"Do you know where I can find some sailors?" I can tell you if you post in GGT #82!

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DOA is the dumb, retarded half brother of Virtua Fighter.

VF>Soul Calibur>Tekken (although personally I've never gotten into tekken and I'd play DOA over tekken, just due to familiarity, and I love that Kimono Chick in DOA4)

SF>Garou>Guilty Gear

[quote name='gunm']I dunno why, but I can't get into DOA either. I'd put all the other games above DOA as well.[/quote]

I don't know which direction the game went with part 4

but part 2 for the DC >>>>>>>>>> VF, SC series for the DC.

then DOA 3 lauched with the xbox and that game was the pinnacle of amazing fighting games.
[quote name='Casiotech']I don't know which direction the game went with part 4

but part 2 for the DC >>>>>>>>>> VF, SC series for the DC.

then DOA 3 lauched with the xbox and that game was the pinnacle of amazing fighting games.[/quote]

What's up with people hyping or bashing series when they haven't even played the latest game?

Yeah, I'm looking at you corrosive and casio.

Also, did you really just say that DOA 2 is better than Soul Calibur? I'll give you Virtua Fighter 3TB but Soul Calibur?
[quote name='depascal22']DOA is basically rock, paper, scissors. Yes, it has great counters but the priorities are all messed up. It does have great boob physics. EDIT -- Also, why play a game that puts so much emphasis on the environment and less on skills?

Don't forget that Street Fighter III and Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves did parries much much better. Yes, they're 2D games but just examples of good parrying.[/quote]

for that exact same reason, after playing sf3 and garou:MOTW, I want an over the top DBZ like fighting game where the characters can kick you off a mountain into a ledge.

lets not forget MK games, which are mediocre but really fun in a gritty way. At least they aren't broken like Tao Feng.
[quote name='depascal22']What's up with people hyping or bashing series when they haven't even played the latest game?

Yeah, I'm looking at you corrosive and casio.[/quote]

The latest games don't matter. The series as a whole matters.

things change, people leave. Wouldn't be surprised if the namco people switched to techmo and Vice-versa.
[quote name='Casiotech']for that exact same reason, after playing sf3 and garou:MOTW, I want an over the top DBZ like fighting game where the characters can kick you off a mountain into a ledge.

lets not forget MK games, which are mediocre but really fun in a gritty way. At least they aren't broken like Tao Feng.[/quote]

So you're a style over substance guy. I get it now.
[quote name='Casiotech']DOA is better than all the other series' out there.

Playing as Ninjas on top of mountains where you can fly off or getting knocked through a boulder is KING!

Plus being able to parry moves. I don't recall you being able to do that in tekken. Tekken = button masher so yeah, I guess the kids should stick to tekken.[/quote]

Shows how much you know about fighting games lol, not even worth arguing over.
[quote name='depascal22']So you're a style over substance guy. I get it now.[/quote]

depends on my mood. If I want a really strategic game, I'll play street fighter 2.
[quote name='MarkMan']Shows how much you know about fighting games lol, not even worth arguing over.[/quote]

lol, I guess I offended the resident tekken fanboy lol not even worth arguing over. lol.

[quote name='Casiotech']lol, I guess I offended the resident tekken fanboy lol not even worth arguing over. lol.


MarkMan pulls a helluva lot more weight here than you ever could. I was actually surprised that he put Virtua Fighter over Tekken but it shows that he's not that much of a fanboy and more of *gasp* a real fighting game head.
[quote name='depascal22']MarkMan pulls a helluva lot more weight here than you ever could. I was actually surprised that he put Virtua Fighter over Tekken but it shows that he's not that much of a fanboy and more of *gasp* a real fighting game head.[/quote]

Yeah, comparing a generally respected and long time FT poster with some new guy I never heard of is apples and oranges.
more weight? probably.

I don't spend all day on gaming forums. I spend my time playing REAL fighting games and competing.
[quote name='Casiotech']more weight? probably.

I don't spend all day on gaming forums. I spend my time playing REAL fighting games and competing.[/quote]

Like you are obviously doing right now.
[quote name='Casiotech']more weight? probably.

I don't spend all day on gaming forums. I spend my time playing REAL fighting games and competing.[/quote]

Where have you competed? EVO?
LOL I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm thinking this "CAG Newbie" might just be a prank becaus nobody could really be that ignorant to argue with markman or call him a fanboy.. He knows fighters. You don't. End of story.
So back to the discussion at hand, good games.

I am enjoying Yakuza. I really want to finish it up before my NYC trip. Seriously, anyone who wants a free ticket to the Monday game, let me know. FREE BASEBALL.
[quote name='jer7583']LOL I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm thinking this "CAG Newbie" might just be a prank becaus nobody could really be that ignorant to argue with markman or call him a fanboy.. He knows fighters. You don't. End of story.[/quote]

Amen, brother. Amen. Anyone playing Call of Duty 4 tonight?
[quote name='jer7583']LOL I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm thinking this "CAG Newbie" might just be a prank becaus nobody could really be that ignorant to argue with markman or call him a fanboy.. He knows fighters. You don't. End of story.[/quote]

exactly, the fact that I'm a new poster, you sure know everything about me!

[quote name='Casiotech']exactly, the fact that I'm a new poster, you sure know everything about me!


You're not exactly making things easier on yourself. You might be the best fighter in the world but you're still a newbie here. No one said you can't have an opinion but you go about things like you're 10 years old.
I think I like games that have the SF2 move set, since that's what I grew up on. VF4 seemed overly technical (there were some timings I just couldn't get) and the combo-system and inputs were just not to my liking. I can't justify spending $$$ on a game whose fighting engine is a revised/improved version of the same gameplay I hated.
lol IP Check, lol

I have never registered here before but from what I can see you guys are worse than the guys at gamespot lol.

there are two kinds of fighters, the ones who are talented and practice all day and the ones who set up ridiculous websites, mouth off on forums and suck in game. You probably fall in the latter camp.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I think I like games that have the SF2 move set, since that's what I grew up on. VF4 seemed overly technical (there were some timings I just couldn't get) and the combo-system and inputs were just not to my liking. I can't justify spending $$$ on a game whose fighting engine is a revised/improved version of the same gameplay I hated.[/quote]

That's understandable. Any interest in KOF XI?
[quote name='Chacrana']Jesus Christ, this guy's annoying.[/quote]

almost as annoying as the guy who came into my GC thread and told me to post the DC as the best system ever (even though it's one of the worst)
[quote name='Casiotech']almost as annoying as the guy who came into my GC thread and told me to post the DC as the best system ever (even though it's one of the worst)[/QUOTE]

Couldn't have been that annoying since he corrected your flawed argument there.
[quote name='Chacrana']Couldn't have been that annoying since he corrected your flawed argument there.[/quote]

no the guy is an asshat and is delusional if the thinks the DC is the best console ever.
Almost as annoying as the guy who thinks that the Wii is a monumental fail because for the first month in almost two years is slows by 16%.

I can't wait for DQIV.
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[quote name='Kendal']Almost as annoying as the guy who thinks that the Wii is a monumental fail because for the first month in almost two years is slows by 16%.

I can't wait for DQIV.[/quote]

no I think the wii is a failure because of many reasons mainly being it's lack of any good software, constant ps2 port-overs, horrible graphics and lack of competent online play.

sales don't mean SHIT since the wii will never outsell the gameboy or playstation one. Are they better systems than the wii? Of course not.

Just like 360/ps3 > wii

why would anyone argue that fact? PS3 is state of the art and the best thing you can buy for $400 hands down.

Sure wii/Ds has kiddie/family/general audience appeal which will guarantee it's financial success. Still it won't be more successful than the ps2 and I think one day even the PSP will outrun the DS. Considering it's VERY successful for sony's first handheld.

I'm sure when MS and nintendo release a new console in a couple of years Sony willl keep pushing the ps3 for another 10 years since it's so radically advanced today.
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[quote name='Casiotech']no I think the wii is a failure because of many reasons mainly being it's lack of any good software.[/quote]

Resident Evil 4
No More Heroes
Zack & Wiki
Trauma Center(both)
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Kart Wii
Metroid Prime 3

All say hi.
How awesome would it be if they took Oblivion and just threw a Star Wars filter over it, turning the entire world of Oblivion into a Star Wars setting. That would be more than just a little bad ass.
[quote name='Kendal']Excitetruck
Resident Evil 4
No More Heroes
Zack & Wiki
Trauma Center(both)
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Kart Wii
Metroid Prime 3

All say hi.[/quote]

excite truck, is that a joke?

I guess you haven't heard that Re4 is a GAMECUBE game.

everything there except SMG and MP3 is lame as hell btw. And you won't be seeing another Mario or Metroid game for years!

without capcom, nintendo would REALLY be in trouble!

and enjoy playing mario kart as you whiz through all those gamecube stages at a whopping 3 mph.

after 2 years, there are only a handful of games (one every few months) and most of them are rehases with little to no depth or replay value and they're running out of steam fast.
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[quote name='Casiotech']excite truck, is that a joke?

I guess you haven't heard that Re4 is a GAMECUBE game.

everything there except SMG and MP3 is lame as hell btw. And you won't be seeing another Mario or Metroid game for years!

without capcom, nintendo would REALLY be in trouble!

and enjoy playing mario kart as you whiz through all those gamecube stages at a whopping 3 mph.[/quote]

Confirmed, you are extra dumb.
[quote name='Ahadi']How awesome would it be if they took Oblivion and just threw a Star Wars filter over it, turning the entire world of Oblivion into a Star Wars setting. That would be more than just a little bad ass.[/quote]

Didn't KotoR already come out? :D
[quote name='Casiotech']

there are two kinds of fighters, the ones who are talented and practice all day and the ones who set up ridiculous websites, mouth off on forums and suck in game. You probably fall in the latter camp.[/quote]

I love how he thinks playing video games makes him a badass. High larious.

I wanna play some GGPO but my 360 controller won't synch up right. I've got to learn this Street Fighter shit.
[quote name='depascal22']That's understandable. Any interest in KOF XI?[/QUOTE]

Never got a chance to play the KOF series much, but it's something I'd at least try to see if I enjoyed the combat engine/etc. -- When I think of SNK fighters, I think Samurai Showdown 2 and later and Fatal Fury 2.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Never got a chance to play the KOF series much, but it's something I'd at least try to see if I enjoyed the combat engine/etc. -- When I think of SNK fighters, I think Samurai Showdown 2 and later and Fatal Fury 2.[/quote]

KOF XI and Mark of the Wolves are the pinnacle of SNK fighters IMO. Both have SF style inputs. Mark of the Wolves even has parries (Just Defend system) like SF III. KOF XI is a 3 vs 3 fighter with smooth graphics and a nice engine. Mark of the Wolves isn't $20 and import only on the PS2. It's also on the Dreamcast but pretty rare. That being said, I was able to swing a trade for the DC version on the CAG Trading Forums.
I bought the DC version on ebay last month or so for $30.

whenever I can find a mint copy of MVC or MVC2 or any other great fighter for the DC for a good price, I'm always bidding and getting extra copies in hopes they will be worth $100 one day.

I just got a copy of JoJo's Bizarre adventure for $8 on ebay. But it's not a great game.

EDIT: you should also check amazon every so often someone lists a garou or mvc2 in the used section for like $23. Last I checked a SF3 for DC was listed in mint for $7.99 plus shipping by a reputable seller but sold super fast.

the latest KOF games are great, the games are really tight, collision is perfect, everything feels very good, even better or on par with SF3.

even in snk vs capcom, you can see the KOF style in the SF characters. It's okay but no where near as good as capcom vs snk.

capcom fighters feel soft and their impact isn't as felt as KOF games where the actions are very swift and sounds crackle. You really feel the hits and the game does a good job of having a realistic feel instead of an anime inspired art direction.

SNK games feel much like the old Final Fight games in which the action is very satisfying. Perhaps it's because SNK game have less animation/frames in their sprites which do a great deal to accomplish that feeling.
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I hope a bargain comes soon for the 120gb HDD for the 360. I really want to play games quietly for once on my 360.

Anyway, haven't played much today yet. Although I tried to get some PAIN trophies, and failed miserably since they're hard as hell to get. Also, picked up The Nightmare Before Christmas on Blu-Ray and I'm watching many many previews now. WHAT? Sleeping Beauty on Blu-Ray? What BS is this?
[quote name='Chacrana']BTW, Markman, how much better is Yakuza 2 than the first game? Since you've been playing it and I haven't :([/quote]

Its good, I like it a lot more than pt 1 so far because it flows much better. Gameplay wise the fighting and the way they go in and out of events is presented in much better fashion as well.
[quote name='MarkMan']Its good, I like it a lot more than pt 1 so far because it flows much better. Gameplay wise the fighting and the way they go in and out of events is presented in much better fashion as well.[/QUOTE]

Cool. Tomorrow should finally be the day for me, barring any unforseen shenanigans on the part of Best Buy. Hopefully I won't have to resort to Gamestop...
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