Eddie Guerrero's wrestling topic (RIP 1967 - 2005)

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[quote name='Zenithian Legend']God... I actually like JBL now, if out of nothing else than my respect for Eddie. Well that and his uncanny ability to make everyone hate him so much.[/QUOTE]

yea hes not as bad as i originally thought he was.... i still think raw is playing the heels...with jbl probably the only hated one on the team..
daivari needs to be the referee in the Angle match on Sunday. I hope that they finally take the title off Cena and don't care how it happens
[quote name='CaseyRyback']daivari needs to be the referee in the Angle match on Sunday. I hope that they finally take the title off Cena and don't care how it happens[/QUOTE]

Daivari reffing will happen, but Vince is so obsessed with Cena that I guarantee the only guy who can beat him for the title now is HHH.
Too bad one of us didn't get to have the mic when Cena asked that. I wonder what he would have done if someone said he was awesome or one of the greatest ever.
[quote name='RawisJericho']I think the Boogeyman is great, anyone else like him besides guyver and myself?[/QUOTE]

Has he actually wrestled yet? Other than generally acting weird I haven't seen him do anything.
Nice, I like the random MNM appearance, I think Melina may actually win the title, just to mix things up a bit in the women's division. Then Trish could try to get it back at Royal Rumble, perhaps?
I just can't picture Triple H losing the Last Man Standing Match. He's been jobbing left and right since his return, now is the time for him to start building momentum towards a showdown with Cena at wrestlemania.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Has he actually wrestled yet? Other than generally acting weird I haven't seen him do anything.[/QUOTE]

He hasn't wrestled yet, but I find his promos to be really funny. The stuff oozing out of his mouth at the beginning of his promos has me :rofl: everytime.
[quote name='mykevermin']I bet Trevor Murdoch will pass all drug tests, but will test positive for onion rings.[/QUOTE]

You are correct, sir!:rofl:
Source: The Wrestling Observer

Steve Austin and WWE are back on good terms again.

WWE is hoping for a Hogan/Stone Cold match at Wrestlemania, although, Austin isn't too keen on the match for the time being.

WWE officials are going with the idea that Austin was legitimately hurt, which is why he didn't wrestle at Taboo Tuesday. Austin did indeed suffer a wrenched lower back and an inflamed sciatic nerve when he fell down while moving furniture the week before Taboo Tuesday. Also, he couldn't even bend over to tie his shoes and he would have had to been heavily medicated to get through the match.

We'll keep you posted.
Some news:

Sharmell seems to be currently undergoing a slight gimmick change as she'll have some sort of snobby princess/homecoming queen gimmick. On the recent international tour, she's been going all out with her wardrobe as she's wearing a crown, not to mention several different prom-style dresses. She's also wearing long opera gloves as well. Her gimmick looks to be similar to Debra McMichael's "Queen Of WCW" gimmick. Sharmell was crowned Miss Black America in 1991 at the age of 20, so perhaps that was the inspiration for the gimmick.

John Cena will be appearing on MADtv this Saturday. He will be appearing in a skit with Bobby Lee. WWE.com has a short video of his appearance.

Despite the end of the Kerwin White character, Kerwin's former caddy Nick Nemeth will still remain on television. Nick Nemeth is now out on his own as a singles wrestler on the Raw brand. He won a squash match prior to Raw today which should be airing on Heat this week.

Many of the wrestlers are 100% behind the new drug poloicy. Everyone is basically taking a wait and see approach to see how serious they are. It's very interesting to note that WWE announced Eugene's problems publicly. It's really nice to see WWE keeping their fans informed of insider news, something they have not done before.

WWE announced on their website today, and posted video of the appearance, that John Cena will have this Saturday night on FOX's MADTV. (Adam Lebow)

The Eddie Guerrero autobiography is slated for an April 2006 paperback release.

Today's edition of the Miami Herald http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/sports/wrestling/13220836.htm has a LENGTHY interview with Bret Hart, written by SCOTT FISHMAN. The article covers a lot, from the content on the DVD to why he did the DVD, which was because he ran into a young fan of his who said he never got to see Bret wrestle except on video tape from the end of his carrer. Additionally, the article gives a retrospective of Brets carrer from Stampede to WCW, including notes on the Lyod's of London settlement, his view on todays product and the death of Eddie Guerrero.

As reported earlier today, Vince McMahon has announced a new WWE drug policy that will test for steroids, recreational drugs, and prescription drugs. McMahon said that the tests will be frequent and random and that there will be no exceptions.

WWE did have a drug policy from 1992 to 1996 but ended up dropping it due to the fact that business was horrible in 1996 and they no longer wanted to pay for the costs of maintaining it. That policy also became a joke because management would turn a blinde eye to some wrestlers who got busted while fining or even firing (such as the British Bulldog and the Ultimate Warrior) others.

A major difference in the policy this time around is that it will be handled by an outside firm and Vince McMahon will not be the first to know the results. In the old policy, Vince would be told who failed a test and he would then decide what to do about it. Now, the firm will know before him which should result in a more ethical study.

WWE did not discuss the punishments for people who fail the tests yet because there is a very real chance that up to half the talent roster could fail the first test if given within the next month or two. Obviously WWE cannot suspend half the roster, so they will have to make a decision regarding how to handle workers who fail the test. It is believed that even if workers stop using today, they will still fail tests that are given to them within the next two months.

If WWE does strictly enforce this policy, it will mean a massive change for the entire business. The massive bodies that we see today will shrink pretty quickly and it will also result in less high spots since workers will no longer be able to mask the pain with tons of painkillers and other drugs. This in turn will likely result in a more mat-based, story-driven product and will also likely result in pushes based on promo and mat skills rather than size. In the past, WWE has often pushed talent soley on body size.

One potential problem that remains is the use of Growth Hormones which still cannot be tested for.

Wrestling, just like in baseball, has promoted the use of steroids and painkillers for years by pushing people with massive bodies and people who take huge bumps often.

The entire policy will be based on how serious Vince McMahon takes it. Obviously right now everyone is serious due to Eddie Guerrero's death, Eugene's drug problems, and the fact that WWE is ripe to get the mainstream media spotlight for steroid use if they aren't careful. That could be followed up by a congress-led investigation just like baseball was forced to deal with. However, as time goes by and the pressure to maintain the policy decreases, if a major star in the middle of a major storyline fails a drug test, it remains to be seen if WWE will actually enforce the test result or just ignore it like they have done for years.
Regarding that second piece of news...FINALLY! After reading the first sentence I immediately didn't take it seriously thinking "No one will believe this if it's not done by a 3rd party". I'm glad to see my initial doubts have been negated.

Seriously, they are so fucking annoying it's just a train wreck.

I'm back to square one: I sold my WM VHS Box set and WM16-18 DVDs in the Spring/Summer for over $300 total. Since then, I bought the WM DVD Box for $150, so I'm ahead $150. I also just rebought the WM VHS Box for $42, and WM 15, 17, and 18 dvds for about $70. I'm still up $40, and ahead one WM15 dvd. The only thing I don't have at the moment (either ordered or one the way) is the WM2000 dvd. I lost an auction for it yesterday by $1.00, as it sold for $26.00. In the end, I'll have gotten the DVD box for essentially nothing, as I'll have the same collection I started with before ordering the DVDs.

Seriously, the blurs are fucking awful. The WWE should be ashamed of themselves for selling them in that condition. They would be exponentially better off just bribing the WWF into letting them use their old footage unedited. I'm so goddamned angry that Vince's idiotic hubris has ruined classic matches.
[quote name='mykevermin']WM Box Set Update: DON'T fuckING BOTHER WATCHING WRESTLEMANIA 14-18!!! THE BLURS ARE UN-fuckING-BELIEVABLE!!

Seriously, they are so fucking annoying it's just a train wreck.

I'm back to square one: I sold my WM VHS Box set and WM16-18 DVDs in the Spring/Summer for over $300 total. Since then, I bought the WM DVD Box for $150, so I'm ahead $150. I also just rebought the WM VHS Box for $42, and WM 15, 17, and 18 dvds for about $70. I'm still up $40, and ahead one WM15 dvd. The only thing I don't have at the moment (either ordered or one the way) is the WM2000 dvd. I lost an auction for it yesterday by $1.00, as it sold for $26.00. In the end, I'll have gotten the DVD box for essentially nothing, as I'll have the same collection I started with before ordering the DVDs.

Seriously, the blurs are fucking awful. The WWE should be ashamed of themselves for selling them in that condition. They would be exponentially better off just bribing the WWF into letting them use their old footage unedited. I'm so goddamned angry that Vince's idiotic hubris has ruined classic matches.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's pretty disheartening news. I was going to start watching the box set with WM 17 since I have never seen it. Dammit.


- Kid Kash beat Chris Chaos.
- MNM defeated Brian Kendrick & Paul London.
- Sylvan beat Funaki.
- Simon Dean pinned Taylor Phoenix.


- Booker T vs. Chris Benoit for the United States Title went to a draw after two referees got involved and each counted a pinfall as both men had their shoulders on the mat. Teddy Long declared the title vacant and that Booker T vs. Benoit was made for Survivor Series as the first in a ‘Best of Seven’ match, with the winner being declared the new US Champion.

- The Dicks beat Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich

- Matt Hardy beat Ken Kennedy via DQ.

- Melina pinned Christy Hemme.

- Juventud beat Nunzio via pinfall to become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

- William Regal & Paul Burchill vs. JBL & Rey Mysterio went to a no-contest after HBK, Carlito and Chris Masters invaded Smackdown! Carlito and Masters were sat at ringside before HBK hit the ring and superkicked JBL. Benoit, Animal, Heidenreich and Hardcore Holly hit the ring to make the save for Smackdown!.

- Bobby Lashley pinned Orlando Jordan in what was basically a squash match.

- Teddy Long ordered the entire Smackdown! roster to make their way to ringside ahead of tonight’s main event.

- Batista vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Title went to a no contest after a huge brawl broke out between the entire RAW and Smackdown! rosters in the ring and around the ringside area.

[quote name='smellhasreturned']wtf what was the point of putting the title on nunzio again ?[/QUOTE]


"Juventud beat Nunzio"..
[quote name='smellhasreturned']wtf what was the point of putting the title on nunzio again ?[/QUOTE]

Kinda like what was the point of putting the NWA World TItle on Rhino only for him to job it back to Jarrett a few weeks later.....
Anyone ever been on YouTube.com? They have a lot of clips from various thing, lots of WWF/WWE stuff, haven't checked on ECW, WCW or TNA.

Apparently there was a clip a few weeks back that WWE edited out of Byte This featuring Tazz and Michael Cole.. Cole apparently shoots on how pissed he is that SmackDown's a B show


Then again, it could also be viewed as the start of the Raw vs. SmackDown angle. But I, personally, would prefer Cole on Byte This.

Here's a few more. Some of these are REALLY loud, so please be sure to turn your volume down very low.

Wrestlemania "Taxi Driver" commercial
Royal Rumble 1999 "I Quit" match, The Rock vs. Mankind
No Way Out 2004: Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar
Summerslam 1996 Free For All: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Yokozuna
King of the Ring 2001: Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon (GREAT match!!!)
Wrestlemania XV: The Rock vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Summerslam 2005: Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. (Ladder match for custody of Dominick)
D-Generation X makes fun of the Nation of Domination (One of the best segments in WWE history.. Owen Hart played by Jason Sensation)
Wrestlemania 13: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart
Eddie Guerrero's final match against Ken Kennedy

Okay, checked on other stuff..

"PrimeTime" Brian Lee vs. Tommy Dreamer in the Scaffolding match
Public Enemy vs. Taz and Sabu in a double tables match
WCW Fall Brawl 1998 War Games
WCW Starrcade 1998 - Kevin Nash vs. Goldberg
WCW World War 3 1996: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon
TNA: Bound For Glory - Samoa Joe vs. Jushin Thunder Liger
TNA: Falls Count Anywhere - Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss
TNA: Bound For Glory 2005 - Ultimate X match - Williams/Saban/Bentley
TNA: Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett in a cage
TNA: Amazing Red vs. Low Ki
TNA: Amazing Red vs. AJ Styles
TNA: Ultimate X 5 match: AJ Styles/Petey Williams/Chris Saban
TNA: Bound for Glory - Sabu vs. Rhyno vs. Abyss vs. Jeff Hardy
TNA: Jeff Hardy's debut match against AJ Styles
TNA: Raven vs. AJ Styles (Ladder Match)
Thanks Scorch. I'm checking out some of this stuff now.

I clicked on one of the ACWL titled clips just to see what it was and I cannot stop laughing. It will seriously make you go WTF?!

Whoa, flashback.. haha I remember when I was 10 or 12 or somewhere around there I was having some wrestling match with the figures because I was bored as hell.. I got an awesome idea.. set up a ladder and took a long ass piece of yarn and taped it to the ceiling, took a paper clip and shoved it through the yarn and hooked it on the belt.. voila, ladder match for the title.
Last night I was finally able to watch both Raw and Smackdown. I recorded it for sentimental reasons but couldnt bring myself to watch it for obvious reasons. Man that was tough.
Ehh.. that's not the full DX/NOD segment. After Triple H says "I just came from the bathroom.. you should've smelled what the Rock was cookin!", there's a line not in the video that I remember, "I ain't fakin', you should've smelled what The Rock was bakin'!"
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