FrOsTTbite on my nose because its cold OTTside

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A car in my university's parking lot had a vibrator on the windshield with what I assumed to be shaving cream spread all over :lol:
[quote name='Hex']Wow, those fuckers who made Heavy Weapon sure love to skimp on the fucking achievement points. :roll:[/quote]All XBL arcade games have a max of 200 points.
Ended up making corn chowder and a salad with the gf tonight, if anyone cares.

Now I need to finish up my homework for tomorrow morning and try to get my wireless card to work.

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day, by the way. Classes from 9:30-1:45, work from 2-5 (or 6, I forget), and then probably hangin' with her again.
Why not try for some consistency and just go back to calling it what it is, every time?

"The OTT"
"The Off Topic Topic"
"The Off Topic Topic About Off Topic Topics."
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Why not try for some consistency and just go back to calling it what it is, every time?

"The OTT"
"The Off Topic Topic"
"The Off Topic Topic About Off Topic Topics."[/QUOTE]

thats boring old man times are a changing.
[quote name='wubb']At least they caught the fucker, plume. Any idea how they nabbed him? Did your wife give them a description and then they actually kept an eye out for him? Surely he wasn't dumb enough to set off alarms at a security checkpoint with a couple wallets/purses on him?[/quote]

She didn't even know she was pickpocketed until she heard our son's name on the over head pager. (She had his birth certificate on her.) She went to the desk and they had her wallet, all save her money and cards. She filed a report and then she called me to cancel her cards. After I did that, she was clled back up to the front where they had caught the guy during a security check. (I guess he had the card in his pocket or something - I didn't get all the details. He may have had more stuff on him...) She got her stuff back (except the cash), but she can't press charges, not being from NY - but the police said that the transit authority will press charges on her behalf.
[quote name='crazytalkx']A car in my university's parking lot had a vibrator on the windshield with what I assumed to be shaving cream spread all over :lol:[/quote]

That reminds me, I found a spent condom on the windshield of my car whilst it was on the university lot, back in the day D:
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Why not try for some consistency and just go back to calling it what it is, every time?

"The OTT"
"The Off Topic Topic"
"The Off Topic Topic About Off Topic Topics."[/QUOTE]

[quote name='PlumeNoir']but she can't press charges, not being from NY - but the police said that the transit authority will press charges on her behalf.[/quote]What? That's not right at all.

It'd be nice to think someone would pursue your legal concerns for you, but I wouldn't leave it there.
I figured he would have just taken the stuff he wanted from the wallet and then pitched the rest. Sounds like that airport has damn good security.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Why not try for some consistency and just go back to calling it what it is, every time?

"The OTT"
"The Off Topic Topic"
"The Off Topic Topic About Off Topic Topics."[/QUOTE]

We should just start numbering them. "OTT# 173" and such. They'd be a bitch to search for, though. And someone would have to go back and count all the old OTTs.:lol:

I guess the fastest way would be searching L&OT for threads with 490+ posts and then manually skimming through those results.

Not that it matters, no one is going to waste their time on that. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']We should just start numbering them. "OTT# 173" and such.[/quote]

What, no more Moxio's Moldy Boners?

Laaame. :/
Anyone know a friend, family member, or perhaps they themselves have some experience with DUI's/OUI's. A friend of mine might be fucked, but I'm not posting a sad/semi-comical story for no reason at all.
[quote name='guinaevere']What? That's not right at all.

It'd be nice to think someone would pursue your legal concerns for you, but I wouldn't leave it there.[/quote]

Well, we go back and forth to Buffalo all the time, so it wouldn't be too bad if she had to go back for a court case...

But it could be a pain anyway, so I'm glad at least something is being pursued...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I've still never even read through that one. :cry:[/quote]

Next OTT needs to be a Tribute to Moxio's Moldy Boner OTT.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Anyone know a friend, family member, or perhaps they themselves have some experience with DUI's/OUI's. A friend of mine might be fucked, but I'm not posting a sad/semi-comical story for no reason at all.[/QUOTE]

On a related note, does anyone know if Quackzilla had to do a few days in county jail? He hasn't made a post in 2 months, so I guess that's not gonna happen.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Anyone know a friend, family member, or perhaps they themselves have some experience with DUI's/OUI's. A friend of mine might be fucked, but I'm not posting a sad/semi-comical story for no reason at all.[/quote]

A friend of mine went drinking and driving and probably would have gotten a DUI for doing 75 in a 45mph area...if it weren't for the tree.

And THAT was when I quit drinking and driving. Stupid, stupid, stupid...
[quote name='PlumeNoir']A friend of mine went drinking and driving and probably would have gotten a DUI for doing 75 in a 45mph area...if it weren't for the tree.

And THAT was when I quit drinking and driving. Stupid, stupid, stupid...[/quote]

Agreed, I've done it before, and I swore it off almost 2 years ago. I was lucky to never hit anything or get pulled over, but I got to a point where I said to myself, "Ok, you can keep tossing the dice, but eventually they're comin' up Snake Eyes."
[quote name='Maklershed']Lovage is probably my favorite. I have to say though that the sole purpose I checked that album out was because of Dan the Automator. As to be expected I really dug it. My favorite songs being Book of the Month (and of course Herbs, Good Hygiene and Socks).[/quote]

Book of the Month is a great song. I think that for the most part, among those fortunate enough to have listened to the album, that song is a general favorite. It's pretty easy to see why. Anyway, if you haven't checked out the other artists/projects I mentioned earlier, I recommend them. Peeping Tom is fantastic, and Tomahawk actually reminds me of a heavier Fantomas.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Did she give you head? Are you posting this from a Georgia prison?[/quote]

Of course, look at his XBOX Live gamertag: Trojn Man 88
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Anyone know a friend, family member, or perhaps they themselves have some experience with DUI's/OUI's. A friend of mine might be fucked, but I'm not posting a sad/semi-comical story for no reason at all.[/QUOTE]

I've never had one, as I don't drive but my uncle has spent most of his life in and out of jail.

Most states don't play around with DUI. Depending on your state of course. Most are very harsh on DUI's. Normally your first one is a big ass fine, and a few other fines just cause.

Normally the 2nd one gets you some jail time, probation, AA, and big ass fines,

3rd one gets you years in prison.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Did she give you head? Are you posting this from a Georgia prison?[/QUOTE]

I'm not in a Georgia prison which should answer the first question. I are teh fail :cry:

[quote name='rabbitt']How did that turn out?[/QUOTE]
Not bad actually. Especially since it was either go with her, a freakish asian girl, or my ex.
[quote name='crazytalkx'] Not bad actually. Especially since it was either go with her, a freakish asian girl, or my ex.[/QUOTE] At least the freakish asian girl would have given it up. Probably. :lol:
[quote name='Demolition Man']We need some pics of the women in question here NOW. Pronto. ASAP.[/QUOTE] No one has asked for pics of my gf since I first started mentioning her. :cry:

Not that I'd oblige, but still. :lol:

Oh, and ...
That's actually her in my av, 32 times.
[quote name='Demolition Man']We need some pics of the women in question here NOW. Pronto. ASAP.[/QUOTE]

No good ever comes from this :lol:
[quote name='CitizenB']I've never had one, as I don't drive but my uncle has spent most of his life in and out of jail.

Most states don't play around with DUI. Depending on your state of course. Most are very harsh on DUI's. Normally your first one is a big ass fine, and a few other fines just cause.

Normally the 2nd one gets you some jail time, probation, AA, and big ass fines,

3rd one gets you years in prison.[/quote]

So here's the story:

Saturday night, over at a buddy's place with a couple friends, doing some fairly heavy drinking. Come 5:30 in the morning it was time to head home, I was definitely still drunk, but I had my girlfriend with me and she had stopped drinking hours ago, so I was not concerned about our safety. One of my friends also decided to head home at this time. I knew he wasn't completely sober, so I had my girlfriend follow him down the main roads, as a way to monitor his driving and avoid a cop tailing him.

So we followed him all the way up to the road that went to into his subdivision and up to his house. Since he had been driving relatively cautiously and slow, we assumed he'd make it home just fine. Ah, please understand you must never assume.

The next day I called him to see when he was heading over to the Super Bowl party we were going to, and he told me that I'd never beleive where he spent his morning... in jail!

Apparently he rounded 3rd base for home incorrectly as his car's crappy tires spun out on ice and snow (Michigan winters will get you) and he went sailing into a fence. He was just fine, that's good, but his bumper was cracked and right mirror clipped, that's bad.

He then drove his car out of the fence and back home to alert his parents as to what had just happened. His neighbors weren't home, so they left a note for them as to why their fence was destroyed. Then his dad, in his infinite wisdom, decided to phone the police presumably to have them get a record of the incident for insurance purposes.

Well the police showed up, didn't even look at the car, proceeded to administer several sobriety tests, all of which my friend failed, and they took him in. This seems fairly illogical to me, as he was already home, but, the cops do what the cops do. I guess the biggest mistake of all is my friend's dad deciding to call the police right then instead of waiting a few hours until he was 100% sober.

All in all, I think my friend has to be the only person I know that basically called the cops to come and arrest him.

The officer wrote him up on an OUI, took his license, gave him a piece of paper that was his "new license", and told him to call the court. However, the officer wrote no tickets and said he wouldn't ticket him.

So, exactly how screwed is my friend here?

I certainly feel bad, but then again, I did offer to have my girlfriend drop him off at home, and our other friends did tell him he could sleep there for awhile if he needed to, but since he figured he'd be fine to make the 5 minute trip home.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']No one has asked for pics of my gf since I first started mentioning her. :cry:

Not that I'd oblige, but still. :lol:

Oh, and ...
That's actually her in my av, 32 times.
:lol:[/quote] I thought the picture was some sort of puzzle game. "Nigger likes Bejeweled".

P.S. Get to counting them OTTs.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']No one has asked for pics of my gf since I first started mentioning her. :cry:

Not that I'd oblige, but still. :lol:

Oh, and ...
That's actually her in my av, 32 times.

People in puppy love bug me.

I thought Sub was immune to it but obviously not.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']
Oh, and ...
That's actually her in my av, 32 times.

The fuck?

I thought it was some sort of stupid DOS diamond mining game shit.

Edit: Did not see zew's post beforehand. I don't like knowing I think like him in some situations.
[quote name='zewone']I thought the picture was some sort of puzzle game. "Nigger likes Bejeweled".

P.S. Get to counting them OTTs.[/quote] :lol:

Actually I tried, but "OTT" is too short to search for and you can't leave the field blank.

Also a few of the first ones were deleted, IIRC, so it'd be off anyway.
[quote name='Maklershed']Lovage is probably my favorite. I have to say though that the sole purpose I checked that album out was because of Dan the Automator. As to be expected I really dug it. My favorite songs being Book of the Month (and of course Herbs, Good Hygiene and Socks).[/quote]The best songs by Lovage (IMO) are Strangers on a Train and To Catch a Thief.
The whole album is great, great stuff though.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']People in puppy love bug me.

I thought Sub was immune to it but obviously not.[/QUOTE][quote name='Strell']The fuck?

I thought it was some sort of stupid DOS diamond mining game shit.

Edit: Did not see zew's post beforehand. I don't like knowing I think like him in some situations.[/QUOTE] :lol:

I was just messing around with different pics in photoshop, messing with layers and all that. Turns out color show up well on her, as she's pretty pale (especially this time of year). :lol:

I was also messing with a pic I took of a bottle of mustard, last year:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']:lol:

I was just messing around with different pics in photoshop, messing with layers and all that. Turns out color show up well on her, as she's pretty pale (especially this time of year). :lol:

I was also messing with a pic I took of a bottle of mustard, last year:

You are back to getting laid, right?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']:rofl:

I can't decide who the bigger idiot is, your friend or his dad.[/quote]

I think my friend for moving back in with his parents...

it is one of those situations where I think, man I'm your friend and all, but what you guys did is just fucking dumb.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']You are back to getting laid, right?[/QUOTE] Well, yeah.

Oh, related note ... if you've recently had sex on a piece of furniture, should you tell your buddy before he sits down on it? And if so, what's the time limit on that?
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']So here's the story:

Saturday night, over at a buddy's place with a couple friends, doing some fairly heavy drinking. Come 5:30 in the morning it was time to head home, I was definitely still drunk, but I had my girlfriend with me and she had stopped drinking hours ago, so I was not concerned about our safety. One of my friends also decided to head home at this time. I knew he wasn't completely sober, so I had my girlfriend follow him down the main roads, as a way to monitor his driving and avoid a cop tailing him.

So we followed him all the way up to the road that went to into his subdivision and up to his house. Since he had been driving relatively cautiously and slow, we assumed he'd make it home just fine. Ah, please understand you must never assume.

The next day I called him to see when he was heading over to the Super Bowl party we were going to, and he told me that I'd never beleive where he spent his morning... in jail!

Apparently he rounded 3rd base for home incorrectly as his car's crappy tires spun out on ice and snow (Michigan winters will get you) and he went sailing into a fence. He was just fine, that's good, but his bumper was cracked and right mirror clipped, that's bad.

He then drove his car out of the fence and back home to alert his parents as to what had just happened. His neighbors weren't home, so they left a note for them as to why their fence was destroyed. Then his dad, in his infinite wisdom, decided to phone the police presumably to have them get a record of the incident for insurance purposes.

Well the police showed up, didn't even look at the car, proceeded to administer several sobriety tests, all of which my friend failed, and they took him in. This seems fairly illogical to me, as he was already home, but, the cops do what the cops do. I guess the biggest mistake of all is my friend's dad deciding to call the police right then instead of waiting a few hours until he was 100% sober.

All in all, I think my friend has to be the only person I know that basically called the cops to come and arrest him.

The officer wrote him up on an OUI, took his license, gave him a piece of paper that was his "new license", and told him to call the court. However, the officer wrote no tickets and said he wouldn't ticket him.

So, exactly how screwed is my friend here?

I certainly feel bad, but then again, I did offer to have my girlfriend drop him off at home, and our other friends did tell him he could sleep there for awhile if he needed to, but since he figured he'd be fine to make the 5 minute trip home.[/QUOTE]

It'll probably be a Misdemeanor, he'll probably either have a $500 fine, community service, license suspend for a few months or go to AA type meetings. Or a combo of the above mentioned.

I know this is far fetched but if he had took photos of the incident and the ice he slipped on. When he goes to court that would help him. But tell him to go to court state his case and just take what ever they give him.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Well, yeah.

Oh, related note ... if you've recently had sex on a piece of furniture, should you tell your buddy before he sits down on it? And if so, what's the time limit on that?[/quote]

God no, wait til he's sitting on it.
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