Final Fantasy XIII coming to 360!

[quote name='Nathan_Sama']And, 9 times out of 10 Sony wont do a FF7 Remake because the story doesn't make sense. Most people were blinded by how it was the first 3D FF game and had a "innovative battle system" (a battle system not so different from FF4-6)
Seriously! What would it have going for it? Materia? Me don't think so!
They could make the battle system similar to FF12 I guess, but that turned off many players, including myself.[/QUOTE]

I see that there are words here.
Two thoughts on this...

1. Who cares, by the time this comes out Microsoft will already have its next system out.

2. FF7 was my favorite game and it would be awesome if they put it on the marketplace...pry never happen though
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I actually think this would boost up PS3 sales since Versus still is a PS3 exclusive from what i heard so this may actually cause more people to buy a PS3. But it does make me sad a bit to know that my ps3 will be collecting dust until i get versus (which would be after im done with XIII) :[.
Rampant Piracy. 360 doesn't even need a mod. All my friends that own 360s don't even have any legit games. I guess that can be seen as a console plus too. But it kind of worries me in a way since The 360 versions may undersell simply because so many pirate and so many will buy a 360 and pirate it out of spite.

I'd end up getting the PS3 version instead since I play Xbox games on my PC.
yay this makes me happy! I'm very content with Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and the other JRPGs that will be released in the future like Infinite Undiscovery and the Star Ocean game, but Final Fantasy will always be Final Fantasy and I'm just glad I'll get to play it now!
[quote name='FrankySox']Two thoughts on this...

1. Who cares, by the time this comes out Microsoft will already have its next system out.

2. FF7 was my favorite game and it would be awesome if they put it on the marketplace...pry never happen though[/QUOTE]

It is a big deal, to be sure. I'm more partial to my PS3 (TROPHIES DUDE! ;)) than my 360, as I've gone through 4 of the latter at an average of one every 8 months. On that note alone, I buy my multiplatform titles for the PS3 and exclusives for the 360.

That said, I'm also a realist who recognizes that this is something to care about - all 3 consoles are pretty RPG anemic, especially compared to DS/PSP (more the former, of course). Outside of Lost Odyssey, are there any console RPGs this gen that you think "gall-DAMN I hafta play that!"? FFXIII perhaps, at the very least due to its legacy.

It's a landmark title, without a doubt. It may not harm either console's sales, and it may not improve either console's sales (relative to each other, of course). But it does create greater parity between them, and makes the competition between the two all the much greater.

Meanwhile, the Wii's kicking both of their asses.
Here comes all the cag douche's going, "Now I don't need a PS3!" You don't like Final Fantasy and you wont play it.

Great that the only good game news 360 has is a game that the PS3 already has. This was their time to announce a new title to show us what is coming, we got nothing.
[quote name='mykevermin']Outside of Lost Odyssey, are there any console RPGs this gen that you think "gall-DAMN I hafta play that!"? FFXIII perhaps, at the very least due to its legacy.[/QUOTE]

Hell yes. Star Ocean 4.
[quote name='mykevermin']I can see being extremely stoked if you only own a 360.

But I don't get the "nyah nyah Sony" attitude that comes coupled with it. Can't some of y'all just be happy that you'll get to play a potentially great game?[/quote]

I agree. "Console advocacy" is the number one piece of evidence that proves the gaming community needs to grow the fuck up.
This news is infinitely more exciting than a 360 motion controller in my mind and no, changing disks really isn't that big of a deal.
I'm more interested in Sony's presentation. They will have to offer some BIG NEWS if they want to counter Microsoft's big announcement.

Very shocked that FF will be on the 360. When you think about it, money is the bottom line for videogame companies.
I mean, to be completely honest, this really IS something that made me consider not buying a PS3 anymore. I've always sorta thought that it'd be inevitable, but now the only games that I can really say that I'm hyped to get a PS3 for are Killzone and MGS4. At this point, it's almost worth it to just sell off my 360 and buy a new 60gb pro model.
[quote name='Dante Devil']When you think about it, money is the bottom line for videogame companies.[/QUOTE]

No way! Ya don't say?

Thanks for the incite.
First and foremost I'm surprised that it will be available for both systems. It shouldn't have really surprised me as much if you look at it Square-Enix seems to be putting out games on everything nowadays. With that being said I can't wait to see what else is unveiled at E3
*looks at "List of Reasons to Buy a PS3"*

*crosses off "Final Fantasy XIII"*

*shrugs and crosses off "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" as well, since it'll likely come to 360 too*

*stares at altered list, with one reason remaining: "Possible Final Fantasy VII remake"*

[quote name='Blitz']Your point is? XBox fanboys are just as bad if not worse than any other find of fanboys. Fanboys in general suck.

I agree with Myke, I don't understand all the in your face stuff. This announcement will not kill any sales or be any kind of deciding factor of who wins.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']While this is a big blow, I think Sony still has enough exclusives to overtake this. They know that the 3rd party exclusives were coming to an end and I am sure prepared for it.

Your still forgetting White Knight Story, which is made by Level 5 who have probably been just as good lately when it comes to making RPG's.

Wait until tomorrow's press conference before you start proclaiming "Doom and gloom" For Sony.

While FF XIII is one of their 3 biggest franchises, along with Gran Turismo and MGS, they still have the other two, plus other big franchises such as Twisted Metal, and God of War, they can still win North America, especially since MSFT doesn't have many other big exclusives coming.

Either way, this is a sad time to see the end of 3rd party exclusives, but a big win for MSFT.

And Microsoft still has a big thing going against them: The RROD.[/QUOTE]

Mostly I just love that these two posts were one right after the other.

Post one: "Fanboys suck."
Post two: "Sony can still pull it out! Don't forget about White Knight Story! And the Red Rings of Death! Them too!"

Anyway, as others have said, this ultimately means very little for console sales this gen. Contrary to what many fanboys maintained, FFXIII wasn't going to move a lot of PS3s, because everyone who wanted it that badly had already bought a PS3 for it. The same thing happened with MGS4, which sold well, but barely created a ripple in console sales.

What this is, however, is a solid PR victory for Microsoft, which will pay dividends next gen, when people once again make console decisions based on the games they expect to arrive on each platform.

That said, the big Bungie announcement is tomorrow morning, as is the Sony conference. If that turns out to be more than coincidence, I'll laugh my ass off at the shoe being on the other foot.
I am a little bit bummed.. I've been waiting to justify the big PS3 purchase (not that FFXIII could do that alone, I guess..). It would be neat if they added some multi-player elements, but I won't hold my breath. I'm just glad I'll get to play it either way. I hope I like it a bit more than FFXII, I lost interest some 70 hours in..
I think Microsoft has won E3 with this announcement. It was THE BIG GUN Sony had. Okay, it doesn't sound like it's coming out in Japan, but for North America and Europe, from a console standpoint, it's no longer a system seller. It basically means Sony can't catch up in North America, or if they do it'll be extremely late in the console cycle it won't matter. This is the shot heard 'round the gaming world.

I will say 'here here' to the people who say 'now I don't have to own a PS3 is bs' line because if you wanted FFXIII you really would've bought a PS3 already. Mainly because FF fans are crazy like that. The game will sell better on PS3, no denying it. People who think otherwise are kinda crazy. It'll literally do a million or two in Japan on PS3 and probably even sales everywhere else.

I thought FFXIII would show up this E3, and it did. Surprisingly for the console I didn't think.
[quote name='DQT']I agree. "Console advocacy" is the number one piece of evidence that proves the gaming community needs to grow the fuck up.
This news is infinitely more exciting than a 360 motion controller in my mind and no, changing disks really isn't that big of a deal.[/quote]

I concur as well. I went through a period of fanboyism for the Dreamcast and to a lesser extent Xbox. Then as I grew up, I realized that they're just machines. Still, there's nothing wrong with favoritism (as long as its healthy) and watching the moves and countermoves of the Big 3.

But with FFXIII, this may make me want to buy an FFXIII face plate.

One more thing, I did want 360 motion controller for RTS's since I hate using console controllers for those.
I too disliked Final Fantasy XII. Since X I really haven't been into the series. XI was okay but I don't like grinding or monthly fees. X-2 was just too corny to bear.

I'm hoping that XIII is a return to form, at this point I'd enjoy a X clone as long as they ditch random encounters.
Dammit, the only other reason I bought a damn PS3 for my girlfriend to play outside of MGS4 has just been shot down. I guess I can't complain much though because I got a 60GB at a decent price so it isn't a total lost.
[quote name='Strell']I don't get it. Wouldn't this not change anything over in Japan?

I imagine the FF crowd over there are pretty much devoted to Sony, and most likely have already bought a PS3 in preparation. They are just going to get it for the PS3 when it releases. I imagine the number of people in Japan who only own a 360 and want FF13 is incredibly small, and thus it's not going to tilt the balance over there in any large way. And I don't see people who don't own either to jump on the 360 ship. Basically it's a contest of 360 owners versus PS3 owners versus having neither crowd, and that situation just isn't that favorable.

Yeah, for your people who already own a 360 and had resolved to get a PS3 when FF dropped, you're in good shape. But then again, that points to no new sales for MS almost as well as it points to no new sales for Sony. You know - installed userbase not moving anywhere.

This will also be a good test to see how well bluray really does against regular DVD, since we'll see if it truly does lead to the "18 discs for MGS4" joke that's been running around for a while now.

Otherwise it's really only a good move for those who own a 360 - not necessarily a tremendous blow to Sony.[/quote]


I, of course, own both systems, but will almost certainly get it on PS3. It'll probably run better and I don't have to worry about the RROD. Really, any multiplatform game coming down the road will probably be a PS3 purchase for me unless there's some really compelling reason to get it on 360.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']So now Squeenix is whoring out their titles like Capcom?[/QUOTE]

Right. Because third-party publishers with no ties or obligations to any one platform making their games multiplatform, in the interest of profit maximization, is akin to pimping. Totally.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Right. Because third-party publishers with no ties or obligations to any one platform making their games multiplatform, in the interest of profit maximization, is akin to pimping. Totally.[/QUOTE]

We can only hope that Square Enix hires Jade Raymond so we can take this metaphor to the next level.

Or, rather, that you could defend it instead of refute it. ;)
[quote name='KingBroly']I think Microsoft has won E3 with this announcement. It was THE BIG GUN Sony had. Okay, it doesn't sound like it's coming out in Japan, but for North America and Europe, from a console standpoint, it's no longer a system seller. It basically means Sony can't catch up in North America, or if they do it'll be extremely late in the console cycle it won't matter. This is the shot heard 'round the gaming world.

I will say 'here here' to the people who say 'now I don't have to own a PS3 is bs' line because if you wanted FFXIII you really would've bought a PS3 already. Mainly because FF fans are crazy like that. The game will sell better on PS3, no denying it. People who think otherwise are kinda crazy. It'll literally do a million or two in Japan on PS3 and probably even sales everywhere else.

I thought FFXIII would show up this E3, and it did. Surprisingly for the console I didn't think.[/quote]

Sony already controls Europe though "and they managed to do that with Microsoft having nearly a two year lead" Plus the fact that most 360 gamers tend to be shooters "No offense but your controller practically is a shooter controller" only solidifies that fact.
meh, ill still get it on da triple...dont wanna worry about my box RRoDing again or disc breaking....nice blow MS did, well played...i guess ps3 is the gamecube of this gen
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Right. Because third-party publishers with no ties or obligations to any one platform making their games multiplatform, in the interest of profit maximization, is akin to pimping. Totally.[/quote]

Obviously. :roll:
[quote name='crazytalkx']So apart from MGS4, it's pretty damn pointless to buy a PS3.[/quote]

for get MGS4... remember substance will comeout later and it might be multiplatform...

I can't wait to get FF13 for my 360 :D
[quote name='cdrober']Man, yet another game where I will have to make the choice of PS3 or 360 for my copy...hrm...wonder which one will be superior...[/quote]

I don't know. The PS3 one where they've been working on for over three years or the 360 one which is only going to start once they start making the English localization. HMMMMMMMMMMMM
[quote name='Paco']I don't know. The PS3 one where they've been working on for over three years or the 360 one which is only going to start once they start making the English localization. HMMMMMMMMMMMM[/QUOTE]

THIS. Also, for more clarification, probably the one on the console that doesn't get a RROD from normal use.
[quote name='Paco']I don't know. The PS3 one where they've been working on for over three years or the 360 one which is only going to start once they start making the English localization. HMMMMMMMMMMMM[/quote]

It'd be funny if they put the Unlimited SaGa team in charge of the port - almost like payback for that Orange Box version done to PS3 owners last year.
[quote name='mykevermin']We can only hope that Square Enix hires Jade Raymond so we can take this metaphor to the next level.

Or, rather, that you could defend it instead of refute it. ;)[/QUOTE]

hey why you gotta be a prick dude :
[quote name='coolz481']It'd be funny if they put the Unlimited SaGa team in charge of the port - almost like payback for that Orange Box version done to PS3 owners last year.[/QUOTE]

Wha? I'm unaware of a pre-existing public disposition that the team behind Unlimited SaGa is technically incompetent. The game was shit, but do to it's horrid gameplay, not poor programming.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Nope.


Hmm. Not that any FF development team is known for a fast turnaround or for being on time, but I can't help but wonder what kind of delays there might be for the PS3 US version knowing this (that the 360 version needs to be built from the ground up, while the PS3 needs to be localized).

Not that I'd notice, either way, since these titles are so delay-prone.
Can we report trolling? It'd make my day go by a lot quicker. doesn't sound like they're fully committed to that day and date thing. Might be translations issues though.
[quote name='bardockkun']Ugh, where are some of these fanboys coming from to brag about PS3 sucking? Seriously...[/QUOTE]



[quote name='mykevermin']Hmm. Not that any FF development team is known for a fast turnaround or for being on time, but I can't help but wonder what kind of delays there might be for the PS3 US version knowing this (that the 360 version needs to be built from the ground up, while the PS3 needs to be localized).

Not that I'd notice, either way, since these titles are so delay-prone.[/QUOTE]

No kidding, it kind of makes me think they didn't think their cunning plan all the way through. I think they just saw the millions of dollars MS was willing to pay them and took it with very little thought.
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I'm happy to get a 360 now, my bro can play his shooters, while I play them and my RPGs.Now all we need is KH 3 and disgaea to convert. C'mon C'mon
[quote name='outphase']This is great for the 360, but now my PS3 isn't special anymore :([/quote]

Your 360 is special in a way that no console wishes. Unlike other consoles it has a mortality rate of a child in Africa.
bread's done