GGT 306 owes its success to the Helix Fossill

there once was a man named Skinner

who took a young lady to dinner

at a quarter til 9, they started to dine

and by 10 it was already in her

the dinner, not Skinner!

I just read about half of Crank. It's a novel that has nothing to do with Jason Statham, sadly. It's pretty good anyways. Way better than that piece of shit Outsiders. It's written a lot like this. It's a style I appreciate.

Guardians looks awesome. Can't wait to watch it with Icebeast. We've already made plans.

Be jealous.

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I also picked up Strider on X1 earlier. Playing it now, I'm sure this is a tired comparison but it reminds me of Strider 2 and Shadow Complex mixed together. Really digging Double Helix last two efforts, I really wish they didn't get bought by Amazon (unless Amazon just becomes a game publisher or something). I would love to see them do some more classic revivals, they are 2/2 so far.

So you'd be happier living with your GF?

Also: GOTG Trailer. It looks fun.

Can't freaking wait, the 2008 (or so) Guardians run is one of my favorite comic book story runs.

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Because of the milky white semen spilling from my urethra.

Y'know, the one part I actually really liked and can't stop thinking about from Gone Home? The bit about
the hair dye. They're right about it feeling really intimate. Touching someone's scalp and tenderly massaging the color through their hair is one of those really special things that just make you feel bonded to someone. Then again, I've only done it a handful of times and I've been in longterm relationships with each of those women so I guess I could just be relating it to my own life too much as far as intimacy goes. I also had sex with each of them right after.
I just read about half of Crank. It's a novel that has nothing to do with Jason Statham, sadly. It's pretty good anyways. Way better than that piece of shit Outsiders. It's written a lot like this. It's a style I appreciate.

Guardians looks awesome. Can't wait to watch it with Icebeast. We've already made plans.

Be jealous.

I'm so jelly. Ibizzie lives in Cali?

I played a little bit on 3rd Birthday right now (lol psp) cuz I don't know.

It seems alright, totally not the Parasite Eve that I know and love, but whatever, I really like Aya as a character. I'll probably play it in between classes or something.

Or maybe I'll play Suikoden, whoknows.

I'm so jelly. Ibizzie lives in Cali?
uh, like chya. he's like so totally living dat calilife, its hella rad.

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I also picked up Strider on X1 earlier. Playing it now, I'm sure this is a tired comparison but it reminds me of Strider 2 and Shadow Complex mixed together. Really digging Double Helix last two efforts, I really wish they didn't get bought by Amazon (unless Amazon just becomes a game publisher or something). I would love to see them do some more classic revivals, they are 2/2 so far.

Can't freaking wait, the 2008 (or so) Guardians run is one of my favorite comic book story runs.
Who wrote the 2008 run? I've been following Bendis's run and it's... eh.
Who wrote the 2008 run? I've been following Bendis's run and it's... eh.
Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Shit's good. If you liked any of the cosmic stuff going on around the time (Annihilation stuff), then you will love it. It's still in continuity, too. Just gotta wait to see of Bendis will get his head out of his ass long enough to actually say what happened when they cliff hungered it.
As much as I liked DnA's run on GotG, I think I prefer Bendis' current run a bit more over it. Both are still good, though. The movie looks damn good. They've done a really good job on the make-up of most of the characters. I can't wait to see Batista come out at Wrestlemania XXX dressed up as Drax. 

I can't agree with liking Bendis' run better, but he does do some things right. My only real issue is that it suffers from Bendis speak and unlike Ultimate Spidey where I hardly ever notice it, it really bothers me in GotG. I think that's mainly because I got so used to the characters having specific voices a few years ago that I can't imagine them talking exactly like the New Avengers have for almost the entire past decade.

They should bring back Rider as Nova. I really wonder where the fuck he has gotten to.

He died in the cancerverse when Thanos and Star Lord presumably died. Both Thanos and Star Lord are alive so Rider could theoretically be alive somewhere. Despite Sam Alexander being a teenager, I still like him as Nova, but you can never have too many Novas. 

I don't mind Sam, but I want Richard to show up and mentor him. I think they have some serious potential as Marvel's own Dick and Damian instead of maybe a Hal and Kyle. I figure he's just chilling somewhere out there on the outer rim doing whatever until he's actually needed. I want to see if he'll have the new redesigned costume, too.

I played a little bit on 3rd Birthday right now (lol psp) cuz I don't know.
I thought that game was pretty neat. Definitely not the standard PE flavor, but pretty solid on it's own.

Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Shit's good. If you liked any of the cosmic stuff going on around the time (Annihilation stuff), then you will love it. It's still in continuity, too. Just gotta wait to see of Bendis will get his head out of his ass long enough to actually say what happened when they cliff hungered it.
As much as I liked DnA's run on GotG, I think I prefer Bendis' current run a bit more over it. Both are still good, though. The movie looks damn good. They've done a really good job on the make-up of most of the characters. I can't wait to see Batista come out at Wrestlemania XXX dressed up as Drax.
I was actually gonna ask you guys what I should read. I haven't picked up any Guardians for years, and I barely remember what I did read. Give a brother a good starting point, otherwise I'll just be drawing Rocket Raccoon aimlessly all day.

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What if a Metroid comes out next year and you don't have a 3DS then since you sold it! :O
I figure if they don't announce a few games I want at E3 that it's unlikely there will be enough for me to keep a 3DS going forward. With the Wii U failing, I'm guessing Nintendo will put something new out in 2015, and it will probably be something that unifies their handheld and console somehow. Be it a hybrid (less likely) single platform, or just getting a console and handheld on the same OS like iPhone/iPad and making games able to be played on either.

So I'd expect this E3 to announce most of the rest of the big guns we'll see on 3DS and Wii U. Missing a Metroid would suck though. I hope they just do a new Prime for Wii U though. I'd love a 2D one on 3DS too of course, but there's a decent amount of metroidesque games on PSN/XBLA etc. and not really many FPS adventure games like the Prime games.

Anyway, I did get my Vita last night. UPS showed up around 7:15. I haven't had that much time to play around with it yet. Mainly just got it set up, copied over the PS+ games I'd saved on PS3 to move over, organized some folders etc. Played a little Smart As last night, and checked out some Uncharted Golden Abyss this morning. I wanted to play a shooter so I could decide whether the trigger grips were a must or not (since they make it hard to find a case). I love the grips though, Vita is just awkward for using the shoulder buttons without them. So I'll need to return the case I bought and get a bigger one or a pouch that will fit with the grips (as I don't want to be taking them on and off all the time when taking the Vita out of the house.

But overall, the hardware if very nice. Very impressed with the condition of it. It was Grade 6 from Cowboom and just said it had minor scratches/scuffs. All I could find with very close inspection under bright light is a couple speck of dust size nicks on the bottom of the screen that aren't visible at all when in use. Rest of it is mint. Had the charger and cable, and still had the box. Very pleased to get one that's pretty much new for $120.
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I thought that game was pretty neat. Definitely not the standard PE flavor, but pretty solid on it's own.

I was actually gonna ask you guys what I should read. I haven't picked up any Guardians for years, and I barely remember what I did read. Give a brother a good starting point, otherwise I'll just be drawing Rocket Raccoon aimlessly all day.
Start with Annihilation -

Move on to Annihilation: Conquest -

And then move into GotG/Nova 2008 -

Including all of the minis and stuff it is a ton to read, but it's all extremely high quality (especially Annihilation Conquest: Star Lord). Even the weaker titles in the crossovers are better than most of the big main titles Marvel was putting out at the time. You could even easily movie into reading War of Kings if you like the cosmic stuff that much and don't mind X-drama.

And then move on to the new Guardians from Bendis and the new Nova series with Sam Alexander. A lot more cosmic stuff is coming from Marvel and I love it. Hell, in a few months we get young Cyclops in space with his daddy. That's awesome.

I think the central relationship story is a very overrated aspect, and that people tend to focus on it because it's a gay relationship and that's 'bold' for a game to do. Really, the younger sister comes off as incredibly stupid in the final reveal. However, besides that, I thought digging around the house was wonderful. Maybe it's just because I have mad anxiety issues, but rummaging through people's private living spaces is really intense for me. I was also 10x more interested in what the father and mother were doing than the teenager.
I think the thing you have to keep in mind about the central relationship is that it is told from the perspective of the teenager. So it makes sense for her to be melodramatic, sentimental, and a bit irrational. I think most people probably look back at their teenage years and think they were a bit stupid (if not completely so), so capturing that feeling seemed appropriate to me.

With that said, the presence of that central story did make the other stories in the house have a much more subtle and natural feel to them, which makes them more mysterious and interesting than the main one. Honestly, most people I've seen that have liked the game seem to express the idea that the central story isn't what made the game great for them (it's only the starting point), whereas people that bash the game seem to only focus on the central story and claim that people only like it because lesbians. Not saying everyone I've seen is like that, but it seems to be the trend.

I'm most curious about the shit that the mom does. She seemed to have almost no story compared to the dad and sister. Or if she had more I somehow never found it. I was expecting her to have cheated on the dad at some point or something while he was busy with his novels. Also, in a house that big how was there not a sex dungeon, tons of porn, or vibrators?

oh cool I'm home time to play strider

oh wait FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, time to work LOLOL fuck fuck fuckfruc kfuckfcuk

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I have a full-time job (that is about an hour drive away) now and I've been going to my girlfriend's place a lot lately so I've had very little time for the interwebs and gaming. Though I have been going ham on Vesperia. I've put Lightning Returns on the backburner for now since I am just not enjoying the game at all.

Does anyone know where I could find a cheapish Dualshock 3? My little brother is in need of a controller after his rock candy controller broke and I can't seem to find them anywhere for a decent price. He only asked that it not be red, black, or silver.

Edit: lol

Double edit: lol "ammo"
Walmart is selling new ones for $40 & GS is charging that for used ones. Also Amazon sells just about all the DS 3 colors used for $30 plus shipping.
A decent article on the death of Irrational.

Maybe Infinite's narrative went down like pureed peas because the budget and the risk prevented them from doing anything actually interesting with it. Maybe a smaller studio making smaller games will allow them to actually say something worth listening to. Maybe not. At the very least, the working conditions for those few people still employed should improve.

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A decent article on the death of Irrational.

Maybe Infinite's narrative went down like pureed peas because the budget and the risk prevented them from doing anything actually interesting with it. Maybe a smaller studio making smaller games will allow them to actually say something worth listening to. Maybe not. At the very least, the working conditions for those few people still employed should improve.
Judging from the sounds of it and how the industry works, it'll probably be more of the same. Crunch is something endemic to the industry and will require unionization before anything ever changes. With workers being a dime a dozen, fat chance of that happening.
♫ school all day ♫​
♫ school all day ♫ ​
♫ time to go to school all day ♫​

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Real talk, the amount of rage that girl had over lack of females in DD was comical.  Not saying she is wrong, it's just stupid to get so emotional over a game that's likely going to bomba. 

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Quick heads up, those of you that plan to pick up Strider and like a pretty good but fair challenge start the game from the bat on Hard. That is what I did and I've died enough to keep it interesting, but it isn't unfair at all.

Strider is a bit on the easy side on normal difficulty, but I hear the latter bosses can be tough. The game is pretty fun tho. Controls are tight.
A decent article on the death of Irrational.

Maybe Infinite's narrative went down like pureed peas because the budget and the risk prevented them from doing anything actually interesting with it. Maybe a smaller studio making smaller games will allow them to actually say something worth listening to. Maybe not. At the very least, the working conditions for those few people still employed should improve.
Some people think that the more freedom you give an artist then the better return you get, but there's [psychology] studies that show that they just don't commit themselves when given too much freedom within any industry they're in. I can't seem to find the report on Google; since apparently if the answer does not redirect to 'Yahoo! Answers' then it doesn't exist...

It is why I am always [personally] skeptical of any linear game that's been in development for over 4 years:
BioShock Infinite took 6 years since Irrational Games' last release, the first BioShock in 2007, whereas that only took 2 years since their previous release of SWAT 4 in 2005.
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Score.  Found a 7" Garmin neoprene sleeve at Best Buy that perfectly fits the Vita with the PDP trigger grips on.   I'll cut the Garmin label tag off and be good to go. :D



I can not wait for Wolfystein and Doom 4 beta!!!!!!

Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Shit's good. If you liked any of the cosmic stuff going on around the time (Annihilation stuff), then you will love it. It's still in continuity, too. Just gotta wait to see of Bendis will get his head out of his ass long enough to actually say what happened when they cliff hungered it.
After I asked I figured it was DnA. I think theres a nice omnibus coming out in august that I may pick up. All I've read of that era of cosmic marvel is Nova Annihilation, which I really liked.

God dammit. WVGCW's Breakdown 2/3 is delayed indefinitely on account of Bryn's Playstation exploding.

Bayonetta and Shaundi get to live for another week or two.

bread's done