Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info (PS3) OUT NOW PS3 review score = 99.6%

Yeah that patch is for "multiplayer issues". I'm hoping that stealth fix the freezing problems other people are having (still can't play the game myself).

Also you guys that beat the story mode already, how do you feel about not having DLC now?
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Haha, that does say somethin' about the road Hip-Hop has gone the USA.
It's still goin' strong in other countries, my main squeeze is in Japan though, Jazzy Hip-Hop is my fav and they provide plenty of it, but that's a whole different discussion for a thread we already got up :p
Has anyone bothered to "watch TV' in the apartment? I saw about 15-20 minutes of Republican Space Rangers, man, biggest mistake I ever made, in fact, everything that shows up there is pretty explicit/perverted, but I did notive a stand-up comedy show in there, might check that out sooner or later. It's something to do when I grab a bite to eat and have some time to kill.[/quote]

I've watched some of the TV, and I have to say, if the Ricky Gervais stand up on there is a good preview of his acts, then I don't see how people consider that guy funny. I laughed one time through the whole thing. His interview on one of the radio stations is pretty lame too.
Official R* Statement regarding 1.01 patch :whistle2:

"Rockstar Games has released a GTA IV patch for Playstation 3 today that prevents Gamespy’s servers from being overloaded and therefore reduces the impact on those servers that were causing the game to stutter and lock up. We continue to monitor the performance of the game both on and offline and will provide further updates as necessary. We want to assure everyone that, together with our hardware partners, we continue to strive to give our fans the best possible interactive entertainment experiences possible. This update will ensure that everyone will experience Grand Theft Auto IV the way it was intended. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused."
[quote name='dchen5']the beginning loading time is defintely faster[/quote]Seriously? Like, the loading where they show the art for a while, or the initial load after that screen where it's just blank and says 'LOADING - *mission*'
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Official R* Statement regarding 1.01 patch :whistle2:[/quote]

Well at least they owned up on one of the issues. The other game breaking freezing issue has still yet to be acknowlaged/fixed though.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']
Has anyone bothered to "watch TV' in the apartment? I saw about 15-20 minutes of Republican Space Rangers, man, biggest mistake I ever made, in fact, everything that shows up there is pretty explicit/perverted, but I did notive a stand-up comedy show in there, might check that out sooner or later. It's something to do when I grab a bite to eat and have some time to kill.[/quote]

I watched some TV while paying some bills (IRL) - saw a Katt Williams stand-up show and thought it was pretty funny. I was also imressed they had him in the game.
The more I play the game, the more I'm convinced they changed the driving controls just to make it harder to drive and shoot people in multi-player modes.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Yeah that patch is for "multiplayer issues". I'm hoping that stealth fix the freezing problems other people are having (still can't play the game myself).

Also you guys that beat the story mode already, how do you feel about not having DLC now?[/QUOTE]

*shrug* no big deal.

Considering MGS4 is around the corner, this was to tide me over till then anyway =P
I beat the game and i gotta say it was an amazing game and the first gta i wanted to play missions. The only thing that would make me interested in dlc is story missions but i highly doubt they get the cast back in the studio to record new dialog for dlc. Adding a parachute would be awesome too.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Starting to think the same way. After the first few days of euphoria and delirium passed I now see this a mid 8's game. It's good fun and but the hype got a bit too much IMO. Online is where this has limitless potential, it's just a shame the online is spotty right now and the fact that with a whole bunch of people blowing shit up it can at times literally slow to like 10fps.[/QUOTE]

Yah I know what you mean w/ the slowdown. I think alot of multi is hindered by the lack of people w/ voice chat as probably compared to the 360 which is a shame.

I probably would have been much more impressed with this game is Saints Row didn't come out a year ago. Granted this game is better in a large majority of aspects, but it's just annoying how there were a few things Saints did better (Story & Theme defeinitely not being one of them)

I think the biggest bummer for me was the lack of indoor environments or any indication which doors could be enter. I think Rockstar said they were aiming for 50% of the buildings to have indoor environs which is clearly not the case :).
Even though I bought the guide for the game the same day I got my PS3, I need to ask a question(namely since I don't wanna skim through the guide and end up spoiling some future storyline happenings by reading the wrong paragraph).

Anyway, here you have to do the mission No. 1 with Brucie? I ask because out of all of the things in prior GTA games, races were at the bottom of my list of things to complete.

EDIT: I just did a search of Ebay and I'm convinced that people are friggin' insane. Some are paying $130 for a piece of plastic(the faceplate for 360). WTF!?!?!?!?!
just shot a glowing red pigeon on a concrete barrier near a beach. The game said "199 flying rats left in liberty city."
[quote name='metrognome']just shot a glowing red pigeon on a concrete barrier near a beach. The game said "199 flying rats left in liberty city."[/quote]

Haha, me too. I kept running over it thinking it was a weapon or some secret thingy, they I looked closer, noticed it was a pigeon, shot it, and gave me the same message :D

[quote name='Inf^Shini']Haha, me too. I kept running over it thinking it was a weapon or some secret thingy, they I looked closer, noticed it was a pigeon, shot it, and gave me the same message :D


I think it's the games version of the "hidden packages" from earlier iterations.
[quote name='knightsdwn']I think it's the games version of the "hidden packages" from earlier iterations.[/quote]

I think I read theres an achievement on the 360 version with killing pigeons and it unlocks a helicopter or something.. Maybe there's a similar unlockable on the PS3?
[quote name='Sinistar']I think I read theres an achievement on the 360 version with killing pigeons and it unlocks a helicopter or something.. Maybe there's a similar unlockable on the PS3?[/quote]

That's not with the 360, that's with both versions. It's a GAME unlockable, not a 360 thing. You kill all 200 and you get the Annihilator helicopter
[quote name='Sinistar']I think I read theres an achievement on the 360 version with killing pigeons and it unlocks a helicopter or something.. Maybe there's a similar unlockable on the PS3?[/quote]

Yeah past GTA's had a similar reward. I remember in GTA3 that you receive a Rhino tank for collecting all 100 packages in the game.

As for GTA4, I believe you get a helicopter with machine guns and rocket launchers or something to that effect for killing all 200 flying rats.
I ended up finding my first 'flying rat' down by the incomplete bridge down by the docks someplace. It was inside a concrete pipe section which was laying on the ground near the construction site.
Question: is it important to keep good relations with people? I've only got Roman's taxi service which kinda sucks (I was hoping it would just automatically transport you to your destination but nope, you have to sit through the driving).

Are any of them worth it?
[quote name='Vinny']Question: is it important to keep good relations with people? I've only got Roman's taxi service which kinda sucks (I was hoping it would just automatically transport you to your destination but nope, you have to sit through the driving).

Are any of them worth it?[/quote]

Yes. Having good relations with Little Jacob for example, allows you to purchase weapons from him for a discounted price.

Also, you can just press X to skip to your destination.
[quote name='knightsdwn']

Also, you can just press X to skip to your destination.[/QUOTE]

Damn, didn't know that! Thanks for the tip.:)
Okay so to those who have been waiting for a fix to be able to play the game, looks like there might not be one. Seems R* might be passing it off as "hardware related" and saying that you'll need to replace/repair your PS3... When every other game works fine on it currently though.... Hmmmm...

So you get a plastic drink coaster AND a t-shirt for $60 if this turns out to be true. Maybe even a "fixed" PS3 for "free" IF you're still in warranty. But you'll need to hit 88MPH and go back in time most likely because it seems to be early 60's that were effected the most (though I've seen the problem with 40/80's). Or perhaps Sony is feeling generous (yeah right) and they'll do it for free.

Still haven't seen anything official posted by the company that made a supposed 10/10 game.

Thank you for your patience while we continue to work to resolve this hardware-related issue. We have provided your information to Sony, and they will be contacting you directly to assist in the repair and/or replacement of your PLAYSTATION 3 console.

Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Please provide us with your mailing address and shirt size at your earliest convenience, as we would like to send you something as a token of our appreciation for your patience with this matter.

Rockstar Games

... WOW. :puke:
I bought a 60GB back in December of the launch year and I haven't had any problems with GTAIV, other than the known loss of FPS during explosions
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I bought a 60GB back in December of the launch year and I haven't had any problems with GTAIV, other than the known loss of FPS during explosions[/quote]

Just passing on the info man. Here you go though.

[quote name='NamPaehc']
But you'll need to hit 88MPH and go back in time most likely because it seems to be early 60's that were effected the most (though I've seen the problem with 40/80's).

I'll start making the flux capacitor, you guys get the plutonium.

But yeah, sucks for you guys having the problems. Hopefully Sony throws you a bone and fix it for free.
Well, I beat the main story last night. Very awesome game, I didn't want it to end! I loved the two choices it gave you towards the end as well. To those who have beat it...

I ended up picking the option to get revenge on Dimitri instead of taking the cash/working with him again. Then for fun I loaded up my other file and seen what would happen if you worked with him. Figures he'd turn on you again, but you HAD to see that coming. I never finished it though, does anything different happen at Romans wedding with Kate? I was pissed off when Johnny did a drive by with his AK47 and killed her. Loved killing that SOB at the end.

[quote name='Vinny']Question: is it important to keep good relations with people? I've only got Roman's taxi service which kinda sucks (I was hoping it would just automatically transport you to your destination but nope, you have to sit through the driving).

Are any of them worth it?[/quote]

The two I used the most was Romans and Little Jacobs. Those two were worth it IMO, Brucie's I didn't think was worth it, Dwayne's was sort of worth it, and Packie's was worth it IMO because of how fun it can be to play around with his ability. It's really up to you, but def get Little Jacobs ability. He sells the guns very cheap to you compared to the weapon shop.;)
I wanted to see if there were any visual differences for myself, so I tried the 360 version for a minute today by borrowing a copy.

It's more or less the same - though I noticed that the 360 version does not allow you to zoom in all the way to the TV screen if you're watching it in the safehouse. The PS3 does. Weird.
[quote name='mykevermin']I wanted to see if there were any visual differences for myself, so I tried the 360 version for a minute today by borrowing a copy.

It's more or less the same - though I noticed that the 360 version does not allow you to zoom in all the way to the TV screen if you're watching it in the safehouse. The PS3 does. Weird.[/quote]

That is weird. I wonder what weird little limitation necessitates that?

Did you notice anything noteworthy with regards to the draw distance or pop-ins?
Since this game is also on the Xbox360 it has to be less than 7.4 Gigabytes, right? so they basically waste all that extra glorious space on a 50 GB blu-ray. It sucks that Xbox360 holds back the developers when developing new generation games. I'm sure if they concentrated solely on the PS3 then they would have filled up the 50GB like Hideo Kojima stated they did with MGS4. I have a sinking feeling that MSoft is going to release a new xbox soon in 2 years to compete. They can't release it with a Blu-ray drive cause that'll just give money to Sony so they'll probably create a new optical disc format that'll hold 100gb or something on a disc. Blu-ray hasn't really caught hold yet so I'm sure they want to take advantage of a timeframe when BR is still very vulnerable.
[quote name='Vinny']Question: is it important to keep good relations with people? I've only got Roman's taxi service which kinda sucks (I was hoping it would just automatically transport you to your destination but nope, you have to sit through the driving).

Are any of them worth it?[/quote]

I think you can hit a button to just get to the destination in Roman's cab service. X, maybe?
[quote name='orko60']I think you can hit a button to just get to the destination in Roman's cab service. X, maybe?[/QUOTE]

You are correct.
"Ice cold baby, that shit is TIGHT! Almost as tight as my ab-...heh I was gonna say 'as tight as my abs' but you know there aint nothin as tight as this shit!
Anyone else going to for the 100% club contest since they extended it? I just finished the game and got 100% tonight, but I'm a little bit worried about my stats updating to the Social Club in time.
[quote name='jimbodan']Anyone else going to for the 100% club contest since they extended it? I just finished the game and got 100% tonight, but I'm a little bit worried about my stats updating to the Social Club in time.[/quote]Do they give you any goodies for being in the 100% club?
[quote name='lanzarlaluna']Do they give you any goodies for being in the 100% club?[/quote]
Looks like they do...
All winners will receive a specially manufactured Grand Theft Auto IV “Key to the City.” Prizes will be specially manufactured after the number of winners are confirmed and may take up to 120 days to produce. Winners will be notified by email of the date they should expect to receive their prize.. Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) US $25 / €15 (excluding Value Added Tax (“VAT”)). Prizes are not transferable. No substitutions or exchanges (including for cash) of any prizes will be permitted, except that Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value for any prize. If any prize or prize notification email is returned as undeliverable, or potential winner does not respond within seven (7) days of notification, or refuses to execute the applicable documents, the prize will be forfeited. Winners may be required to complete and submit documents including an affidavit of eligibility, publicity release, and/or appropriate tax forms to receive a prize. Sponsor will not replace any lost or stolen prize.

Except where prohibited, All prizes are awarded "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose), except where prohibited by law. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW, FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, AS APPLICABLE, VAT TAXES AND CUSTOMS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECEIPT OR USE OF ANY PRIZES ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WINNER.

In case of dispute, entries will be declared made by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry or registration with the Social Club. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet Access Provider, on-line service provider, or other organization (e.g., business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address.
[quote name='Dark Slayer120']"Ice cold baby, that shit is TIGHT! Almost as tight as my ab-...heh I was gonna say 'as tight as my abs' but you know there aint nothin as tight as this shit![/quote]

I love Brucie. He reminds me of a severely exaggerated version of a friend of mine.
I've been running my game off of a single save file, but I want to be able to
see both endings.
At what point in the game should I create a second save file so I can do that?

[quote name='Squall835']I love Brucie. He reminds me of a severely exaggerated version of a friend of mine.[/quote]

Brucie makes me want to kill. I keep hoping
that he'll turn out to be a bad guy
so I can shoot him in the head.
I love every second Brucie is around because he's completely hysterical. How I wish there was a cutscene viewer so I could watch his antics over and over.

[quote name='bmachine']I've been running my game off of a single save file, but I want to be able to
see both endings.
At what point in the game should I create a second save file so I can do that?[/quote]

:shock: That's the first I've heard about that. I'd like to know the answer as well, because as much as I enjoy GTA,
I can't see myself doing a second playthrough for a game this huge. Maybe I'll just catch the second ending on YouTube.
Brucie is funny as all hell, but the fact that ya gotta do races(which I hated in GTAIII and the other games)or at least ONE race with him is annoying the hell outta me.

I mean, I don't mind the 'go fetch me this car' missions, but chasing for the #1 spot in a race is a pita.
bread's done