coupon! $12.75 for 3 out at a time! This is CHEAP!


41 (100%)
The source? My Dad. LOL

EDIT: Just found out where he got the code from, it's from

If you don't know, Gameznflix ( is a site like Netflix and Gamefly, just together. You can rent movies and games. The only thing is their selection is limited and they DON'T have any DS games.. GRRR!!

But, when you click on sign up, go to I HAVE A COUPON and type in emmys.

Now look at the prices!

1 Out at a Time / $6.75 each month
2 Out at a Time / $9.75 each month
3 Out at a Time / $12.75 each month

3 out a time for $12.75 a month?! Holla!

I may do two at a time.. I haven't signed up YET I'm just sharing this info for anything.

I don't know if it's going to be YOUR in if you stay with this company for a year.. will it STILL be $12.75? (or whatever you choose)

And a personal question. I live at home. If my dad uses this for him/mom/brother..can I have my own account..? We have the same name too LOL (with the exception of Jr in it)

I don't post deals often, but I hope this is useful to at LEAST someone!


EDITED to change link to CAG referral link.

Also, here's the FAQ since alot of people seem to have questions

Here is a list of the distribution centers, since this too gets asked alot in this thread!

Boston, MA
Washington DC
Orlando, FL
Franklin, KY (near Nashville, TN)
Dallas, TX
Sterling, CO (near Denver, CO)
Sacramento, CA
Seattle, WA
Los Angeles, CA

This is the customer service number if you need any assistance!
[quote name='jimfoley16']when does GnF charge your card? i think im going to cancel before the next charge date[/quote]

Look at your billing history and add a month.
While King Kong is an old game, you added it during the old spice challenge so obviously people wanted it.

I'm slightly annoyed. I was rearranging my list yesterday and moved Rule of Rose from 58 to 25 and they ********* shipped it today. They skipped 24 other titles ranging from 360 to wii to dvd and they pick that one. I shouldn't be annoyed but I really wanted to play it and right now isn't a good time. Oh well. I went to Blockbuster today and renetd Trauma Center and Sonic for my new Wii. I had credit and they had a special.
[quote name='prayformojo']I certainly do not believe that I am expecting too much for GnF to ship me the games I have in my queue regardless of what system they are for or how new the games are. I have now had an open slot for 2 weeks and have 8 games in queue all that have a short wait status, given that short wait means available within 2 weeks, something should have shipped. My problem with GnF is that the availability of games is not accurate, i.e. new releases labeled as short wait will not ship within 2 weeks and the fact that a year ago I did not have these issues. I also understand that I will need to wait for new releases, I currently do this with my Blockbuster account (new release HD DVDs usually take a few weeks before they are readily available); however, with GnF the wait is too long, the fact that Rainbow Six Vegas is not readily available to rent 4 months after release tells me that GnF has major inventory problems. On these XBOX Live games timing does matter, given that some online communities are short-lived.[/quote]

mojo, we've gotten into this before, but I'll play along. Comparing GnF to Blockbuster is where you go wrong right away. Yes, Blockbuster's wait times are significantly shorter, but renting through Blockbuster is also more expensive. If you want better, pay more. Bottom line.

I completely agree about the Xbox Live aspect being time-sensitive though. Naturally, this matters more to some people than others. The way I look at it, games that I truly care about and are important that I play online, I buy (MLB example). I tend to use GnF as my middle ground supplier. Games that I may or may not like, but would like to try out. Also, I've used it as a means for playing Madden without having to fork out $60 for updated rosters every year.

My only real "requirement" to make the service worth the money is to rent at least 3 DVDs (or 1.5 games) a month. At blockbuster's prices, this basically amounts to my $12.75 monthly fee. Anything on top of that is gravy. Look at those expectations and tell me that you and several others don't have higher expectations.
I would like to thank the original poster of this deal. I joined just over 2 months ago (1/19) and have had an experience worth $12.75 a month. Would I pay Gamefly prices for this? No, but I wouldn't pay them for Gamefly either. (because of poor Gamefly shipping times to the Midwest).

The website design and search functions suck. However, the shipping services have been great for me. Every game but one has been marked as returned the same day I place it in the mailbox as long as I do so before 10 AM. I don't know if they are somehow barcode scanned in by the post office or actually physically received one state away in Kentucky by the end of the day, but by around 11:00 pm they are always already shifted to "checked in" on the website. Games I've mailed after 10:00 AM have all been received by Gamesnflix in Kentucky the next day. ( I live in Indianapolis and all my returns go to the Kentucky shipping center)

Shipments from Gameznflix normally (13 of 16 so far) arrive the day after I receive the 11:03pm "your item was sent" e-mail. All such items have come from Kentucky. However, I have had two items that both took 5 days. They were both shipped from the California shipping center. I also had a third item that took 2 days from Florida. As far as what I've been shipped, I have received: 11 Xbox 360 titles, 1 PS2 title, 1 Gamecube title, 1 Wii title, 2 DVDs and 1 Blu-Ray. Except for my first shipment of 3 when I received my #1, my #9, and my #15, all titles since have come from my top 5, and I've never had a day with an open slot when they didn't send something.

Despite the poor envelopes, (no foam or cardboard), I have received only one broken disk. I simply sent it back with an "it broke in the mail" post-it note and a new item shipped when they received it without hassle. However, it still sucked and hopefully won't be a prevalent problem.

As far as their bloated "on order" catalog (especially with movies), I think that the way they do things is that they list all the items they don't have but can get from their distributor, but that they don't actually ORDER any of these titles until a certain number of users have them requested in the "on order" section of the queue. So if the item you want that is "on order" isn't likely to be wanted by others, you'll probably never get it. (THIS IS SPECULATION) However, some "on order" items do eventually ship. For instance, I recently received the Blu-ray of the Richard Donner cut of Superman 2.

Gameznflix's original and largest shipping center is in Kentucky, making it a great deal for most us on this side of the country (especially the midwest).

However, if they ever stop shipping me items as some users have reported, I would cancel immediately. :bomb: If I lived in California and could get games the next day from Gamefly, I'd probably pay the premium for the better site/selection.

I would NEVER take the chance and purchase an item through the service as I've read nothing but bad experiences about doing so.


EDIT: Fixed date. I joined two months ago (1/19) not (2/19)
I cancelled my GnF membership and went back to Gamefly because I like to play new release games and GnF simply didn't handle that. GRAW2 just now got put to "available for rental" despite being released for what, 2 weeks now? God of War 2 was similarly delayed, though it's up now.

I want new release games on the week they launch and when GnF couldn't deliver that I went back to Gamefly. Thanks for the deal, as I was looking forward to getting a few movies interspersed with my games, but in the end I'm willing to pay a little more for service that fits my preferences more.
GRAW 2 has been available for a few days now, my guess is that the initial shipment has gone out and I would not hold my breath for any more copies to ship anytime soon. I agree that GnF makes for an excellent middle ground supplier, it is just a shame that they cannot deliver the occasional game the week of release (which they did without fail a year ago). I guess, it starts becomming less attractive from a cost perspective if the only games you can rent are those that have price dropped already. I really need to can my current membership and rejoin under the deal price. Can I keep my current email if I do that?
I started a couple months ago around the time this deal was posted. It seems as though they have a hidden priority with newer members. I'm probably wrong, but that's just my experience.

At first they were shipping everything. Like Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, soon after it was released. For a couple of weeks I was completely satisfied with their service. Then it all came to a hault...

Rogue Galaxy was on my list for atleast a month. The que displayed a full bar which means something like "short wait." NBA Street Homecourt was the same deal.

So you might be saying, "well that's cuz they're new and popular, you fucking idiot!"

True, but what about the other titles in my list? Like Devil May Cry 3 and Tekken 5! For goodness sake, those are GREATEST HITS titles overstocked at my nearest CC!

So now I've become a member of Gamefly... and WOW! They already shipped two of Gameznflix's "rare" games, Rez and Contra Shattered Soldier... On the first day!

The only good part about GnF service... the shipping times. Great for LA area.

You get what you pay for.
[quote name='dancingisforbidden']I started a couple months ago around the time this deal was posted. It seems as though they have a hidden priority with newer members. I'm probably wrong, but that's just my experience...

...So now I've become a member of Gamefly... and WOW! They already shipped two of Gameznflix's "rare" games, Rez and Contra Shattered Soldier... On the first day!...

...You get what you pay for.[/quote]

speaking as someone who subscribed to GameFly for almost a year, and now a 2-month member of GNF, the service is obviously the same in most regards.

i will concede that GameFly has a considerably higher potential of shipping you newer titles faster. however, when it comes to older titles, GameFly was horrendous. i can't speak for anyone else, but it was the older titles that sat in my queue the longest at GF. that, coupled with what i felt were ultra-high prices for what i was getting and abysmal ship times in California, was why i left, well before the GNF deal. i disliked the service so much that i preferred to rent nothing, rather than pay to get the scraps that GF was sending.

for the record, almost every online rental house i can think of does the ol' "give preference to new members" bit. it's no illusion, just a clever (or not-so-clever) marketing/customer retention strategy. the goal is to give newer customers higher priority overall so they like the service and stay. over several weeks, this priority is gradually tapered off until they settle in to a slightly lower tier of service ("all of us eventually"). it sucks a little for long time service, but obviously it works and it ain't goin' anywhere.
Yeah, I see what you're saying.

Maybe they both suck, meaning they can't meet my demands. Perhaps Gamefly will be the same with not sending me titles like Devil May Cry 3. The whole priority thing is pretty clever as well. I mean, what's the point in having a 10 day free trial if you can't receive a damn title?

I retract my statment of Gamefly besting Gameznflix... though I still believe GnF is terrible... it's too early for me to side with GF.

One more note: If they do in fact give priority to new members, does that come into play when you look at a games availability? Because GF listed Rez as "Available now" (or a similar term) while GnF always had a half-empty orange bar... and by always I mean for two months.

And yes, with Gameznflix the orange bar is always "half-empty."
Well It has been 2 months almost now and I have been happy (knock wood).
5 titles have shipped and usally recieve the next in my top 3 the next day or 2! I put crackdown on my #1 the other day, shipped back TDU yesterday and ..bam, its allready on its way. I really did not expect this much for the money!
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Service has been great so far. I think I started my subscription in early February, and I've received games from the top of my queue one after another. However, the first time I sent something back (a movie), it got lost in the mail, but after a couple weeks of deliberation, they sent me a new item, no questions asked. If I didn't have GNF, I doubt I ever would have gotten the chance to play Trauma Center, Excite Truck, Wario Ware, etc.[/quote]
It didn't get lost in the mail. They just claimed it did and ripped off two weeks of service from you.
Well, I managed to solve my issue by sending an angry-ish email.

I think Gameznflix does throttling like NetFlix does, but they do it MUCH MUCH harder, and expect you to keep games longer. So if you were like me for a little while and got a game in the mail, played it 3 days before deciding it sucked, then sending it back, it will hurt your odds of getting next game.

Either that or they reset my status to a new member as I just got the games I wanted after a 2 month wait.

I really recomend keeping a very small list of games and movies that you want NOW, not games that you want in a few weeks. If you want the hot games, remove older games from your list, as if you got 50 games in your list and you want #1 which is Zelda, it will never happen.
Ha. I'm on the 2-at-a-time plan and I returned one of my games. They marked both as returned and sent out 2 new items, despite the fact that I've still got one at home.
[quote name='modium']Ha. I'm on the 2-at-a-time plan and I returned one of my games. They marked both as returned and sent out 2 new items, despite the fact that I've still got one at home.[/quote]

Ummm, keep it till(if ever) it shows back as being checked out again. Kinda funny, not the first time Ive heard of this happening, kinda hope it happens with one of my games.
[quote name='deekayex']It didn't get lost in the mail. They just claimed it did and ripped off two weeks of service from you.[/quote]

it's all one big conspiracy. or completely isn't.
Anybody tracking the discrepency between the service to new members and those of us that have been subs for a year or two. Netflix throttled until they were sued. Another week goes by and nothing ships. I thought for sure either Earth Defense Force or Virtua Tennis would be mine, but no dice.
[quote name='Gunch']Ummm, keep it till(if ever) it shows back as being checked out again. Kinda funny, not the first time Ive heard of this happening, kinda hope it happens with one of my games.[/QUOTE]

Or you could do the right thing, return it, and not rip them on their mistake....
[quote name='prayformojo']Anybody tracking the discrepency between the service to new members and those of us that have been subs for a year or two. Netflix throttled until they were sued. Another week goes by and nothing ships. I thought for sure either Earth Defense Force or Virtua Tennis would be mine, but no dice.[/quote]

actually, Netflix still throttles, but now they tell you in their EULA (or whatever it's called) and they'll also disclose that info over the phone now, too.
[quote name='Gunch']Ummm, keep it till(if ever) it shows back as being checked out again. Kinda funny, not the first time Ive heard of this happening, kinda hope it happens with one of my games.[/quote]Yeah, I'll be returning it. I mean, I'm going to finish it first, because I was planning to anyway. But I will be returning it. I guess I'm just a good person boring loser. :lol:
[quote name='modium']Yeah, I'll be returning it. I mean, I'm going to finish it first, because I was planning to anyway. But I will be returning it. I guess I'm just a good person boring loser. :lol:[/quote]

ain't nothin' wrong with doin' right. i applaud you.
[quote name='allyourblood']ain't nothin' wrong with doin' right. i applaud you.[/QUOTE]

As do I--I'm not talking karma here, but I'm a firm believer that you reap what you sow... constantly do right by others, and in turn, when you need it most, they'll do right by you.
[quote name='modium']Ha. I'm on the 2-at-a-time plan and I returned one of my games. They marked both as returned and sent out 2 new items, despite the fact that I've still got one at home.[/QUOTE]

When I was on the 3 out at a time plan I had 5 games at the same time. I had my original 3 rented and out of nowhere they sent the next two out on my list, and said I had returned the first 2 they sent to me. That was way back in October of last year needless to say I still have those two games, I will return them once I beat them or cancel my membership.
[quote name='Gunch']Ummm, keep it till(if ever) it shows back as being checked out again. Kinda funny, not the first time Ive heard of this happening, kinda hope it happens with one of my games.[/QUOTE]
Virtua Tennis 3 shipped for me today which I didn't know was available since it had coming soon near it a few days ago. Either way it's totally random for me it seems. I think they look at your closest center and pick the top item that it has on your list. if they have nothing they try a different center. That's just a guess though.

Oddly enough I'm not enjoying leo star wars 2 but loving rule of rose. I thought it would be the other way around.
yeah virtua tennis 3 shipped for me today, even though it was 3rd in my hoops 2k7 was first, and nba street was second (i understand their not having nba street though)
Paying 9.75/mo for the 2 out at a time plan. Thanks a ton for sharing the coupon / site. Pretty weird game categories, but i'm sure the site will clean up over time.
I had the issue where they over charged me for the two at a time plan, I e-mailed them, they credited me a free month and they are going to charge me the right price from now on. I know some people have had trouble, but I really hope their service continues being good for me.
I have had the service 3 months now, only been charged twice(once last week) and just received my first hiccup in the service. I might cash in on the free month of blockbuster access that i got in the mail while i wait for them to ship my next DVD(it's been 10 days since i returned one and it's showing still checked out).
i think i just lost a game in the mail. it usually takes less than 24 hours for it to show that they received a game i sent back, but i sent saints row back on monday and it still shows as me still having it. great...this is my second problem with the service so far (the first one was a game being unplayable because it was scratched like hell)
Hey i've been a user of this site since last year... but I read a few questions on this topic, and I wasn't sure if it ever got answered...

if I cancell my account, can I reactivate it and use this coupon? I would ratehr keep my same email, but can I not do that?
For those wondering, they're still doing the 12.75 bit, that's what was charged on my first month...service has been surprisingly good, considering all the negative stuff I've heard..I belived I rented about 6 or 7 titles so far (got 3 out now)
I subscribed on 03/28/07...and get em two days later. Thats not too shabby, considering my picks were:

Happy Feet
The Road to Happyness
X-Men: The Official Game (360)

Terrible...terrible game! Ugh...that one is already on its way back. But otherwise, not complaints so far! Seems like a good deal!
[quote name='ddrlenz']I subscribed on 03/28/07...and get em two days later. Thats not too shabby, considering my picks were:

Happy Feet
The Road to Happyness
X-Men: The Official Game (360)

Terrible...terrible game! Ugh...that one is already on its way back. But otherwise, not complaints so far! Seems like a good deal![/QUOTE]

That is so weird, i subscribed the 26th and X-Men: The Official Game was one of my first three as well.

Im really enjoying it, i dont think its really as bad as people say it is if you give it a shot and are an x-men fan.
12.75 for 3 at time and got crappy games or 19.99 3 at a time for gamefly (with 10 buck brightspot coupon) Hell i take gamefly anyday now.
After only two months of being a member of Gameznflix, they haven't sent me anything in about two weeks. I think I'm just going to cancel now. Oh well at least it was a fun two months.
[quote name='Cryptosporidium-399']Canned my Netflix to give this a shot. Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]
Worst idea ever.

Gameznflicks is NOT a replacement for Netflix, it's a cheap service for game rentals, and maybe if you are extremely lucky you could check out an HD-DVD or BRD (about as likely as winning the lottery).
[quote name='soxfan30']After only two months of being a member of Gameznflix, they haven't sent me anything in about two weeks. I think I'm just going to cancel now. Oh well at least it was a fun two months.[/QUOTE]

I expect I'll be going that way soon as well.

It was definitely worth the dough I spent on it.

I was kind of hoping to keep getting games at least through the summer.

Well, just returned my game, let's see what happens.
I've queued 8 videogames and about 15 movies so far. Games are always at the top of my queue. So far I've gotten about 7 movies and 1 game. Might as well call this "nFlix"

Good movie rental service though! lolz
college hoops 2k6 came and it was snapped in half. I really wish they offered a better answer than post a note to disc sleve and mail back. Now I'll have to remember to readd it to my queue
So what happens if you lose the little sleeve they send the disc in? I sent back 2 of the games I have had out but I did a quick look for the sleeve for the 3rd and can't find it so far.
I had this service for about 6 weeks and probably had about 12 games/movies that whole time. Of those rentals, 4 were so scratched that they just stopped playing 3/4 of the way through. Nothing pisses your night away like getting into a movie and having it dump out with a read error too late to do anything else that night.

Turnaround was abysmal - 5 days after putting a disc back in the mail before I'd have a new disc.

I'm trying the Blockbuster online rental and if I don't return instore I see a new disc on the second day. Instore I have either a game or a movie immediately and they ship one out the next business day.

GAMEZNFLIX CANCELLED - There's a reason their stock trades at $.0007 per share.
bread's done