GGT 92: Nintendo doesn't care about you!

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Gave the Mega Man 9 demo a whirl....confirmed my suspicions. Too ugly and too difficult to warrant a purchased from me.

Put another couple hours in to Fight Night round 3, still digging that game.
So Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon has six difficulty settings - How bizarre. Offhand I'd say that its the most I've seen in a console game outside of an Elder Scrolls grade slider.

The very last setting should be a joke. Like it tells you that they tested it and determined that it wasnt actually possible to beat the game. Might as well also cater to the extreme speed/score runner demographic.
I have an interesting photo to show you all:

NOTE: Whether it is BS or not remains to be seen.

Feeling quite a bit better today.

I put in a couple more hours on Xenosaga 2. I've managed to get used to the new menus, leveling up skills and stuff, and finally figured out the combat, so now I'm in a nice groove and I'm moving along at a good pace. Hopefully I can get it finished within a few weeks.

I also played a little more Disgaea 3. I really like the game and all, the story, characters, combat, etc..... but I'm just not feeling motivated very much to play another strategy RPG right now. I think I'm gonna backlog it for awhile and come back to it later.
Hey GGT,

Nearly done with Bourne Conspiracy, I think I'll play through Mass Effect next.

Is that Tekken news old or new, seems new to me yet people are saying it was announced as coming out on the 360 a while back.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Gave the Mega Man 9 demo a whirl....confirmed my suspicions. Too ugly and too difficult to warrant a purchased from me.[/QUOTE]
I thought the same, til i whupped it on my second try, leaving me wanting more. Well, still too ugly though.
I'm scared that the new NMH is for the DS. Please make it be for a console. Please.

Bah, the new Halo thing isn't until next fall? Lame.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Gave the Mega Man 9 demo a whirl....confirmed my suspicions. Too ugly and too difficult to warrant a purchased from me.[/QUOTE]
Same here. I haven't had such little desire to buy a game since Braid.
Bummer, but I understand. Tough games, even though they can be made with pure awesome like Mega Man 9, can be scary. :(
[quote name='BlueLobstah']No worries. Confirmed for Wii, January 2010 US.[/quote]Awesome. 2010 is long way away though. :(

I think I like what Nintendo is doing recently. Announce nothing until it's a few months from being out. Sure, it makes the message board kids assume they're only going to make Wii Brain Fit Training from here on out, but it makes the anticipation and the subsequent delays in a lengthy production schedule much less painful.
[quote name='daroga']Bummer, but I understand. Tough games, even though they can be made with pure awesome like Mega Man 9, can be scary. :([/QUOTE]
If this game had come out when I was 13-18 I'd have been all over it. Now I have a family, a job, and I'm going to school. I don't have time for a game where I'm going to get frustrated and looks like crap.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']If this game had come out when I was 13-18 I'd have been all over it. Now I have a family, a job, and I'm going to school. I don't have time for a game where I'm going to get frustrated and looks like crap.[/quote]I know, I was just teasing. :) It's actually no where near as hard as the Internet would have you believe. If you've ever played a Mega Man game before in your life, with a boss-order FAQ in hand, it shouldn't take you more than 3 hours to beat it.

And it's visual style? It's far more interesting than the overly-busy and wrongly-proportioned 7 & 8.
[quote name='daroga'] shouldn't take you more than 3 hours to beat it.[/QUOTE]

I spent almost two hours trying to beat Wily's Castle and failed. :(
[quote name='BlueLobstah']I spent almost two hours trying to beat Wily's Castle and failed. :([/quote]Buy eTanks like a mad man before you go in. And a 1/2 damage deal for the last stage.

Those stages are pretty tricky in places, though.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']If this game had come out when I was 13-18 I'd have been all over it. Now I have a family, a job, and I'm going to school. I don't have time for a game where I'm going to get frustrated and looks like crap.[/QUOTE]

Yep, sans family here as I'm not married yet. I just have no patience for hard games, skill based games etc. Though honestly I've not liked them since the NES era when I was even younger and had to play whatever my parents bought me.

I like games I can get through pretty easily (has to be some challenge of course) as I just like to play to unwind and relax a few hours a week. Hard games just piss me off and defeat that purpose.
I've only managed to beat 4 bosses so far in MM9. Fishlady, Spaceman, Stoney, and Bling-Bling...or whatever their names are. IDK. I haven't played a Mega Man game in years, either. But nonetheless, I will beat it someday. I've never been one of those chaps who has to beat the game within days of buying it, so I just take my time with it and when it starts to frustrate me, I just walk away and come back to it another time. No worries.

Oh and I just got some 1-month free Netflix codes. If any GGTer wants one, just gimmie a holler.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']The sad part is that I did. :lol:

I really wish I had a PS3, the things people are creating in LBP are fantastic:[/QUOTE]

I'm disappointed it took me until about the minute mark to realize that the music matched up with the movement of Sackboy and the tile looking things on the wall. Really neat stuff. I really can't wait for LBP!
I was wondering what was so special about that LBP level. I didn't have my sound on. I wish I had a beta code, but I can wait for the finished product. I don't want to spoil it for me. ;)
[quote name='BlueLobstah']The sad part is that I did. :lol:

I really wish I had a PS3, the things people are creating in LBP are fantastic:[/QUOTE]

What a cool uhm...

Well, actually I'd rather just play that on the piano myself. This version of the song is taken from the Piano Collections, and I was frustrated by the person playing the song on the piano missing a few of the notes :( .

But c'mon, the novelty of doing this is gonna wear off in like... a minute.
The novelty of that level? Yes. But the editor is so intense, some really creative folks are going to make some amazing platforming.
So my PS3 reached $395 and my reserve is $400. The guy who bid $395 though lives about 10 minutes from me and is going to give me $400 cash which is amazing compared to paypal. I'm going to then go to the mall and get the 16GB iTouch, Sony MDR-EX75 headphones, and a $20 iTunes gift card for games.
$200 360 core + $100 Blu-Ray Drive = Dead PS3. (If they go with $100, which they should)

That external drive will remove the reason why a good 50% of people are buying PS3s. Add the netflix option and that decision becomes even easier.

Little Big Planet is great, but man is the jumping floaty and frustrating. I actually think things are going to feel pretty samey pretty quick. Those music levels are okay, cool.. but you could have just done that on a piano. Most of the platforming levels end up feeling very similar, too.
[quote name='benjamouth']Whats the point, Blu-Ray will go the same way as HD-DVD, it's just taking longer.[/quote]

If Blu-ray is also going to die out, what is going to be the physical HD format?
[quote name='benjamouth']Whats the point, Blu-Ray will go the same way as HD-DVD, it's just taking longer.[/QUOTE]

You really believe that?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']If this game had come out when I was 13-18 I'd have been all over it. Now I have a family, a job, and I'm going to school. I don't have time for a game where I'm going to get frustrated and looks like crap.[/QUOTE]


No time for a game that, even with repeated tries for a week or two on wily's castle, I've only has racked up 2 and a half hours of play-time to get through? But you're buying like 20 games that each will take at least 10 hours apeice this holiday? Since when did NES games take more than 3ish hours to get through?


Mega Man 9 does not look like crap. It looks like it was made 20 years ago, and they completely succeded at that goal.
[quote name='I_Am_ProZac']If Blu-ray is also going to die out, what is going to be the physical HD format?[/quote]

There might not be one, DVD will probably hang on long enough until digital distrubution of movies kill physical discs completely.

[quote name='suko_32']You really believe that?[/quote]

I certainly do, people aren't gonna pay $30 for movies and digital distrubution will take over before Blu-ray can get a decent hold in the market.
Yeah, I don't own any Blu-Rays because they're too damned expensive.

DVD is just fine. I'll take a $15 DVD over a $20-30-40 Blu Ray anyday.
Blu-ray external for 360 means I won't sell my small blu-ray collection (20 discs). And I'll just keep them in my closet until the drive comes out at which point I can start buying Blu-rays again.
So, no talk of the new "Halo 3 Experience"?

haha.. I think it could be good if they really change up the gameplay. I'm a big halo fan but even I'm a bit tired of the Halo gameplay by now. (which isn't a knock, 3 games and probably a few hundred hours of single and multi will do that with any game)

If it's long enough, feels distinctly different than Halo 3, and is priced less than $60, it'll be awesome.

I also like the superintendent and his design. They should have him be consistently helping you out through the environment, kinda like a silent, ghostly version of Alyx.
[quote name='jer7583']$200 360 core + $100 Blu-Ray Drive = Dead PS3. (If they go with $100, which they should)[/quote]
The cheapest that External Blu-ray drive will be is probably around $150 if you are lucky.

benjamouth: I still think digital distribution has a long way to go until it kills off physical media completely.
I only own a couple of Blu-Rays myself. I'll only buy others if they are something exceptional, like The Dark Knight. Otherwise, I'll just go the cheaper route with DVD. However, usually when I rent movies tho, I'll rent the blu-ray now.

And Jer, you're dreaming if you think the 360 external blu-ray will be $100. I'll be very surprised if it comes in at anything under $199.

Got to disc 2 in Xenosaga. I guess this game is a lot shorter than I had imagined. I anticipated about 30 hours, but I guess its closer to 20??
[quote name='KaneRobot']The HD DVD drive did not/does not suck.[/QUOTE]

It was worse that probably every other HD DVD drive... sorta like the HD equivalent of the PS2's DVD playing capabilities.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']
benjamouth: I still think digital distribution has a long way to go until it kills off physical media completely.[/quote]

You may well be right, but I'll back my opinion up with this. I already see a lot of people with the ability to download movies. I have the ability through cable to get stuff on-demand, I also have the option of using the Live Marketplace (but not as many people in the world have Live so we can discount that)

My Parents in the UK already rent a lot of movies via digital download throught their free view box, and that doesn't even require a monthly subscription (like cable, or SKY as most people in the UK have).

When they turn off the analogue signal off in the UK and US everyone will have to have digital TV, and that means one of the fundamental cornerstones for digital distribuition will be in place.

I could be way off though, thats just my opinion.
[quote name='benjamouth']There might not be one, DVD will probably hang on long enough until digital distrubution of movies kill physical discs completely.[/quote]

Blu-ray will hang on long enough, just with the amount of people that won't settle for less than HD now. It may not gain extreme popularity, but there will be an HD format that just hangs on if anything.

[quote name='Krymner']Got to disc 2 in Xenosaga. I guess this game is a lot shorter than I had imagined. I anticipated about 30 hours, but I guess its closer to 20??[/quote]

Most estimates I heard were just at 20 hours. Took me 22-23, and I kinda thought I tend to go through RPGs faster than most.
[quote name='Krymner']I only own a couple of Blu-Rays myself. I'll only buy others if they are something exceptional, like The Dark Knight. Otherwise, I'll just go the cheaper route with DVD. However, usually when I rent movies tho, I'll rent the blu-ray now.

And Jer, you're dreaming if you think the 360 external blu-ray will be $100. I'll be very surprised if it comes in at anything under $199.

Got to disc 2 in Xenosaga. I guess this game is a lot shorter than I had imagined. I anticipated about 30 hours, but I guess its closer to 20??[/quote]
The article said expect $100-150. $150 is probably the sweet spot.
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