Game of Thrones discussion thread - Season 5 debuts April 12th

First off, no coldhands or at least introducing him too late. Coldhands is who gets sam to the wall and tells him that bran is there at the wall and what to do, basically gives bran is direction to go and appears later to help them north of the wall.

The character at the wall from the show that comes in who was with the group that cut off jaimes arm in the show is not the same character from the book and that is tragic. Vargo Hoat in the book was awesome. That slobbering lisping asshole was a great villain. He also never went to the wall like this character who replaced him does. Jon never goes to get the guys at craster's. Just doesnt even remotely come into play, I dont think they are ever mentioned again in the books. Bran does not get captured by the mutineers and ghost is not kept by them. Ghost is just not in the book for a while and then just shows up at the wall. Literally. Just shows up. Jon left him when before he joined the wildlings and told him to go to the wall. He dreams of him a couple of times I think, but nothing about what is going on in the show.
So what you're saying is that they fixed things?

Something needs to be happening with the adventures of Brianne and Gendry. They're just being put in the same places they were last season.

My name is Dany and I'm still really boring.

So Baelish is the mastermind behind everything, got it.

For some reason a fight between a couple dozen or so dudes takes about 10 mins. Blackwater took 10 mins.

Jojen is dope.

Lysa is still kray kray.

Ghost is the best wolf.

My fiancee and I finally got all caught up--polished off season 3 on Bluray last week and all the Season 4 episodes to date over the weekend.

It was fun seeing her reactions to the red and purple weddings since she hasn't read the books. :D
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I feel they overexplained the wedding plot to ensure watchers didn't miss it. Came across as hamfisted and not cleverly done.
I'd have to second that description of how they did it. In the books, it's pretty much left hanging who might have done it. On the show, it's clear as glass. Same goes for the other Littlefinger even that happened in King's Landing at the beginning, though from what I remember from the book (working through the end of #3 in conjunction with the show, haven't made it there yet), that was as clear as they show portrayed it to be.

I'd have to second that description of how they did it. In the books, it's pretty much left hanging who might have done it. On the show, it's clear as glass. Same goes for the other Littlefinger even that happened in King's Landing at the beginning, though from what I remember from the book (working through the end of #3 in conjunction with the show, haven't made it there yet), that was as clear as they show portrayed it to be.
Not sure if you read this bit yet if you are just now reading the books but...

in the books lady olenna is the one who technically kills joffery. She gives sansa a hair net thing and one of the jewels from it makes it into jofferys wine and kills him. the poison used is called the strangler (get it?). During the wedding there is a bit where lady olenna comes up to her and messes with it, thats when she takes out the poison jewel. Later on, littlefinger tells sansa it was him and lady olenna who plotted to kill joffery, which mainly came about from rumors littlefinger spread while in highgarden to make lady olenna start to question the type of person joffrey was.

But yes, basically littlefinger is the shit at playing the game of thrones.

The bit about john arryn is pretty much straight from the books. Littlefinger basically set everything in motion that led to the war of the five kings. Jon arryn doesnt die, Ned stark doesnt become hand and doesnt start to question why he was killed (even though the Lannisters had nothing to do with it) and learns the truth about Cersei kids not being Roberts. If jon arryn didnt die, things would played out a lot different as right when he died is when he found out about Roberts kids so he didnt have a chance to bring all that to light.

Best part about littlefinger is still no idea what his endgame is, he is the wildcard.

At this point, I vote for GRRM to be barred from finishing the series and just let the HBO guys handle it.

serious book spoiler below:

Who stands for the court?  It'll blow my fucking mind if it's Jamie vs Tyrion.   It won't be of course.

Also, how the hell are they going to do all the killing Tyrion does with a crossbow?

At this point, I vote for GRRM to be barred from finishing the series and just let the HBO guys handle it.

serious book spoiler below:

Who stands for the court? It'll blow my fucking mind if it's Jamie vs Tyrion. It won't be of course.

Also, how the hell are they going to do all the killing Tyrion does with a crossbow?
The part of who is going to be on the court side of the trial by combat shouldn't change from the books.

Book spoiler (x3):

In the teaser trailers that have gone out before the season started, there are quick shots of the Oberyn vs The Mountain, so that shouldn't change from the books. It should be next episode, in fact and Ep 8 at the latest.

I could see the Tyrion killing Tywin with the crossbow being done in Ep 10, since it's a 64 minute long episode, right at the end as a teaser into next year. I think that after the fight with The Mountain killing Oberon, Tyrion gets locked up and then escapes with Jaime's help. Plenty of time to go from the fight to the crossbow incident as well as the Shae incident.

I'm more wondering if we'll see Lady Stoneheart at all, and if we do, if it'll also be in Ep 10 towards the end.

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I swear if they kill another favorite character that is only one season in OMG fuck THIS SHOW

The Mountain totally has to die right? He's been replaced more times than people say Daario Naharis' name to remind you that Daario Naharis been replaced and this Adrian Brody is the new one.

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I mean, they've been slowly toning down his make-up each season to the point where two seasons from now it'll all be gone and turns out he's a Targaryen.

I didn't like that guy playing the mountain, he looks too young, he's supposed to be older that Sandor.

Beyond that another good episode.

Based on nothing more than George Double-R saying the ending would be bitter-sweet, I don't think things will play out very well for Tyrion when all is said and done. 

"I let each man cut me once, before I kill him. Count the cuts and you will know how many Strong Belwas has slain."

Bad. Ass.
I just finished up re-reading book 3 and skipping out on having Strong Belwas was a mistake. The battle with the Mereen champion when it's him vs Strong Belwas is much better than the show version with Daario. Plus, there's a very important item involving him in the later books that I'd be curious to see how HBO handles it without him.

Seeing what happens in the end of book 3 and with three episodes to go, I'm wondering what will get done and what will end up either being skipped or passed to S5.

I just finished up re-reading book 3 and skipping out on having Strong Belwas was a mistake. The battle with the Mereen champion when it's him vs Strong Belwas is much better than the show version with Daario. Plus, there's a very important item involving him in the later books that I'd be curious to see how HBO handles it without him.

Seeing what happens in the end of book 3 and with three episodes to go, I'm wondering what will get done and what will end up either being skipped or passed to S5.
That event will be fine with a substitute, as have most other events in the show with substitutes.

bread's done