Eddie Guerrero's wrestling topic (RIP 1967 - 2005)

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[quote name='Stink_Pickle']Last night I was finally able to watch both Raw and Smackdown. I recorded it for sentimental reasons but couldnt bring myself to watch it for obvious reasons. Man that was tough.[/QUOTE]

I was finally able to watch Raw earlier this week. Shawn Michaels' words were actually very encouraging. I'll try to watch Smackdown sometime next week. I can only imagine how hard Thursday was for Eddie's family.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Damn, I missed Impact. I was was watching the Stewie Griffin movie with my sister and her husband...[/QUOTE]

(Normally I would care about posting spoiler for those who haven't watched it.. but this week's show... well.... I'm breaking the rules damn it since it was THAT bad)

The only things you missed was AJ Styles vs Chris Sabin, the announcement of Raven having his first match next week (but no opponet given), Christian vs Monty Brown is official for Turning Point... and its now the 4 Live Kru. Oh, and Jackie Gayda is now with TNA. Otherwise.. this week's Impact was terrible.

Even as a diehard TNA mark I felt like I wanted most of my hour back. No wonder why the ratings are falling if this week was any indication. Let's just hope tnat TNA can pull themselves together after this week.
forgive me if this is a stupid question, but when do you guys think i should arrive to the survivor series show tomorrow? the tickets list the show as starting at 7:45, and though i plan to get there earlier than that, i'm not really sure how much earlier it should be. the only time i've ever seen the wwf/e live was at wrestlemania 8, so that experience doesn't really help me very much.

so basically, if you were (or are) going to survivor series, when would (or will) you get there?

any advice would be appreciated. thanks.
[quote name='thatstoobad']forgive me if this is a stupid question, but when do you guys think i should arrive to the survivor series show tomorrow? the tickets list the show as starting at 7:45, and though i plan to get there earlier than that, i'm not really sure how much earlier it should be. the only time i've ever seen the wwf/e live was at wrestlemania 8, so that experience doesn't really help me very much.

so basically, if you were (or are) going to survivor series, when would (or will) you get there?

any advice would be appreciated. thanks.[/QUOTE]

You guys are eastern time, right? That's kinda late for them to start the show, considering the thing starts at 8pm est/7pm cst. I'd get there around 6:45 or 7.
[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']Anyone going to post Survivor Series match results?[/QUOTE]

pwtorch.com is doing some live coverage of the matches
Now that it's the night before RAW, anyone have sign suggestions? I'm thinking of making a sign that says "Kurt Doesn't Suck" but depending on how SS goes tonight we'll see about that one.
Don't forget the live Smackdown special on Tuesday night. I'm going to the tapings, so I'm curious how they'll fit in a live show wrapped around a tv taping. Perhaps they'll not tape Velocity?
Survivor Series Results (results taken from gerweck.net):

1. Match one of seven for the vacant United States title: Booker T (with Sharmell) defeated Chris Benoit as Booker T used the ropes at 14:38 .. crowd was pro-Benoit with chants of "Benoit."

Note: match 2 will take place in Cincinnati on Tuesday during the UPN Smackdown special.

- Vince McMahon wishes Eric Bischoff luck backstage. Bischoff says he gonna screw Cena as Vince did Bret Hart. Cena stops Bischoff and chats with Vince. McMahon, acting cool, uses the "nigger" phrase which is heard by Booker T & Sharmell. Booker T says "tell me he just didn't say that!"

2. Women's title match: Trish Stratus (with Mickie James) pinned Melina (with MNM) with a bulldog from the top rope at 6:28 ... during the match, MNM is ejected for interferring in the match .. Joey Styles & Tazz called the match.

* Detroit Tiger Dmitri Young is sitting ring side.

3. Last Man Standing Match: Triple H defeated Ric Flair at 27:01 ... during the match, HHH uses a screw driver to cut open Flair, who bleed hard ... Flair blocked the pedigree from one announce table, and backdropped HHH through the Spanish announcer's table ... after three pedigrees, HHH knocked out Flair with the sledgehammer ... Flair was stretchered out.

* Backstage, Randy Orton tells Team Smackdown that Batista is the weak link, but Batista comes in and says since he's the champ, he'll be the leader of the Smackdown unit. All members agree.

* Edge comes out with Lita and debuts the Cutting Edge talk segment. He puts down Dmitri Young, and asks if the Detroit Tigers stink due to a lack of talent or a lack of steriods? .. Edge rips on all of Detroit's sports teams .. Young talks about all the Detroit sports championships, and asks wheres Edge's world championship? Great heat.

4) WWE title match: John Cena defeated Kurt Angle at 13:56 with the FU. Ref is Daivari .. Daiviri was knocked out, and replaced, but Angle clotheslines the referee, and Mickey Jay (Hansin) became the third ref. With all the Raw refs knocked out, Smackdown ref Charles Robinson made the count .. crowd was mixed, but you could hear Cena sucks chants.

5. Teddy Long (with Palmer Cannon) defeated Eric Bischoff at 5:24 when the Boogyman interferred .. announcers were Michael Cole & Coachman. Match was horrible!

6. Main Event - Team Smackdown (Lashley, Orton, Batisa, Mysterio and Orton) vs. Team Raw (Masters, Kane, Big Show, HBK, and Carlito) .. all five Raw and Smackdown announcers are calling the action.

* HBK eliminated Lashley (thanks to a Kane chokeslam)
* Batista eliminated Kane (via the spinebuster)
* Big Show and Kane eliminated Batista (via double chokeslam)
* Mysterio eliminated Big Show (with a 619)
* JBL eliminated Carlito (with the clothesline from hell)
* Mysterio eliminated Masters (with a springboard)
* HBK eliminated Mysterio (with the sweet chin music)
* HBK eliminated JBL (" ")
down to Orton vs. HBK .. chants of "we want taker!"
* Orton eliminated HBK via the RKO as JBL distracted HBK.

Team Smackdown celebrates in the ring, as The Undertaker's music starts .. a casket is brought out and The Undertaker returns from the casket which is lite on fire. The Undertaker now has a full beard. One by One, Taker takes out members of the Smackdown rosters (gives Regal a tombstone) as Orton runs to the top of the ramp with his father. The two have a staredown as the PPV ends.
I remeber about two years ago the wwe came thru the town I live in and he showed up at cc where I worked and i got to talk w/ him for a few minuites. Before that I never really liked him , but after talking with him I found out he was pretty cool. It is a shame he is gone and will be missed by many fans.
kind of a slow night for a PPV here, what did everyone think of the show? I didn't see it, but it sounds pretty bad from the recaps.

And with that post I'm a Cheap Ass Regular, GO ME!
I saw the second half and that was nothing special. The main event was decent but the portion of the show I saw was definitely lacking considering this was one of the 4 tentpole PPV's. Vince really needs to get over his hard-on for Cena.
It seems that all HBK does nowadays is job in main events.

EDIT: Also, did Triple H win the IC title or was it not at stake? If not, what's the point of Flair being IC champ??
[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']It seems that all HBK does nowadays is job in main events.

EDIT: Also, did Triple H win the IC title or was it not at stake? If not, what's the point of Flair being IC champ??[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that it was a non-title match, and I agree to questioning the point of Flair being the IC Champ.
[quote name='grae60']I'm pretty sure that it was a non-title match, and I agree to questioning the point of Flair being the IC Champ.[/QUOTE]

It's cool and all that it is his first IC title reign in his storied carerr and blah blah blah, but beyond that there's just no point. Seriously though, the IC title has always been for up and comers, I really hope he drops it sometime soon, but to who?? It's below HHH (who will be feuding with Flair for probably forever now) and there really isn't anyone that jumps out at me as deserving (Masters maybe).
Just got back from Survivor Series a little while ago. Won 2 tickets on ebay last night for $86 and hoped that the e-tickets we were sent weren't fakes. Seats were awesome; lower bowl, first row, seats 1 and 2. $90 face value each. I knew patience would pay off, but not this well! Here's some notes:

I like Sharmell. She's actually pretty good on the mic and has good energy.

McMahon's use of n---- was hilarious and got a pretty good response from the crowd. Booker's expression was priceless.

The HHH/Flair match was awesome. The guys actually came within about 10 feet of us when they were brawling out in the crowd. The ending sledgehammer shot was weak though. HHH clearly hit Flair with the wooden handle of sledge. It looked lame that Flair survived 3 pedigrees, yet was knocked out after getting hit across the back with a piece of wood.

Edge was great. I haven't laughed at a promo this much in a long time. Dmitri Young is a piece of crap, and relying on the past successes of your current team does not hold up in an argument. Oh yeah, and Lita can't speak properly.

The Cena/Angle match was wayyyy too short. I could've done with an additional 15 minutes added on to this match and taking the GM match off the card. The crowd was split here, with rivaling chants of "Lets Go Angle" and "Lets Go Cena" throughout the match. Most of Cena's moves look sloppy. Cena's belt is ugly, and so is Angle's new shirt. Very disappointed to see Angle lose here though. And I don't like how the Angle Slam isn't enough to pin anyone anymore.

The GM match was tedious and boring. A few random "boring" chants throughout the match. Boogeyman looks pretty badass, just a horrible name though. One fan called out for Papa Shango earlier in the show, maybe they just reincarnate that name.

The 10 man tag was cool, I wouldn't complain if the entire card was 4 elimination matches and maybe 1 or 2 single matches. The Undertaker's entrance was signaled by 3 new camera crews setting up shop near our section. Can't say I was too excited with his return, but the crowd was absolutely thrilled. I myself haven't cared about the Undertaker character since maybe the Ministry days.

Overall entertaining show, the crowd was really into the whole event.
[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']It's cool and all that it is his first IC title reign in his storied carerr and blah blah blah, but beyond that there's just no point. Seriously though, the IC title has always been for up and comers, I really hope he drops it sometime soon, but to who?? It's below HHH (who will be feuding with Flair for probably forever now) and there really isn't anyone that jumps out at me as deserving (Masters maybe).[/QUOTE]

Yeah it's kinda sad, I'm a big Flair mark and personally would think he'd be a better Heavyweight champ than Batista and Cena. But I don't see a reason for him to be the IC champ with no one to feud with, I dunno, after this PPV I'm pretty disgruntled.
[quote name='Francis']Yeah it's kinda sad, I'm a big Flair mark and personally would think he'd be a better Heavyweight champ than Batista and Cena. But I don't see a reason for him to be the IC champ with no one to feud with, I dunno, after this PPV I'm pretty disgruntled.[/QUOTE]

Hey yo! I enjoy your avatar, Scott Hall is the mang.
I downloaded Survivor Series. When it was done, I noticed that the audio was horribly, horribly out of sync. So don't download the ColoColo release.

I don't understand how a PPV with this much talent on the card was so miserable. I flipped through the PPV and checked results.

Booker/Benoit looked like a pretty good match.. and then in the next segment, apparently Vince said a colorful wordand that brought the mood down.

Women's title match.. yawn.

HHH/Flair.. this sucks. Flair's got wrestling talent.. or more than Triple H, anyway. I don't know why Last Man Standing matches are no DQ. It completely defeats the point. They wrestle the whole match, then break out weapons. I guess I was expecting too much, but I miss those wrestling matches where, you know, they actually restled until they were worn out.

Edge's talk segment.. what was the point? Cheap heel heat? Lame.

Angle deserves the strap. Now.

I don't think anyone cares about Bischoff/Long, and the only reaction to "The Boogeyman" is laughter.

Suprise suprise, Orton survived.

The Undertaker's appearance was.. startling. Did WWE learn nothing from Owen Hart's incident!? Who's bright idea was it to put Undertaker in a casket and light it on fire!? What in the hell were they thinking?

Though I do like his new look.


Overall, i'm sure if you were in attendance, it was great, but this PPV was a step below mediocre. Not even worth a download.
[quote name='Scorch']Overall, i'm sure if you were in attendance, it was great, but this PPV was a step below mediocre. Not even worth a download.[/QUOTE]
exactly. being there was a lot of fun, but you could tell that anyone who ordered it on the pay per view was probably pissed off.

here's a few of my impressions of the show:

before survivor series actually started, there was a simon dean/juventud match (there may have been another, but we got there a bit late). the crowd was really into the mexicools.

the benoit/booker t match was a good way to start the show. it was a solid match, and while the crowd was behind benoit, they still seemed like they wanted to cheer for booker t. the end seemed a bit quick, but i think it was an alright way to end a match like this, since it's a best of seven series.

for a women's match, the melina/trish stratus match was pretty alright. trish won, big surprise.

from being there live, the last man standing match was pretty great. i was a little disappointed that the fight didn't spill out into my neck of the woods, but whatever. it seemed pretty long, and it was nice to see it go back and forth. even though ric flair was the obvious fan favorite, a lot of people still wanted to cheer for triple h. i'll agree with scorch that having the match end with a sledge hammer shot doesn't really prove a whole lot.

watching the video, the edge promo was probably super boring, but live it was actually one of the better parts of the evening. edge has grown on me considerably over the past few months. he got a big reaction from the crowd when he started insulting detroit. i don't know who the baseball player was, but his comment ("i hit balls, you have no balls") was pretty stupid. i don't know how it came across in the video, but the "let's go red wings" chant that started was probably the loudest thing all night.

they need to give angle the title already. i went into survivor series confident that angle would finally win, but i had a bad feeling about the outcome afther the bischoff/"you screwed cena" segment. the crowd was more into this match than any other match, as the yelling and chanting was nearly non-stop throughout. the crowd was pretty evenly split, which higher pitched (meaning chicks and kids) "let's go cena" chants being matched with lower pitched "let's go angle" chants, and a few "cena sucks" chants thrown in for good measure. now, here's the problem i have with the end of this match. i know it may be a bit much to ask for logic, but what sense does it make to have cena kick out of the angle slam when the F-U managed to put kurt away? they are nearly the same move. i was really pissed off at the end of this match, and i wished it would have been the final match of the night so i could have walked out after the bell rang.

the GM match was boring, and the rest of the crowd agreed. i was out looking at shirts when the boogeyman came out. i walked back to my seat to see him and i wasn't very impressed. they need to give the guy a match already so we can see what he does. he also needs to stop saying "i-am-the-boogyeman. and-i'm-coming-to-get-you" or whatever it is. it's too goofy.

the 10 man elimination was alright. i'm going to serperate my thoughts on this one so it isn't all jumbled into one paragraph.
-nobody gives a shit about chris masters, and they need to stop pushing this asshole (at least i didn't have to see his piss-poor full nelson). from what i could tell, he got a major non-reaction.
-the crowd was really behind lashley.
-the 619 is a stupid, stupid move. we go the whole evening without anyone falling on the second rope (as if they were to receive the 619), yet it managed to magically happen FOUR times in the match. i wouldn't even have a problem with it if he actually set his opponant up for it, but to try to make it seem like it incidentally happens is just annoying.
-about halfway through the match (after the big show, kane and batista were gone) the crowd seemed to get bored and a pretty loud "we want 'taker" chant started up. i don't know if you could hear that in the video or not.
-it was pretty obvious orton was going to survive, otherwise there would be no way to really bring the undertaker out. the part with the flaming coffin was kind of neat, but the whole thing would have been far better had it just been a showdown between he and orton in the center of the ring. i mean, dude just won the 10-man elimination match but he's going to run away from the 'taker just because he's got some purple lights and druids? c'mon.

so like i said, it was fun to be there, but i can't imagine it was very enjoyable at home.
[quote name='Scorch']Angle deserves the strap. Now.[/QUOTE]

Do you think that McMahon really has a thing for Cena such that he can't see that crowds are slowly turning on him? Or, do you think that he's trying to force the "Rocky Maivia" face/heel turn (where Rocky was shoved down the crowd's throats as such a babyface that the crowds DESPISED him immensely, and he became a fantastic heel)?

Really, I think the last time Cena was a heel, he had "B-Squared" with him (say it with me now - BOOYAA!). It's been awhile, and I can see it coming.

Then again, my cynical side says that they are out of ideas, and the Cena/Bischoff is a retread of all the old Austin/McMahon garbage; it's way too soon to recycle those storylines.

Undertaker's look is interesting, to say the least. I was kinda shocked that he started wearing tights again, and the beard gives him a fresh appearance. That gloss will come off in a few weeks, I'm sure; after all, he's The Undertaker, and there's only so much you can do with that character.
[quote name='Francis']ha thanks, I appreciate it.

Was there a Scott Hall wrestling topic?[/QUOTE]

Razor had the first topic done.

and I gotta agree that Taker and the flaming casket is lame. They should have went with him busting through the bottom of the ring, grabbing orton and pulling him underneath the ring and then flashing the purple glove to the crowd
[quote name='mykevermin']Any thoughts on Vince McMahon's use of the racial epithet that makes most turns people off last night?[/QUOTE]

Engirsh much?

It was completely unnecessary. He wanted to "get over" with the hip hop crowd. He could've invented a lame freestyle to serve the same purpose.
[quote name='Scorch']Engirsh much?

It was completely unnecessary. He wanted to "get over" with the hip hop crowd. He could've invented a lame freestyle to serve the same purpose.[/QUOTE]

Engrish. Please check your spelling before getting on someone's ass about grammar.

I didn't see the segment, but I'm not sure how using it helps a near-60 year old white millionaire fit in w/ the hip-hop crowd. I'd be interested in seeing it, but I'm not downloading the whole godawful show for that.
[quote name='mykevermin']Engrish. Please check your spelling before getting on someone's ass about grammar.

I didn't see the segment, but I'm not sure how using it helps a near-60 year old white millionaire fit in w/ the hip-hop crowd. I'd be interested in seeing it, but I'm not downloading the whole godawful show for that.[/QUOTE]

Maybe Vince saw the Boondocks and figured he could get away with it too? :lol:

I always thought that was the one line Vince wouldn't cross, even if it was only for humor. I think it was Ernie Ladd talking about having to deal with being called those names while wrestling. I just hope it doesn't come to that. The only thing left for Vince is Archie Bunker's favorite f-word. :roll:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The only thing left for Vince is Archie Bunker's favorite f-word. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Well, I am a year or two too young to have much familiarity with "All in the Family," but I somehow think you're not talking about "fuck," considering what I know about Archie as a character.

If you mean "fag" or some derivative thereof, that's much more common (and, I would argue, less controversial based off a really cool conversation I had with the deviance teacher the other day - I may have covered that in the adult swim thread). I don't think that any WWF characters have said it outright, but consider the following:

Adorable Adrian Adonis
Billy and Chuck
Well Dunn
The Dicks
(somewhat) Ravishing Rick Rude

Those are just the characters; hell, IIRC, John Cena's been getting face heat off of questioning other wrestlers' sexual orientation since he became the hip-hop character. Didn't he "throw up in his mouth" after talking with Snitsky and Tomko last week? Wasn't that segment followed by Victoria and Candace Michelle kissing in the ring? Short of calling people "fags," Vince has blatantly done everything that asserts what we call "heteronormativity."

God knows I'm probably missing a good 12 examples of Vince making sexual ambiguity the entire motivation for a character as a heel.

OTOH, AJ Styles has frequently called his opponents "$$$$$$s," yet, as far as I know, he's never been a heel. Funny thing is, he considers himself to be a devout christian (though he is southern, and thus certainly either a Baptist or Evangelical, neither or which have any hangups expressing the most severe disdain for gays) and prides himself on never cursing (though, given his religious tenmdencies, he probably doesn't consider the word to be dishonouring god). I have loathed AJ Styles since I first heard him say it, and I did my best to call him everything in the book at the last ROH show I attended (though I must concede that, because everyone else in the building marked out like crazy for him, I wasn't heard).

It's been danced around more than race (though considering "The Natural" Butch Reed, Saba Simba, the Booker T/HHH WMXIX feud, and others, race is not left alone either), so I think that focusing on whether or not Vince says "nigger" or "fag" missed the major point that he panders to the lowest common denominator consistently.
[quote name='mykevermin']

It's been danced around more than race (though considering "The Natural" Butch Reed, Saba Simba, the Booker T/HHH WMXIX feud, and others, race is not left alone either), so I think that focusing on whether or not Vince says "nigger" or "fag" missed the major point that he panders to the lowest common denominator consistently.[/QUOTE]

It's just that it was something I thought even he wouldn't do to pander to the LCD. It really doesn't bother me much.
I'd argue that anytime you think "Vince would never do that," he tends to view it as a dare or a challenge, rather than someone making assumptions about his moral relativity.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'd argue that anytime you think "Vince would never do that," he tends to view it as a dare or a challenge, rather than someone making assumptions about his moral relativity.[/QUOTE]

I'll say this much, after Katie Vick I shouldn't be surprised at anything.
Due to the fact that a lot of people have the 360 now, i'm not even bothering with the old Raw chat this week. Maybe they'll set up something in the future for chats on the 360 or something.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']they should really bring back Ted Turner's policy about men hitting women being a no no[/QUOTE]

I don't think that will ever come back. I blame Mae Young's crazy ass. :lol: Other than Chyna she was the first one I remember taking spots from men. I think The Dudley gave her the 3D at one time.
[quote name='mykevermin']A lot = Scorch, so far as I can tell.[/QUOTE]

Uh.. you should probably check the 360 forum, then. There's like 5 posters in this thread that even participate in the Raw chat. I don't understand why you'd care, it's not like you ever really participated in it anyway.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I think The Dudley gave her the 3D at one time.[/QUOTE]

I remember she took a powerbomb from Bubba off the ramp through a table; that was the spot that clearly showed Mae squeezing Bubba's arm to indicate she was okay (not that it took away from the spot at all, given that she's old as dirt).

Scorch, I'm going to somehow get you on a secret santa list just so I can send you a large stockpile of Midol. You're quite the prat sometimes, I swear.
If Cena's "new submission hold" (that he will put on for the win) is called the C-K, then I think that'll be my queu to quit watching wrestling forever.
[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']If Cena's "new submission hold" (that he will put on for the win) is called the C-K, then I think that'll be my queu to quit watching wrestling forever.[/QUOTE]
C-K? Is there something I'm missing here?
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