Find me a worse OTT than this

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Morning, OTT.

I, personally, havent turned on my Xbox in over a wife however LOVES Netflix.

PC gaming is getting much of my attention with Dragon Age 2, World of Warcraft and now Shogun 2: Total War.
Netflix on our Xbox sucks because our DSL seems to be too slow for the HD stream. Yes, it looks great, but every once in a whle the damn thing has this incredibly irritating hicccup where it goes to a black screen and "adjusts" for changes in the network. I actually upgraded to a faster DSL service, but it still does this. It *is* better, because after it adjusts it still looks good (before it would switch to an uber hideous level of compression), but it still hiccups. It's unbearable. Using Netflix on the Wii is far more satisfactory as a result. Sigh. Of course what I really want to do is get FiOS. :)

I keep wondering if the problem, though, is the Xbox's Netflix. I keep thinking about buying something else to try, like an Apple TV or Rokio, but I'm worried it would just be the same.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I understand what you guys mean. I bought Bulletstorm and Killzone 3 at launch and haven't touched either of them. It has nothing to do with me not wanting to play them, but I just don't have any desire to play games right now. After I get home from the gym during the week I am too tired and on weekends I have been hanging out with this awesome girl.

At this point I would rather watch a movie or read a book instead of playing a game.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I bought Mafia II, AC Brotherhood, Epic Mickey, and DK Country Returns and haven't touched any but Mafia II. I enjoyed it but I just don't feel like playing it. I do play Pokemon, though, just because I guess it's easier to do in spurts.

[quote name='MusicNoteLess']can't. stop. mine. crafting.[/QUOTE]
This, too. Pretty addicting.
I don't play as much as I was when I was 11-15, but the last two months or so I've been playing quite a bit. Just finished Vanquish today! So good.

Enjoying Splatterhouse, Sean? :x
Personally I can't stop playing Black Ops. I want to go back to Halo Reach or other games in my backlog but it just doesn't seem to happen.
Well it is for sure looking as if I will be unemployed again shortly. It was fun while it lasted.


Per the video game discussion:

It isn't fun when I used to not have the money to get new games for awhile and now I have the money but not the time to play them.
I totally got sick of Radiant Historia and put it up on feebay. It's at $20.50 with 2 days left. That's unheard of. Most games I put up on there don't get any bids until the last day.

I've got a ton of quotes and orders at work to get back to tomorrow, + I've got to box up some carts, which will be a pain in the ass.

One of the houses I was interested in buying is a short sale, and already got an offer. They say it takes a month for the banks to get back to them on the offer. The realator also says we can put in an offer, but I though they only took one offer at a time?
[quote name='Rocko']Is Banky doing Megacon this year? I'm actually going for once.[/QUOTE]
Nah, I haven't been to any of the Cons in the last two years. Still holding out hope I can get to HeroesCon this year, but that's looking less and less likely as well.
Sometimes I miss those days 6 or 7 years ago when the wife and I would have alternating days off and I would have 8 hours all to myself with nothing to do but play games. (Sorry kids)
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Just jogged in the first time in awhile.
Wow I am smelly!

Does anyone want to hang out with me I'm lonely[/QUOTE]

I do! And don't shower!
[quote name='seanr1221']LP, it's a terrible game.


What's the cheapest webpage to buy airline tickets from?[/QUOTE]

I like using this website for searching airfares. If your dates are flexable you can see which date offers the lowest fare.
Take home intermediate algebra quiz was a piece of cake. I'm looking forward to Precal next quarter. Makes me regret I didn't pay attention in high school. ;-;
Turns out my T-Mobile contract is up in less than a month. So I guess I'll just sit around on this line as long as I can, and switch to Verizon when either A) the merger/acquisition/sale/whatever actually goes through and I'll be forced to choose an AT&T plan or B) Verizon decides to switch to capped data plans only like AT&T (maybe when the fifth iPhone comes out?) at which point I'd want to lock in an uncapped data plan, probably with an iPhone 4.

I know everyone here dumped their iPhone for Android phones long ago, but I still really like the iPhone. I mean, I do like my Android phone (low end), and I've played with and enjoyed my friend's Evo, but I just think the iPhone is easier and more streamlined. This may be because I don't like or know much about tinkering with the inner workings of phones, though.
Unlimited email and web is showing as $30 for a new individual plan on their website for me. But I did a quick Google and apparently capped data is forthcoming for them.

TBH I completely forgot Sprint still existed and they are much cheaper and with unlimited everything... that might be the best route to go just to make my life easier.

Edit: Hm. No 4G in Cape Coral or Gainesville, which is kind of disappointing, but I suppose that's alright. Evo 4G or the forthcoming Nexus S 4G would both be good candidates.
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[quote name='corrosivefrost']I thought new contracts on VZW these days had capped/tiered data.[/QUOTE]

It's been rumored for some time, but unlimited for $30 is still available. Rumor is that it will end starting this summer...then again, that same rumor occured last year and it didn't go into fruition.

I just wish VZ would let me upgrade to 4G. I wouldn't mind ditching my Fascinate for a Thunderbolt.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']It's been rumored for some time, but unlimited for $30 is still available. Rumor is that it will end starting this summer...then again, that same rumor occured last year and it didn't go into fruition.

I just wish VZ would let me upgrade to 4G. I wouldn't mind ditching my Fascinate for a Thunderbolt.[/QUOTE]

Of course they won't, they already got your money, so they have no interest in keeping you happy.

And it's not unlimited. There is a cap, from what Chika's friend said when he upgraded to a smartphone. It's "unlimited" but if you manage to use whatever the limit is somehow (internet radio, downloading MP3s or movies, netflix, whatever), you get charged per MB. I think it's like 4-5gb for new contracts. For most people, that's essentially unlimited, but that cap is there (he was worried about it because he streams high quality pandora while he works in the lab every day, something like 8-10 hours).
Wait, wait, wait... they're making 3D phones now? WTF?

I don't keep up on phones ever but it turns out my roommate does. I was talking about maybe switching to Sprint but I wasn't sure what was going on with them since their flagship phone was the Evo but it's been out for a while now and it turns out they're making a 3D Evo? WTF? I really hope that you can turn the 3D off. I feel like putting 3D on a phone is really useless and potentially problematic.
They do exist!

That Mango Knife was wrong. I purchased both of my PS3's (60GB Launch and PS3 slim) because he said the PS3 draws less power than the XBOX 360. And then I read this...I feel so betrayed.

I wonder where he got his facts...I'll never beleive teh intrewebz again!

XBOX 360



In Pennsylvania. Article courtesy of Gamespot.
[quote name='Scorch']Finally decided to get an iPad 2 .. and they're nowhere to be found. D'oh.[/QUOTE]

Try Target. It probably varies, but I've watched them stock them at lunch twice now; Both times was on a Monday but at different stores.
[quote name='Number83']That Mango Knife was wrong. I purchased both of my PS3's (60GB Launch and PS3 slim) because he said the PS3 draws less power than the XBOX 360. And then I read this...I feel so betrayed.

I wonder where he got his facts...I'll never beleive teh intrewebz again!

XBOX 360



In Pennsylvania. Article courtesy of Gamespot.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to return mine now.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']fuck. Now I need to start all my multiplatform gaming on the 360...[/QUOTE]

You're the anti-sean.
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