Great. Anyone else having PSP problems already? (got dead pixels?)

I'm curious if any of the people with the japanese version are suffering the DP problem, I mean there's technically no difference in the units.

But then again with the frequency of how often DPs can show up in LCD screens and the huge number of LCD devices they have there (phones, tvs, random public ad screens) maybe they;re just more used to it.

As to whether or not SOny has given anyone they shaft, if the japanese didnt care so much they probably assumed we wouldnt either but with all the complaints that seem to be getting flung around maybe they still will make some consession now that their production rate is better than it was in the first couple of months. Who can tell? I mean it is still just the first 14 hours of the thing's existance in american hands.
The first one I got had a dead pixel on the left. The 2nd one had a dead pixel in the very center that was far worse than the first one I had. The third one seems to have no dead pixels but it has a lot of dust under the screen. Plus, even though it was supposed to be new (don't trust store employees) it has scratches across the front! I don't know about you guys but dropping $250 on a toy is a lot of money for me. And the whole damn thing is giving me an ulcer. Really. I am not here to talk crap about Sony, I don't love them but I have never had a prob with any of their products. That is, until now.
add me to the crowd where i was sitting on the fence, and am now running far away from buying this thing.

forget about just the dead pixels and the screens. if im paying 50 bucks a portable game, i better be damn well enjoying all of it, and that includes seeing all it has to offer ( NO DEAD PIXELS)
As I understand it any electronic device with a screen will catch dust in it if it;s not an airtight seal. Dust and lint are attracted to electromagnetic forces so if air can get there so can dust.
[quote name='Borat']What's worse is that I think a lot of people have had horendous problems with Sony products upon launch.....but as eager gamers we continue to rush out and buy their products as soon as we can. All that does is show them how great a success it is....arrogance persists and we as gamers lose.

It's not fair to the current buyer of the product and it's not fair to future buyers as the product is not corrected. Sony got me twice in the past when I rushed out to get a PS1 and a PS2....they won't be getting my business on the PSP for a while...I want that shaq-fuer pristine if I'm dropping $200+. least some people are getting good units.[/quote]

If the product is worth it =p. you just have to approach it smartly. I MADE sure to check it before I left BB and ensure ther are no dead pixels.
the question : is anyone gonna feel the need, who gets shafted by sony's BS policy on replacing "normally dead pixel included" screens, going to file a class action lawsuit anytime soon?
[quote name='Alpha2']As I understand it any electronic device with a screen will catch dust in it if it;s not an airtight seal. Dust and lint are attracted to electromagnetic forces so if air can get there so can dust.[/quote]

under the screen though? the japanese have airtight technology don't they?
What urks me is the arrogance of Sony. As stated above people still flock after getting burned 2 & 3 times by them.

The other thing is just like Microsoft and the whole intergration thing. This is a game machine and should be looked after as such. Sony cliams its the walkaman of the 21st century but all the walkman did was play tapes or later cd's?

It didnt do anything else.

Now looking at the comments made last night at the New York Party when they didnt even sell through their 500 stock supply!

C-Daly talking up SCEA prez Kaz Hirai about the PSP. Hirai’s money quote: “If someone told you that the PSP is a portable gaming device, shoot these people. The PSP is not a portable gaming device, it is really a convergent portable entertainment device.” You have your orders, people; shoot anyone on sight who calls the PSP a gaming device."

Now what the hell is that all about. We have these blindly rabid fanboys running out and touting the PSP chant and Sony isnt even acknowledging it as a gaming device.

Check this out:
[quote name='Zoglog'][quote name='Borat']What's worse is that I think a lot of people have had horendous problems with Sony products upon launch.....but as eager gamers we continue to rush out and buy their products as soon as we can. All that does is show them how great a success it is....arrogance persists and we as gamers lose.

It's not fair to the current buyer of the product and it's not fair to future buyers as the product is not corrected. Sony got me twice in the past when I rushed out to get a PS1 and a PS2....they won't be getting my business on the PSP for a while...I want that shaq-fuer pristine if I'm dropping $200+. least some people are getting good units.[/quote]

If the product is worth it =p. you just have to approach it smartly. I MADE sure to check it before I left BB and ensure ther are no dead pixels.[/quote]

That's part of what I'm talking about. Should you have to check a product that you $250 for before you leave?? Why can't you just pay for it and leave without a problem?? For $250, Sony should be providing a bit higher quality in their product. It's obviously not happening to everyone, but if more than 15-20% of people are leaving the stores with dead pixels in their PSPs...that's a serious problem. It ceases to be a random occurance.....fuck, cars are recalled with lower percentages of a problem.

I feel waiting is the best policy for people that are on the fence about the PSP. If you're not sure....wait for revisions....they'll come if enough people bitch about the PSP's shortcomings.
There are "Dead Pixels" and there are "Stuck Pixels".

Dead Pixels do not turn on. They look black on all colors.

Stuck Pixels are stuck on a certain color. Example, on a black screen you see a green pixel. Then it is a green Stuck Pixel. This pixel is NOT a Dead Pixel. Sometimes there is hope and it will go away over time, but doubtful.


My import has 1 dead pixel in top right, and the 2 US PSPs have none. Pop in a game on the import and you can't even see it. Only time it is noticeable is on the mainmenu.

Concerning comments on a weak launch: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAH.... AHAHAHAHHAHA.... ahahahaha. AAAAHAA. Sorry. Wipeout = awesome. RR = awesome. Luminees = incredible. TM:HO = awesome. Maybe some of you should actually try these games before you go ahead and pass judgement.

Concerning comments on the ninja star: My friend and I tried it on his back at Japan launch when he got his. We weren't able to get it to go, and if we had twisted anymore, the screen would have split. So don't believe everything you see/read.

Finally, a lot of you are taking it as if the CAG community is the epicenter of gaming. Not everyone who buys a PSP is on CAG and will report about it, so the numbers are going to seem skewed. You're not going to hear form everyone who has a perfect PSP, but you are going to hear from a majority who have DP or dust.
can someone explain to me how you test the PSP for dead pixels? I have a zip file of different color pics from another site but I have no idea on how to get it on the PSP. I want to email the file to my wife at work at would like to tell her what to do with it. thanks.
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='Kayden'][quote name='evilmax17']On the majority of screens being ok:

Yeah, that's fine. If 51% of the screens are A-ok, and 49% of screens have a DP, the majority are still fine.

That's still not acceptable at all. There have been a surprising amount of reports of people getting broken PSPs. Are the majority broken? No. Does that matter? No.[/quote]
One person gets killed, thats 0.00000000014285% of the world's population. Thats a very, very insignificant percentage.... but don't people still get bothered by it?[/quote]

That's the point. Maybe I worded it poorly. People are saying that "the majority of screens are fine, so what's the big deal?" Well we've already gotten reports into the double digits of people who got PSPs with DPs. This is very troubling, regardless of what the percentages are.

It doesn't matter if the majority of screens are fine. There are enough reports of faulty screens to make it unacceptable. Let's assume that 20% of PSPs have DPs. That's only 20% compared to 80%, but at the same time, GOD DAMN that's 20%![/quote]

I know what you wanted to say, I was supporting you. I just took the opposite side of the spectrum. You said as long as it wasn't 50% or more, I was saying any at all isn't real great.
[quote name='chrishicks']can someone explain to me how you test the PSP for dead pixels? I have a zip file of different color pics from another site but I have no idea on how to get it on the PSP. I want to email the file to my wife at work at would like to tell her what to do with it. thanks.[/quote]

Pop in the Spiderman 2 UMD and wait at the main menu screen, you should be able to see if you have one there.
[quote name='chrishicks']can someone explain to me how you test the PSP for dead pixels? I have a zip file of different color pics from another site but I have no idea on how to get it on the PSP. I want to email the file to my wife at work at would like to tell her what to do with it. thanks.[/quote]

You'll need a USB cable (not included in the value pack) to read your memory card from your PSP. Other than that, a card reader might work, if your wife has one handy.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']
Pop in the Spiderman 2 UMD and wait at the main menu screen, you should be able to see if you have one there.[/quote]

[quote name='mykevermin']
You'll need a USB cable (not included in the value pack) to read your memory card from your PSP. Other than that, a card reader might work, if your wife has one handy.[/quote]

thanks you guys. :) any idea if the USB cable from a digital camera would work since they have those laying around were she works? if not I'll just have her try the menu screen.
[quote name='chrishicks'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']
Pop in the Spiderman 2 UMD and wait at the main menu screen, you should be able to see if you have one there.[/quote]

[quote name='mykevermin']
You'll need a USB cable (not included in the value pack) to read your memory card from your PSP. Other than that, a card reader might work, if your wife has one handy.[/quote]

thanks you guys. :) any idea if the USB cable from a digital camera would work since they have those laying around were she works? if not I'll just have her try the menu screen.[/quote]

Why are putting your wife through all the trouble while shes at work? Why not wait until she gets home? The unti will be available tomorrow if thats what you are worried about.
I have several dead/stuck pixels on my screen, as well as some dust under the screen in the lower right hand corner. I'm not very happy at the moment...Gamecrazy just told me to take it up with Sony.
You know what I find odd...that out of all the complaints....the only 2 real complaints I had were:

1. That Spiderman 2 didnt come in a real PSP case.

2. That the demo disc didnt have demos on it, just movies.

No one else was annoyed by those?
Only 1 dead pixel but there's piece of lint under the screen also.

Neither are that noticible but i will still be taking mine back to FYE tonight.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']You know what I find odd...that out of all the complaints....the only 2 real complaints I had were:

1. That Spiderman 2 didnt come in a real PSP case.

2. That the demo disc didnt have demos on it, just movies.

No one else was annoyed by those?[/quote]

1. Ive never seen any 'Comes with Free Game/Movie' in an ACTUAL retail case. This is the same with NES, SNES, Geneis, etc. It would cost a bit more for a case, and then to expand the box itself to hold more room.

2. It was called a VIDEO SAMPLER DISC clearly on the BOX.
Just got Mine about an hour ago.

Used the official sony screen wiper and noticed 2 problems:

1) 1 dead pixel on the right side of the screen. Not a problem when playing.

2) 1 piece of lint on the upper part of the screen. Easily noticable but doesn't effect gameplay.

The only game i've played was Wipeout Pure and Graphically i'm impressed but other than that i'm dissapointed.
Wipeout = awesome. RR = awesome. Luminees = incredible. TM:HO = awesome. Maybe some of you should actually try these games before you go ahead and pass judgement.

Wow. With indepth reviews like that I think I will have to rush out and buy one and all of those games. I think I now know all that I need to about the system. Thanks!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
[quote name='Snake2715'][quote name='hyuga']I went with a friend and got 2 units. Dead pixels on both! There is also dust under the screen. Needless to say we will exchange them. I expected more quality from a Sony product.[/quote]

Is this a joke or are you new to gaming with sony products?[/quote]

After all the comments my "quality" remark generated, I felt compelled to post a reply. :)

I guess I was too sleepy and outraged when I posted. :p

Even though Sony gaming products have had launch problems, I have not been affected by them directly. I still have the first version of the Playstation, even though game movies skip and it freezes when it gets hot. I also have the first version of the PS2 and have not had problems with it. However, I can definately see a trend, so I tend to agree that Sony does not equal quality.

Maybe I just remember the quality of some Sony electronic products from a few decades ago. ;)
i just talked to my boss, we had quite a few psps returned this morning, he said that we (gamestop) are allowing people to return them if they have 3 or more pixels dead, otherwise they are sol or might be able to when we get more in... im not sure if this is just our region doing it or all gamestops. in either case there might be a shortage because of returns... i think id by one if i had the cash though
I'm on my 3rd PSP right now. The first one had 2 dead black pixels. The second had a cluster of dead white ones that looked like a big glob of dust. After closer inspection though, it was obviously another pixel problem.

I just got back from Gamerush with my 3rd PSP. This one is actually a "defective" one that another person returned for having one, sole dead pixel (so far, the Gamerush store I got this from has had 5 returns out of 17 PSP's sold). They told me they couldn't give me another new one because they only had 3 left to sell and all the other stores like Best Buy and Circuit City are telling people with pixel problems "tough luck"

This latest PSP I got isn't that bad though and I can't even see the bad pixel unless I'm *really* looking for it, so I'm happy.
Banzai! I finally have one with no bubble/dents on the plastic nor dead pixels!

My friend went through 11 PSPs until he got 2 good ones. I went through 4. They had at least one problem that was visible while playing. Either dead pixels, marks (like dents or bubbles) on the plastic screen cover or dust/hairs below the plastic screen cover.

I think it was worth going through all the trouble, the system is amazing! I wish these problems were addressed before launch.

What is really upsetting is that Sony does not seem to care if the customer is not satisfied. At least the retailer and the employee were very helpful.

Off to play! Lumines is brilliant!
[quote name='phatbunbao']Ok so i looked a lil closer and found 4 dead but the resolution is just amazing and it doesnt bother me[/quote]

We probably won't even really notice the pixels unless it's on a solid colored screen.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i just talked to my boss, we had quite a few psps returned this morning, he said that we (gamestop) are allowing people to return them if they have 3 or more pixels dead, otherwise they are sol or might be able to when we get more in... im not sure if this is just our region doing it or all gamestops. in either case there might be a shortage because of returns... i think id by one if i had the cash though[/quote]

and then will the store (in your case gamestop) be eating the cost of those psps, or will sony replace/fix them/accept their return?
The results are kinda suprising so far. I thought there would be more dead pixel votes. Apparently everyone talking about their dead pixels in the other thread haven't seen this poll yet. There have to be than 9 people with dead pixels.

EDIT: WHopps....just read all options more carefully..... :oops:

If a system has one or more dead pixels, does that make it more suseptible (sp?) for additional dead pixels down the road? Perhaps an ignorant question, but if anyone can shed some light, it would be appreciated.
It was pretty strange, I didnt think I had any dead pixels till I looked closer, but then are they really dead? I returned it to best buy got another one and saw the same thing. They wouldnt let me try another one saying it wasnt really dead pixels but crap trapped between the screen and plastic (dead pixels to me anyway). It wasnt crazy noticeable so I just said %@!$ it.
Trading in your PSP isnt gonna really fix your problem all the time.
[quote name='Cornfedwb'][quote name='organicow'][quote name='Rig'] really should have put a "I didn't get a PSP" option, becuase you should know that everyone is going to come in here and vote, whether or not they ever purchased the system...[/quote]

...and they would still vote "dead pixel" even if they had the "didn't get a PSP" option. This poll is supposed to be for PSP owners only, but obviously there's no stoping fanboys from cocking it up regardless of the options I did/didn't include.[/quote]

So basically if the majority says their are no dead pixels, then the PSP is great... if the majority says it has dead pixels, you'll refer back to your statement and assume it was fanboys and the voting is flawed... :roll:[/quote]

Exactly. You have created a theory that is unfalsifiable. Either, you are correct or you are correct and fanboy assholes just ruined your experiment.
[quote name='chickenhawk']Question....

If a system has one or more dead pixels, does that make it more suseptible (sp?) for additional dead pixels down the road? Perhaps an ignorant question, but if anyone can shed some light, it would be appreciated.[/quote]

No. From what I've heard and read, the pixels go bad during the manufacturing of the screen, so you shouldn't have to worry about more going bad once it's made.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='chickenhawk']Question....

If a system has one or more dead pixels, does that make it more suseptible (sp?) for additional dead pixels down the road? Perhaps an ignorant question, but if anyone can shed some light, it would be appreciated.[/quote]

No. From what I've heard and read, the pixels go bad during the manufacturing of the screen, so you shouldn't have to worry about more going bad once it's made.[/quote]

Thanks! I probably won't be getting one for a while, but I was just wondering.
[quote name='norkusa']I'm on my 3rd PSP right now. The first one had 2 dead black pixels. The second had a cluster of dead white ones that looked like a big glob of dust. After closer inspection though, it was obviously another pixel problem.

I just got back from Gamerush with my 3rd PSP. This one is actually a "defective" one that another person returned for having one, sole dead pixel (so far, the Gamerush store I got this from has had 5 returns out of 17 PSP's sold). They told me they couldn't give me another new one because they only had 3 left to sell and all the other stores like Best Buy and Circuit City are telling people with pixel problems "tough luck"

This latest PSP I got isn't that bad though and I can't even see the bad pixel unless I'm *really* looking for it, so I'm happy.[/quote]

That sucks man. Sorry to hear you're getting shafted. Good thing that I didn't go to get a PSP from Best Buy or Circuit City, which is where I would have gone had I picked one up today.
[quote name='vherub'][quote name='iheartmetal']i just talked to my boss, we had quite a few psps returned this morning, he said that we (gamestop) are allowing people to return them if they have 3 or more pixels dead, otherwise they are sol or might be able to when we get more in... im not sure if this is just our region doing it or all gamestops. in either case there might be a shortage because of returns... i think id by one if i had the cash though[/quote]

and then will the store (in your case gamestop) be eating the cost of those psps, or will sony replace/fix them/accept their return?[/quote]

i would imagine that if this is as widespread as it seems here sony will have to refund the stores who bought them with confidence that they'd work right out.. but in all reality they will probably tell the customers (did you read the warenty?)
[quote name='psunami']
Wipeout = awesome. RR = awesome. Luminees = incredible. TM:HO = awesome. Maybe some of you should actually try these games before you go ahead and pass judgement.

Wow. With indepth reviews like that I think I will have to rush out and buy one and all of those games. I think I now know all that I need to about the system. Thanks!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.[/quote]

Chances are noone would read through the "in-depth reviews" you want me to post, not even you. I wasn't trying to sell anyone on the system/games, if I was I would have applied for a job at Sony or I would have spewed my hypothetical fanboy sperm all over the gamefaqs boards.

And the whole point was that you shouldn't be paying attention to reviews/screenshots/previews in the first place, you should go out and try these games for yourself before you pass judgement like some ALREADY HAVE in this topic.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist."


P.S. I like that fanboy sperm part. Makes me chuckle.
bread's done