FallOTT 3 is better than Gears of WOTT 2

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[quote name='DarthPuma']I have an extra LFD PC demo code if anyone needs it. If anyone has an extra lancer or hammer code, hook me up.

Add me bitches! On live that is[/quote]

Do you have the demo on PC? Want to play some later?
Spooky! :shock:
Went in an Wednesday and saw that I have a 6 inch incision straight down the middle of my knee. It's been a little over two weeks since the operation. 4 more weeks of crutches (can only put slight weight on that leg) but I'm going to physical therapy starting next week to help start bending my knee again, which should hopefully get me out of this immobilizing brace earlier than the 4 weeks.

Should be good as new in 4-6 weeks according to my surgeon, so we'll see. Overall it's not too bad of a situation, just a little tedious.

My entire department is having a meeting right now to get bitched out about not doing their jobs, and I got elected the person to "hold down the fort" while the rest of the supervisors are there because I'm the only one not fucking things up.

They even brought me some of the food while I sit here :cool:
Nah, I don't have to. The guy who runs the department was a 30-year cop/15-year detective. I don't narc on my co-workers because I have to work with them.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Good to hear its getting better...what was it again that caused the need for surgery?[/QUOTE]
My knee dislocated twice, which it turns out was because the tendon on the left side of my knee was tighter/more pressurized than the one on the right side (left knee, by the way), so when I leaned back on my left leg it would pull my kneecap to the left.

It never got better (this was before the knowledge about the tendon, which they found when they scoped the knee) so they just went in to scope it (arthroscopic) and see what was wrong, and it turned out sometime (not sure if it was during the dislocations, due to them, due to the falls, or what) during the course of the whole ordeal I had broken the end of the bone that is underneath your kneecap on the outside of the leg (end of the femur, apparently) so they had to cut my knee open and screw that bone back in place.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']PT could really suck, Rocko... do you know what your schedule will be?[/QUOTE]
3 times a week for four weeks, starting on Monday, is all I know right now. I'm going to get a concrete schedule when I go on Monday, I think.

It's going to hurt like a bitch, I can tell. Probably mostly due to the incision.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That sounds painful.[/QUOTE]\
I actually didn't/don't have much pain. The only really painful thing is when I "flex" (not sure what to call it) my knee when, say, I try to lift my leg straight up when I'm laying down. That hurts. I think most of the pain is from the incision, though, which is why I think PT will hurt. I can tell from times when my knee bends a little in this brace that it definitely won't be enjoyable, at least for the first session or two.
[quote name='lordwow']Did they knock you out for it Rocko or was it local?

I don't know if I could handle seeing that.[/QUOTE]
They knocked me out just for the scheduled 20 minute scoping of the knee. They didn't expect to have to lay it open, they figured any problems could be done via the arthroscopy. So, yeah, when it turned into an hour and 20 minute deal, I was out. I wouldn't even want to be awake for the arthroscopic portion, to be honest.
The only physical therapy I've ever been through was after a car accident. They told me my neck had slight whiplash and they basically just massaged my neck and shoulders for like 8, 2 hour long sessions. I know it will be different (and much more painful) for your knee, though. Hope all goes well for you, $$$$a.

My grandma had colon cancer about 10 years back and she had a full colostomy WIDE-AWAKE. She said she watched it all on a tv. :puke:
[quote name='Rocko']My knee dislocated twice, which it turns out was because the tendon on the left side of my knee was tighter/more pressurized than the one on the right side (left knee, by the way), so when I leaned back on my left leg it would pull my kneecap to the left.

It never got better (this was before the knowledge about the tendon, which they found when they scoped the knee) so they just went in to scope it (arthroscopic) and see what was wrong, and it turned out sometime (not sure if it was during the dislocations, due to them, due to the falls, or what) during the course of the whole ordeal I had broken the end of the bone that is underneath your kneecap on the outside of the leg (end of the femur, apparently) so they had to cut my knee open and screw that bone back in place.[/QUOTE]

When I dislocated (and broke) my right elbow last February the orthopedic surgeon told me that dislocating your elbow means you either (a) broke something or (b) tore muscles/ligaments/tendons... the most common was (a). Since a knee is a bit like an elbow, it's very possible your bone broke when the kneecap dislocated.. :(

Can you bend your knee at all without weight on it yet? When my arm came out of the cast, I thought I'd be ok... I mean, I tried to flex the joint some while it was in the cast... but apparently 2 weeks without real movement is enough for things to start atrophying. :(
[quote name='corrosivefrost']When I dislocated (and broke) my right elbow last February the orthopedic surgeon told me that dislocating your elbow means you either (a) broke something or (b) tore muscles/ligaments/tendons... the most common was (a). Since a knee is a bit like an elbow, it's very possible your bone broke when the kneecap dislocated.. :(

Can you bend your knee at all without weight on it yet? When my arm came out of the cast, I thought I'd be ok... I mean, I tried to flex the joint some while it was in the cast... but apparently 2 weeks without real movement is enough for things to start atrophying. :([/QUOTE]
Wouldn't surprise me. I find it odd that I didn't have any pain though.

Haven't tried, I've been in a brace with two metal rods up the sides and a one up the back so I can't. I asked my surgeon on Wednesday if I should go without the brace and he said to wait until I start PT, then talk to them about bending on my own. So I have no idea, really.
Rocko .. your pills .. give them to me.

[quote name='zewone']Spooky! :shock:

Gross. That looks like a Marx brother who was too ugly for movies.

Who is it? Amy Winehouse?
[quote name='Brak']I wish I had a golden Lancer. :'[[/QUOTE]

It will be alright. They can keep their golden lancer. We can be the regular lancer dudes while they are shining.
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