GGT 211 desperately needs a reboot. WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS!!

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it's pretty versatile, poking stuff at a safe distance and all. would of been fine if i didnt just go straight through the ghosts. game betrayed me, man.
[quote name='j-cart']I've actually learned something about me, I'm an asshole :(

Can't you guys like start the game and deal out the cards for me and just skip my turn until I get there?[/QUOTE]

We'll just wait for you, but it'll be good if you hop on as soon as you can. If you need to eat or something while playing, that's fine.

We can try to keep the turns moving as best as we can too.
[quote name='ihadFG']We'll just wait for you, but it'll be good if you hop on as soon as you can. If you need to eat or something while playing, that's fine.

We can try to keep the turns moving as best as we can too.[/QUOTE]

It is just me getting home. I get off work @ 7pm.
[quote name='j-cart']It is just me getting home. I get off work @ 7pm.[/QUOTE]

Ok, well we can try to have the board set up and all by the time you get on.

I'll probably hop on skype around 10 or a little after.
[quote name='The Crotch']So who is playing? You two, me, and icebeast makes four. We need a fifth at least.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mrspicytacoman']awww man
haters on AC3? For real?

prolly played with controller backwards[/QUOTE]

[quote name='corrosivefrost']I disagree completely.

The Animus is one of the few reasons I actually like the AC franchise. It's definitely not because I like Ezio. If you just made a game that was AC2 -- the GTA:Renaissance Italy that it was -- and you took out the ridiculous plot twist ending and the reason for the conflict (racing templars to get the golden apple) I probably would have stopped playing halfway through.

Hell, the ending to AC2 had me dreaming of what sort of epicness the next AC game would bring... and instead of any of it, we got Brotherhood, where it was more of AC2 plus multiplayer. And then they continued to beat that cash cow with Revelations. When they finally said "oh, people are getting tired of this shit, let's do something new", we got AC3, which is still, as far as I can tell, more of the same in a different setting.

If you want to know what I was hoping for after AC2, I've put the gist of it in spoilers here:
After the "whoa, holy shit, he just did all that to see the prophecy and it was something incomprehensible to him in the fact that it was intended for Desmond" combined with the "make Desmond do some climbing and such and begin to show bleed through of the Assassin abilities", I was really hoping the *next* AC game (preferably 3) would have been Desmond and his crew travelling all over the world, trying to get to all the sites that were on the map... maybe having a metroidvania type system of some sort perhaps?

Like "Oh, where do we go first? Mayan jungle? Tibet? Japan?" and you pick one. Then you get a crash course in some relevant assassin to that area... so a ninja or samurai in Japan, who knows for China/Tibet time period, ancient Mayan warrior in the Mayan civilization -- and while in the memory, not only do you get varied locales and missions from the past, but the point would be that whatever skill/item/whatever that Desmond took from the memory you could use in a modern day mission to try to retrieve the artifacts.

I thought that sounded a hell of a lot more interesting and fun... but then again, I'm usually in the minority, liking games that people hate and hating games that the masses adore, so it probably would have been a financial failure for Ubisoft. :lol:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='The Crotch']I have found it.

The person who enjoyed the plot of Assassin's Creed.

But how do I kill it?

I might actually be interested in your idealized AC3, actually. Minus any "modern day" stuff.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']360, but I'll replay it on PS3 at some point like I did on all the other games. Connor's only deeper if by deeper you mean dumb as fuck. He's thick headed and ignores some of the most common sense shit ever. He makes so many shitty decisions during the game that totally took me out of it because I feel like a real person would not have made one of those decisions themselves. I know a lot of people dislike Ezio, but at least I know he wouldn't ever be stupid enough to think he could
join the Templars and Assassins together.

AND YES THAT IS NECESSARY! When the homestead mission which I referenced happened it was during the endgame, between missions, so I was in New York. I never got any prompts to go back home. I continued with the main game instead of going alllllllll the way back to the homestead to check up on things. I didn't have a problem with the collectibles or any of that shit, I just had a problem with the fact that I missed some nice story bits because some fucktard decided to make the main story short by marking some nice moments off as side missions.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='corrosivefrost']I haven't played AC3, so maybe it pulls some dumb shit, but AC2 didn't prompt you for new side missions, IIRC. Wait, did AC2 have side missions? It had all those assassinations I skipped and stuff, but I did the story to 100%... I suppose the tombs, maybe? But those you just had to watch for the icons and stuff...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='CaptainJoel']The tombs were the only thing, really. The story was pretty much contained in itself. AC3 is different and puts a really large amount of its story into the side missions, which bothered the hell out of me. I got side missions every great once in a while when I'd be traveling through large areas, but they were never actually anything serious (stuff like find the bear in the green area) so I stopped searching out every side mission about 6 hours into the game. I suppose it's partially my fault for not going back home while I was in the end game, but still... I find it pretty unfuckingforgiveable.

Also, I still really wish AC3 had been the game that GameInformer had done that big story on when it was announced. That article said that Washington and Franklin played huge roles in the game, but that was not the case at all. Franklin was in that game for all of a half hour and G Dubs was barely a tertiary character.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='GUNNM']The thing that bugged me the most was how shitty the horse was. I've played games like RDR and skyrim where your horse can do little things like a cross a river waist high or jump higher than 2 feet. I spent more time running through trees than using that shitty horse. I liked the hunting aspect they added but after that one tutorial of how to catch a rabbit with a zip line I never used it again.

At least AC 3 had some TIV value -- RE6 no one is offering anything for that game.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='CaptainJoel']I actually hunted a lot. I was in the top 25% of the leaderboards for hunting after three or four hours, which means I either killed a fuck ton of things (which I did) or that almost nobody hunts in that game. I hear you on the Horses sucking, though. That Paul Revere mission was some of the shittiest shit I've played this gen. A horse and AI not being able to cross a shin high creek is fucking ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='GUNNM']I know which part you're talking about. One of the co objectives or w/e its called was to not get spotted but that was almost impossible to do when the bridge is being guarded and the only way to get to the other side was 3 feet water.

My favorite weapon was that spear and rope that was very fun to use. I would yell GET OVER HERE whenever I used it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='j-cart']Why are you guys talking about AC still? Just play MP and be done with it :p[/QUOTE]

Oh god, what have I done.
No, you indicated that she was going celebrate.

I'm totally fine with her going gay too though. As long as there's pics and videos.

Preferably on redtube.
[quote name='Indignate']JOEL!

Leda's in California.

I need your help.[/QUOTE]
I can do this! Tell me what you want exactly and I can get this done, bro.

[quote name='gunm']Joel will take her all to himself.

And make her gay.[/QUOTE]
You clearly are not aware of what I do to women ;)

I take 'em to Poundtown.

[quote name='GhostShark']What is she celebrating?[/QUOTE]
The best thing for a woman to celebrate.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']
You clearly are not aware of what I do to women ;)

I take 'em to Poundtown.

Just because they won't sleep with you doesn't mean you can beat them up.
[quote name='gunm']Just because they won't sleep with you doesn't mean you can beat them up.[/QUOTE]
It's okay as long as I don't get caught.
Oh Call of Duty.... I truly love / hate you.

Gamefly sent me Saints Row 3 (360) and Scribblenauts Unlimited (Wii U). Anyone have estimates on time it takes to complete either of those?
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Oh Call of Duty.... I truly love / hate you.

Gamefly sent me Saints Row 3 (360) and Scribblenauts Unlimited (Wii U). Anyone have estimates on time it takes to complete either of those?[/QUOTE]

Saints Row 3 goes on forever. You will never complete it. You should have just grabbed a cheap used copy.
You can complete the main storyline of SR3 in about 10-11 hours, but that's just if you blow through the story. You can put over 100 hours into it if you want, and to me, it's the kind of game that's enjoyable enough where blowing through the story isn't the best idea.
[quote name='GUNNM']I have more fun being a girl in SR 3 then a male...[/QUOTE]
But if you're a guy you can play as Mr. Sheffield from the Nanny.
[quote name='GUNNM']I have more fun being a girl in SR 3 then a male...[/QUOTE]

My character in SR3 is female... a mostly (or entirely) naked blonde heavy on the curves and carrying ridiculous firepower. :cool:
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