General Gaming Thread #4: Weeaboos Are Welcome

Speaking of demos I thought Lost Planet 2 had a horrible demo. Atleast for someone who isn't into co-op games... If I only friend who actually played games.
Yeah that fight the big ass lizard thing was not a great way to show off how awesome LP2 is gonna be. It was kinda like how the Bayonetta demo is terrible except you already know Lost Planet is good.
[quote name='Maklershed']Lost Planet 2 comes out February 2nd

What about Army of Two 2? Looking to get that one?[/QUOTE]fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you're right
Crap, when was that date set? Though I see different dates in February in different places.

Hmmm...... crap, that's way too much stuff I'm going to get in Feb/March.
I'll think about it.

Army of Two is a definite buy when it's cheap.
Got the first one on PS3 when it was $10 and liked the co-op enough for me to want to try the second.
Back to back!
Just out of curiosity, what else are you getting? I know FF13 and GoW3 are must buys.

EDIT: Damn it .. it keeps putting my post before yours! :bomb:
[quote name='Maklershed']Yeah that fight the big ass lizard thing was not a great way to show off how awesome LP2 is gonna be. It was kinda like how the Bayonetta demo is terrible except you already know Lost Planet is good.[/QUOTE]
I actually didn't like LP single player much. Even on easy it took forever to kill just about anything. As for the multiplayer, I only liked the Akrid Hunter mode but that fun was short lived because the humans would just spam Akrid players with plasma Grenades(Which freezes them in place).
[quote name='Ahadi']Why does inFamous suck so much? It's like the bastard step son of Crackdown, Psi-Ops, and Spiderman. Either way, it isn't fun. Just annoying. Is it worth continuing or should I get rid of it?[/QUOTE]

It doesn't. There's something wrong with you. Especially if you think Psi-Ops or Spiderman were better. :p Granted, I've never played Psi-Ops... but inFamous is crackdown without the bullshit driving forced into it. The only real problem, as far as I was concerned, was that they didn't give you the static thrusters until 1/3 of the game was over so movement was really fucking slow. Especially when the damned train lines start up but I never have to go anywhere the train tracks actually go.

[quote name='dallow']Wait, what?[/QUOTE]

He's being a smartass. Like, if you have an entertainment unit, you hide the power brick behind it, then you don't see it.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']enjoying NYC... met one of my heroes today... oddly through discussion about how QTEs make games worse.[/QUOTE]

Not always. Mostly only when they're sprung on you randomly for no reason without being a core element of gameplay (RE5) or when they're used every other minute and are excessively long (Ninja Blade).

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Thats a lie. Everyone knows QTE's make everything better.[/QUOTE]

Sarcasm detector off the charts! :whee:

[quote name='Maklershed']Yeah that fight the big ass lizard thing was not a great way to show off how awesome LP2 is gonna be. It was kinda like how the Bayonetta demo is terrible except you already know Lost Planet is good.[/QUOTE]

Fanboy. On both accounts. This is why God punished you with baldness.

[quote name='Maklershed']Akrid hunter mode? Was that for PS3?[/QUOTE]

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, I thnk.

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I actually didn't like LP single player much. Even on easy it took forever to kill just about anything. As for the multiplayer, I only liked the Akrid Hunter mode but that fun was short lived because the humans would just spam Akrid players with plasma Grenades(Which freezes them in place).[/QUOTE]

The single player had a neat mechanic, but it got stale kind of quickly. As an achievement whore, what really pissed me off is how the stupid collectables changed location on different difficulties. That does NOT make your game more replayable, idiots. >_
[quote name='corrosivefrost']It doesn't. There's something wrong with you. Especially if you think Psi-Ops or Spiderman were better. :p Granted, I've never played Psi-Ops... but inFamous is crackdown without the bullshit driving forced into it. The only real problem, as far as I was concerned, was that they didn't give you the static thrusters until 1/3 of the game was over so movement was really fucking slow. Especially when the damned train lines start up but I never have to go anywhere the train tracks actually go.[/quote]
Agreed. If you don't like inFamous something is wrong with you.

Fanboy. On both accounts. This is why God punished you with baldness.
So true.

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, I thnk.
It was in the Colonies edition for the 360.

Anyway, I can't stop playing Dragon Age. Such a good game.
Rei likes dicks

Jer is a ridiculous opinion machine

oTTers are manchildren

DarknessBear has burgers

ChocolatePuma is 9 years old

Corrosive is a Moxio is a frost

Mak has an ugly face

Ninja Dog is not a good ninja

There, now we're all sufficiently insulted, we can move on.
[quote name='seanr1221']Wow, didn't realize LP2 came out so soon.[/QUOTE]
Isn't Dark Void in mid-January, too? Or was that pushed until later in 2010?

Seems like EA/Bioware are the only company that's marketing their early 2010 games well at the moment with daily trailers for Mass Effect 2 and the Dante's Inferno demo.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Rei likes dicks

Jer is a ridiculous opinion machine

oTTers are manchildren

DarknessBear has burgers

ChocolatePuma is 9 years old

Corrosive is a Moxio is a frost

Mak has an ugly face

Ninja Dog is not a good ninja

There, now we're all sufficiently insulted, we can move on.[/QUOTE]

What about you?

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It was in the Colonies edition for the 360.

Anyway, I can't stop playing Dragon Age. Such a good game.[/QUOTE]

That's what I meant -- It was the PS3 version or the 360 "Platinum Choice" w/ DLC and extra modes edition... I could couldn't remember what the added word(s) was(were).
Is there really an official release date for Lost Planet 2 yet? I thought the Feburary date was just a retail placeholder.
[quote name='dallow']
Also true about those QTEs, Heavy Rain will be 2nd best game of the year because of them.[/QUOTE]

um... the weird thing was that that was the one game we were mainly talking about :lol:

oh and it was Phil Fish who I was talking to.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']It doesn't. There's something wrong with you. Especially if you think Psi-Ops or Spiderman were better. :p Granted, I've never played Psi-Ops... but inFamous is crackdown without the bullshit driving forced into it. The only real problem, as far as I was concerned, was that they didn't give you the static thrusters until 1/3 of the game was over so movement was really fucking slow. Especially when the damned train lines start up but I never have to go anywhere the train tracks actually go.[/QUOTE]
Infamous had a few more problems than that. I've said this before but I didn't like how I was forced to waste exp to unlock grinding and I really thought you should have gotten the shield earlier. Also they could have made Cole faster. And the enemy AI could have used some work.

Sarcasm detector off the charts! :whee:
Honestly I don't really care about QTEs as long as I know they are there. The only game with QTE's that ever pissed me off was Spider-man 3... but that game had other problems...
Srsly. The Archdemon was one of the easier fights, I found.

Call in backup (I favoured the archers for pretty much every fight). Shale can tank like a motherfucker. Failing that, cone of cold can keep it off your back some - at least long enough to get some healing done. Have someone (preferably with a ranged attack) on the balistae when it runs away. The minions it summons should be no match for your other guys, though you'll have to micromanage whoever the dragon chooses to focus on, as they'll get raped by various spells otherwise.
Dragon age is great, but does every other enemy have to have a goddamn stun or knockdown ability that makes me sit for 10 seconds as I watch my dude get swarmed before I can even move. Its not even hard or anything, just realllllyyyyy boring and annoying.
Archers get really nasty about that in the late-game.

Two-handers and shield-users both have a passive ability that lets 'em withstand knockdown/stun, though.

EDIT: Besides, unless they're doing it to all four of your guys at once, just... switch people. Micromanagement makes that game a billion times more bearable.
For the archdemon I just called for help and let the archdemon attack those while I used the ballista to attack him. It was pretty easy.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']The last boss in Dragon Age is making me not want to ever play the game again.

fuck you, Archdemon.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the archdemon isn't that hard at all. Call in backup and all the minions that get called in will focus on them.
[quote name='heavyd853']Dragon age is great, but does every other enemy have to have a goddamn stun or knockdown ability that makes me sit for 10 seconds as I watch my dude get swarmed before I can even move. Its not even hard or anything, just realllllyyyyy boring and annoying.[/QUOTE]
Switch characters... You should have at least one two-hander or sword and shield user in your party who won't be affected.
[quote name='The Crotch']"fuck switching characters"?
How the fuck do you play the game without switching characters?[/QUOTE]

He named his character Rambo. Do you really expect him to function as part of a team environment?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']um... the weird thing was that that was the one game we were mainly talking about :lol:

oh and it was Phil Fish who I was talking to.[/QUOTE]Well, then you both were wrong.
Did you tell him to release his game already? Been waiting forever.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']He's being a smartass. Like, if you have an entertainment unit, you hide the power brick behind it, then you don't see it.[/QUOTE]Well that's dumb of him.
The fact that the powerbrick is tethered on one end (the WRONG END) to the cable that attaches to the system is the problem.
My 360 is on the second level rack, and the cable is just long enough for the power brick to sit on the floor, it cannot be moved at all to put it out of view.


So annoying! If only that cable was longer, or could detach, or used a common plug so that I could have an alternative.
I think we can all agree on one thing - Fairytale Fights is the worst game I've played this year.

That game deserves to be free. Flicking the analog stick to attack in a hack 'n slash "button masher" game is the worst idea ever.

Glad it's going to get me free points cards.

I didn't like infamous either. I got about halfway through and got sleepy and distracted by other, better games. Especially now that AC2 is out, there's no reason to go back to infamous, really. The missions are so basic and the enemy AI is straight outta 1998. Might be my pick for overrated of the year.

I never really thought about the power brick. It's behind my TV stand. I forgot about it until you said something.
CoD:MW2 better have 3 map packs, $60 worth of MS points sitting is an awkward feeling; can't wait to activate the X360 to download Shadow Complex during the week sale, hopefully there's a sequel already in-development to that.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']CoD:MW2 better have 3 map packs, $60 worth of MS points sitting is an awkward feeling; can't wait to activate the X360 to download Shadow Complex during the week sale, hopefully there's a sequel already in-development to that.[/QUOTE]
I hope they do some QA this time around.
[quote name='The Crotch']"fuck switching characters"?
How the fuck do you play the game without switching characters?[/QUOTE]

console version ftl

I mean, you can switch to do quick simple stuff, but for the most part, Dragon Age on consoles is like FFXII in wrpg form...i.e. wayyyy more addictive than it deserves to be because it's so automated. I understand that on PC you can actually manage your party like regular rpgs.
[quote name='ninja dog']console version ftl

I mean, you can switch to do quick simple stuff, but for the most part, Dragon Age on consoles is like FFXII in wrpg form...i.e. wayyyy more addictive than it deserves to be because it's so automated. I understand that on PC you can actually manage your party like regular rpgs.[/QUOTE]
Oh, Jesus Christ. You poor, poor souls...
Why did they yank out so much micromanagement from the console versions?
[quote name='The Crotch']Oh, Jesus Christ. You poor, poor souls...
Why did they yank out so much micromanagement from the console versions?[/QUOTE]

because navigating 86 menus to make a character change weapons is a pain in the ass with a controller? because the attention span of most console gamers doesn't lend itself to micromanagement?
What other 360 exclusives are comng out next year?
So far, the only 360 games on my 2010 'to buy' list are Alan Wake, ME2, and Bayonetta.[quote name='Maklershed']Just out of curiosity, what else are you getting? I know FF13 and GoW3 are must buys.[/QUOTE]
Missed this mak.

For February/March PS3.... hmm.

Well, FFXIII and GoWIII are locks as you mentioned.
For me, so are Yakuza 3, Heavy Rain, and White Knight Chronicles.

Have to think about Bioshock 2 and LP2 as I haven't even beaten the originals. :cold:

Then there are various other goodies being released those couple months for other platforms that I'm interested in.
bread's done