mind starting a little behind if it comes to that. I am still somewhat excited for Comet though if any of what I've read about it turns out to be true. I just hope they don't try and make us who already have the base game/tdb/how pay anything more than 30 dollars for whatever Comet turns out to be. I know it's unlikely that it will be 30 or less but I can't justify paying more than that if it truly is a GOTY edition with some added content. Most of us will already have at least half of what Comet is going to include so it's asinine to pay more than half for it. BUT, this is Activision we're talking about here. Comet may very well be the death of Destiny depending on what they do with it.

Completed at least 3 raid this week and got in a great group running CE on hard, made it to Crota himself but no freaking gun or shit all materials, from VoG too, I think I got like 3 ships from Atheon, while everybody else got either gun or armor pieces. This is seriously trolling.
Yeah same here. It seems to be that way for pretty much everybody on my FL now. I'm not sure if I'm more surprised that people are finally moving on or the fact that it took most of us this long to do so.
For me it was all about timing. I kept playing destiny because VOG was hard to get good drops, the stuff you needed to get to 30. By the time i actually got three characters to 30, Crotas End was dropping right after.

Crotas end has been really generous giving me all the guns and armor that i needed, even though it did take a while to get my warlock chest, it still took way longer to get damn boots from the VOG. With the House of Wolves DLC not dropping anytime soon, there is finally an opening between hitting max rank and next DLC for me to play other games.

I guess you could make the case that i could have done raids on tuesday and then play other games on the other days. LOL. Maybe it was more to it then just trying to hit max rank. I know for a while those damn factions had me doing bounties like crazy just trying to get stupid shaders.

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Too bad, killed the death singer last night, was about to invite you but saw you were in VOG.

I want to get some more practice with the sword if anyone wants a Titan as a sword barer.

Also, any one want to kill Atheon for fun tonight?
Oh man you should have, I would have joined you in an instant. Rather play with friends than randoms any time. I'm also surprised how long it took us to get away...and yet I know we will come back every Tuesday for either some random Raid run or at least Nightfall/Weeklies.

With 200+ coins in my pocket I don't even know if I should bother with Xur.

All characters are 32, all I need is the GHorn :drool:

The 7th Number said:
For me it was all about timing. I kept playing destiny because VOG was hard to get good drops, the stuff you needed to get to 30. By the time i actually got three characters to 30, Crotas End was dropping right after.

Crotas end has been really generous giving me all the guns and armor that i needed, even though it did take a while to get my warlock chest, it still took way longer to get damn boots from the VOG. With the House of Wolves DLC not dropping anytime soon, there is finally an opening between hitting max rank and next DLC for me to play other games.
It was kind of the same for me. So even though everyone complained about the RNG in VoG and Bungie responded by making it better in Crota, it seems to have been a mistake.

I can tell you that my Raid crew barely plays any more (though I assume they will be ready to go tonight at reset like usual). It is because they all got everything from Crota except the Crux (well 2 of the 6 of us got that, but not me).

Out of 9 hard mode completions, I got 4 Fang of Ir Yut, 3 Word of Crota, and I think Titan and Warlock helms (oddly enough the only non-Crux, non-Hunger of Crota item I have yet to get is the Hunter helm). The weapons and armor (except for the helms at least) drop way too easily in Crota.

If I can get the Crux to drop, I see no need to run hard mode any more and will probably just casually run Normal for Hunger of Crota and those alternate other armor pieces. But I have a feeling I won't get the Crux any time soon and I'm sort of OK with not ever getting it given that the Necrochasm apparently sucks.
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fuck  this week's Nightfall. It is butts.


PS: 12 strange coins :wall: (though my Wife got Dragon's Breath, her first Exotic gun)

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It was kind of the same for me. So even though everyone complained about the RNG in VoG and Bungie responded by making it better in Crota, it seems to have been a mistake.

I can tell you that my Raid crew barely plays any more (though I assume they will be ready to go tonight at reset like usual). It is because they all got everything from Crota except the Crux (well 2 of the 6 of us got that, but not me).

Out of 9 hard mode completions, I got 4 Fang of Ir Yut, 3 Word of Crota, and I think Titan and Warlock helms (oddly enough the only non-Crux, non-Hunger of Crota item I have yet to get is the Hunter helm). The weapons and armor (except for the helms at least) drop way too easily in Crota.

If I can get the Crux to drop, I see no need to run hard mode any more and will probably just casually run Normal for Hunger of Crota and those alternate other armor pieces. But I have a feeling I won't get the Crux any time soon and I'm sort of OK with not ever getting it given that the Necrochasm apparently sucks.
I actually liked the fact that the drops were not so rare this time. I remember not ever getting the Titan boots to reach 30 until they did the Iron Banner, which was a pain in the ass.

I still have to get the Song of Ir Yut, but rather run normal than hard any day. Its just so much relaxed.

Im going to jump on tonight after 8pm ET just to see if anyone wants to beat crota on hard, want that crux. But if no one wants too, or if there isnt enough room for me then ill be jumping back onto AC Rogue.

mars009 said:
I actually liked the fact that the drops were not so rare this time. I remember not ever getting the Titan boots to reach 30 until they did the Iron Banner, which was a pain in the ass.

I still have to get the Song of Ir Yut, but rather run normal than hard any day. Its just so much relaxed.
Well, sure, it is nicer and easier now. But I was just emphasizing 7th's point about the relative ease of the Crota rewards meaning people are going to be "done" with the game much sooner this time than they were for VoG. It is a delicate balancing game Bungie has to play with giving out rewards: too easy/generous (Crota) and people get what they want, become bored and move on. On the other hand, make it too hard/random (VoG) and people get frustrated, throw up their hands, and move on.

Of course a lot more content and, more importantly. more variety in rewards (or carrots) for people to chase would alleviate much of that. But that would require a fundamental change to the game and extensive new content. Maybe for Comet we can get that...
Did my three nightfalls (sorry arjay i couldnt wait, but i can help you do them too) and got two starfire protocols, and universal remote. I actually thought i got the praxic fire the first time i got the protocol, then realized the game is trolling me. Then i did the crotas end with some friends and the game gave someone else the gun i need, monte carlo. Another trolling success. This game man, i dont know.

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Beat crota hard, only notable loot was a No Land Beyond. I kept it for one of my alts so they can do the heavy ammo glitch easier. Do secondary weapons drop in hard mode? I really want the black hammer.

Revanchist said:
Do secondary weapons drop in hard mode? I really want the black hammer.
NO. You would need to run normal before hard if you want a non-primary. I've been having to do the same to try to get Hunger of Crota. I did two normal runs Tuesday and got shards the first time and my 3rd Light of the Abyss (fusion rifle) the second time. Meh...
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I didnt have time to play yesterday and tonight is nerd rpg night so I wont be doing anything until friday night I guess...or pretty late tonight if anyone sees me on and wants to knock out weekly and nightfalls.

NO. You would need to run normal before hard if you want a non-primary. I've been having to do the same to try to get Hunger of Crota. I did two normal runs Tuesday and got shards the first time and my 3rd Light of the Abyss (fusion rifle) the second time. Meh...
Thanks. Guess its back to normal for me!

I finished nightfall twice got nothing good as usual. Took a break from destiny last week and platinum'd Far Cry 4 and Grim Fandango. It felt good playing other games.

Had a member who already got a Crux a week prior get one again this week. The catch was, he didn't have Glowhoo on that character at all and got it and the Crux (his second). Makes me feel like it wasn't enabled to drop the first week until enough people bitched about it and Bungie enabled it. So it feels like there aren't any real requirements to obtain it.

One person left in my group to get the Crux and no more hard mode. Two people have received a second though.

Got Hawkmoon from one of the 3 nightfalls, still no GHorn, but it will come one day I hope. Still need to kill Croat on Hard so hopefully that can be done tonight; otherwise just gotta get the cp in normal. 

Got Hawkmoon from one of the 3 nightfalls, still no GHorn, but it will come one day I hope. Still need to kill Croat on Hard so hopefully that can be done tonight; otherwise just gotta get the cp in normal.
Welcome to the Hawkmoon club. I'm a member 3 times over.

Got 7 energies and 10 coins for 2 of my nightfalls, sigh...

Don't know if you guys caught the kotaku article that chubby posted in the xbox thread...

But, damn if it doesn't line up on sooo many points with me.

Anyway, was barely able to squeeze in the NF's and some VoG last week. Think I did 1 Crota run too. I'm getting on so late and for so little time that most everyone on my friend's list is either done or offline.

And TBH, don't care too much. The hard CE raid just sucked the fun out for me. So it might be a good thing that I can't put in a whole lotta time.

At least I pulled Voidfang Vestments from one NF last week and got the 1969 handcannon from a Vanguard package.

Gives me something to work on while I finish a Pocket Infinity bounty and rank up Eris for my last toon.

Who else plays on the ps3? I...I can't take much of the destinylfg players...
You can add me too... but work's kinda insane right now so it might be hard to catch me for the little I get on during these next few weeks.

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Wanted the Crux of Crota and ended up getting a gjallarhorn. LOL. I swear this game knows what you want and gives it to everyone else. I want monte carlo, i see people get it all the time. Mars wants Gjallarhorn, everyone but mars gets it. This game man! Its listening to you talk through the mic or something.

Anyway, was barely able to squeeze in the NF's and some VoG last week. Think I did 1 Crota run too. I'm getting on so late and for so little time that most everyone on my friend's list is either done or offline.
And TBH, don't care too much. The hard CE raid just sucked the fun out for me. So it might be a good thing that I can't put in a whole lotta time.
I'd be glad to help out with the Nightfall this week if you need/want, just shoot me a msg on PSN.

*Edit* Wow, just did my first Crota clear on normal and it was a complete pushover. We didn't cheese with a sunlock revive, and I still never needed the relic to heal. Totally anti-climactic IMO, but still felt pretty good. Now I don't have to lie when people on lfg say "need exp" for CE. Was hoping for Hunger of Crota, but i guess to keep things in the spirit of "ho hum" i got Song of Ir Yut. *shrug*

That said, anyone want to help me out with a normal mode Thrallway chest/Deathsinger kill on PS3?

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NuclearPorkchop said:
*Edit* Wow, just did my first Crota clear on normal and it was a complete pushover. We didn't cheese with a sunlock revive, and I still never needed the relic to heal. Totally anti-climactic IMO, but still felt pretty good. Now I don't have to lie when people on lfg say "need exp" for CE. Was hoping for Hunger of Crota, but i guess to keep things in the spirit of "ho hum" i got Song of Ir Yut. *shrug*
I've killed Crota on Normal at least 25 times now and have not gotten Hunger of Crota yet. The weapon you really want is Black Hammer though. That thing is awesome. You basically have unlimited (and rapid, unlike Icebreaker) ammo against certain bosses (anything that you can hit the critical spot easily).

An yeah, normal is a breeze now. But that first day when we went in there as level 30's it was pretty daunting. We couldn't complete it until we got everyone to 31. And even then it was significantly more challenging than it is now at 32. And once you start running Hard mode you'll forget the chalice even exists. I think some people don't even bother to get it on normal any more - though it is good insurance for the sword carrier at least.
Yesterday while running CE on normal, I saw the first Ghorn drop in all my Destiny time!!! sadly it wasn't for me or for any of they guys who doesn't have it but for a friend who already has two -_- but at least it gives me hope because in my countless strikes, raids and nightfalls I've never seen one drop, man I really think that this has to be the hardest drop in the game, I've personally have three vex, three fatebringers and a HoTPF (and I don't have a warlock) that I see that many people looks for, I'll try CE on hard on both characters tonight so maybe I get the lucky drop (I know it will be a no land beyond :wall:).

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I'd be glad to help out with the Nightfall this week if you need/want, just shoot me a msg on PSN.

*Edit* Wow, just did my first Crota clear on normal and it was a complete pushover. We didn't cheese with a sunlock revive, and I still never needed the relic to heal. Totally anti-climactic IMO, but still felt pretty good. Now I don't have to lie when people on lfg say "need exp" for CE. Was hoping for Hunger of Crota, but i guess to keep things in the spirit of "ho hum" i got Song of Ir Yut. *shrug*

That said, anyone want to help me out with a normal mode Thrallway chest/Deathsinger kill on PS3?
Good thing you didn't try to beat it during the first weeks the raid came out. Many players spent tens of hours trying to beat crota even at level 31. Also always remember to thank your swordbearer, it's really a stressful job for him/her.

I got Plan C from ir yut yesterday so that's pretty cool. I also sharded my hawkmoon (it was a 300 version) because I didn't really like it (and I love hand cannons). I'm not so sure why it has so much love.

The No Land Beyond is really great for Crota, especially if you want to save heavy synths. I recommend having it on your character on not sharding it immediately if you ever get it.

Wanted the Crux of Crota and ended up getting a gjallarhorn. LOL. I swear this game knows what you want and gives it to everyone else. I want monte carlo, i see people get it all the time. Mars wants Gjallarhorn, everyone but mars gets it. This game man! Its listening to you talk through the mic or something.
Yeah the trolling in this game is very strong. And jimmy getting Hawkmoon & Last Word back to back?!?!

I've killed Crota on Normal at least 25 times now and have not gotten Hunger of Crota yet. The weapon you really want is Black Hammer though. That thing is awesome. You basically have unlimited (and rapid, unlike Icebreaker) ammo against certain bosses (anything that you can hit the critical spot easily).An yeah, normal is a breeze now. But that first day when we went in there as level 30's it was pretty daunting. We couldn't complete it until we got everyone to 31. And even then it was significantly more challenging than it is now at 32. And once you start running Hard mode you'll forget the chalice even exists. I think some people don't even bother to get it on normal any more - though it is good insurance for the sword carrier at least.
Finally got the Hunger after beating Crota on normal for I don't even know how many times. I think I have5 or 6 BlackHammers and 4 Warlock helmets. Now I just need the Song of Ir Yut.

We were close to 3 manning Crota on Normal last night. We just lacked the rockets :whistle2:&

Yeah the trolling in this game is very strong. And jimmy getting Hawkmoon & Last Word back to back?!?!

Finally got the Hunger after beating Crota on normal for I don't even know how many times. I think I have5 or 6 BlackHammers and 4 Warlock helmets. Now I just need the Song of Ir Yut.

We were close to 3 manning Crota on Normal last night. We just lacked the rockets :whistle2:&
That reminds me i got the machine gun you wanted, and you got the warlock helm i wanted. See how it works?

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Did NF w my lvl28 Hunter totally 4x yesterday, died 2x at the boss section then got kicked out of the game due to games poor connection. I joined another group and we failed once same spot, then we made it and I got Thunderlord XD not yet have a chance to try it out.
KingZ said:
Did NF w my lvl28 Hunter totally 4x yesterday, died 2x at the boss section then got kicked out of the game due to games poor connection. I joined another group and we failed once same spot, then we made it and I got Thunderlord XD not yet have a chance to try it out.
It is a nice machine gun. For whatever reason, this game loves giving me that. I have gotten 3 over the last 4 weeks from Deathsingers and/or Crota. I'd have traded all of those for one Hunger of Crota. (I also had a Thunderlord from before the DLC that I paid to upgrade).
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That reminds me i got the machine gun you wanted, and you got the warlock helm i wanted. See how it works?
Oh yeah you got the Song didn't you? Freaking game man, at least it gave me the Hawk. You finally got the shader after rank 18 :shock: ... I'm not even going to try =P

I'd be glad to help out with the Nightfall this week if you need/want, just shoot me a msg on PSN.

*Edit* Wow, just did my first Crota clear on normal and it was a complete pushover. We didn't cheese with a sunlock revive, and I still never needed the relic to heal. Totally anti-climactic IMO, but still felt pretty good. Now I don't have to lie when people on lfg say "need exp" for CE. Was hoping for Hunger of Crota, but i guess to keep things in the spirit of "ho hum" i got Song of Ir Yut. *shrug*

That said, anyone want to help me out with a normal mode Thrallway chest/Deathsinger kill on PS3?
Right on! I'll msg next time I see you on.

And yeah, Normal really does feel like a cake walk after doing Hard mode

I got Plan C from ir yut yesterday so that's pretty cool. I also sharded my hawkmoon (it was a 300 version) because I didn't really like it (and I love hand cannons). I'm not so sure why it has so much love.

The No Land Beyond is really great for Crota, especially if you want to save heavy synths. I recommend having it on your character on not sharding it immediately if you ever get it.
Stop trolling... the interwebz says NLB is garbage and the interwebz is NEVER wrong ;)

Hawkmoon is nice, but I prefer a couple other handcannons... like Thorn or Fatebringer. Even The Devil You Know was better to me. In the process of leveling the DLC's new version of TDYK, 1969. Seems fine so far, but nothing great. We'll see once I'm done maxing it out

It is a nice machine gun. For whatever reason, this game loves giving me that. I have gotten 3 over the last 4 weeks from Deathsingers and/or Crota. I'd have traded all of those for one Hunger of Crota. (I also had a Thunderlord from before the DLC that I paid to upgrade).
I gotten too may T-lords too. I've got one for each toon and I've already sharded a couple.

But they all came my way after the DLC drop.

Don't really care for it since it takes up my exotic slot. Prefer the legendary (I think it's called Harms Way), just to keep Ice Breaker or Thorn equipped.

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aFrostyONE said:
I gotten too may T-lords too. I've got one for each toon and I've already sharded a couple.
But they all came my way after the DLC drop.

Don't really care for it since it takes up my exotic slot. Prefer the legendary (I think it's called Harms Way), just to keep Ice Breaker or Thorn equipped.
Or Song of Ir Yut, which I think is also arc, right? But I did use Thunderlord in the last arc nightfall. But since my exotic is usually G-horn, switching to Thunderlord is no big deal. I have a Crota primary (Word, Fang, or Abyss Defiant), Black Hammer as secondary, then an exotic heavy so I can switch from G-horn to Thunderlord if I feel the need.
Got crap from the Nightfalls, crap from the Gorgon chest. One Deathsinger done and got No Land Beyond (so more crap). However, I did finally get the Hunter chest piece from CE so I now have full raid gear across all three characters.

EDIT: Also, apparently the new update will bring a minor but much needed imo little feature... the ability to see your factio rep status from your menu. Here's a gif of it in action.


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Farking finally, always thought that was a gloriously stupid omission on Bungie's part.

Side question: does opening the Spirit Bloom chest in VoG affect the drops from the "exotic" chest right before the Gorgons? Most groups I get into talks about how the first chest is a "troll chest" and to never open it, but a few people from a run this week were convinced it didn't matter so one guy opened it. Of course it was followed by everyone getting only ascendant mats from the "exotic" chest, even when we swapped out to alts (so around...12 "drops" were mats).

Also saw an interesting thing on 4chan that I can't confirm: if you dismantle an epic weapon/exotic and open the Gorgon chest while the shards/mats are still displayed on the right side of your hud, it (might) cheese the RNG in favor of giving you an exotic weapon.

Kind of like a sacrifice to the RNGesus.

Like I said I can't confirm it, google/reddit are void of such of thing as well, but it's food for thought. Hell, it couldnt hurt to dismantle a junk faction reward gun you were going to shard anyway to try this out.

Farking finally, always thought that was a gloriously stupid omission on Bungie's part.

Side question: does opening the Spirit Bloom chest in VoG affect the drops from the "exotic" chest right before the Gorgons? Most groups I get into talks about how the first chest is a "troll chest" and to never open it, but a few people from a run this week were convinced it didn't matter so one guy opened it. Of course it was followed by everyone getting only ascendant mats from the "exotic" chest, even when we swapped out to alts (so around...12 "drops" were mats).

Also saw an interesting thing on 4chan that I can't confirm: if you dismantle an epic weapon/exotic and open the Gorgon chest while the shards/mats are still displayed on the right side of your hud, it (might) cheese the RNG in favor of giving you an exotic weapon.

Kind of like a sacrifice to the RNGesus.

Like I said I can't confirm it, google/reddit are void of such of thing as well, but it's food for thought. Hell, it couldnt hurt to dismantle a junk faction reward gun you were going to shard anyway to try this out.
I'm almost positive I've seen people get exotics from that chest after we opened the bloom chest.

I'm almost positive I've seen people get exotics from that chest after we opened the bloom chest.
Correct, it doesn't matter if you open it or not. However if people say to skip it, it's easier to skip it and not cause strife because that little amount of bloom doesn't really matter at all.

Farking finally, always thought that was a gloriously stupid omission on Bungie's part.

Side question: does opening the Spirit Bloom chest in VoG affect the drops from the "exotic" chest right before the Gorgons? Most groups I get into talks about how the first chest is a "troll chest" and to never open it, but a few people from a run this week were convinced it didn't matter so one guy opened it. Of course it was followed by everyone getting only ascendant mats from the "exotic" chest, even when we swapped out to alts (so around...12 "drops" were mats).

Also saw an interesting thing on 4chan that I can't confirm: if you dismantle an epic weapon/exotic and open the Gorgon chest while the shards/mats are still displayed on the right side of your hud, it (might) cheese the RNG in favor of giving you an exotic weapon.

Kind of like a sacrifice to the RNGesus.

Like I said I can't confirm it, google/reddit are void of such of thing as well, but it's food for thought. Hell, it couldnt hurt to dismantle a junk faction reward gun you were going to shard anyway to try this out.
Yup, doesn't matter if you open it. You can still pull an exotic from the lucky chest.

The theory of NOT opening came from the Templar cheese days... keeping the Templar from teleporting allowed you to get a 5th chest, but the thought was that opening the spirit bloom chest caused you to miss the 5th chest (it was only mats anyway).

Bunch of people still believe you shouldn't open it for any reason.

If the RNG sacrifice turns out to be true, then I'd gladly dump my T-lords. Hell, I'd start doing exotic bounties again just to try to get something better from the lucky chest.

Got crap from the Nightfalls, crap from the Gorgon chest. One Deathsinger done and got No Land Beyond (so more crap). However, I did finally get the Hunter chest piece from CE so I now have full raid gear across all three characters.

EDIT: Also, apparently the new update will bring a minor but much needed imo little feature... the ability to see your factio rep status from your menu. Here's a gif of it in action.

"Holy, major oversight Batman!" Talk about arriving late to the party... half the guests have already gone home.

At least the 2015 Christmas guardians will be able to get the FULL and final retail experience of Destiny1.0 instead of this deus-beta we've been testing ;)

If anyone is looking to play sometime, I'm on PS3, have been looking for people to do the VoG with. Most of the people I play with either just do Crota all the time or have settled into full raid parties since I don't have a ton of time to play.

So two more people in our group got the Crux tonight. (Shout out to Jimmy and Mars) Nice to know it's starting to drop a little more regularly now.

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Just got MIDA from a random crucible reward, which made my day. Gonna call this as the RNG making it up to me for giving me crap for all 3 NF runs I did this week (3rd was the FWC Rocket Launcher...).

Frosty, I'm still game for helping you do the NF if you still need it, though I see you've already jumped into CE as I'm typing this.

Once upon a time...

there was this magical Xur and he would sell the most wonderful things...

But before you knew it...

he changed...

into The Incredibly Sucky Xur.

waaay down below on the right side

I'll just say that if you had coins but didn't buy Ice breaker the last time, just turn in your Guardian

Still no heavy

Just got MIDA from a random crucible reward, which made my day. Gonna call this as the RNG making it up to me for giving me crap for all 3 NF runs I did this week (3rd was the FWC Rocket Launcher...).

Frosty, I'm still game for helping you do the NF if you still need it, though I see you've already jumped into CE as I'm typing this.
Got lucky and caught that raid group at the last sec. It was just norm though.

Yeah, if you happen to be on tomorrow, I'd appreciate the help with NF.

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bread's done