Downloadable classic games = Big ripoff


35 (100%)
Okay, I've had enough of this crap.

Just recently Sega released their classic Genesis games that will be available on the Wii Virtual Console with some information on the Wii point system and its pricing.

$2,000 Wii Points will cost $20. Sega's games will start at 800 Wii Points each. With that said, let's get down to a little math.

100 Wii Points = $1
800 Wii Points = $8
1 Sega game = $8

Now releasing a little more than a week before the Wii is Sega Genesis Collection on the PS2 and PSP with 28 games. It will cost $20 for the PS2 version and $30 for the PSP version.

Sega Genesis Collection = $20
28 Sega games = $20
1 Sega game = .71 cents

But this wouldn't be as big a deal if the Wii Virtual Console games were all of Sega's great games and Sega Genesis Collection had a bunch of crap games.

But let's delve even further.

Sega's Wii Virtual Console games
Sonic The Hedgehog*
Altered Beast*
Golden Axe*
Ecco the Dolphin*
Gunstar Heroes
Space Harrier II
Toe Jam and Earl
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine

Sega Genesis Collection
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Altered Beast*
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Ecco the Dolphin*
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Ecco Jr.
Kid Chameleon
Gain Ground
Golden Axe*
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic the Hedgehog*
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Vectorman 2
Virtua Fighter 2

So, as you can see, there are a lot of the same games available on Sega Genesis Collection that Sega is also releasing on the Virtual Console and even some better games are available on the Genesis Collection.

I don't understand why companies think they can rip us off by releasing downloadable games at a much higher price than their physical versions. More than anything, the virtual games should be even less than the physical games because there's no cost in manufacturing the game.
We already know these are a rip off... and the thing is, publishers aren't targeting these towards us. They're targeting these towards the casual gamer who eat up arcade/old games on websites and LIVE.
Same thing with the Nintendo classics:

$5 for NES (IIRC)
$10 for SNES/N64 (IIRC, not worth researching at this point)

Someday they'll learn that the old memories being disappointed is only worth $2...
Using your example, they are a ripoff, yeah.

Being able to play UMK3 on my 360, online against friends, and with achievements is well worth the $10 it goes for.
difference is you get to buy the the game you want with the points. So, if you only want one game at the moment thats 100 points($1). With the other games for the other systems, you might get games you don't care for and you have to pay the 20 to 30 dollars for all of them.
[quote name='Gamer G']difference is you get to buy the the game you want with the points. So, if you only want one game at the moment thats 100 points($1). With the other games for the other systems, you might get games you don't care for and you have to pay the 20 to 30 dollars for all of them.[/quote]

Actually, all those Sega games start off at $8 a pop. Keep in mind, that's starting off. Some of those games will be more expensive.
Ever heard of a sale? Yeah these things are expensive, but so are most video games. There are very few games out that people around here pay the suggested retail price of 49.99/59.99 for. Wii points will either go on sale some time, the actual prices of the games will be lowered, Wii points will be given out, or free downloads will be given out. Yeah, they are expensive, but so is almost everything else game related.
[quote name='drfunk85']Ever heard of a sale? Yeah these things are expensive, but so are most video games. There are very few games out that people around here pay the suggested retail price of 49.99/59.99 for. Wii points will either go on sale some time, the actual prices of the games will be lowered, Wii points will be given out, or free downloads will be given out. Yeah, they are expensive, but so is almost everything else game related.[/QUOTE]

You hope.
I agree they are pricey but why pay full price? With trade-ins or some other deal you get wii point cards for next to nothing. I can't remember the last time I paid full price for anything.
[quote name='Trakan']

Being able to play UMK3 on my 360, online against friends, and with achievements is well worth the $10 it goes for.[/QUOTE]

Good example. I never thought I would have as much fun with UMK3 as I am.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Actually, all those Sega games start off at $8 a pop. Keep in mind, that's starting off. Some of those games will be more expensive.[/quote]

So don't buy them? Easy enough.
[quote name='jimbodan']Just emulate them[/quote]

ive been saying this for a long time now but the nindorks always defend nintendos selling gaqmes you can download for free. its sick that peopel would pay money for these games all over again when for that same price you can get the original game in its solid for .but nintendos fanboys are a rabid bunch and nintendo knows that which is why they will continue to feed the beast blindly.

they could shit in a box and call it new improved shit or wiishit and they would all run out to buy 2 copies ( one to play and one to keep as a collectible).
[quote name='lokizz']ive been saying this for a long time now but the nindorks always defend nintendos selling gaqmes you can download for free. its sick that peopel would pay money for these games all over again when for that same price you can get the original game in its solid for .but nintendos fanboys are a rabid bunch and nintendo knows that which is why they will continue to feed the beast blindly.

they could shit in a box and call it new improved shit or wiishit and they would all run out to buy 2 copies ( one to play and one to keep as a collectible).[/quote]Okay, you're an idiot. It's got nothing to do with Nintendo specifically. I've done my share of emulating on my PC, because, well, the games are out of print. But even with no viable alternative to purchase the games, it's illegal. If you want to emulate them, great, do so, knock yourself out. It's just annoying when people think they are so smart because they can obtain something illegally for free and everyone who pays for it is stupid.

I'm not sure if you realized this or not, but it's possible to get a car for free. Let me know if you figure out how. But I bet you're a dumbass and you pay for yours.
[quote name='lokizz']ive been saying this for a long time now but the nindorks always defend nintendos selling gaqmes you can download for free. its sick that peopel would pay money for these games all over again when for that same price you can get the original game in its solid for .but nintendos fanboys are a rabid bunch and nintendo knows that which is why they will continue to feed the beast blindly.

they could shit in a box and call it new improved shit or wiishit and they would all run out to buy 2 copies ( one to play and one to keep as a collectible).[/QUOTE]

This is like arguing you shouldn't have to buy a DVD if you've already seen the movie in theaters. It's the same thing right? You already paid to see it the first time.

It's not just "rabid nintendo fans" it's also those of us who prefer not to break the law*

*Of course if you own the games then you are (at least for now) able to emulate them with Roms.
I could see games being put up for $5, but I'd be surprised if anything (outside of maybe some 'get your feet wet with the VC' promo offers or perhaps a bundle of games) going for less than that. So with that assumption $8 per game for Sega titles isn't all that much higher than what I was expecting.

Personally I wouldn't pay $5 for the download of an old game, so the VC was never much of a factor to me.
[quote name='lokizz']ive been saying this for a long time now but the nindorks always defend nintendos selling gaqmes you can download for free. its sick that peopel would pay money for these games all over again when for that same price you can get the original game in its solid for .but nintendos fanboys are a rabid bunch and nintendo knows that which is why they will continue to feed the beast blindly.

they could shit in a box and call it new improved shit or wiishit and they would all run out to buy 2 copies ( one to play and one to keep as a collectible).[/quote]
When are the CAG awards again? For the "Stupidest Post of the Year" category, I nominate the above-quoted.

Why pay for something when you can steal it? That's FANTASTIC logic.
As far as emulation I never really saw it as a perfect solution. I realize you can play a lot of games but the further you move up the chain of consoles the emulation starts to get shitty. It may be certain small graphical glitches or the sound is wonky but I feel it affects the game enough to be annoying. It never really feels the same to me playing games on my computer. To each his own I guess.
Am I missing something, but aren't VC console games essentially emulated games anyway? If so, then people are getting ripped for paying for a game that is the exact same game run on a free emulator. I know I am missing a logical point here, but I can't put my finger on it.
I know I am missing a logical point here, but I can't put my finger on it.
Ummm...maybe the fact that you are paying the people that actually made the game instead of stealing it? Maybe the fact that the company that made the original hardware is probably able to emulate it a lot more accurately than some hacker?
[quote name='secretvampire']Ummm...maybe the fact that you are paying the people that actually made the game instead of stealing it? Maybe the fact that the company that made the original hardware is probably able to emulate it a lot more accurately than some hacker?[/quote]You with the logic, out of this thread!
I'm tired of all these "it's so expensive!!!!!" posts.

Yes, in the particular example of comparing that compilation disc, it is more expensive. (And I'd rather have the physical disc.)

For myself personally, I won't touch the VC UNLESS it's DRM solution is fair to the customer. I want to be able to play any VC game I buy on any Wii I own, and it's successor, etc. And I want to be able to do that without phoning home.

But assuming the DRM is fair, the VC games seem like a good deal to me. These games went for $50 in most cases, so getting them for $5-10 is pretty reasonable. There's all kinds of games I missed or used to own that I'd love to play.

Also Nintendo isn't limiting the VC to older games. Developers are working on new stuff too.
I agree that if you think its too much then just dont buy them. If sales are slow, they may lower the price, or offer some sort of sale, or package deal or whatever.

As it looks now, I wont be buying any VC games. I would if they were cheaper tho.

Heres the thing. I wont pay $8 for a vc game. BUT, if the games were $1 each, I'd probably buy 8 of them or more. Many more actually, So Sega, or Nintnedo or whoever, would still make that money off of me if they would just be more reasonable.

I think $1 a game is reasonable. Like buying a song online. Any money the game companies make off of VC games is all gravy, since theres little to no cost incurred for them to make them available.

If games were $1 each, I could see myself having 100 or more on my Wii (if it holds that many). Thats $100 spent. But at $8 a pop, or more in some cases, I will be spending $0 on vc games.

I guess we'll all have to wait and see what price the market will bear.
It'll never hit $1 a game. I don't think that's a reasonable expectation. These aren't the same thing as a 3 or 4 minute song, it's a game that used to cost $50, and has hours of gameplay.

$5-10 is completely reasonable IMO-the real issue is the DRM. If it's unreasonable, then I don't care what the price is.
[quote name='secretvampire']Ummm...maybe the fact that you are paying the people that actually made the game instead of stealing it? Maybe the fact that the company that made the original hardware is probably able to emulate it a lot more accurately than some hacker?[/quote]Actually, there have been games that have been emulated MUCH better by those so called "hackers" than they have been by the actual company that made them. Shoot, SEGA's own Dreamcast collection had some pretty piss poor emulated versions, as did Sonic Gems Collection.

Anyone who says that emulation is illegal, and therefore you shouldn't do it, needs to get off their high horse. Littering is illegal, and yet you'll throw your cigarette out the window. Jaywalking is illegal. Downloading copyrighted MP3's is illegal. It's only illegal because it should be, not because it really hurts someone. Do you think Capcom is hurting because some Joe Schmo in Delaware downloaded Mega Man 3, instead of buying it from some dude on eBay? I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that while it is technically illegal, it's not on the same plane as REAL illegal activities, like trafficking cough syrup or making harrassing phonecalls to ex girlfriends. Comparing the Virtual Console and Emulation to "Why buy a car when you can steal one?" is just plain ridiculous. You go to jail if you steal a car, nobody gives a rats ass if you download Micro Machines for the Genesis.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']
Anyone who says that emulation is illegal, and therefore you shouldn't do it, needs to get off their high horse. Littering is illegal, and yet you'll throw your cigarette out the window. Jaywalking is illegal. Downloading copyrighted MP3's is illegal. It's only illegal because it should be, not because it really hurts someone. Do you think Capcom is hurting because some Joe Schmo in Delaware downloaded Mega Man 3, instead of buying it from some dude on eBay? I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that while it is technically illegal, it's not on the same plane as REAL illegal activities, like trafficking cough syrup or making harrassing phonecalls to ex girlfriends. Comparing the Virtual Console and Emulation to "Why buy a car when you can steal one?" is just plain ridiculous. You go to jail if you steal a car, nobody gives a rats ass if you download Micro Machines for the Genesis.[/quote]Lack of enforcement doesn't make it any less illegal, jackass. It's funny how I was the first person to mention that it's illegal, but that I still did it, and somehow we're all on high horses.

If people would just own up in this world and admit that what they do is wrong rather than justifying it, things would be a lot more tolerable.

The whole point of the legal argument is to get people to shut the fuck up about being able to get it free, cause no shit you can get anything free illegally. It's irrelevant in a discussion about the cost of a product.
[quote name='botticus']Okay, you're an idiot. It's got nothing to do with Nintendo specifically. I've done my share of emulating on my PC, because, well, the games are out of print. But even with no viable alternative to purchase the games, it's illegal. If you want to emulate them, great, do so, knock yourself out. It's just annoying when people think they are so smart because they can obtain something illegally for free and everyone who pays for it is stupid.

I'm not sure if you realized this or not, but it's possible to get a car for free. Let me know if you figure out how. But I bet you're a dumbass and you pay for yours.[/quote]

dude seriously you and the rest of the "its illegal crowd" need to pull the collective sticks out of your asses and get over it. yeah its illegal and you know what i dont give a rats ass and alot of people echo that sentiment. just like someone else pointed out im sure you do any number of things that may be illegal whether its download music for free, maybe doing drugs or in your case im sure your kiddie porn collection would get you a few years if the police found out.

face the fatcs nintendo is charging money for something that can be gotten for free period point blank and if youre a fool enough to pay them money for what can be gotten for free go nuts be a dumbass it seems to suit you well but anyone with any common sense a half a brain isnt going to pay for something they can get for free illegal or not.

ill say it once and ill say it again anyone who will pay money for something you can get for free is a damn moron. but hey nintendo says its good so its good but me personally i just dont drink their koolade on this and many of their decisions. :roll:
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']

Anyone who says that emulation is illegal, and therefore you shouldn't do it, needs to get off their high horse. Littering is illegal, and yet you'll throw your cigarette out the window. Jaywalking is illegal. Downloading copyrighted MP3's is illegal. It's only illegal because it should be, not because it really hurts someone. Do you think Capcom is hurting because some Joe Schmo in Delaware downloaded Mega Man 3, instead of buying it from some dude on eBay? I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that while it is technically illegal, it's not on the same plane as REAL illegal activities, like trafficking cough syrup or making harrassing phonecalls to ex girlfriends. Comparing the Virtual Console and Emulation to "Why buy a car when you can steal one?" is just plain ridiculous. You go to jail if you steal a car, nobody gives a rats ass if you download Micro Machines for the Genesis.[/quote]

Your argument is wrong. The reason it's not enforced is because it's not an easily enforceable law. It's not that Nintendo/Sega/Sony/etc dont care that you are playing their games for free, it's that the cost/benefit of them getting it enforced is not in their favor.

You compared it to downloading MP3s and saying its only illegal because it should be and that it doesn't hurt anyone. Obviously the RIAA thinks differently and they have spent plenty of money to regain what they think their loses are.

I've played emulated games, downloaded MP3s, and other copyrighted material. I have broken other laws as well. I am ok with all the choices I have made, but that doesn't mean emulation is less illegal, plain and simple.

Places like EB often have high prices on games. You can get all these free by stealing them from EB. The fact that you can steal them and get them for free doesn't make the original price a "ripoff". They may be high or a "ripoff" just because you consider them to not be worth the price tag, but not because they can be obtained illegally.
PS2 Sega game = cheaper than downloading a bunch of Wii/Virtual Console Sega games

ROMs = cheapr than the PS2 Sega game

I say the PS2 game is a ripoff. Now tell me I'm wrong.

That being said, I'll still download Virtual Console games.
[quote name='lokizz']dude seriously you and the rest of the "its illegal crowd" need to pull the collective sticks out of your asses and get over it. yeah its illegal and you know what i dont give a rats ass and alot of people echo that sentiment. just like someone else pointed out im sure you do any number of things that may be illegal whether its download music for free, maybe doing drugs or in your case im sure your kiddie porn collection would get you a few years if the police found out.

face the fatcs nintendo is charging money for something that can be gotten for free period point blank and if youre a fool enough to pay them money for what can be gotten for free go nuts be a dumbass it seems to suit you well but anyone with any common sense a half a brain isnt going to pay for something they can get for free illegal or not.

ill say it once and ill say it again anyone who will pay money for something you can get for free is a damn moron. but hey nintendo says its good so its good but me personally i just dont drink their koolade on this and many of their decisions. :roll:[/quote]Since you continue to make this an issue with Nintendo (even though you can emulate almost every console made, including PS2), are you going to download any of the PS1 games that Sony makes available, or are you going to emulate those as well?

But thanks for reading my post and realizing that I emulate games as well. I just don't try to pretend I'm better than everyone else because I do something illegal. Do you laugh at your friends who drive the speed limit since you can get places 5 minutes faster by speeding?

Do what you want, just stop being an ass about it.
Hey Im not in denial. I have practically every rom for every game ever made. I know thats illegal and I still do it. Yet somehow I still spend thousands of dollars a year on my gaming hobby. I still go to flea markets and used game stores and hunt down games ans systems that I already have the roms for.

Whats my point? The point is, even tho I dont buy into the game industries (and the RIAA's) assertion that my piracy is costing them a bazillion dollars a year in lost revenue, I still understand that what I do is illegal. And if I ever get served with an RIAA lawsuit, I'll have noone to blame but myself.

Am I hurting anyone? no. Am I costing the game/music/movie industry revenue? no. Is what Im doing illegal? yes.
Why are you holier than thou pirate dicks even posting in this thread if you have all your fucking roms and shit? Why does this topic even apply to you? It may be dumb to pay for something you can steal but how about adding to a thread discussing pricing on an item you arent gonna want at all? Go discuss new couches or some shit, your opinions would be just as relevant.
anyway, as for the pricing I dont think its too bad, sure it could always be better but 8 bucks for a game that I wont have to blow in or cross my fingers when I turn the system on to play everytime sounds pretty good to me. Either way dont buy it if you dont like the price. I doubt I will buy many of them anyway though since I have most of them for genesis already.
I might buy some TG16 games, since I only own a handful of those. Ive never played Miltary Madness, or a ton of the great shmups that were out for that system. Of course I have the roms for those as well, but the asshat above me said I cant talk about that anymore.
OP is missing the point of the VC product as compared to the nostalgia colelctions at retail. It's the mistake common to so many commentors on sites like this that attract a hardcore gamer audience.

We are not representative of the mainstream market.

We look at an item like the Genesis collection and see a bargain since nearly every item it contains is desirable to us. And for $20? A CAG need not even wait for a markdown.

That is how most people reading this would view the product. But the market is comprised primarily of people who will never visit this forum or one like it. They buy fewer than a dozen new games a year. Where we would sweep down on a Circuit City blowout sale like a horde of locust, the mainstreamers might buy an extra game or two that month and think that was pretty nifty

All too often, the average consumer with a casual gaming habit may see the Genesis collection but only spot a single familiar title within that inspires any excitement. From his perspective it's $20 for that one ancient game and and a bunch of others he doesn't care about.

To that guy's perspective, paying $8 for the one game of yore he really wants is an easy decision. It's a clear cut, strightforward transaction. He didn't have to leave the house and go to one of those awful stores where he might encounter the likes of us. The game is delivered to his Wii in minutes and it fits in the onboard memory or a tiny SD card rather than another box to clutter his home.

Is he missing out? From our perspective, definitely. From his perspective, he got exactly what he wanted for a reasonable price.

Also, it is far too early to pass judgement on the Virtual Console service. It's early days yet and there are many, many areas to explore before the approaches to online distribution are exhausted. There is no reason VC purchases cannot be aggregated into bargain collections, either all at once or cumulatively.

For example, say you buy Mega Man I for X. As an incentive they could offer each following game in the series at a discount. If all you want is Mea Man III, you'll pay full price. But getting all six NES Mega Man titles will result in a substantially lower price for the set. Doing this with online sales via an ongoing account makes it simple. Kind of like those punch cards some businesses give out with a bonus for a set number of purchases.

All three of the console companies are going to have a lot of experimentation ahead to see what works best to strike a balance between the mainstream and the high spending hardcore gamers. Those who don't like the initial offering should just bide their time and see what develops.
[quote name='Puffa469']Hey Im not in denial. I have practically every rom for every game ever made. I know thats illegal and I still do it. Yet somehow I still spend thousands of dollars a year on my gaming hobby. I still go to flea markets and used game stores and hunt down games ans systems that I already have the roms for.

Whats my point? The point is, even tho I dont buy into the game industries (and the RIAA's) assertion that my piracy is costing them a bazillion dollars a year in lost revenue, I still understand that what I do is illegal. And if I ever get served with an RIAA lawsuit, I'll have noone to blame but myself.

Am I hurting anyone? no. Am I costing the game/music/movie industry revenue? no. Is what Im doing illegal? yes.[/QUOTE]

If you think nobody is hurt by your activity, then you have an extremely limited concept of the far reaching effects of economic activity. There are far more entities than you and the game publisher involved in the chain.
Any point system is a big rip off. I probably have all if not most games emulated already that fits perfectly compressed on a 40 GiG drive if not uncompressed on a 60 GIG.

Total wate of time:lol:
In Minnesota, it's illegal to sleep naked.

In Georgia, it's illegal to possess a sex toy.

In New York, it's illegal to wear slippers after 10 p.m.

The emulation "laws" are as stupid as those. Get over it people.
[quote name='epobirs']OP is missing the point of the VC product as compared to the nostalgia colelctions at retail. It's the mistake common to so many commentors on sites like this that attract a hardcore gamer audience.

We are not representative of the mainstream market.

We look at an item like the Genesis collection and see a bargain since nearly every item it contains is desirable to us. And for $20? A CAG need not even wait for a markdown.

That is how most people reading this would view the product. But the market is comprised primarily of people who will never visit this forum or one like it. They buy fewer than a dozen new games a year. Where we would sweep down on a Circuit City blowout sale like a horde of locust, the mainstreamers might buy an extra game or two that month and think that was pretty nifty

All too often, the average consumer with a casual gaming habit may see the Genesis collection but only spot a single familiar title within that inspires any excitement. From his perspective it's $20 for that one ancient game and and a bunch of others he doesn't care about.

To that guy's perspective, paying $8 for the one game of yore he really wants is an easy decision. It's a clear cut, strightforward transaction. He didn't have to leave the house and go to one of those awful stores where he might encounter the likes of us. The game is delivered to his Wii in minutes and it fits in the onboard memory or a tiny SD card rather than another box to clutter his home.

Is he missing out? From our perspective, definitely. From his perspective, he got exactly what he wanted for a reasonable price.

Also, it is far too early to pass judgement on the Virtual Console service. It's early days yet and there are many, many areas to explore before the approaches to online distribution are exhausted. There is no reason VC purchases cannot be aggregated into bargain collections, either all at once or cumulatively.

For example, say you buy Mega Man I for X. As an incentive they could offer each following game in the series at a discount. If all you want is Mea Man III, you'll pay full price. But getting all six NES Mega Man titles will result in a substantially lower price for the set. Doing this with online sales via an ongoing account makes it simple. Kind of like those punch cards some businesses give out with a bonus for a set number of purchases.

All three of the console companies are going to have a lot of experimentation ahead to see what works best to strike a balance between the mainstream and the high spending hardcore gamers. Those who don't like the initial offering should just bide their time and see what develops.[/quote]

you are the ultimate thread killer. there is no reason to discuss this topic after the man has spoken.
Umm to that eopbirs guy, I don't know what casual gamer would think that way. I used to buy games at full price for years being that casual gamer, and I always thought the way the OP stated. Ya that sure is a rip-off though...I didn't think it'd be 8 bucks for a sega genesis game. Oh and another thing, if I was a casual gamer I'd think it was absurd to pay 8 dollars for an old game. I'd be like "Hmm 3 sega genesis games or a NEW GEN players choice title" Pff not even a decision. Oh thats american dollars yet too, so thats like 10 dollars Canadian for a freaking sega genesis game! Thanks but I'll buy the PS2 collection or just create a rom collection >_>
[quote name='epobirs']OP is missing the point of the VC product as compared to the nostalgia colelctions at retail. It's the mistake common to so many commentors on sites like this that attract a hardcore gamer audience.

We are not representative of the mainstream market.

We look at an item like the Genesis collection and see a bargain since nearly every item it contains is desirable to us. And for $20? A CAG need not even wait for a markdown.

That is how most people reading this would view the product. But the market is comprised primarily of people who will never visit this forum or one like it. They buy fewer than a dozen new games a year. Where we would sweep down on a Circuit City blowout sale like a horde of locust, the mainstreamers might buy an extra game or two that month and think that was pretty nifty

All too often, the average consumer with a casual gaming habit may see the Genesis collection but only spot a single familiar title within that inspires any excitement. From his perspective it's $20 for that one ancient game and and a bunch of others he doesn't care about.

To that guy's perspective, paying $8 for the one game of yore he really wants is an easy decision. It's a clear cut, strightforward transaction. He didn't have to leave the house and go to one of those awful stores where he might encounter the likes of us. The game is delivered to his Wii in minutes and it fits in the onboard memory or a tiny SD card rather than another box to clutter his home.

Is he missing out? From our perspective, definitely. From his perspective, he got exactly what he wanted for a reasonable price.

Also, it is far too early to pass judgement on the Virtual Console service. It's early days yet and there are many, many areas to explore before the approaches to online distribution are exhausted. There is no reason VC purchases cannot be aggregated into bargain collections, either all at once or cumulatively.

For example, say you buy Mega Man I for X. As an incentive they could offer each following game in the series at a discount. If all you want is Mea Man III, you'll pay full price. But getting all six NES Mega Man titles will result in a substantially lower price for the set. Doing this with online sales via an ongoing account makes it simple. Kind of like those punch cards some businesses give out with a bonus for a set number of purchases.

All three of the console companies are going to have a lot of experimentation ahead to see what works best to strike a balance between the mainstream and the high spending hardcore gamers. Those who don't like the initial offering should just bide their time and see what develops.[/quote]

I’m sorry, but I really disagree with you. I believe a casual gamer who appreciates classic games is much more willing to buy a compilation with a load of games rather than pay nearly half of that for only one game.

If you bought all the games available on the Sega Genesis Collection on the Wii’s Virtual Console, it would cost you at the very least $224. Now think about that for a minute. You can get nearly all those games for only $20 on the PS2, and it should be playable on the PS3, as well.

Paying $20 is a helluva lot better than $224, right? Who in their right mind would buy that?

Also, one of my main points is that the Sega Genesis Collection has most of the same games that Sega is releasing on the VC, but at a fraction of the price. And that’s the case with a lot of games being released virtually nowadays.

The only balance game companies need to make are to price their virtual games far more reasonably. There's just no way to justify pricing a 10-year-old game at $8 when there’s virtually no cost to the developer.

I just want to know what the incentive is for anyone to buy these grossly overpriced games when they can buy them all on compilations. And I really don’t think saving a little room on the book shelf is going to be a deciding factor.

In my opinion, the only way the Virtual Console/XBL Arcade games are going to be widely accepted is if they are reasonably priced and have features the original didn’t and that aren’t available elsewhere. Also, they need to release games that aren’t very common anymore, like Sega is doing with Gunstar Heroes. A lot of people just can’t afford to buy rare games but really want to play them. How awesome would it be to be able to download Panzer Dragoon Saga or Suikoden 2?

But pricing the original Sonic the Hedgehog for $8 when you can get it just about anywhere for less than $1 on a compilation is just insane! I just don’t see where the incentive is for the customer here.

However, I must say that Microsoft is doing some good things with their Arcade games. Give us something with the games that weren’t available the first go around. But then again, the same thing can be said about many of the compilations coming out today. EA Replay has two-player wireless support and features collectable cards that can be traded, Activision’s Remixed title is offering butt loads of extras like original soundtracks, manuals, commercials and more.

Point blank, if you want to play classic games, compilations are the way to go for any kind of gamer. If you want to be ripped off, buy these games online through the Virtual Console.
You missed his point completely. The person he is describing doesn't give a shit about 29 of the 30 games or whatever there is on that compilation disc. They never played them back in the day, doesn't want to spend money on trying it out. For a fraction of the cost of that compilation, he can get the one game he does want. Don't think he wants to spend $8 on one Genesis game he wants? Why the hell would he pay $20 or $30 for a bunch of Genesis games he doesn't want? The $224 cumulative cost has no impact on his decision since he doesn't ever plan on buying the other games.

Look at it in terms we might understand. There's a lot of PS2 games listed on eBay. Of that lot, there's only one game you want, the rest are shit; then there's an auction for the one game you want. Ignoring the fact that you can resell the ones you don't want in the lot listing (since a compilation disc doesn't give you that ability), why would you pay, say, double the cost of that one game to get a ton of shit games along with it?
[quote name='botticus']You missed his point completely. The person he is describing doesn't give a shit about 29 of the 30 games or whatever there is on that compilation disc. They never played them back in the day, doesn't want to spend money on trying it out. For a fraction of the cost of that compilation, he can get the one game he does want. Don't think he wants to spend $8 on one Genesis game he wants? Why the hell would he pay $20 or $30 for a bunch of Genesis games he doesn't want? The $224 cumulative cost has no impact on his decision since he doesn't ever plan on buying the other games.

Look at it in terms we might understand. There's a lot of PS2 games listed on eBay. Of that lot, there's only one game you want, the rest are shit; then there's an auction for the one game you want. Ignoring the fact that you can resell the ones you don't want in the lot listing (since a compilation disc doesn't give you that ability), why would you pay, say, double the cost of that one game to get a ton of shit games along with it?[/quote]

That fraction you're talking about is almost half of what it would cost to buy the compilation.

And how big a demographic do you really think there is of people who love classic games but only want to play that ONE game? I bet it's not very big and is probably not the target audience of the Virtual Console.

Sure, we can sit here and make up different demographics of people who may only want this or that, but it all boils down to gamers and dollars.

The average fucking gamer would rather get their money's worth.
bread's done