Fable II - Gen Discussion & Info

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']We got an email at work today saying that some of the LEs are shipping without the codes for the extra content. Microsoft is supposed to notify us with a solution to the problem.[/quote]

Serious?! I hope this isn't widespread, or hell will be risen!! What is this "work" you speak of is it something like the big retails like Target, Wal Mart or the smaller Gamestop?
*Sigh* Well, my card got charged by Amazon today, but no shipping notice yet, so odds are I won't have the game til Weds :( Stupid Amazon.
[quote name='dabebop']Serious?! I hope this isn't widespread, or hell will be risen!! What is this "work" you speak of is it something like the big retails like Target, Wal Mart or the smaller Gamestop?[/QUOTE]
GameFly just sent me the e-mail saying that they shipped it earlier today. I wasn't really excited for the game, however it's open-endedness is really exciting me. Also, having a dog makes it a winner in my book.
[quote name='Gamehead']GameFly just sent me the e-mail saying that they shipped it earlier today. I wasn't really excited for the game, however it's open-endedness is really exciting me. Also, having a dog makes it a winner in my book.[/quote]

I got the same email. Does that mean we'll get it tomorrow?

It's my first gamefly game lol.

I didn't realize how important the dog was to the game until reading these reviews. I'm impressed.
[quote name='Moxio']8.5 from GameSpot.

Didn't someone say that saw it as 9.0 earlier?[/QUOTE]


Well overall this games till got pretty close to the 9.0 mark from Gamespot/IGN. Just shy of the 9.0 mark.

My only disappointment from all the reviews is the game is still too short. Otherwise it seems like so many things were improved over the first and I loved the first despite all the hype.

The real ball buster is choosing between this and Fallout 3. I can't have both, but I'll probably go with Fable just because of the co-op.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Gamestop.[/quote]

Guess we'll know once you start gutting and putting up the display boxes of fable.
So will we ever be able to get this content via XBL and at some price? I am not getting the game, my brother is, and I am just going to play his copy. I would really like the bonus content though. :/
So random. I went to my Hollywood video to return a movie which has a Gamecrazy next door. There were like 5 people waiting in line for Fable II and it was 8 PM.

Two things are wrong here.

1. It's Fable II. It won't sell out and if you want it that bad, just go to Wal-Mart at 12 AM instead of waiting around.
2. It's 8 PM and you're waiting in line for Fable II.

I plan on picking either this up or Far Cry 2 or Spiderman Web of Shadows but still, this game doesn't strike me as a "must wait ouside in line for" type of game.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']So will we ever be able to get this content via XBL and at some price? I am not getting the game, my brother is, and I am just going to play his copy. I would really like the bonus content though. :/[/quote]

You think they'd deny themselves more money? Of course you'll be able to get it.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I got the same email. Does that mean we'll get it tomorrow?

It's my first gamefly game lol.

I didn't realize how important the dog was to the game until reading these reviews. I'm impressed.[/QUOTE]

I expect to get it on Wednesday. It usually takes me 2-3 days to get a game once it has shipped.
[quote name='Maynard']Well it starts off fun as hell.

My blockbuster is cool as hell and they let me rent it tonight :)[/quote]

ooooo you lucky lucky man.

well cheers to your gaming experience with it, hopefully it's all good and the co op is excellent also.
God I'm excited. The various gaming podcasts have been positive. I'm avoiding reading reviews, but I'm seeing high 8s low 9s which is what I expected. I feel like if you didn't buy into Peter's hype and had realistic expectations, you shouldn't be disappointed. Right now I'm finishing off a second patron in Pub Games. I want one rich (1+ mil in gold), one well off (250k) and any character after that will be starting poor.

"Gamestop has told stores that cases WITH an orange '48 hours of live' sticker includes the content, whereas the copies of the game without said sticker do not have the card," the reader wrote. "I can vouch for the missing DLC because I have my copy in hand and it does not include it."

We've checked in with Microsoft PR to verify if this information is true or not, and, if so, how they plan on distributing the content to buyers of Fable II's Collector's Edition. Consider this rumor for now, but to be on the safe side, you might want to make sure your copy has one of those fancy orange stickers on it.
It is true, since Microsoft mentions it on xbox.com. Anyone find where the Pub is? I need to merge my characters.
This is a whole bunch of shit. What irks me more is that tomorrow, the guy who sold me the pre-order is going to try and get me to "upgrade" to the CE. $10 more for a making-of DVD? Pfft.
[quote name='dabebop']Ridiculous I tell you this whole Limited Edition of Fable 2 has just been marred with production problems with just getting the items to come with the game. Where as the game is good to go, unless we start seeing something wrong with the discs.[/quote]
I have to wonder how many people lost their jobs because of the Fable 2 Limited Edition.
Got my shipping notice from Circuit City, but it says expected to arrive 2 weeks from now.. Anybody have experience with their free shipping? Like has anybody received it within the same week with free shipping?
[quote name='dabebop']Ridiculous I tell you this whole Limited Edition of Fable 2 has just been marred with production problems with just getting the items to come with the game. Where as the game is good to go, unless we start seeing something wrong with the discs.[/quote]
I'm going to open mine up and get the original Fable!
can't wait either my copy of LE should be here from Amazon on Tues. Release Date delivery has shipped earlier today and also picked up earlier today Fable II LE Guide..
from what i read it appears that the good and bad choices once again really don't affect the game that much. this is what really disappointed me on the last game. looks like i'll just skip this one. also the co-op sounds pretty fuckin stupid and how you can't transfer your own created player to play with you friend but instead you have to make a genaric one? wtf peter once again fails to live up to anything he talks about.
[quote name='johnnyrocker360']also the co-op sounds pretty fuckin stupid and how you can't transfer your own created player to play with you friend but instead you have to make a genaric one? wtf peter once again fails to live up to anything he talks about.[/quote]

This is a potential deal breaker for me. One of the big things he mentioned is that I can hop in, at any point, and effect the other player's game. For instance, if Player 2 was online, I could pop in his game, kill his wife and it'd completely change his storyline. Is that not the case? Can I not effect one person's game in co-op like that?
[quote name='Scorch']This is a potential deal breaker for me. One of the big things he mentioned is that I can hop in, at any point, and effect the other player's game. For instance, if Player 2 was online, I could pop in his game, kill his wife and it'd completely change his storyline. Is that not the case? Can I not effect one person's game in co-op like that?[/QUOTE]

That's kind of a misnomer. At least according to IGN's review.

They said that you can transfer only the STATS of your character, but none of the clothing or weapons.
I don't even know how to do co-op in Fable 2, let alone much else. I couldn't even find an Inn in Oakfield, so I had to buy a place to sleep because my Hero was turning pale and thin from all the woodcutting he was doing.
Even though you can affect someone's game i still don't understand why you can't bring you whole chracter over. i mean if i'm going to create the most outrageous looking person i'd like that to transfer over to play with my friend on co-op. It only takes 8 hours to finish the main story? WTF just like the last game. Thought the game was supposed to be about you being the greastest hero albion has ever seen and this is only worth 8 hours of a main story. Oh of course the side missions make it longer but still couldn't we have got a main story with double digits? Maybe fable 3 will be up to 9 and 1/2 hours of a main story.
Is this game not supposed to have background music most of the time? When I'm playing, there is absolutely no sound except for stuff like birds chirping and the wind blowing. It's boring as hell. Is this just happening to me, or is it like that for everyone? As far as an 8 hour story mode, I think I've spent 3 hours playing it, and I don't think I'm anywhere near finishing the game at this point.
[quote name='KingBroly'] As far as an 8 hour story mode, I think I've spent 3 hours playing it, and I don't think I'm anywhere near finishing the game at this point.[/quote]

good i was hoping that ign video review was lying about that. let me know how long it actually is. i'm still on the fence because i really want this game but i would like it to take a big chunk of my time to complete it.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']http://kotaku.com/5066241/rumor-fable-ii-ce-release-gets-bonus-last-minute-screw-up[/QUOTE]

WTF! Seriously! :bomb::bomb::bomb:

I can confirm this! My cousin and I both got our Fable 2 LEs at midnight. Originally I thought the bonus content was on the bonus disc but there are only videos on it so I assumed it was already on the game. When I told my cousin this he said he got a code and sent me a picture of it because he didn't believe me when I said I didn't get it. Now I just read the link and asked my cousin if his case had an orange trial sticker. His does and mine doesn't. I'm so pissed. I was already mad that they cut out everything I wanted in the original LE but figured the extra content would be worth the extra $10. Now I don't even have that! Basically I paid the extra $10 got the normal edition content. fucking bullshit!

So far the game is pretty good, but I got off to check to see if anyone else didn't get the bonus content. Guess I wasn't or won't be the only one. They better fix this!

And what pisses me off is I think the guy at Gamestop knew about it. When I walked in to pay I heard some customer say something like "What if the code isn't in the case?", but I didn't know what he was talking about until now. To make matters worse, when I went to get my game the guy didn't grab the case on top. He scrolled through the pile and grabbed me one from the middle. I hope he didn't do that shit on purpose because he saw I'm a girl and thought I wouldn't care. That's so much bullshit! :bomb::bomb::bomb:
Sorry to hear about your tale of woe, but either MS will do something about this tomorrow once the torrents of outraged people begin to come in. Or you can just exchange it out tomorrow and ensure that you get a proper one.

Anyway I think your gender has nothing with them grabbing a game in a box. Shit I was at the midnight pick up for GTA4, and they just want everything done fast and quick. Even asked to get the LE, but they quickly told me they just have enough for all the pre orders, and fuck I still see GTA 4 LEs in targets, best buys, and what not.

So chill...sounds like everyone is realizing that co op is now where you get a generic hero, and not even your stylistically cool one. Even so you fellows, and ladies, with your copies think it's still worth it?
I couldn't care less about co-op. I hope my LE has all the stuff. That would suck if it ddn't. I only paid $66 total including tax for it, so that's not bad.
[quote name='Cleaner7']Thanks, I'm calm now. It's just that all the fuck ups that have happened with Fable II finally got to me. Well I looked into the matter more and it looks like Microsoft is aware of the problem. Here is a link to the support site. It says they're looking into it and will have a solution by October 28th. I hope so!


Return that and go see the guy who gave it to you and complain hardcore. They'll probably give you a code if you pre-ordered maybe.

Also, I wouldn't believe IGN's bullshit. I think their review was made months ago. Most of the things like character fixes should be patched.
Hmm. I'm doing my best to locate an LE in-store, but now it seems that it's a bit irrelevant. Sure, there's going to be a fix, but I really don't see the extra stuff as being worth it at this point, especially since the 'fix' will likely end up being that they release it on the marketplace sooner rather than later.
Update: Just got my LE Fable 2 from Amazon and it had no sticker on it anywhere but it does have the downloadable content code in the case. Looks like I'm ready to go.
I can't really understand how this game is getting such insanely good reviews. It's mediocre at best. It's not a bad game, don't get me wrong, it's just nowhere near a 9 or 10. I was entertained the whole way though, but the combat is wonky and the story is lacking. I don't know where the reviews are coming from saying the main quest is 15 hours long. I beat it in under 8 hours, and that's with doing a bunch of sidequests because you need to gain "renown" to progress through the story.

I have a feeling A LOT of people are going to be disappointed with this one. I have to basically discredit everything Molyneux says from now on.
[quote name='Trakan']I can't really understand how this game is getting such insanely good reviews. It's mediocre at best. It's not a bad game, don't get me wrong, it's just nowhere near a 9 or 10. I was entertained the whole way though, but the combat is wonky and the story is lacking. I don't know where the reviews are coming from saying the main quest is 15 hours long. I beat it in under 8 hours, and that's with doing a bunch of sidequests because you need to gain "renown" to progress through the story.

I have a feeling A LOT of people are going to be disappointed with this one. I have to basically discredit everything Molyneux says from now on.[/QUOTE]

I did that after the 1st fable. That being said, I'm sure I'll have some fun with this as (despite it being hyped to holy hell and back) I enjoyed the 1st one.
bread's done