GGT 70 wants to flyyyyyyy SKY HIGH!!!

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[quote name='hankmecrankme']Bro, I've had a PS3 since like March 2007. :grouphug:

Didn't you get the memo?

Fixed. Xmen Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Street Fighter, and Marvel Vs. Capcom were all six button layout games. LP, MP, HP, LK, MK, HK.

At this rate, MvC4 will have two attack buttons, light and heavy, and a launcher button. Or be completely waggle.[/QUOTE]

I believe launcher/exchange, in and of itself, is an actual attack -- Seth has talked about it during the mash 360+e to escape air combos comments, I think. What's popping into my head is something about how if they read wrong and whiff with say, Dante, his j.E is very slow and easily punished.

Edit: Found the quote from Seth.
[quote name='Seth']Is it true you can mash 360 out of air-tags? — Clovr4Lyf

Seth Killian: Short answer is "kinda, BUT..."

"Mashing" counter (multiple, fast, indiscriminate inputs) won't get you out of every air-tag, but it can dramatically improve your chances. That would make air-tags mostly suck, except that when you mash counter and then no air-tag actually appears for you to counter, you will get an aerial S attack instead (S is the button you have to mash on). This is very bad for you.

If your opponent thought you were going to try and "mash out" of an air tag, they can just stop their combo and let your mashing result in a blank aerial S. These aerial S attacks vary by character, but in most cases they are extremely slow and leave you wide open.

How are you vulnerable? In the air, yes, but sometimes a blank aerial S attack (the result of mashing) will leave you vulnerable even after you reach the ground. Think of Dante's aerial S — that big, straight down chop. If you don't connect with that, you're totally vulnerable and easily punished, even after you have landed (and if you think an aerial S might hit your opponent in the air, think again — as I mentioned, aerial S is slow).

Even against characters whose aerial S (what they'll get from trying to mash out of an air-tag) isn't as slow as Dante's, mashing is still unsafe. An opponent who predicts your mashing can briefly pause their air combo and set you up for an in-air reset. For instance, Spiderman can launch, Medium Attack, Medium Attack and then where an air-tag might go, instead of using direction + S (that's an air tag), he can use "web zip" into a quick Light Attack into a new air combo while you're vulnerable after hitting aerial S. That's just one basic example, but the options are character specific (everyone's aerial S is different, and of course different characters have different options in the air), and there are a lot of them.

In both cases, since the first combo was stopped, the damage scaling on what hits you next has fully reset instead of just a partial damage-scaling reset that you would have eaten from a successful tag, so mashing can pop you out of an attempted air-tag, but it also puts you at risk for an even worse beating.

If the thought is that mashing is a "free" counter that gets you out of any attempted air-tag... that will get you killed. You were mashing out of the air-tag to avoid a damage reset, but if they guess you're going to mash, you can get reset anyway.

Overall, air-tags have big rewards on offense, so using them is not guaranteed — attempting one on offense is, by design, risky. Mashing, however, is not a free way to avoid them — you will end up getting punished very badly if your opponent makes the correct read on you.

It's also worth mentioning that you don't have to ever actually use an air-tag. Regular, inescapable MvC3 combos are very powerful already, so going for an air-tag to reset your damage-scaling should be (and is) risky and situational. [/QUOTE]

But yes, you're right. The older games had SF layout. MvC2 went to 4+2 assist. MvC3 is essentially 4+2 assist, they're just not broken up into punches and kicks. In some ways, it's even better, because if you were throwing Ryu's hadoken in MvC2, you had light and heavy. With MvC3 you have light/medium/heavy. So in some options, it may provide more control than MvC2 did.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I believe launcher/exchange, in and of itself, is an actual attack -- Seth has talked about it during the mash 360+e to escape air combos comments, I think. What's popping into my head is something about how if they read wrong and whiff with say, Dante, his j.E is very slow and easily punished.

But yes, you're right. The older games had SF layout. MvC2 went to 4+2 assist. MvC3 is essentially 4+2 assist, they're just not broken up into punches and kicks. In some ways, it's even better, because if you were throwing Ryu's hadoken in MvC2, you had light and heavy. With MvC3 you have light/medium/heavy. So in some options, it may provide more control than MvC2 did.[/QUOTE]

One thing I do like is having the buttons not labeled punch or kick. It gives them more freedom with attacks, instead of saying "Oh, it's a kick button, he should probably kick." Though that never stopped them from breaking that rule before with other characters. And yes, it is nice that you can now do 3 different strengths for moves instead of just two.

But it also strongly reminds me of TatsuCap, since it has pretty much the same control scheme.
[quote name='gunm']This sounds like a very wise choice.

I really could care less about the roster, and the series never really caught on with me beyond seeing the Marvel characters in a SF type of game. The DLC is a wash for me because I haven't bought any of that shit (to me the avatar packs don't count, cause it's not really part of the game).

Oh, and hawt:[/QUOTE]

That level looks right out MK2. Level of interest is increasing.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I was thinking that the Star Trek lifetime sub was his worst purchase until I heard that he had spent around $2000 on Game Room games for the quick looks, so I see why he cares about Game Room on WP7.[/QUOTE]
lol at least those combined have given us hours of entertainment.

Not too worried about the MvC3 DLC since 1) I'm getting the game for about $20 and 2) I probably won't care about most of it.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']lol at least those combined have given us hours of entertainment.

Not too worried about the MvC3 DLC since 1) I'm getting the game for about $20 and 2) I probably won't care about most of it.[/QUOTE]

I just hope the bundle comes quickly if they start announcing people I care about, like Strider, Nero, or Talbain.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']He can wait, I want Metal Shark Player.[/QUOTE]

Not before Duff McWhalen:

and Boomer Kuwanger:
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']He can wait, I want Metal Shark Player.[/QUOTE]

He can wait if the lazy ass development team doesn't take the time to rotate his model 180 degrees to keep his devil bringer on his right arm.

Otherwise, he'd have been a better reach and grab character than bionic idiot any day, at least for Capcom side. ;)
There should be referrals out there for PlayOn to get it for free, though i don't know if that is still out there after PlayOn Premium launched.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Fixed. Xmen Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Street Fighter, and Marvel Vs. Capcom were all six button layout games. LP, MP, HP, LK, MK, HK.

At this rate, MvC4 will have two attack buttons, light and heavy, and a launcher button. Or be completely waggle.[/QUOTE]

Ew, more info that I've been lied to about then.
Borderlands and Fallout 3 DLC are taking up half of the space on my 360's HDD now, so I guess I should play them so that I can delete them and free up more space.

Finally opened up the PSP-3000 box I got earlier and it's definitely a bit lighter/thinner than the 1000. I'm really not a fan of the glossy back, which probably won't allow for a great grip when playing games unlike the 1000.
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I actually caved and bought Sonic 4 when it was on sale around Christmas and it's actually a pretty decent throwback to the old games... yeah, the homing attack is a bit of sonic advance and the physics are a bit different than the classic games, but it looks good, it plays pretty well, and I've had a ton of fun with it.
I was like, "Brian, you're going to play a console game tonight, for real. "

And then I just wake up from sleeping on the couch and am dead tired for some reason. Fuuuuuck.

I have an appointment tomorrow to drive the Nissan Leaf. Wondering if I should go now.
3 day weekend at least!
[quote name='dallow']I was like, "Brian, you're going to play a console game tonight, for real. "

And then I just wake up from sleeping on the couch and am dead tired for some reason. Fuuuuuck.

I have an appointment tomorrow to drive the Nissan Leaf. Wondering if I should go now.
3 day weekend at least![/QUOTE]

You can do it, friendo.
Load up that triple and have some fun.
Then fall asleep and go drive the eco car in the morning!
[quote name='corrosivefrost']
I'm hype for MvC3, but not as much as most people, as most of the roster is mediocre to me. Though I've always been a sucker for the VS. concept, because I was always of the mind that Batman would beat the shit out of Superman (fed by my unhealthy love of the Bat and my unhealthy hate of the son of krypton).[/QUOTE]
I'm no fan of Kal-El, but Batman would be destroyed if Superman decided to end him. That's honestly my problem with Superman's character is the amount of power that Kryptonians have is insane. And yes, I know that's odd coming from a Power Girl fan...
[quote name='gunm']But Batman would have an assload of Kryptonite and Kryptonite-infused weapons.[/QUOTE]
Batman would HAVE to get the drop on Superman or know he's about to fight him. Even then it would depend on a lot of other factors. Even kryptonite's effect is dulled on Superman due to how many years he's been soaking in the sun's energy. If Superman just attacked Batman, it would be over. You're talking about a guy who could move so quickly the air around Batman would tear his flesh off and break every bone in his body. A man so powerful he can move planets and withstand nuclear blasts.

It's pretty near impossible for Superman to be beaten in current comic continuity. The way this is gotten around a lot of times is that Superman rarely uses his full power due to him not wanting to cause massive damage to the area or other people.
Well, he's Batman, and when does Batman not get the drop on anyone?

Admittedly, this is comic book logic and ultimately none of this makes any kind of sense, but Batman is someone who is always prepared and thinking ahead. A guy without super powers can't survive long fighting crime (regular baddies or super villians) without preparation and an uncanny ability to process their situation and environment at a level that most cannot. So based on that, I'd say Superman never gets the drop on Batman as Batman is by nature suspicious/alert/aware and prepared for anything.

My only point is that Superman could obviously kill any normal dude 1000x over without any effort, but Batman wouldn't go down as easily as you stated.
[quote name='gunm']Well, he's Batman, and when does Batman not get the drop on anyone?

Admittedly, this is comic book logic and ultimately none of this makes any kind of sense, but Batman is someone who is always prepared and thinking ahead. A guy without super powers can't survive long fighting crime (regular baddies or super villians) without preparation and an uncanny ability to process their situation and environment at a level that most cannot. So based on that, I'd say Superman never gets the drop on Batman as Batman is by nature suspicious/alert/aware and prepared for anything.

My only point is that Superman could obviously kill any normal dude 1000x over without any effort, but Batman wouldn't go down as easily as you stated.[/QUOTE]
Oh he would. Even easier if Supes decided it was so. Read the Hush arc to see Batman struggle to even not break his own hand by punching Supes in the face WHILE using kryptonite. I'm probably a bigger Batman fan than anyone else in this thread (who else is buying every Bat book released every month save Gotham City Sirens?), but facts are facts. Yes it's comic book logic, but they do have some rules in their universe, and Kryptonians are pretty much invincible in almost all fights. I've seen Power Girl take out an entire army by clapping her hands... Also saying Batman would win if he sneak attacked Superman is just silly. If that's considered a fight, then I could beat any one in the world in a fight if I sneaked up on them and shot them in the back of the head.

Anyway, that's enough nerding out for me...
Well, it's silly to think the two would ever be on the opposite sides of a fight in the first place. But if even if it did come down to that, there's no way Batman would ever try to fight Superman straight up. As you said, there's no way he can win that way, so the only recourse would be to do whatever it takes to survive. But again, that's all comic book logic.

Borderlands coop multiplayer is a lot of fun, even starting new characters again from scratch. Lilith is such a puss in the beginning though. At least I can revel in the solace that she becomes a super badass later towards the end game.
fucking Black Ops, trying what beat it on veteran.

First the power to the building goes out half way through the level.

Then the game freezes right before the end.

Then the siren goes off so the power goes out again. :/
[quote name='manthing']Is JSP gone forever?

We were supposed to play our early copies of LBP2(thanks Subway!) together and create a GGT level.



Man, reading Game Informer's editors' top 10 list for 2010 is a trip. I don't think I've even finished 10 games in 2010.

Let's see. . .Like chapter 5 in Bayonetta, About 10 hours of Bad Company 2, mostly multiplayer, finished \/\/\/\/\/\/, played about 2 hours of Metro 2033, played a good amount of SSFIV, finished Heavy Rain, put about 24 hours into Final Fantasy XIII, 2 hours of Shank, 3 hours of Super Meat Boy, 2 hours of New Vegas, almost finished Alpha Protocol, like 5 hours of Mass Effect 2, like 2 hours of Darksiders, almost finished Lara Croft and Defenders of Luminescence, played like an hour of Dead Rising 2, finished Splinter Cell Conviction, played like 4 hours of AvP doing only predator levels, first level of Kane and Lynch 2 and some highly amusing multiplayer, and I think that's it?

So out of that list. . .Hmm. . . :whistle2:k Guess I'd go something like this.

1. Heavy Rain
2. Super Meat Boy
3. \/\/\/\/\/\/
4. Alpha Protocol
5. Lara Croft Defenders of Luminescence
6. Mass Effect 2
7. Bayonetta
8. Bad Company 2 Multiplayer
9. New Vegas
10. Unreal Gold
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm no fan of Kal-El, but Batman would be destroyed if Superman decided to end him. That's honestly my problem with Superman's character is the amount of power that Kryptonians have is insane. And yes, I know that's odd coming from a Power Girl fan...[/QUOTE]

I honestly think Superman would be more interesting if he didn't interact with the other DC heroes as often. Superman should deal with only cosmic level villians/heroes who could give him a run for his money. I've never really been a superman fan, but I liked Earth One, enough to pick up the 2 volumes of All Star Superman
Woa Woa Woa... Superman is a gentle GOD. Batman will always in a fight with Superman, based on the conviction that he has (if it must be done, it will be done). Batman is bat-shit insane and Supes KNOWS this. Thats why Supes always tries to avoid confrontation with Batman. Supes can never "end" Batman in the same way Batman could never end The Joker. Notice how I never wrote kill? These guys are superheroes, they will NEVER kill.

Have you guys not read The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller?

Batman ties himself to a lamp pole and calls out Superman for being a government bitch. Supes comes to tell Wayne to STFU, but its GOD DAMN BATMAN, he always has a plan. Turns out the lamppost has a Kryptonite bulb and proceeds to beat the living shit out of Superman. There is more that happens next, everyone needs to read it!

First rule of comicbook debate, when stating your "who would win," cite a comic book.

BTW All-Star Superman is the shit. Quality Superman story. If you guys haven't read Red Son, amazing story about if Superman landed in Soviet Russia rather than the United States.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']So are achievements and being a member of Xbawks Live for 8 years. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

If he spent those 8 years earning achievements from gunning down peeps in Halo and Calladuty and running touchdowns in Madden, all while getting twisted on XBL, then it's all man, bro.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']If he spent those 8 years earning achievements from gunning down peeps in Halo and Calladuty and running touchdowns in Madden, all while getting twisted on XBL, then it's all man, bro.[/QUOTE]

There are kinect tiles on his gamercard. I think his man-card was revoked, brah. :)
[quote name='corrosivefrost']There are kinect swatches on his gamercard. I think his man-card was revoked, brah. :)[/QUOTE]

But waitaminute broski, maybe he got the Kinect so his girlfriend and her hot friends can dance around in their panties all day? :drool:

Or maybe he likes raft jumping? I guess you're right. . . :cry:
So I've been trying to beat Black Ops on Veteran again, in preparations for the Army hosted tournament tomorrow.

SOG is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with the game.

Black Ops sucks, Modern Warfare 2 should have just had it as DLC.
[quote name='Amblix']So I've been trying to beat Black Ops on Veteran again, in preparations for the Army hosted tournament tomorrow.

SOG is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with the game.

Black Ops sucks, Modern Warfare 2 should have just had it as DLC.[/QUOTE]

I like Black Ops a tad more than MW2, but mainly for the online play which I like more. Far too much death from above in MW2 since Killstreaks were more prevalent.

Campaign wise, MW2 was better, but I did enjoy Black Ops other than the infinite respawning enemy BS.

But I also never play the COD games on anything above normal as they're frustrating enough on that difficulty with all the cheap one hit kills from grenades, exploding barrels/cars etc.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I like Black Ops a tad more than MW2, but mainly for the online play which I like more. Far too much death from above in MW2 since Killstreaks were more prevalent.

Campaign wise, MW2 was better, but I did enjoy Black Ops other than the infinite respawning enemy BS.

But I also never play the COD games on anything above normal as they're frustrating enough on that difficulty with all the cheap one hit kills from grenades, exploding barrels/cars etc.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the NVAs on SOG got amazing one shot running kills on me at the top of the hill.
[quote name='whoknows']Can't wait for DS2 to come out so the dumbass GS ads will go away.

Does anyone like their ads?[/QUOTE]

Their ads are consistently awful. The announcer and mascot are so damn obnoxious
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