Goozex CAG Coupon Extended & Support Continued Here!

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[quote name='PRMega']So does anyone here go by the name 'onerok' on Goozex? He's got all positive feedback, so I'm guessing this was just an accident rather than a scam, but I received the case and manual for Sonic Mega Collection on GC, but there's no disc inside...[/QUOTE]

This just happened to me tonight too. I got COD3 for Wii minus the disk. This seller ( Junior 496 ) also has good feedback. I PM'ed him to see what happened. Just my luck.

Drfrielgood did you have any trouble with a user named plurstar? Feedback was autoclosed for Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I'm asking because since I sent him his request, he's received 2 negatives for not sending their games.

He's one of my first trades and I want this to go smoothly.
[quote name='drfrielgood']After months of successful trading, I have been scammed twice in the last 24 hours. I have received two negative feedbacks for items not received. I send out all my packages USPS first class with delivery confirmation. In both cases I went to the USPS website, typed in the delivery confirmation number, and both packages have been delivered to the addresses given, one on 12/28 and one on 1/3. I have proof of the deliveries that I can submit to Goozex to prove my innocence. I would like to get my points back, as the transactions totalled 850 points. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Why would you lose pts. i thought we was protected against this
WEll my game came to day with a day to spare. Postmarked that it was sent on January 5th, not December 21st like it was supposed to be. That frankly grinds my gears to send it two weeks late. I'm a busy person, I work, I run a home business, I party hardy. You commit to something you do it. You say your going to mail something you mail it. I'm not saying you don't get some leeway, hell I woulda understood if it was mailed on the 28th or 29th, Christmas and all, I'm not scrooge McDuck but sending it almost 2 weeks late is unreal (pun intended the game sent was Unreal). I wish there was a didn't send it for 2 weeks option lol. I left positive feed back but commented on the late mailing.
[quote name='Jgel']Why can you nolonger see your position in line for a requested game? It used to say you are 4th in line and now that is gone?[/QUOTE]

they took that out when they allowed canada to trade
Hi everyone...

So I had the worst thing ever happen to me over the weekend and I must now face my ultimate nemisis -- the dentist -- for a double root canal...that's right -- a double one (i.e. i had a root canal...didn't go so well...need another one in the exact same place!)

enough about me! let me say something about scammers...

1. We recently booted off a couple that were caught!
2. You should never worry about not getting your points back -- this is something we take very seriously and I think our no questions asked policy is very fair
3. Scammers have a short life span on Goozex! We have a few methods to catch them early -- That is why you shouldn't really find people on Goozex who have a lot of negative feedback...

most importantly -- as a number and percentage -- scammers has been very low. I know some of you have been unlucky enough multiple times...and it makes us work harder to keep your trust.

We know there will always be someone trying to scam our site and that's why we try to prevent as best as possible and then fix as fast and as best as possible...

On a brighter note:
Goozex now publishes its weekly top ten requested lists -- if you run a blog or know someone who might be interested in showing this let me know.
Just a question.

I remember Goozex announcing a while back that soon we would be able to buy trade credits/points using paypal. Did this already happen or did that update get pushed back?
[quote name='ManChowder']Just a question.

I remember Goozex announcing a while back that soon we would be able to buy trade credits/points using paypal. Did this already happen or did that update get pushed back?[/quote]
Hey ManChowder,

We had to push that back a little bit...maybe within the next month...

Sorry for any troubles this may cause...
Question, might have been answered before, but this thread has gotten pretty long: what happens if you have a game in your wishlist, that for the moment, you don't have sufficient points for? Do you lose your spot in the queue if you're first on line and can't pay for the game? I wouldn't disagree with the policy, but I was just curious, particularly for the games with high demand and short supply.

BTW, anyone who wants cheap games, I have Kung Fu Chaos, Midnight Club II (XB), Need for Speed: Underground (XB), and P.N. 03 out there, all for 100 points. Also Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (XB) and Scrapland for 200 or less! I'm at 450 points and stuck, it's not enough for Lego Star Wars II or Okami (which I'm probably not even close to getting).
[quote name='chargeup45']Question, might have been answered before, but this thread has gotten pretty long: what happens if you have a game in your wishlist, that for the moment, you don't have sufficient points for? Do you lose your spot in the queue if you're first on line and can't pay for the game? I wouldn't disagree with the policy, but I was just curious, particularly for the games with high demand and short supply.

BTW, anyone who wants cheap games, I have Kung Fu Chaos, Midnight Club II (XB), Need for Speed: Underground (XB), and P.N. 03 out there, all for 100 points. Also Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (XB) and Scrapland for 200 or less! I'm at 450 points and stuck, it's not enough for Lego Star Wars II or Okami (which I'm probably not even close to getting).[/QUOTE]

first person who has the points get is. So if you put in a game say for 1000 pts and your 40th in line. If the first 39 people dont have the 1000 pts and someone list that game you will be matched.

hopefully more people start to list newer games cause right now there is nothing i want and i have over 10k pts.
I've been waiting for Jade Empire since the 2nd. I think it was either lost in the mail or never sent. I don't think it takes this long for a package to travel from IL to MA. I've pm'ed the seller 2 times but no response. Any suggestions?

I just accepted my first trade on goozex, soul fighter for dreamcast, i will be sending out the game ASAP. Lets see how smoothly things go.
[quote name='chargeup45']Question, might have been answered before, but this thread has gotten pretty long: what happens if you have a game in your wishlist, that for the moment, you don't have sufficient points for? Do you lose your spot in the queue if you're first on line and can't pay for the game? I wouldn't disagree with the policy, but I was just curious, particularly for the games with high demand and short supply.[/quote]

Hi chargeup,

No you never lose your spot in the queue. You can get jumped over if you don't have points or a trade credit, but if you're number 1 you'll be there until you can get the game.

Hope that helps!
[quote name='Goozex']Hi chargeup,

No you never lose your spot in the queue. You can get jumped over if you don't have points or a trade credit, but if you're number 1 you'll be there until you can get the game.

Hope that helps![/QUOTE]

Absolutely, thanks.
[quote name='Sinistar']I like goozex, great site so far. I just wish they would hurry up and allow for trading of import games. :)[/QUOTE]

They're already allowed on goozex.
[quote name='wbc1228']ahh....
They're already allowed on goozex.[/quote]

How? I don't see an option to list Japanese games.
[quote name='Sinistar']How? I don't see an option to list Japanese games.[/QUOTE]

you list it just like any other game.
goozex doesn't sort the games by region, they're all clump together.
[quote name='wbc1228']ahhh...
you list it just like any other game.
goozex doesn't sort the games by region, they're all clump together.[/quote]

You can't just "list" a game.. they have to have a slot for it.. For instance I want to trade the Japanese version of Gitaroo Man Live! for PSP, but they only have a slot for the US version (Gitaroo Man Lives!)
[quote name='Sinistar']You can't just "list" a game.. they have to have a slot for it.. For instance I want to trade the Japanese version of Gitaroo Man Live! for PSP, but they only have a slot for the US version (Gitaroo Man Lives!)[/QUOTE]

That is an issue with Goozex's database being incomplete, NOT Goozex disallowing import games on the site. You need to make a list of the games which are not in Goozex's database and post it here (or email it directly to Goozex which will probably be faster).
Well I did email Goozex about Gitaroo Man import for PSP and I never heard back from them.. I check back frequently and I haven't seen it added to the site yet.
[quote name='Armans']how do I know whens someone wants my game?[/QUOTE]

You will receive an email telling you that your game has been requested. Also the requested game will be moved up to the top of your "offers list", and a large green buuton will be available that says "accept trade".

If you haven't been matched yet then it's probably because the person that's requesting that game is out of Trade credits or game points?
[quote name='miktau']Are there any new updated singup coupons[/quote]

Yes! We have one currently being passed around on net that has the same as the old CAG. We'll have an updated one soon...but in the meantime you can use this one:


One of our best members asked that we create him a custom one (username: creeper) and he'd be happy to share it with his online communities. We are, of course, happy to do the same with anybody else that would like to help. Feel free to send me a PM.
[quote name='Goozex']Its a tempting idea and we may do something unique for those games...[/QUOTE]

It would be cool if there was sort of a Goozex sub-site for all the different old school games. Stuff that would be cool:

- Genesis
- Sega CD
- Saturn
- Gameboy/Gameboy color

Maybe throw these in with PS1 and Dreamcast stuff, leaving the main site for current and next gen systems. Of course make it so points are universal between the two sites.

.. just an idea.
[quote name='ManChowder']It would be cool if there was sort of a Goozex sub-site for all the different old school games. Stuff that would be cool:

- Genesis
- Sega CD
- Saturn
- Gameboy/Gameboy color

Maybe throw these in with PS1 and Dreamcast stuff, leaving the main site for current and next gen systems. Of course make it so points are universal between the two sites.

.. just an idea.[/quote]

its so odd that you say that b/c its like you're in our meetings... anyway...great idea!
I noticed that there were some Platinum Hits differentiations...thanks for that. I haven't gone searching for it, but I imagine that the same would apply for Player's Choice as well as Greatest Hits editions, correct? Maybe this should be reiterated or made more prominent.....but I appreciate this. I'm surprised at the quality of most things that I have received. I didn't realize that I could fill out my collections with Goozex.
has goozex ever considered using RSS for all those special searches so that we don't have to check the site often? I'm sure this would cut down on bandwidth
I don't think there's enough of a penalty for users that send disc-only or disc+manual games when promising complete games. It's getting to be a big problem for me lately, as it seems like more and more users are not including the cases with their trades. This is a pain in the ass when it comes to hard-to-find cases like DS, Xbox (green), Wii (white), and Gamecube (odd size). None of the local game stores around here will take a game in trade without its original case and they're a lot harder to sell on Ebay, so my option is relist it on Goozex as disc-only when it was traded to me as complete and hope some one requests it, or put it on Ebay for a loss.
[quote name='Goozex']manchowder,
its so odd that you say that b/c its like you're in our meetings... anyway...great idea![/quote]

If you do add old school games, I'll be doing a LOT more trading on your network. But you need to increase the number of games I can have available from 100. I have probably 300-400 old school doubles in my collection, including NES, Gameboy, Genesis, Sega CD, GBC, SNES, N64, etc. You need to get the values right for the old games though, because 100 points for a NES game that goes for $30 on Ebay just isn't going to cut it. 100 points for a common NES cart is fine.
Goozex should make a book trading site (someday maybe). I've tryed a lot of the other trading services for books and I really haven't found one I like as much as I like goozex. Most of them use a 1 or 2 point system which is fine I guess if I'm swapping 6 dollar star trekbooks but say I'm sending out a hardcover Harry Potter I'm going to expect a little more in return. Bookmooch, TitleTrader, SwapSimple. BarterBee is a little better but I don't like the site layout particularly much and they don't do books. And none of these sites has a satisfaction policy like Goozex, and Goozex follows through on that whenever I've needed them. Thats my rant for the day. Score one for Goozex, score not so much for the other guys.

I was matched for a complete copy of Diablo for playstation 1 and the guy cancelled on me. I think this same guy posted a lot of good PS1 games that disappeared but were never traded.

had to vent...
Hey everyone...
just a couple quick responses:

mahzilla -- rss feeds is definetely an option we are looking at for a few different things and I like the idea to lower the stress on bandwidth by having an rss feed

rictor -- the library/request has been increased to 200.

have a great weekend and I'm not sure who to root for tomorrow seeing that my Ravens choked last week.
[quote name='ManChowder']bummer!

I was matched for a complete copy of Diablo for playstation 1 and the guy cancelled on me. I think this same guy posted a lot of good PS1 games that disappeared but were never traded.

had to vent...[/quote]

I was bummed this week too. I was matched to get Monkey Ball for the wii, but the guy backed out. Then my points were used to get FFV, which I also want, but not as much as monkey ball. A day later, I'm matched for Monkey Ball again but am short 100 points, arg!
[quote name='Goozex']Hey everyone...
just a couple quick responses:

mahzilla -- rss feeds is definetely an option we are looking at for a few different things and I like the idea to lower the stress on bandwidth by having an rss feed

rictor -- the library/request has been increased to 200.

have a great weekend and I'm not sure who to root for tomorrow seeing that my Ravens choked last week.[/quote]

Quick question.. How do we trade specific games that aren't searchable on the site?
[quote name='Sinistar']Quick question.. How do we trade specific games that aren't searchable on the site?[/QUOTE]
You can't.
[quote name='Sinistar']Quick question.. How do we trade specific games that aren't searchable on the site?[/quote]

Hi Sinistar,

We get our game content from Muze and if you can't find a game it's b/c Muze doesn't provide that to us. You also won't find MMOs on Goozex.
it be nice if there was a way to put the games for trade on hold but still be able to get games.

Im away from my house for about a week (hopefully back next weekend) and i have to cancell all the matches i get since there is no way i can ship within 3 days)

I can go into vaction mode but that doesnt allow me to get matched for games that i want

is there any way to put all games i have for trade on vaction mode BUT still be able to get games that i request.
is there a way to cancel a pending trade? i've been waiting for a week (since monday) on confirmaiton from seller for DOA 4. It's annoying because this guy is tying up my points. There should be a way for me to cancel since this guy is taking for ever to click a button.
[quote name='Goozex']Hi Sinistar,

We get our game content from Muze and if you can't find a game it's b/c Muze doesn't provide that to us. You also won't find MMOs on Goozex.[/quote]

Who is Muze?
[quote name='McToots']is there a way to cancel a pending trade? i've been waiting for a week (since monday) on confirmaiton from seller for DOA 4. It's annoying because this guy is tying up my points. There should be a way for me to cancel since this guy is taking for ever to click a button.[/QUOTE]

I've complained about this before too and it's happening to me again. I've been matched since Wednesday for Monkey Ball for Wii but no confirmation. It's tying up 800 points and I've gotten emails for others games that I didn't sufficient points for. This is annoying.

I believe the system will match you once, wait 24 hours for the trader to confirm the trade, and then cancel the match if there is no response. Then on the next cycle, it will match you again and the same thing will happen. This will happen 3 times before the item is removed from the system (I may be getting some details wrong, but this is the general idea). So if you suspect that this is happening to you, you can try to monitor your requests and see when the game in question goes from "matched and awaiting confirmation" to its normal status. If you can find it when it's in between matches like this, you can put the game on hold and prevent it from tying up your points. Of course, this is nothing more than a workaround.
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