Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='pop311']That was a good listen. Yay Adam Sessler, Very good job![/quote]

Agreed, Sessler did a great job. If the host wasn't such a prude as well, maybe he would have let Sessler defend against Thompson. Sounds like the host would side with Thompson everyday.
[quote name='Papadosh']All 555 exchanges are reserved for use in fiction, otherwise you get situations like you have with that 867-5309 song. What is cool is when they use numbers like in Scrubs where they had Turk's cell phone be a real number and you would get his vmail or cast members would pick up occasionally. Personally I think Rockstar should had used a 666 exchange- which they actually use down where I live.[/quote]

He meant that he dialed the number IN-game, not in real life.

I also tried the same thing and was disappointed as well. The game's so detailed, yet they skimp on that?

Also, they need to make a patch where "custom soundtracks" is listed under the radio stations. They did it in San Andreas, why couldn't they do it for GTA4?


Dwayne or Playboy mission man oh man.
WARNING!!!!!!!! SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe i killed Dwayne, i liked dwayne i was even going to kill playboy first but i died trying to get him and went for dwayne the second time. I felt there would be too much heat if i took out playboy x. Anyone kill playboy and know what happened?
I love the story mode this is the first gta i want to play missions and want to beat.
Is anyone else having trouble with text being cut off the upper left corner of the screen, even when your TV is in 16:9? It's like the first 1 1/2 letters are cut off. It's annoying.
Taking a break from the game, Im thinking it would be a pretty cool thing if you could like, order things online you couldnt find in stores and have it delivered to your safe house. Clothes, weapons, accesories....I don't know, I just think it would be cool.

This is still by far the most amazing thing Ive ever played in my life. Calling it a videogame is almost insulting.

[quote name='Trenchalicious']Is anyone else having trouble with text being cut off the upper left corner of the screen, even when your TV is in 16:9? It's like the first 1 1/2 letters are cut off. It's annoying.[/quote]

Yep, same thing here on my PS3 version. I think its because my TV has useless borders on the edge of the screen, Im on a Samsung 720p HDTv btw
Ok, I'm stuck at Jimmy, I can't even start the missions because it says I need a smart suit. I wear all nice clothing from Perseus and it still won't let me start the mission...??? anyone know what little detail I seem to be missing?
man Brucie cracks me up such a great character. im ~ 2 hours past
brucie's second dialog when he says he isn't a chubby chaser. that whole dialog was a riot.
Anyone else having it where the game disc starts making sounds like it's spinning, stopping, spinning, stopping, etc. then a message comes up saying the disc is dirty. I get the same problem from time to time w/ GHIII and Rock band when playing DLC, like the system wasn't reading the disc for the DLC song, then needed to find it's place on the disc when the song was over and got lost.

GTA keeps doing the same thing. I don't know if this is the same "freezing" issue many people are reporting, as what I'm seeing about that is freezing in the intro vid?

Hope it's not my console.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Anyone else having it where the game disc starts making sounds like it's spinning, stopping, spinning, stopping, etc. then a message comes up saying the disc is dirty. I get the same problem from time to time w/ GHIII and Rock band when playing DLC, like the system wasn't reading the disc for the DLC song, then needed to find it's place on the disc when the song was over and got lost.

GTA keeps doing the same thing. I don't know if this is the same "freezing" issue many people are reporting, as what I'm seeing about that is freezing in the intro vid?

Hope it's not my console.[/quote]

Sounds like a disc drive failure's coming your way. Does this happen to your other games beside GHIII, Rockband and GTAIV?
[quote name='Callandor']Adam Sessler vs. Jack Thompson on NPR:

Listen. This is awesome.[/quote]


Honestly, Adam Sessler may act like an idiot on Xplay, but I'm always amazed at how well spoken he is outside of the show. I can't get enough "Sessler v. Thompson" interviews, in which Jack Thompson always comes off as a royal asshole. I know my opinion obviously seems bias, considering I myself am a huge gamer, but honestly, if I were on Jack's side, I'd be embarrassed at his utter inability to get one solid point across. Seriously, how can anyone be so misinformed? How can anyone skew the facts so dramatically and still be considered a professional?

You know, I'm now seeing this situation in a new light. I can't believe I didn't realize this before, but I'm really, really glad that Jack Thompson is the leading man in anti-video game movements. The man's an idiot. If Jack fucking Thompson is our biggest problem, then I don't think we have a very big problem. I mean, really, who's he going to convince? Politicians no longer take him seriously, due to the whole psychological evaluation business, and if he can't convince anybody important, then he's just wasting his time.
Can't stop listening to this song (on Vladivostok FM, the first radio song you hear)

Awesome Easter Egg which takes a little skill to get to:
If you land on the top edge of statue of liberty by the top set of doors you can enter the back door, climb the ladder and see the beating heart of the statue of liberty. You'll need a helicopter to get up there.
[quote name='mrelusive']Can't stop listening to this song (on Vladivostok FM, the first radio song you hear)[/quote]

Agreed. I posted that link a few pages back. That song is awesome. I am actually surprised that some of the best music in game is played on the "russian" station.
[quote name='Littlefields']Sounds like a disc drive failure's coming your way. Does this happen to your other games beside GHIII, Rockband and GTAIV?[/QUOTE]

nope. not really (very rare occasion on Assassin's Creed). I've been blaming it on DLC being read from the HD instead of disc. I may end up contacting M$ for a coffin then :(
[quote name='gareman']Agreed. I posted that link a few pages back. That song is awesome. I am actually surprised that some of the best music in game is played on the "russian" station.[/quote]

I like that song as well even though the only words I understand are eins zwei drei. Very catchy.

About the game itself, and keep in mind that I'd never played a GTA game before this. This really isn't my type of game so I just rented it--had it not been for the outstanding reviews I wouldn't have even done that.

Controls: I hated driving until I found the first-person camera, now I really enjoy driving around and just listening to the radio. Third person driving seems broken to me. Hand-to-hand fighting is pretty bad. Guns are fine, either autoaim or free aim work for me.

Graphics: Very good, except for some pop-in. I especially like the graphics when it's raining in-game.

Sound: The radio was something I didn't realize would be in the game, it's one of my favorite aspects.

Story: Much better than I though it would be.

Multiplayer: Haven't tried it yet. With this sort of game I doubt I'll like multiplayer but I'll give it a go.

I also like the minigames and the many things you can do in the city other than regular missions. I'm sure I'll find more. I now plan to either get the game from a trial/freebie site or get it used down the line. I think the game is overrated but still good to very good.
[quote name='coolsteel']I'll address this in order , the motorcycle mission was a funny one because it isn't obvious you didn't have to use a bike, car worked just fine. I'm not sure why racing to a cut scene bothers you, I mean realistically crap happens and not everything is all that simple. You mention the trigger not being sensitive enough so you have to keep holding for 4 seconds, then releasing. Problem is you can just hold it, you're doing 85 percent when 50 is all you needed. I've been doing that for awhile now and it works like regular driving.

Duplicate button problem I have not really run into, it really sounds like you're holding everything versus doing a quick tap which is all that is required. I will give you though it was an odd choice having to manually type in the name but thankfully pushing start shows what the name is again under brief, so no big deal. After your break I highly suggest just screwing around for a bit in the city, learn the controls a bit more, go on dates or something.[/quote]

I've played over 100 games for well over 1,500 hours on my 360. I know when I'm tapping a button and when I'm holding it. My biggest problem with the solutions for the gameplay issues I've encountered is that they all remove you from the story and make you realize you're just playing a game. If I'm a eastern european ganster trying to catch a guy that just raced off on a motorcycle, then I'm going to grab a motorcycle to chase after him. If I'm a guy in my living room trying to beat a mission in a video game, then I'll run a little bit and look for a car because it's easier to drive in the game and I know that I just need to stay close enough to trigger the cut scene.

My wife and I are both in agreement that Saints Row while not as technically polished, it was significantly more fun to play and watch. It was what is was and never pretended to be anything more.

I was in line at 12 AM on Tuesday and played until almost 3 AM on launch day when I had to be up for work at 6 AM. It's now 9:48 PM a few days later and I'm visiting this message board and watching Blade on FX rather than play GTA.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Anyone else having it where the game disc starts making sounds like it's spinning, stopping, spinning, stopping, etc. then a message comes up saying the disc is dirty.[/quote]
I noticed that with my copy of MUA, except that it continues to read normally (though load times seem longer than they should be). With all my other games, the drive goes full speed all the time.
Found one stunt ramp, here we go again lol. Burnout Paradise all over again.^^ I love the online races, I get to see areas I haven't gone to before and then in single player I go hey shit I know this place of town, yea gotta take a right here. Awesome.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Anyone else having it where the game disc starts making sounds like it's spinning, stopping, spinning, stopping, etc. then a message comes up saying the disc is dirty. I get the same problem from time to time w/ GHIII and Rock band when playing DLC, like the system wasn't reading the disc for the DLC song, then needed to find it's place on the disc when the song was over and got lost.

GTA keeps doing the same thing. I don't know if this is the same "freezing" issue many people are reporting, as what I'm seeing about that is freezing in the intro vid?

Hope it's not my console.[/quote]I have also been getting this problem. And although I've read that a disc drive failure may be soon I have occasionally gotten this error as far back as mid 06 when my system was new.

I've gotten it about 3 times thus far in GTA 4

I used to say it was a bug with the game, but apparently its hardware. Hopefully it just wont die on me completely since it's not covered for repair like RROD.
did anyone else find it hilarious when the dj asked what GOVERNMENT agencies he was working with and his response. He must have been talking shit to the host before they brought him on cause he was pissed at him but still has a slightly biased attitude sorta agreeing with thompson about the violence. Kinda weird interview but funny none the less.
Man... my roomie, my buddy drew, and I went out to one of the islands where there is a ramp over the highway. We kept stealing bikes and cars to jump over the highway while doing tricks. Eventually the three of us got in an ambulance, sirens blazing, and jumped the ramp as a group. What made it even more challenging was the fact that the alleyway to the ramp was not exactly 100% parallel to the road, we still had traffic, and there were pedestrians. I even ramped a bike up over a modena and did a 180, but when we tried to replicate it we just mowed down the bike killing the driver. Tons of fun.
fucking shit, I keep on clicking the left stick because of all the COD4 I've been playing to sprint, and Niko crouches. Doesn't help me much in firefights when I just want to get to the wall for cover, but it looks hilarious.

So far I have around 36% completion and the game is keeping me happy, but here are some of my gripes:

I don't really see the skill needed for any of the basic weapons in online Deathmatch. When it comes to a 1-on-1 pistol fight, all I see people do is either crouch/stand and spam their shots and sprint in circles between reloads to evade bullets. It's a little detail, as I expected a lot after playing GoW and COD4 in terms of precision aiming and shit.

Niko automatically slowing down to walking speed on the phone.

Combat controls feel slow and unresponsive as balls. However, the auto-aim in this game is a nice addition with the health meters, but I don't feel as if I can get off a punch as quickly as I wanted to.

May be another nitpick, but Niko can't turn around worth shit in tight corners, or at least not fast enough.

But nontheless, I'm still having fun with the game. The music is incredible and the humor R* managed to stuff into this game always finds a way to make me giggle. I once ran over a old lady in front of a guy on the sidewalk, and he yelled "YOU KILLED MY HIGH" and his head dropped down. fucking hilarious.
[quote name='Dyson']I have also been getting this problem. And although I've read that a disc drive failure may be soon I have occasionally gotten this error as far back as mid 06 when my system was new.

I've gotten it about 3 times thus far in GTA 4

I used to say it was a bug with the game, but apparently its hardware. Hopefully it just wont die on me completely since it's not covered for repair like RROD.[/QUOTE]

wow this isnt covered under their 3 yr warranty? i get the same issue, but only when i play online w/ especially nba 2k8, rarely / other games surprisingly. the game and and fan noise slows down and then i get a dirty disc error. if thats the case and my 360 dies eventually, what other options is there?
Well, this game has done to me what other games haven't done in a LONG time. It is now 6am and I just put the controller down. I may as well not even go to sleep at this point. I'm just glad I have the day off.
Question about the second island: Does it just randomly unlock? I figured there would be some notification since the entire reason it was blocked off was due to suspicion of terrorist activity, but I just randomly found myself on it during a mission for
about 24% into the game.

its the same thing for the 3rd island. I just randomly found myself on it after taking
playboy x
home. which is good because i needed some damn clothes.
Do you mean the 2nd large island? That's what I meant as well, since Bohan (the small, northern one) is unlocked from the start. I ended up there giving a ride to that same person after a mission.
yeah i ment the 2nd large island. you really dont spend much time in bohan until you get your
second safehouse there & it becomes a hub for missions
i sorta just considered it the 2nd island :X

5:33am... i think its time for some sleep.
Got a sold 2 hours of racing in last night with a friend and some randoms. Had a blast, even when i was losing it was still a blast. Cars control different compared to previous games, more sim than San Andreas but not Forza 2. Just takes a little getting used to.
yeah, you can't hold down the accelerate and expect to make normal turns anymore, you gotta drive the cars like real life, ease on the accelerate brake, then turn, like buttah, sweet buttah
[quote name='rly723']wow this isnt covered under their 3 yr warranty? i get the same issue, but only when i play online w/ especially nba 2k8, rarely / other games surprisingly. the game and and fan noise slows down and then i get a dirty disc error. if thats the case and my 360 dies eventually, what other options is there?[/QUOTE]

Yup, that's exactly what happens. Slows down, then click, click, click... *dirty error


Well, I guess I should be greatful it's not the game, as at least MS can fix it (hopefully)
[quote name='ananag112']Some of the TV shows are hilarious. My new favorite show is Republican Space Rangers.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can def. see myself sitting down to actually watch some of these. Anyone know how long they are (5 minutes, 15?)
I finally got a chance to play for more than 15 minutes last night - so far so good. I'm having a blast. I found my first handgun and I used it to
shoot these guys who were next to a dirty car Vlad wanted me to get for him. After shooting them the cops were on to me and during my getaway attempt one of them shot me in the head out of nowhere when I was going about 40mph and I just slumped over the steering wheel, the car slowed down while the camera panned around to the front and it faded to black and white - it was awesome.
[quote name='bardockkun']Quick question, but is there anyway to actually go on dates from the websites in the game?[/quote]

You can. Check your email, they respond to you and tell you if they're interested in you or not. The 3 girls I selected rejected me thus far.
This thread is monsterous, I skimmed it but didn't see anything so...

Has anyone else seen an NPC that looks EXACTLY like Biggie Smalls?!?

I saw him right around the courts of the Firefly projects (where the Bleed Out mission takes place, only after then mission).

Or am I imagining it?
Argh...this game needs a checkpoint system. It's so frustrating when you get like 9/10 through a late mission and you die, and you have to restart all over again, with the current ammo you had at the point where you died. Especially when it takes a while to get to that point.

I'm pretty much guaranteed a Liberty City Minute Achievement unless there's like a 5 hour super mission somewhere here.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']Is anyone else having trouble with text being cut off the upper left corner of the screen, even when your TV is in 16:9? It's like the first 1 1/2 letters are cut off. It's annoying.[/quote]

Yeah, we talked about the overscan about 20 pages back, lol. It is happening on my old 1080i Sony CRT HDTV except the text is cut off on the right for me. I had to bump the resolution down to 480p to "fix" it.
No way am I getting that achievement on the first try. I'm attempting every possible side quest, as well as doing some fucking around. I'm at 25% completion, 14 and a half hours in.
[quote name='javeryh']I finally got a chance to play for more than 15 minutes last night - so far so good. I'm having a blast. I found my first handgun and I used it to
shoot these guys who were next to a dirty car Vlad wanted me to get for him. After shooting them the cops were on to me and during my getaway attempt one of them shot me in the head out of nowhere when I was going about 40mph and I just slumped over the steering wheel, the car slowed down while the camera panned around to the front and it faded to black and white - it was awesome.

That is awesome. I did that mission last night as well. I
brought a baseball bat that is under a bridge where Vlad kicks you out of his car. When Jimmy tried to stop me from getting his car, I beat his ass down with the bat and took the car. When talking with Vlad on the phone, Niko mentioned that he killed Jimmy and Vlad got pissed.

I restarted the mission and this time I just ran to the car, jacked it, and Jimmy grabbed onto the door as I was driving away. He held on for a good two blocks and finally fell off. When talking on the phone with Vlad this time, Nico stated how he hadn't even hurt Jimmy in the process. Vlad said something like "Good, dead people can't pay interest."
bread's done