Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='doraemonkerpal']Sorry if it's been asked before, but I tried not to read any spoilers ahead of time in regards to the choices you can make in the game.
What are the major differences in the storyline if I choose to kill Derrick or Francis McCreary? The same question applies to Dwayne and Playboy X too (although that choice isn't as important to me. I chose to kill Playboy X to get his apartment a few nights ago and I see no discernible differences in the storyline thus far, and I chose to kill Francis last night b/c the guy is a blackmailing prick.

Also, for some reason I can never hang out with Dwayne. He never picks up his phone :lol: Any hints or tips on how to get him to hang out with me? I really want to try out his friend "bonus" with the two gangster allies in a gunfight. It sounds like something from GTA:SA which I really enjoyed hehe.

nothing really happens with playboy or dwayne and same with francis and derrick though i guess the family reaction would be different and i dont think u do the mission with the church then again i havent tried killing derrick

also u have to check ur email for dwayne and send a positive reply to him and eventually he'll call u asking to hang out
[quote name='Nelo Ice']
nothing really happens with playboy or dwayne and same with francis and derrick though i guess the family reaction would be different and i dont think u do the mission with the church then again i havent tried killing derrick

also u have to check ur email for dwayne and send a positive reply to him and eventually he'll call u asking to hang out

Thanks Nelo.
I should visit Tw@t b/c I haven't used the internet in awhile hehe.
I went all the way to page 151 of this thread to see if there was a difference in storyline and I didn't find out anything new except
I accidentally read that
dies at the end :bomb:
. The person who quoted it should really remove it from their post.
[quote name='Roufuss']Wow, pretty disappointed at the end of the game, espicially with the story.

They couldn't have made it anymore obvious that Kate was going to die... that entire conversation was so dripping with the knowledge that she wasn't going to live past the wedding. They should have just flashed it across the screen "KATE WILL DIE AT THE WEDDING". And what's up with him not getting Packie to help? Your friend's sister dies, and you don't call him up to help get revenge?

The only thing that shocked me was that Pegorino was the one that pulled the trigger... I was expecting Bulgarin

I thought it was done pretty well. Since you know their conversation I thought it was especially sad that it seemed like Niko wrapped up at least his revenge against both Dimitri and Darko and was planning to get out of it, only to have that happen and get sucked back in. He can't escape.

Besides, there's more than that ending. Either one is sad however, and I thought her dying was actually the less sad of the two options. Can't please everyone though.
This game is so much fun. I've only opened the first two islands and it already seems massive. I don't think I'll ever know my way around all of Liberty City.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']This game is so much fun. I've only opened the first two islands and it already seems massive. I don't think I'll ever know my way around all of Liberty City.[/quote]

If they didn't have the driving directions or GPS, I don't think I would ever finish it. lol
Yeah the GPS is great, but i wish it had options. Like sometimes it makes you go all the way around because it doesnt want you to go down a one way road the wrong way. Which would save you a lot of time. Another thing is sometimes it makes you take too many turns like a set of stairs, when you could get to the same place by going down one long road, then turn left or right for another long drive like an L. It might be shorter, but its faster to take the least amount of turns and more straight roads you can speed down.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']well, it's like real GPS where it shows legal roads and directions to take.[/quote]
Well, I want a GPS that shows me the illegal roads to take, damnit!
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah the GPS is great, but i wish it had options. Like sometimes it makes you go all the way around because it doesnt want you to go down a one way road the wrong way. Which would save you a lot of time. Another thing is sometimes it makes you take too many turns like a set of stairs, when you could get to the same place by going down one long road, then turn left or right for another long drive like an L. It might be shorter, but its faster to take the least amount of turns and more straight roads you can speed down.[/quote]
QFT. Sometimes I find myself driving a big circle to a far off bridge when the closer bridge is right in front of me.
Question about a decision LATE in the game
Okay I have been given the choice right now of getting revenge on Dimitri or taking a deal for delivering some H. I was wondering which way to go, or if I will screw myself by chosing one over the other. I was leaning towards REVENGE. If someone could guide me in the right direction without ruining anything that would be great!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']well, it's like real GPS where it shows legal roads and directions to take.[/quote]

How about Brucie modifies it? :D
[quote name='pete5883']Duke wants you to stop stealing his bandwidth.[/quote]

[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah the GPS is great, but i wish it had options. Like sometimes it makes you go all the way around because it doesnt want you to go down a one way road the wrong way. Which would save you a lot of time. Another thing is sometimes it makes you take too many turns like a set of stairs, when you could get to the same place by going down one long road, then turn left or right for another long drive like an L. It might be shorter, but its faster to take the least amount of turns and more straight roads you can speed down.[/quote]

My complaint with the GPS system is that I wish you could set the color of your routes that you create with waypoints. I do almost all of my driving based on waypoints but on some roads I can barely see the damn green lines.

A way to manually mark up the map would also be nice. To be able to mark where the police station, fire stations, etc are would be a big help.
Ive noticed that when you enter a cheat, there is a new "cheats" option on the phone so you can just call that number like anyone of your other contacts, instead of dialing each number every time. Ive already got 100%, so i thought maybe if i could make a new save after i enter all the cheats, that i could use to mess around whenever i want. But will the cheats stay in the phone if i used them and save?
[quote name='kromekoran']so are the random characters still available after you beat the main story? I waited around for Eddie Low and his icon never popped up.[/QUOTE]

Yeah they are. Some only are around at certain times.
thanks. maybe he didn't show up because I was on foot? I just read you're supposed to give him a ride. but when I was waiting (and it was from 11pm to 6am), I figured I'd have some fun and push people around and have fist fights.
Oh. My. God. I can't believe this. I just tried Three Leaf Clover and after this huge mission my stupid teammate's AI cost me the mission. I'm so sick of relying on AI in videogames. :bomb:
Jimmy Hopkins led a hard life after graduating Bulworth....

poor jimmy...


When you watch the TV, It mentions Bulworth Academey on some channels.
[quote name='help1']What is the hardest mission in this game? So far I have heard that Snow Storm was the hardest, which would be relieving...[/quote]
That one wasn't even hard...
[quote name='help1']What is the hardest mission in this game? So far I have heard that Snow Storm was the hardest, which would be relieving...[/quote]Last mission.
[quote name='help1']What is the hardest mission in this game? So far I have heard that Snow Storm was the hardest, which would be relieving...[/quote]

Personally, none of the missions are that difficult, at least for me. I suppose if you want to consider them hard, then the last few missions in the
revenge path
is somewhat hard.

In the end, its all how you play the missions. Some are hard to figure out, while others are easy. Once you figure out what exactly to do, then they are all a breeze.

One of the last few missions I had a problem with. Not that it was hard per-say, but it was the mission where
I had to follow some guy into a warehouse, up to the roof, down the docks and along the beach. I just couldn't get onto the bike fast enough, and couldn't figure out where he was going. Once I did figure out everything, it was a breeze.
[quote name='help1']What is the hardest mission in this game? So far I have heard that Snow Storm was the hardest, which would be relieving...[/quote]
I think Three Leaf Clover was much harder. I finished through Snow Storm in one try. Mostly because TLC had Derick catching on fire, standing still in front of cops and blowing up in the car. Snow Storm was pretty easy once you take cover in the right spots. Also, I knew there was something fishy about Michelle.:whistle2:x
Other than 3 leaf clover, i dont think many missions are hard. In fact, probably the hardest part of missions were while i was in a car. Chasing someone, riding a motorcycle, trying to ditch cops, driving a boat/heli...most of the hard parts are while in a vehicle. Otherwise if its just a shootout, its pretty easy.
Yeah, so far the chases are the most difficult as usually once you mess up they are gone. And trying to shake the cops on the higher star levels can be a pain.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Other than 3 leaf clover, i dont think many missions are hard. In fact, probably the hardest part of missions were while i was in a car. Chasing someone, riding a motorcycle, trying to ditch cops, driving a boat/heli...most of the hard parts are while in a vehicle. Otherwise if its just a shootout, its pretty easy.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The only missions I failed were the ones were you had to chase someone in a car or motorcycle.
[quote name='yukine']Just finished "Three Leaf Clover".
I thought it was pretty easy, took me two tries. I do think I just got lucky though. As the first time I went across the bridge and slammed into all those cop road blocks, then I get to Packie's house to find out I need to lose the wanted level (!!!), the car I'm in catches on fire and we jump out but Derrick is on fire and dies.

However, on the second go. Once I get to the streets I jump into this SUV parked and haul ass out of there. I go down a street or two and the stars are already blinking. I didn't even have to deal with the bridges full of cops. :D
[/QUOTE]OK, I've failed this mission a few times now, so I have to ask...
When you jumped in that SUV, where was it? Any idea if it was a random spawn that normally wouldn't be there? My last two or three attempts at this mission, I've tried to look for it, but there's never any vehicles on the street at all except for cop cars and SWAT trucks, and it won't let me get into them. On my last try I finally saw some traffic at the point when the brothers go down into the subway, but as soon as I jacked a car it said I abandoned them, and the mission failed.
[quote name='Danimal']OK, I've failed this mission a few times now, so I have to ask...
When you jumped in that SUV, where was it? Any idea if it was a random spawn that normally wouldn't be there? My last two or three attempts at this mission, I've tried to look for it, but there's never any vehicles on the street at all except for cop cars and SWAT trucks, and it won't let me get into them. On my last try I finally saw some traffic at the point when the brothers go down into the subway, but as soon as I jacked a car it said I abandoned them, and the mission failed.

You're supposed to go into the subway with them. Follow their directions from there, you'll eventually get to a service stairwell, and once youre back up on the street, there should be an SUV nearby, or atleast there was one for me (turning right from the door you come out of once you're back above ground).
[quote name='Danimal']OK, I've failed this mission a few times now, so I have to ask...
When you jumped in that SUV, where was it? Any idea if it was a random spawn that normally wouldn't be there? My last two or three attempts at this mission, I've tried to look for it, but there's never any vehicles on the street at all except for cop cars and SWAT trucks, and it won't let me get into them. On my last try I finally saw some traffic at the point when the brothers go down into the subway, but as soon as I jacked a car it said I abandoned them, and the mission failed.

You make you way through the subway and shit then when you come up from the matinence (sp wrong) shaft and you come back up to the city streets there is a SUV right there.
Which one is 3 leaf clover? Is it the
bank heist
? I tried that once, failed miserably, tried twice, died in the subway, then tried a third time with armor and had no problem at all.
[quote name='Scorch']Which one is 3 leaf clover? Is it the
bank heist
? I tried that once, failed miserably, tried twice, died in the subway, then tried a third time with armor and had no problem at all.[/quote]


(btw, i'm looking forward to Pineapple Express too!)
I don't know if I want to try Three Leaf Clover any time soon. I was so angry my after my last attempt because
one of my allies fell down and would not get up. I tried to drive around and come back but it said I was leaving him so I went back and he was still laying down. I waited until the cops shot me up and I died. Maybe he was playing dead because he was surrounded by cops shooting at us :D
[quote name='mrchainsaw']I don't know if I want to try Three Leaf Clover any time soon. I was so angry my after my last attempt because
one of my allies fell down and would not get up. I tried to drive around and come back but it said I was leaving him so I went back and he was still laying down. I waited until the cops shot me up and I died. Maybe he was playing dead because he was surrounded by cops shooting at us :D

[quote name='help1']What is the hardest mission in this game? So far I have heard that Snow Storm was the hardest, which would be relieving...[/QUOTE]

Personally I did not think any of the missions were hard either. Some of the chase ones could be annoying but far from hard.
I'm not sure what the problem with the Three Leaf Clover mission was...

I guess I got really lucky. I just took my time clearing certain areas and ran past others. I got really lucky though because packie was standing next to a car I blew up and he didnt die.
[quote name='help1']I'm not sure what the problem with the Three Leaf Clover mission was...

I guess I got really lucky. I just took my time clearing certain areas and ran past others. I got really lucky though because packie was standing next to a car I blew up and he didnt die.
I was doing fine in the mission until
I had to make my getaway.
I think the SUV is always there, like its already been said go up the stairs where you exit the subway and are back on the street and turn right and it should be parked right there beside the street.

Try running up the stairs real fast and jumping into the SUV and once Packie and Derrick are with you haul ass out of there. I was able to get out of there before cops even showed up and lost the stars fast.
bread's done