Employees of all stores--post your stupid customer stories--part III

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[quote name='DuelLadyS']
And as she leaves, it hits me... good lord, I just had to explain how velcro works to someone![/quote]

And yet they constantly learn to breed... :wall:
[quote name='Bezerker']Yea, this thread is definately the reason why i declined when i was offered a job at Gamestop.[/quote]

I enjoy my job a lot though. Pretty much I dont care what people say to me. Its over the phone anyways, and its not like I'm ever going to see them in real life.:lol:
[quote name='PezRadar']I had a good one today

Customer: I ordered a game heres my order number *gives order number*. What is the status of my order since I did overnight shipping..
Me: Um it appears on your tracking page UPS couldnt locate your address and needs to reconfirm it with you
Customer: Okay can you then refund me my overnight shipping since its your fault they didnt find my address
Me: Maam the address information we placed was correct, and it is UPS who cannot find you, all you needed to do was call them up. What UPS did though is find your location it just took a few days and now they know where you live and will deliver it tommorow.
Customer: Can I just pick the game up in a store
Me: One moment maam let me locate a store for you *calls store and has it hold it for her*. Okay maam i have the store holding a copy for you
Customer: So I can just go in there and pick it up
Me: No you have to pay for it
Customer: WHAAAT?!?! WHY?!?! I demand my 55.00 back immediatley then.
Me: Maam you will get the game in the mail, and I can only give you a refund when it gets back to us.. or if you just return it to a store
Customer: Well I want this game now and you are just as responsible as the people driving the trucks on getting my package lost
Me: *thinking to myself* (Its not lost)
Customer: Im going to sue you and your company *hangs up*[/QUOTE]

I've never had anyone try that on me. I have had people go "Why don't you have this game in stock? I saw it for sale on your website."

I tell them that the website and the b&m stores are different entities. They don't relate to each other, other than the b&m stores accepting online returns.
People have a hard time believing that $1.99 minus $1.00 equals $.99.

"Are you sure it's ringing up at 99 cents?"

"Yes, you see that minus one dollar? That means it's ringing up at 99 cents."

"But are you sure?"

"Yes. The original price was $1.99. It took off a dollar here. The item is now 99 cents."

"I don't see that. It's confusing."

It's at that point that I want to lop this dumb bitch's head off with a chainsaw.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Lady comes in, says she needs to exchange a packet of velcro dots (for mounting remotes and stuff) and/or get some help with it, becuase it's not working and she thinks it's defective.

That right- she's not sure if her velcro is 'working'.

I ask her what the project is, and she explains that she's trying to mount a garage door opener-remote deal in her car, but see- the velcro won't stick. She proceeds to put two of the fabric sides together to show me they don't stick.


So I explain she needs to put the plastic side to the fabric side, that the plastic one is a hunch of hooks, and the fabric is a bunch of tiny loops, and that's how it holds.

"OK... so, the opener already has this one on it *holds up fabric side*"
"Then you need to put this one *holds up plastic side* whereever you want the opener to be."
"Ok, I got it! Thanks for your help!"
"No problem. Have a nice day!"

And as she leaves, it hits me... good lord, I just had to explain how velcro works to someone![/quote]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That's priceless!
I had a guy yesterday try to pay for his oil change with a credit card. It was well worn and the machine couldn't read it. I looked at the front and saw the expiration date - 11/30/04.

"Sir, you know your credit card has expired, right?"

"No, I don't."

"Well sir, it seems to have been expired for almost a year and a half."

"Really? Wow. Let's try this one instead then."

His ID checked out with both cards and our paper-work. I couldn't imagine walking around with an expired card for well over a year. You'd think he would have accidently used it and found out it was expired.

* * * * *

Another credit card related story -

A few weeks back a younger lady was trying to pay for her bill. She had her credit cards in a sleeve which would normally hold one, maybe two credit cards. She had about ten stuffed in there. She tried for a minute to pry one out and gave up using her fingers. She then put the sleeve to her mouth and started to try to pull one out with her teeth. She had some difficult with that and started chewing on them to try and loosen one. She wasn't just gently biting either, she was truly gnawing away at them. She looked like a dog with a chew toy.

This whole time I'm sitting there thinking to myself: you've got to be fucking kidding me. She finally got one out and emptied the rest out. She handed one over to me, I grabbed a napkin nearby from lunch and took it from her using that.

Where do these people come from?
[quote name='captainfrizo']. She looked like a dog with a chew toy.


Please tell me she was growling while trying to get the card out.
i worked at target for 18 months (2 holiday seasons, electronics and "guest "service). i have several stories but this is the best one.

an overweight (not obese, but a big gut) greek looking guy comes up to guest service with a package of male thongs. i have had a long day and with out thinking i say "i there anything wrong with these" and this guy looks at me
and says in a really thick accent "it doesnt hold my balls" me and the two other people in GS busted up laughing and the guys wife started smacking him....funniest thing ever...
[quote name='waterboy100']an overweight (not obese, but a big gut) greek looking guy comes up to guest service with a package of male thongs. i have had a long day and with out thinking i say "i there anything wrong with these" and this guy looks at me and says in a really thick accent "it doesnt hold my balls" me and the two other people in GS busted up laughing and the guys wife started smacking him....funniest thing ever...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='waterboy100']i worked at target for 18 months (2 holiday seasons, electronics and "guest "service). i have several stories but this is the best one.

an overweight (not obese, but a big gut) greek looking guy comes up to guest service with a package of male thongs. i have had a long day and with out thinking i say "i there anything wrong with these" and this guy looks at me
and says in a really thick accent "it doesnt hold my balls" me and the two other people in GS busted up laughing and the guys wife started smacking him....funniest thing ever...[/QUOTE]

No more calls please, we have a weiner.
[quote name='waterboy100']i worked at target for 18 months (2 holiday seasons, electronics and "guest "service). i have several stories but this is the best one.

an overweight (not obese, but a big gut) greek looking guy comes up to guest service with a package of male thongs. i have had a long day and with out thinking i say "i there anything wrong with these" and this guy looks at me
and says in a really thick accent "it doesnt hold my balls" me and the two other people in GS busted up laughing and the guys wife started smacking him....funniest thing ever...[/QUOTE]

That's the funniest thing I've ever read! :rofl: Someone close this thread.
[quote name='waterboy100']i worked at target for 18 months (2 holiday seasons, electronics and "guest "service). i have several stories but this is the best one.

an overweight (not obese, but a big gut) greek looking guy comes up to guest service with a package of male thongs. i have had a long day and with out thinking i say "i there anything wrong with these" and this guy looks at me
and says in a really thick accent "it doesnt hold my balls" me and the two other people in GS busted up laughing and the guys wife started smacking him....funniest thing ever...[/quote]

Hahaha, that's fucking awesome :rofl: :rofl:
[quote name='waterboy100']an overweight (not obese, but a big gut) greek looking guy comes up to guest service with a package of male thongs. i have had a long day and with out thinking i say "i there anything wrong with these" and this guy looks at me and says in a really thick accent "it doesnt hold my balls" me and the two other people in GS busted up laughing and the guys wife started smacking him....funniest thing ever...[/QUOTE]


I'm speechless....
[quote name='captainfrizo']Where do these people come from?[/QUOTE]

I've always wondered that myself. I mean I see these people with wallets/purses with at least 10-20 credit cards all piled into 3-4 slots that they fight with trying to pull out that ONE card that is in the middle of the biggest pile. Then they get mad when that card is declined and wonder why... gee Sherlock could it be because you have about $50,000 between all those cards nearly pushed to their credit limit?

I sometimes wonder how this race has made it this far.... Roger Waters put it best... "this species has amused itself to death."
[quote name='waterboy100']i worked at target for 18 months (2 holiday seasons, electronics and "guest "service). i have several stories but this is the best one.

an overweight (not obese, but a big gut) greek looking guy comes up to guest service with a package of male thongs. i have had a long day and with out thinking i say "i there anything wrong with these" and this guy looks at me
and says in a really thick accent "it doesnt hold my balls" me and the two other people in GS busted up laughing and the guys wife started smacking him....funniest thing ever...[/QUOTE]

um.....ew! :puke:
don't tell me target will sell those at a bargain price as loose items....
[quote name='Kuros']I've never had anyone try that on me. I have had people go "Why don't you have this game in stock? I saw it for sale on your website."

I tell them that the website and the b&m stores are different entities. They don't relate to each other, other than the b&m stores accepting online returns.[/quote]

Thats probably since I work at corporate and you work in a store :lol:
[quote name='dude2003']um.....ew! :puke:
don't tell me target will sell those at a bargain price as loose items....[/quote]

no..that would be gross:hot:..i immedietly red tagged it and had it sent to the compacter
[quote name='Kayden']I thought you couldn't return underwear....[/quote]

i was very generous at guest services..i took back a lot of shit that i shouldnt have..but i always just marked it as defective and it got RTV'd..so i dont feel bad about helping the customers...except the people who were being a@@holes
[quote name='waterboy100']i was very generous at guest services..i took back a lot of shit that i shouldnt have..but i always just marked it as defective and it got RTV'd..so i dont feel bad about helping the customers...except the people who were being a@@holes[/quote]

Thats still no excuse for letting a chunky monkey return his banana hammock.
[quote name='Kayden']Thats still no excuse for letting a chunky monkey return his banana hammock.[/QUOTE]

But it couldn't handle his coconuts! :bouncy:
[quote name='DuelLadyS']But it couldn't handle his coconuts! :bouncy:[/quote]

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...

not customer-related, but it seemed like a good way to bump the thread.

OK, in our store, the soap inside the soap dispenser is as follows: box, with bag of soap in it, and a tube coming out. Load box into dispenser, push tube into clips, close and use.

Now, this tube- it comes out of the bottom-middle of the front of the box. And it's made of some weird vinyl/rubber material that looks kinda fleshy. And it's a funky pasty off-white color. As such, I have subconiously named this the Soap Wang.

So, the last few days, out dispenser hasn't been dispening well. I opened it up and found the problem- a small hole in the bottom this white tube. I also discovered by simply opening the dispenser and working the soap through the tube, I could simply gather it from this hole for faster results than using the dispenser. I didn't think much of this until yesterday, when I noticed the specific method I must use to work the soap out... bascially, I am jacking off the Soap Wang. :whistle2:#

Two other things crossed my mind I this point:
1) Since I'm apparently the only one aware of this hole, and the soap will not be changed until the current soap is empty, I have many weeks of jacking off the soap wang to come. (Bad pun.)
2) How many frickin' people am I checking out who've skipped washing their hands due to this?! :whistle2:&
[quote name='DuelLadyS']not customer-related, but it seemed like a good way to bump the thread.

OK, in our store, the soap inside the soap dispenser is as follows: box, with bag of soap in it, and a tube coming out. Load box into dispenser, push tube into clips, close and use.

Now, this tube- it comes out of the bottom-middle of the front of the box. And it's made of some weird vinyl/rubber material that looks kinda fleshy. And it's a funky pasty off-white color. As such, I have subconiously named this the Soap Wang.

So, the last few days, out dispenser hasn't been dispening well. I opened it up and found the problem- a small hole in the bottom this white tube. I also discovered by simply opening the dispenser and working the soap through the tube, I could simply gather it from this hole for faster results than using the dispenser. I didn't think much of this until yesterday, when I noticed the specific method I must use to work the soap out... bascially, I am jacking off the Soap Wang. :whistle2:#

Two other things crossed my mind I this point:
1) Since I'm apparently the only one aware of this hole, and the soap will not be changed until the current soap is empty, I have many weeks of jacking off the soap wang to come. (Bad pun.)
2) How many frickin' people am I checking out who've skipped washing their hands due to this?! :whistle2:&[/QUOTE]

I know of this wang I have had to change it at my store, but not before waggling at my fellow employees...lol:D
I like watching the employess at Bestbuy struggle with consumers. They know jack shit when it comes to games. I could step in and help but I have suffcient reason not to, also it is entertaining.
[quote name='Zing']Those trying the "check id" trick on their credit cards should read this:

That's classic - the best part is his description of his own, regular, signature (which looks eerily like my own):

"You can see that I already have the signature of a monkey on crack"

"Again, my regular signature, which looks like that of a homeless clown"

"my regular signature, which looks like it was drawn by an unusually talented chicken"

"I forgot that I have the artistic ability of a piece of toast"

"Once more, my regular signature, which looks like it was drawn by a freebasing weasel"

"A final look at my normal signature, which looks like it was drawn by an epileptic ferret"

Ok, he's running out of material a bit there with the weasel/ferret, but the rest is hilarious.
Funny stuff but I hope he's getting paid from this site; otherwise, what a waste of time. Not to mention that Powerbar lady should have punched him in the mouth. Now THAT would have been hilarious.
i actually went on to Visa fraud and on the last prank call, James the Visa rep actually gave out his mother's maiden name to him. Now you'll get fired if you give out that information so i wonder if he got James from Visa fired from his prank call.
None of the people I deal with are stupid, some are just simply irritating. I work for an exective car dispatching center. Money is good but its a boring job, sitting at a desk all day for either my 8 hour shifts or the dreaded 12 hour shift Im stuck working today. Anyways Im talking with this moron who says she is going to look for the address I have to enter in....so I wait on the phone for a good 5 minutes before I get upset and just say LOOK MISS I CAN ENTER THIS AS AN AS DIRECTED CALL and she responds saying oh ok I was waiting for you to respond. So this woman tells me she is going for directions and doesnt even bother...wasting my time and energy....moron.
Ok, time to jot down a weeks worth of stupid customers. This'll be a guide of how not to be a stupid customer.

First one is a gal walks in with a target bag FULL of stuff. I ask her why she's bringing it in, and she says because she'd just bought it. Why the fuck would you NEED to bring in some stuff that you'd just bought into another store? We will think you're stealing if you leave with a bag full of unrecipted merchandise. Do not be surprised when we question the validity of your statement as well as having to look in the bag when you leave.

Second guy is a total dillhole. DO NOT presume to tell me my own companies policy and be wrong. As well, if you plan to walk into my place, DO NOT wear a huge baggy coat and a backpack around when it is around 70 degrees out and it's hella far away from any school. As well, do not think that you can get in because "I've bought things here without a card before". Bullshit you have, you cannot buy anything here without a card, no matter what.

Third people last night really chafed my ass. We were closing, I was the only guy at the door checking out the receipts. When I'd asked this guy for his receipt he threw it at me. I got angry at that and shoved it into his flowers that he'd just bought. He just kept on walking. I was going to tell my supervisor about it, but he was chatting with an old lady. I'd figured that she was just being elderly taking her time and chatting away, but when I saw that one of the managers showed up as well, I knew something was up. I stayed at the door to make sure no one snuck in but I kept on watching this little exchange. Both supe and manager were starting to get agitated I could see, but they were keeping their cool. I'd noticed that she'd been given her money back for something and she walked out the door and I closed it after her. I asked the supe about it later since I had some free time and he'd explained it to me. She wanted her money back for her meal. It's not that it was a bad pizza or anything, she wanted her money back because we started putting the tables away around her, 'taking away a dining experience'. WTF lady, you just bought a pizza, right when we were closing and we had told you you had around 10 minutes till we close, then you order a pizza and decided to treat our food court as your own personal restaurant.:bomb:
[quote name='sonderiaom']Ok, time to jot down a weeks worth of stupid customers. This'll be a guide of how not to be a stupid customer.

First one is a gal walks in with a target bag FULL of stuff. I ask her why she's bringing it in, and she says because she'd just bought it. Why the fuck would you NEED to bring in some stuff that you'd just bought into another store? We will think you're stealing if you leave with a bag full of unrecipted merchandise. Do not be surprised when we question the validity of your statement as well as having to look in the bag when you leave.[/QUOTE]

Maybe she didn't have a car. Of course, it would be understandable for your store to want to see a receipt or look in the bag.
[quote name='daria19']Maybe she didn't have a car. Of course, it would be understandable for your store to want to see a receipt or look in the bag.[/quote]

If the store were maybe a couple minutes away, I wouldn't care; I'd understand and let them in. However, the store was Target, which was a good mile away from Costco. If she had walked, then good for her, but I sincerely doubt it. If she had taken the bus, then it's possible, but she was coming in with a cart to get a ton of stuff, I somehow doubt that she'd be able to take the cart on the bus with her.

It's customers like the ones I've had that a new rule should be applied: Every week/month you get one customer to get back at. My good example would be the shoving of the receipt into the flowers because he threw it at me, tic for tac right?
Well, I had yet another interesting story at Honda this past weekend.

One of our advisors brought up a lady who was absolutely pissed. She asked him why she needed this service. He responded that cars need services other than oil changes every 3-5,000 miles (depending on the model) and it's needed to keep the car up and running. I later found out that she had never had any major service done to her car and it had 60,000 miles on it. Most major services are every 10,000 or so (they vary on what's replaced and the cost). Needless to say, she was a little behind. It's actually a minor miracle the car hadn't experienced any problems prior.

Anyhow, she asks him in a rude manner "what all did you do to my car." The advisor starts to explain what the service included and she snapped "Whatever. I don't care. I just hope I get my money's worth." At this point she throws her credit card at me and it hits my arm.

I run the card for the bill (it was about $220, not cheap by any means, but not expensive for service either). And she stormed out of the waiting room.

Well, about 40 minutes later the advisor walks up and asks me if I remembered "that extremely pleasant and happy lady." He told me that her car broke down and it's being towed into the dealership. He said that she went to a gas station and filled her gas tank with Ethanol 85, the cheap gas for vehicles designed to use it. She filled up, got on the highway, and the engine more or less shut itself down. So, she called up my dealership and explained what happened. She had to have it towed in and have the tank emptied, but that can't be done until today (Monday), leaving her without a car. If she's lucky the engine isn't ruined. If not, well, she could be without a car for an extended amount of time.

I don't work for the next few days, so I won't know what happened to her since then. I'll try to find out the next time I go in.
Nothing major but an idiot walking in with 3 boxsets, all sealed and wanting to trade them in for cash.

1. The sets are sealed.
2. Cash
3. He smells like weed
4. The sets are very different from each other... Band of Brothers and Laguna Beach?

Told him we don't take sealed DVDs (which is true) and he got pissy. He talks to his friend who goes "But I've traded in sealed stuff all the time!" that's a lie. I said if they were unsealed, we would take them. "Ok, I'll unseal them."

Sorry guy, no dice, I saw them sealed. Told him to unseal them and take them to the store across the freeway in the mall.

I admit, I was a bit of a dick, but I'm pretty sure they jacked them.
[quote name='Kuros']Nothing major but an idiot walking in with 3 boxsets, all sealed and wanting to trade them in for cash.

1. The sets are sealed.
2. Cash
3. He smells like weed
4. The sets are very different from each other... Band of Brothers and Laguna Beach?

Told him we don't take sealed DVDs (which is true) and he got pissy. He talks to his friend who goes "But I've traded in sealed stuff all the time!" that's a lie. I said if they were unsealed, we would take them. "Ok, I'll unseal them."

Sorry guy, no dice, I saw them sealed. Told him to unseal them and take them to the store across the freeway in the mall.

I admit, I was a bit of a dick, but I'm pretty sure they jacked them.[/QUOTE]

Guarantee you he got them about 6-8 months ago when Targets accidently sold nearly every box set for $5.99. Laguna Beach and Band of Brothers were included.

Or he stole them.
I worked in my electronics department today and it was really boring. However, at the end of the day, one couple certainly made my day.

Him: "Those tv boxes actually have the tv's in them right?"
I had to think a minute and look at him to see if he's joking and it doesn't look like he is.
Me: "Oh yeah, if you need any help just call me over."

A while goes by and I was chatting with an associate and the couple walks by with a tv.
Me: " Oh, I'm sorry sir, that box doesn't have a tv in it. We filled it with rocks"
Him: "Well if I get it home and that's true I'm gonna be pissed."

Holy crap guy, get a sense of humor.
Guy walks into store.

Me: "Hello sir, did you bring in any games to trade in today?"
Dude: "Hell no, I just want to return this broken game you guys sold me."

First, don't come acting like a douchebag.

Me: "Sir, we can only give you the same item because it is a new product and you opened it."
Dude: " This is the fucking 2nd one I bought, it doesn't work on my PS2."

Game is God of War.

Me: "I'm sorry sir but it's company policy that we only give you the same item
on new products."
Dude: "Are you a fucking moron? I said I don't want another copy of this damn game I want my money back now!"

Ok, now he brings on the tough guy act, fuck that shit I am not caving now.

Me: "Sir I can't do that, although I can give you the customer service number and you could take it up with them."
Dude: "This is bullshit." "I see you don't like to make your store any money, with your dumb attitude."
Me: "incase you didn't know sir, we don't make much money on new games."

Dude rolls his eyes at me.

Dude: "It seems you don't know much about the place you work at."
Me: "Yes sir, it seems you know more about the place I work at then I do."
Dude: "I dont want this game unless it will work, why don't you try it out with one of the ones you have in the store."

Once he said that it was on, if you call me out it's over. I walk to the back of the store into the backroom, I get one of the used PS2 and take it to the front, plug it into the tv and try it out. While i am doing this....

Dude: " you know you could have just gave me my money back and you wouldn't have had to go though all this trouble."
Me: "It's no trouble sir, you wanted me to try it out and I am going to. "

Knowing I am fucking right I turn it on and bam it works.

The dude had the best facial expression on his face, I wanted to laugh in his face for being wrong.

Dude:"ok give me my game back."
Me: "thank you sir, have a good day.

Total ownage.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']Guy walks into store.

Me: "Hello sir, did you bring in any games to trade in today?"
Dude: "Hell no, I just want to return this broken game you guys sold me."

First, don't come acting like a douchebag.

Me: "Sir, we can only give you the same item because it is a new product and you opened it."
Dude: " This is the fucking 2nd one I bought, it doesn't work on my PS2."

Game is God of War.

Me: "I'm sorry sir but it's company policy that we only give you the same item
on new products."
Dude: "Are you a fucking moron? I said I don't want another copy of this damn game I want my money back now!"

Ok, now he brings on the tough guy act, fuck that shit I am not caving now.

Me: "Sir I can't do that, although I can give you the customer service number and you could take it up with them."
Dude: "This is bullshit." "I see you don't like to make your store any money, with your dumb attitude."
Me: "incase you didn't know sir, we don't make much money on new games."

Dude rolls his eyes at me.

Dude: "It seems you don't know much about the place you work at."
Me: "Yes sir, it seems you know more about the place I work at then I do."
Dude: "I dont want this game unless it will work, why don't you try it out with one of the ones you have in the store."

Once he said that it was on, if you call me out it's over. I walk to the back of the store into the backroom, I get one of the used PS2 and take it to the front, plug it into the tv and try it out. While i am doing this....

Dude: " you know you could have just gave me my money back and you wouldn't have had to go though all this trouble."
Me: "It's no trouble sir, you wanted me to try it out and I am going to. "

Knowing I am fucking right I turn it on and bam it works.

The dude had the best facial expression on his face, I wanted to laugh in his face for being wrong.

Dude:"ok give me my game back."
Me: "thank you sir, have a good day.

Total ownage.[/QUOTE]

It's sad but I've lost count of how many times I've encountered this exact situation.
[quote name='gizmogc']Guarantee you he got them about 6-8 months ago when Targets accidently sold nearly every box set for $5.99. Laguna Beach and Band of Brothers were included.

Or he stole them.[/QUOTE]

They were sealed for 6-8 months?

Unlikely IMO.
[quote name='Kuros']They were sealed for 6-8 months?

Unlikely IMO.[/QUOTE]
I've got games that have been sealed for more than a year. However, I'm not stupid enough to trade them in sealed.
[quote name='Kuros']They were sealed for 6-8 months?

Unlikely IMO.[/QUOTE]

I still have games from the CC 4.99 sale. I got them intending to play them, just never got around to it.
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