Employees of all stores--post your stupid customer stories--part III

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I've typed up my resignation letter just in case someone really pisses me off in the next few days. I'm going to be a stay-at-home dad for a little while. The hours are longer, but I don't have to deal with anyone stupid...besides myself (at times)
At my store we tend to have a problem with people not knowing that Pull means Pull. Most people are smart, but one day my manager and I witnessed a huge string of idiots.

In a time span of 60 minutes or so, everyone pushed open the door, causing it to get caught on the carpet. Not only that, the people were either annoying or just dumb. Nothing like some dude who practically yells all the damn time. "KIDS YOU GUYS CAN ONLY GET ONE GAME!"

Also, had this girl walk in... pushed open the door and just left it open, stuck on the carpet. She was dressed in casual clothes, came up to us and asked for an application, and then another just in case if she messed up.

Whoo boy... good way to get hired there.
Reminds me of people looking straight at the sign indicating where the iPod and mp3 players are...

"Where are the iPods?"

I don't understand people who don't pick a free game when you tell them that it's buy 2 get 1 free. If you're in a hurry and you're buying cheap games, then maybe the buy 2 get 1 free isn't worth it but if you're buying games that cost $44.99, why don't you want to pick a free one? I'm always tempted to scan a random game that's around $40 and keep it for myself if it wouldn't get me fired.
I actually once had a customer ask me if I got paid commission just for telling customers what the current specials are. Don't I wish that were true... I'd be damn rich by now. ;)
Customer pointing at the PS2 and looking at me:
"Excuse me, can you ring me up here?"

And I once got yelled the fuck out for not knowing the name of the first 2 Carpenter Albums:
"You Best Buy employees don't know shit."

I hate Best Buy.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']And I once got yelled the fuck out for not knowing the name of the first 2 Carpenter Albums:
"You Best Buy employees don't know shit."[/QUOTE]

You know what I'd love to say to that person myself is "Well Mr. Smartass I guess you are no better than me since you don't know either." :lol:

... but I know better anyways.
We are sitting there ringing out customers as they stand there in line, just miniding our own business, A chinese family is standing in line waiting to purchase a game..Our TV hangs from the ceiling and plays the EBtv daily, same thing for an entire month. So there is a Chinses boy maybe 5......He is watching the Television while waiting with his father and happens to see the excerpt that we had of a Godzilla game that just happened to be in the "archives" section of the DVD. Well, as he proceeds to watch, he seems to cringe a little bit and then smiles really big as on screen Godzilla proceeds to blow up a city, This is when out of nowhere the boy says in a rather loud tone, "Oh boy, that Godzilla is so strong he really scare me" and instantly grabs onto his father's leg....for anyone who's of age you should totally understand the irony of this joke. So we bust out laughing, we actually have to pull our manager onto register because we have lost our emotions uncontrollably, just laughing histerically.....Absolutely hilarious.
n. pl. i·ro·nies
    1. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
    2. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
    3. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit[SIZE=-1]1[/SIZE].
    1. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: “Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated” (Richard Kain).
    2. An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity
No, i think this is what you are looking for.

Clich'e \Cli`ch['e]"\, n. [F. clich['e], from clicher to stereotype.] A stereotype plate or any similar reproduction of ornament, or lettering, in relief.

It'd be ironic if Godzilla said he was scared of the kid...
[quote name='Demolition Man']Reminds me of people looking straight at the sign indicating where the iPod and mp3 players are...

"Where are the iPods?"

I can confirm that this happens repeatedly.:lol:
[quote name='neocisco']I can confirm that this happens repeatedly.:lol:[/QUOTE]

One of these days I might have to pull out that geetar under my register and give em a 1-2-3 Jeffey Jarreettey response to "where are the iPods" by... well..... you know the rest. ;)
Wow.. hilarious stories... Anyway, I read that you need a membership card to eat at Costco? The Costco that I go to has a food court outside, so it's never enforced.. In fact I've seen firemen, ambulances, and even policemen parked on the fire lane (yes thats right, right next to the food court), and they just stop and eat lunch there.
[quote name='XIII']We are sitting there ringing out customers as they stand there in line, just miniding our own business, A chinese family is standing in line waiting to purchase a game..Our TV hangs from the ceiling and plays the EBtv daily, same thing for an entire month. So there is a Chinses boy maybe 5......He is watching the Television while waiting with his father and happens to see the excerpt that we had of a Godzilla game that just happened to be in the "archives" section of the DVD. Well, as he proceeds to watch, he seems to cringe a little bit and then smiles really big as on screen Godzilla proceeds to blow up a city, This is when out of nowhere the boy says in a rather loud tone, "Oh boy, that Godzilla is so strong he really scare me" and instantly grabs onto his father's leg....for anyone who's of age you should totally understand the irony of this joke. So we bust out laughing, we actually have to pull our manager onto register because we have lost our emotions uncontrollably, just laughing histerically.....Absolutely hilarious.[/quote]

[quote name='Demolition Man']This is why I give straight out cash instead of a freakin gift card. I simply don't get the point of gift cards at all.[/quote]
Lets say you get a money present from your aunt. With that money, if you run out of toothpaste, mouthwash, stuff like that, your parents can make you uby it and say things like " well it's yours so you need to buy it and be responsible for your own things"...however if you have a gift card for say gamestop you are assured to use all your gift money on something you want. Tha'ts what giftcards are for.
when we used to have surveys that people would fill out and drop in a box just before they left one stood out in particular. the last line lets you write any additional comments, someone wrote:

"Please hire people of different races"
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Lets say you get a money present from your aunt. With that money, if you run out of toothpaste, mouthwash, stuff like that, your parents can make you uby it and say things like " well it's yours so you need to buy it and be responsible for your own things"...however if you have a gift card for say gamestop you are assured to use all your gift money on something you want. Tha'ts what giftcards are for.[/QUOTE]

What are you, like 12?

Someday you'll know the joy of buying your own toothpaste. Or your teeth will rot, one of the two.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Lets say you get a money present from your aunt. With that money, if you run out of toothpaste, mouthwash, stuff like that, your parents can make you uby it and say things like " well it's yours so you need to buy it and be responsible for your own things"...however if you have a gift card for say gamestop you are assured to use all your gift money on something you want. Tha'ts what giftcards are for.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he meant it literally.
[quote name='Kirra']Wow.. hilarious stories... Anyway, I read that you need a membership card to eat at Costco? The Costco that I go to has a food court outside, so it's never enforced.. In fact I've seen firemen, ambulances, and even policemen parked on the fire lane (yes thats right, right next to the food court), and they just stop and eat lunch there.[/quote]

Yup, at least at my Costco you need a card, though I'm going to make a thread on ways around it, they're pathetically easy. And as for those people parking there, they're not allowed to unless there is an emergency; so call the cops on them, say that someone is parked in the fire zone and refuse to leave.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Lets say you get a money present from your aunt. With that money, if you run out of toothpaste, mouthwash, stuff like that, your parents can make you uby it and say things like " well it's yours so you need to buy it and be responsible for your own things"...however if you have a gift card for say gamestop you are assured to use all your gift money on something you want. Tha'ts what giftcards are for.[/QUOTE]

Was that really your best effort?
I'm doing tech spport now so the other day I get this call

"Ok so I'm in this PDF and I highlight some text and right click and select copy to clipboard, but where's the clipboard!? Where's it going!?"

The other day at work, some lady comes to buy a monster-size sheet of watercolor paper, but there's no barcode on it. She notices then that it's scratched (I couldn't see it, but paper-buyers are damn picky, so whatever) and she opts to get a different sheet. So, she grabs it and heads off, and that's when I see it... her credit card, left on my counter.

Now, mind you, our watercolor paper is across the store from the register. And she apparently stopped to look over all the sheets, becuase she didn't came back for 3,4 minutes. I know everyone here understands what I can do if I get a hold of a card like this... and she hadn't even signed the damn thing!

Lucky for this lady, I'm an honest gal, so I put it in my apron and wait till she comes back. By now I have a line, and she ends up and a different cashier. She still managed to get a sheet without a barcode, this time the cashier went to get the number. Lady wanders up to me and says, "I left my card with you, right?"

I give it back and give her a somewhat stern (for a cashier) warning- "Ma'am, you can't trust me with this. I could'be easily stolen you indenity just now, you have to be more careful with these things."

Her reply? "Yeah, but, you're the cashier, I trust you." :shock: I tell her "Ma'am, you don't know me. And you shouldn't trust me."

So away I go, checking the line... the other cashier pages the manager- I assume for a big check... the line goes down, I spot the manager standing behind me, and let her know the toher cashier needed her for something.

"Yeah, for that lady... what was up with her card?"

And then it hits me- this lady actually complained to management about me!!! Of course, I didn't get in any trouble- after all, I was trying to be helpful... but apparently she felt I should be punished for that.

I sorta-halfway hope she does get her card number stolen and has to do the chargeback-replacement-hoop jumping... just so she can hear me in her head going "I told ya so!" :roll:
Ugh, and I just lost my check card today. It's signed, but damn I couldn't find it.

Right away I called up and had it canceled. Now they are sending me another.
I'd recommend putting "check ID" on your card instead of signing it. Nobody actually compares signatures but most of the cashiers I come across do ask to see my ID.
[quote name='neocisco']I'd recommend putting "check ID" on your card instead of signing it. Nobody actually compares signatures but most of the cashiers I come across do ask to see my ID.[/QUOTE]

I recommend both, just to avoid problems with savvy thieves who could make a fake ID with the card name on it- at least that way there is a comparable signature for a clerk to check if they want to.
Interesting. So in the signature area you also write "Check ID" or do you do that in Sharpie somewhere on the back of the card? Good idea.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Interesting. So in the signature area you also write "Check ID" or do you do that in Sharpie somewhere on the back of the card? Good idea.[/quote]

signature area :)
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Interesting. So in the signature area you also write "Check ID" or do you do that in Sharpie somewhere on the back of the card? Good idea.[/quote]

I had one customer who had "check ID" carved into his card ( with a knife) and he told me that in the 30 years he had done that I was the fist to ask for an ID.
[quote name='neocisco']I'd recommend putting "check ID" on your card instead of signing it. Nobody actually compares signatures but most of the cashiers I come across do ask to see my ID.[/QUOTE]

I don't work retail, and from these stories not to excited too. I work at an Orange Julius and if they don't sign the back I usually ask for ID if i feel in the mood. Hate it when people are like its just a smoothie or we're not buying alcohol or nething... ughh just give me ur ID geez. But I love when people ask why and i tell them u didn't sign the back and then their tone changes like ohhh....

Also had another incident this one girl couldnt be more then 16 didnt sign her card and no ID so my manager asked her to sign the card right there, she was like where? and she tried signing on the black strip.... how does she even have a card?
I had a guy try to buy a 360 and gave me a credit card w/a woman's name on it. Of course I turn him down and he's asking why he can't use the card, that he's used it there before. Well, I was pretty sure his name wasn't Susan so I sent him on his way. Idiot.
[quote name='neocisco']I had a guy try to buy a 360 and gave me a credit card w/a woman's name on it. Of course I turn him down and he's asking why he can't use the card, that he's used it there before. Well, I was pretty sure his name wasn't Susan so I sent him on his way. Idiot.[/QUOTE]

Hey, you never know. :lol:
[quote name='vietgurl']Hey, you never know. :lol:[/quote]
You should have seen him. He was dressed like he took the clothes right off of the Abercrombie & Fitch mannequin (pink polo, collar popped:roll:) and was standing there slack-jawed. He looked like he was in the frat boy training program.:lol:
Hmph! I'll come back tommorrow and show you my ID! I was so mad at the time, I didn't think of showing it. It's not my fault my mother wanted to name me Susan! *pops collar*
My signature always rubs off on mine so maybe I'll do the sharpie "Check ID" off to the side and hope that stays on. Good idea. Now if retail employees actually are vigilant about checking we'd be set.
[quote name='neocisco']I had a guy try to buy a 360 and gave me a credit card w/a woman's name on it. Of course I turn him down and he's asking why he can't use the card, that he's used it there before. Well, I was pretty sure his name wasn't Susan so I sent him on his way. Idiot.[/QUOTE]

Could've been his moms card?
[quote name='mickeyho13']Could've been his moms card?[/quote]
Even if it was he could've stolen it. I've had people try to get the other person on the phone to "confirm" that it's OK to use the card which, of course, could be absolutely anybody. Bottom line, no ID, no use of the card. People will whine and complain until identity theft happens to them then it seems like a really good idea.

[quote name='Yusuke-Urameshi-']Hmph! I'll come back tommorrow and show you my ID! I was so mad at the time, I didn't think of showing it. It's not my fault my mother wanted to name me Susan! *pops collar*[/quote]
I'll be waiting.:lol:
[quote name='SteveMcQ']My signature always rubs off on mine so maybe I'll do the sharpie "Check ID" off to the side and hope that stays on. Good idea. Now if retail employees actually are vigilant about checking we'd be set.[/QUOTE]

Same with me. The signature rubs off and so does the 3 digit verification number, so I usually can't use my card to make online purchases. This always happens within three months of getting a new debit card. I just stopped asking for new ones and gave up.
So I was just in EB (not my store) trading in some games when this really smelly guy comes up to the register.

Guy: "I'm looking for Pokemon Red Flame"
Associate: "Pokemon Fire Red?"
Guy: "NO, didn't you hear me? Pokemon RED FLAME"
Associate: "Were you looking for the red flame Game Boy Advance SP system?"
Me (yes, I was one of those annoying customers that butt in, lol): "It's Pokemon Fire Red."
Guy: "What do you know? You're only a girl."
Me: "Obviously more than you." (I didn't feel like arguing, lol)
Associate brings out the game: "You mean this one?"
Guy: "Yeah"
Associate: "It says Pokemon Fire Red"
Guy is quiet for the rest of the transaction

I also think it's great when someone who doesn't feel like waiting starts to sigh and jiggle their keys and just act like they should be first in line. I was getting my trades processed and I could tell that the lady next to me was in a hurry so I didn't hesitate on my trades and got the credit on the card. The sales associate wasn't taking her time either and she was working normal speed. Anyway, the lady next to me kept sighing and jiggling her keys and fidgeting...then sighing and doing the whole routine again. Finally, when I was about to slide my EDGE card so I could get the credit on there, she slams the Rome: Total War box on the counter, slams her hand on the counter really hard, and storms out. Gee, if she had waited another 30 seconds, she would have been helped.
[quote name='vietgurl']
Guy: "What do you know? You're only a girl."
Me: "Obviously more than you." [/quote]

Listen... I love you.

[quote name='vietgurl']
Guy: "What do you know? You're only a girl."[/quote]
Yea, lol, if i were you i would've so torn into him, but then, he's buying a pokemon game... So i think it'd be a bit too easy.
Customer: I ordered a game from your website, but it hasn't come in yet. I was wondering if I can just pick it up in the store.
Me: What game?
Customer: Final Fantasy XI Treasure of Aht Urghan (needless to say...he didn't pronounce it right...but nobody does)
Me: No we're sold out of it.
Customer: Well, I ordered this game off your website and picked the 24 hour shipping. It's been 26 hours and I still haven't gotten it. (Note: our website has an overnight shipping...not a 24 hour shipping)
Me: It doesn't ship the order as soon as you place it, it takes a while to process it. It'll probably ship today.
Customer: Oh. Ok.


Customer: I bought one of those GPG things on a game. I was wondering, can I transfer that to a game I already had?
Me: Uh...no. (You can just feel the sarcasm drip)
Customer: Uh...ok. Thanks.
[quote name='MrMaddness']Customer: I ordered a game from your website, but it hasn't come in yet. I was wondering if I can just pick it up in the store.
Me: What game?
Customer: Final Fantasy XI Treasure of Aht Urghan (needless to say...he didn't pronounce it right...but nobody does)
Me: No we're sold out of it.
Customer: Well, I ordered this game off your website and picked the 24 hour shipping. It's been 26 hours and I still haven't gotten it. (Note: our website has an overnight shipping...not a 24 hour shipping)
Me: It doesn't ship the order as soon as you place it, it takes a while to process it. It'll probably ship today.
Customer: Oh. Ok.


Customer: I bought one of those GPG things on a game. I was wondering, can I transfer that to a game I already had?
Me: Uh...no. (You can just feel the sarcasm drip)
Customer: Uh...ok. Thanks.[/quote]

I had a good one today

Customer: I ordered a game heres my order number *gives order number*. What is the status of my order since I did overnight shipping..
Me: Um it appears on your tracking page UPS couldnt locate your address and needs to reconfirm it with you
Customer: Okay can you then refund me my overnight shipping since its your fault they didnt find my address
Me: Maam the address information we placed was correct, and it is UPS who cannot find you, all you needed to do was call them up. What UPS did though is find your location it just took a few days and now they know where you live and will deliver it tommorow.
Customer: Can I just pick the game up in a store
Me: One moment maam let me locate a store for you *calls store and has it hold it for her*. Okay maam i have the store holding a copy for you
Customer: So I can just go in there and pick it up
Me: No you have to pay for it
Customer: WHAAAT?!?! WHY?!?! I demand my 55.00 back immediatley then.
Me: Maam you will get the game in the mail, and I can only give you a refund when it gets back to us.. or if you just return it to a store
Customer: Well I want this game now and you are just as responsible as the people driving the trucks on getting my package lost
Me: *thinking to myself* (Its not lost)
Customer: Im going to sue you and your company *hangs up*
[quote name='PezRadar']
Customer: Im going to sue you and your company *hangs up*[/quote]
I wish more people would sue companies for bs reasons and then they would show it on court tv.

"Will the dumbass..... I mean Plantiff please state their case"
" I gave them the wrong address and it took an extra three hours to get my game! I want one billion dollars in damages."
"Well though you are clearly damaged I am afraid I can not give you anything...... except this, the bill for the court fees. Have a nice day!"
[quote name='PezRadar']I had a good one today

Customer: I ordered a game heres my order number *gives order number*. What is the status of my order since I did overnight shipping..
Me: Um it appears on your tracking page UPS couldnt locate your address and needs to reconfirm it with you
Customer: Okay can you then refund me my overnight shipping since its your fault they didnt find my address
Me: Maam the address information we placed was correct, and it is UPS who cannot find you, all you needed to do was call them up. What UPS did though is find your location it just took a few days and now they know where you live and will deliver it tommorow.
Customer: Can I just pick the game up in a store
Me: One moment maam let me locate a store for you *calls store and has it hold it for her*. Okay maam i have the store holding a copy for you
Customer: So I can just go in there and pick it up
Me: No you have to pay for it
Customer: WHAAAT?!?! WHY?!?! I demand my 55.00 back immediatley then.
Me: Maam you will get the game in the mail, and I can only give you a refund when it gets back to us.. or if you just return it to a store
Customer: Well I want this game now and you are just as responsible as the people driving the trucks on getting my package lost
Me: *thinking to myself* (Its not lost)
Customer: Im going to sue you and your company *hangs up*[/quote]

Yea, this thread is definately the reason why i declined when i was offered a job at Gamestop.
Lady comes in, says she needs to exchange a packet of velcro dots (for mounting remotes and stuff) and/or get some help with it, becuase it's not working and she thinks it's defective.

That right- she's not sure if her velcro is 'working'.

I ask her what the project is, and she explains that she's trying to mount a garage door opener-remote deal in her car, but see- the velcro won't stick. She proceeds to put two of the fabric sides together to show me they don't stick.


So I explain she needs to put the plastic side to the fabric side, that the plastic one is a hunch of hooks, and the fabric is a bunch of tiny loops, and that's how it holds.

"OK... so, the opener already has this one on it *holds up fabric side*"
"Then you need to put this one *holds up plastic side* whereever you want the opener to be."
"Ok, I got it! Thanks for your help!"
"No problem. Have a nice day!"

And as she leaves, it hits me... good lord, I just had to explain how velcro works to someone!
[quote name='dragonpancakes']I wish more people would sue companies for bs reasons and then they would show it on court tv.

"Will the dumbass..... I mean Plantiff please state their case"
" I gave them the wrong address and it took an extra three hours to get my game! I want one billion dollars in damages."
"Well though you are clearly damaged I am afraid I can not give you anything...... except this, the bill for the court fees. Have a nice day!"[/QUOTE]

I am thinking that this would be a GREAT tv show and probably easy to get people to come on. You should pitch it to the Judge Judy people.
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