General Fighting Game Thread #48 Turbo - !quote 16 ^_^

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[quote name='MarkMan']I love the RDS 2~2~2 ender after W![/QUOTE]
what's RDS 2~2~2? isn't it RDS 2~2~1 - AOP 4?
i don't know the W! ender for when you face front. is it f+3,1,1+2? i keep doing the old BR setup of 1,2,1 hop over RDS 4 which doesn't work anyway.

i want to main ling
but if me and jekki head down for the 2v2 tourney, i don't think a dual ling team is good so i'm looking for a secondary

i want to main a top tier that no one uses in socal / SD, but iirc...
Steve - MYK
Law - Rip
Bob - (i dunno but i know someone uses him)
Bryan - Cynnik?
Paul - Everyone and their mom
Julia - (hmmm...)
Lars - (i know someone uses him)
Lili - KaNE
Bruce - (i hate bruce)
Baek - (i hate baek too)
King - Markman?
Jack - Arario? Afam?
Eddy - Unconkable?
Feng - Dumadagger
Nina - Ace R., NerenatwaH

I remember trying to use Julia in 5.0 until I learned that she can only attack in a straight line. hahaha
I don't use King as much anymore, but he's still my favorite.

I use Bruce/Eddy :D

MYK uses Bob. KaNE uses Bryan. Julia is cheap. MYK uses Lars. No Bruce... cyborg (Tall John) uses Baek. No one uses Jack anymore really. Same with Feng :(
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']The price is worth it alone for the new animations. Golden.

Also will be the first game I'll ever get a platinum on... too easy.

Online makes me happy. Even with lag it's at least enjoyable unlike T5DRO[/QUOTE]

You see that new animation for Nina's palm grab -> armbar? Very sexiful, Mr. Bond.

I do kind of wish that the Achievements/Trophies weren't all for that Scenario mode, though - it's like they knew the netcode would be questionable, so they decided to only dole out, like, five awards for it. That said, the online is running well enough for me that out of the two hours I played last night, I only had one match lag enough to cause problems. I'm still gonna stick with playing people I know, but it's better than nothing.

Now for the Ultra Noob Combo: how the fuck do you save match replays? I know it's something that's supposed to pop up after a match, but I'm not seeing shit. Is it not available for online matches or something?
I have no idea what bound is or why it's good for me X_X

basic combo Ill do with xiao is

launcher, 1 d+2 or f+3 1, RDS 2 1, ff+1, ff+2 1 or ff+1+2 1+2

I think the ff+1 is a bound move? but I dont really understand what that means or what it does...
[quote name='JEKKI']I have no idea what bound is or why it's good for me X_X

basic combo Ill do with xiao is

launcher, 1 d+2 or f+3 1, RDS 2 1, ff+1, ff+2 1 or ff+1+2 1+2

I think the ff+1 is a bound move? but I dont really understand what that means or what it does...[/QUOTE]
bound is (B!) a move that kinda makes them bounce on the floor. ling's are RDS 2~2 and ff+1. because you make them bounce on the floor you can get more hits in. usually you do a common ender for bound... ff+1 gets you ff+2,1 or XMTS like you said, RDS 2~2 give you d+1+4, f+3,1,1+2 or RDS 2,1.

it's kinda like a launcher in a launcher, but it's really just part of the combo.

also if you low parry or break the floor on the stage, they're put in a bound state so you know to finish with your ender.

its also important for other reasons. like if you jab someone out of the air, you can do your bound move for a guaranteed ender instead of being caught out of position for a normal juggle. stuff like that.
hey guys! long time since i posted here anyway just got tekken 6 u know me am always up for a beat down so anybody wants to go let me know, oh i really like bob he's fun as hell, and am mad that they change king up 4 havent really got deep in it so still playing with it
[quote name='asianxcore']so I'm at scrub status.[/QUOTE]
with over 40 matchups and a system that isn't as multicharacter friendly, you'll be at scrub status for a while as you learn every character's stupid frame traps, mixups, tech traps, and all that

i'm still at scrub status

*blocks low*
fuck that shit, dude had like 15 chances to shut down justins storm, he was just playing like he was the one with the character deficit for no reason.

That was ugly as hell
Does Tekken 6 have some sort of "command challenge" mode where you have to do the move the game displays? I spent most of the evening with T5 and it really bugs me that there isn't a way to learn every move for your fighter of choice without having to pausing the Training mode and navigating through a menu or two to get to the command list.
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maaaaan fukk tekken.

it's like u go in single player mode and u learn all this sick shyt and you're like yeay this game is awesome!!

but then u go online and it's like NAHH BITCH U LAG!!




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I'll be going to get Tekken 6 tomorrow, but I'm mighty tempted to go all out for the wireless stick bundle. I figure I can sell the artbook to recoup some costs on ebay or something.

I'll only do it if there's a HUGE difference between the Hori wired stick for the 360 (the one that gets redone all the time, DOA and Soul Calibur versions. Know what I mean?) and the Tekken wireless stick. I'd freaking LOVE to go wireless.
[quote name='BlueSwim']Does Tekken 6 have some sort of "command challenge" mode where you have to do the move the game displays? I spent most of the evening with T5 and it really bugs me that there isn't a way to learn every move for your fighter of choice without having to pausing the Training mode and navigating through a menu or two to get to the command list.[/QUOTE]
every move is not useful
for example, if there's a really slow high-mid combo that leaves you at -6 on block with no benefits on CH and is neutral on hit, why learn it?

if there were an order to learn moves, i'd do it like this.

1: Go to Tekken Zaibatsu
2: Learn the key juggles for your character. It might be tough because they usually have one gigantic combo thread and not all the combos are useful. The reason for learning juggles is because generally they do the most damage possible and they're easy to do as well.
3: Most character forums have a "top 10 moves" thread. These are pretty good because they usually contain setups. Setups like "This move has a really big range, and on block you can do so-and-so" which is how you formulate strategy. Familiarize yourself with these.
4: Finally, go watch some videos so you can see how a good person plays as your character. If there are moves that don't look familiar, then you go through the movelist to find them.

and that's how i learn the very very basics of a character. it's also iterative... you keep going back, playtesting, then reading threads and watching videos to see what's right, and then you playtest again, etc...
ok i started playing online every time i get a match i get kick can someone help me with portforwarding i have a netgear
man... fuck... T6 is taking over my life... I'm losing sleep and not getting work done because of it.

I havent spent time with the characters honestly like I wish since I'm focusing on unlocking shit. So far 2 trophies away from 100%... they're easy as well.

So far out of all teh new characters, I like how Lars plays... it's prob my swedish blood lol

then again my puerto rican side is saying miguel the spanish bastard might be fun.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Got my too easy platinum just now...


Me too, lol, campaign mode was a pain in the ass though as was Nancy. >_<

I just found out about the second controller trick for nancy too, I am not pleased.
You guys are making me want Tekken 6...and I was content on holding off until I could get a deal on it.

Anyone have it on both 360 and PS3 that can compare?
You guys are making me want Tekken 6...and I was content on holding off until I could get a deal on it.

Anyone have it on both 360 and PS3 that can compare?
I ordered Tekken 6 about a week before it was to come out on The thing is I never got the preorder bonus sent to me in an email so did they run out or does it come with the game? My game is still on its way as I don't have prime and took the free shipping.
[quote name='JEKKI']maaaaan fukk tekken.

it's like u go in single player mode and u learn all this sick shyt and you're like yeay this game is awesome!!

but then u go online and it's like NAHH BITCH U LAG!![/quote]
for real

i spent like 2 hours learning most of julia's moves
(yay uf+4,3 df+1,4,1, df+1,4,1, df+1,4,1+2 B! dash df+1,2)

then i go online and i can't even connect an elbow off a launcher

freakin terrible
Anyone else stuck at the Nightmare Train? It's the last thing I have to do besides completing the Gallery. I have Paul beefed up pretty good, but just can't hang in there till Devil Jin arives.

No Yoshi code yet. Anyone get theirs?
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[quote name='Rodimus']Anyone else stuck at the Nightmare Train? It's the last thing I have to do besides completing the Gallery. I have Paul beefed up pretty good, but just can't hang in there till Devil Jin arives.

No Yoshi code yet. Anyone get theirs?[/QUOTE]

nope thinking we should email amazon now to see whats up
[quote name='Rodimus']Anyone else stuck at the Nightmare Train? It's the last thing I have to do besides completing the Gallery. I have Paul beefed up pretty good, but just can't hang in there till Devil Jin arives.

No Yoshi code yet. Anyone get theirs?[/QUOTE]

Nightmare train was a bitch. I onyl beat it out of luck. Just beef up alisa with good defense and HP as well as elemental attacks and a bump to reg attacks.

also, use a character that can juggle easily. Knock enemies off train. If you can get devil jin off the train u win.
[quote name='Ronin317']You guys are making me want Tekken 6...and I was content on holding off until I could get a deal on it.

Anyone have it on both 360 and PS3 that can compare?[/QUOTE]

I do, what do you wanna know?
I need to get on that port forwarding guide as soon as I get home. I have it setup for T5DR but not T6.

Also, when I play it online I set it up wired unlike my usual wireless.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Nightmare train was a bitch. I onyl beat it out of luck. Just beef up alisa with good defense and HP as well as elemental attacks and a bump to reg attacks.

also, use a character that can juggle easily. Knock enemies off train. If you can get devil jin off the train u win.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I heard to save the machine gun till the end and use that against Devil Jin to shot him off the train.

BTW do you know how many monsters you have to beat up till DJ appears? I think the best I've done was 40.
[quote name='Rodimus']Yeah, I heard to save the machine gun till the end and use that against Devil Jin to shot him off the train.

BTW do you know how many monsters you have to beat up till DJ appears? I think the best I've done was 40.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I did, I shot his ass off the side. No clue how many monsters there are. Just keep Alisa alive too so she can distract Devil Jin while you get on the other side to shoot his ass off.
I dont like how I can't have separate online and offline ranks. Once you get 1st Dan offline you cant go any further.
[quote name='FroMann']I dont like how I can't have separate online and offline ranks. Once you get 1st Dan offline you cant go any further.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, when I found that out I was sad :(
So I picked up Tekken 6 regular edition today.
It's pretty fun. That Azazel boss or whatever is fucking horrid. I suck so much ass at this game. I need to get reacquainted with it.
How long is scenario campaign? Is it even worth watching the cutscenes? The first few were painful so I've skipped all the ones that have come up since.
[quote name='Azumangaman']So I picked up Tekken 6 regular edition today.
It's pretty fun. That Azazel boss or whatever is fucking horrid. I suck so much ass at this game. I need to get reacquainted with it.
How long is scenario campaign? Is it even worth watching the cutscenes? The first few were painful so I've skipped all the ones that have come up since.[/QUOTE]

pretty much yeah skip all the cutscenes and for azazel i finally realized just put the difficulty on easy and set the rounds to 1 then u can beat him with simple jab combos which for me is pressing lp and rp back and forth and throwing in lp+rp once in awhile to keep him down :lol:
[quote name='Nelo Ice']pretty much yeah skip all the cutscenes and for azazel i finally realized just put the difficulty on easy and set the rounds to 1 then u can beat him with simple jab combos which for me is pressing lp and rp back and forth and throwing in lp+rp once in awhile to keep him down :lol:[/QUOTE]

Difficulty doesn't do anything to the bastard. Easy or Ultra Hard, it doesn't matter. He is cheap and breaks the whole entire fighting engine for Tekken.
Finally beat Nightmare Train. I had trouble because I forgot to equip an item that gave me extra defense. After I figured that out it was a cake. I went on to beat the level 7 more times just to farm for treasure & money. I only have to complete the Gallery and this will be the second game I get 1000/1000 nerd points for.

Azazel isn't too bad. He's got some cheap ground hits, but the guy is so big he's easy as hell to juggle. I've been trying to unlock everyone's ending and usually die once on him with characters I don't know.
Yeah, I'm just trying to re-understand the Tekken mechanics. Been a long time since I played. While rarely winning, I could provide a decent contest with Jack-5 (now Jack-6) or Baek vs. some people in this Fighting thread.

I'm gonna play some online and then continue with Scenario Campaign.
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