Finally went to my Wal-Mart today...none of those of those games were there for me.
I already have Rogue Galaxy, but I was looking for Grim for $20.
My wal-mart sucks. They carry barely any ps2 games anymore.
Success here in Vegas at the Super Wally World on Charleston between Decatur and Jones! Picked up GG and Shining Force EXA for $20 each, then threw in Taito Legends 2 at $15 for good measure. SWEET!!
[quote name='Chainsaw_charlie']Yeah my local walmart has Shadows of Destiny at $50. I went back and didnt buy any others yet but they have 4-5 of GG left.
I will trade them for the following
SPiderman friend or foe ps2
Zelda PH
Marvel Ultimate Alliance gold
SMT Nocturne[/quote]
[quote name='sasukekun']Went to check my local Super Walmart and they had GG (Had at least 4 copies @ $19.82), but ended up picking up a Wii System instead [/quote]
Whoa! Found one in the wild eh? Congrats!
On Topic:
The Walmart I went to had a least 3 more each of GG and EXA...didn't see Rogue Galaxy, though I wasn't looking for it as I already have it. They also had a STACK of Wii Zappers FYI.
Thanks much OP! I'd been looking at GG on eBay for a while now, but thanks to you and my local Wal-Mart (Winston-Salem, NC), I picked up GG, plus EXA (already have RG). When I left they still had copies of all three (I think 3 GG, 2 EXA, plus 3 or 4 RG @19.82+tax each). ^_^
Grabbed Grim Grimoire at Norwalk, CA... They were marked at $40, but it rang up as $19.82 (saved 17 cents?)... There were about 2-3 copies left if anyone in the area is interested...
I hit a few stores on Monday to find these. You definitely have to look towards the bottom of the shelves where they stack the games nobody generally asks for.
Best of luck, and watch out for those Xmas shopping crowds!
Manville, NJ - lots of Rogue Galaxy
Whitehouse Station, NJ - nothing
Clinton, NJ - a couple copies of GG and Shining Force EXA
Good deal. I was waiting on GG to drop. Thanks, OP!
BTW: I'm returning my copy of Shining Force EXA unless anyone wants it. $28 should cover the cost + gas + shipping & insurance. Paypal only. PM me if interested.
I went to Walmart to get the new flavors of Doritos/Lays Kettle Cooked and the Gingerbread pop tarts (yeah, I'm a health nut :lol:).
While I was there I figured I'd check to see if I could find GG and SF:E. I first checked the glass case, nothing. Then I noticed they had a bin with a bunch of games in it. Everything was pile in so I had to do some digging and stopped looking after finding two GG and three SF:E.
I bought two of each, one of each will be going on my tradelist if anyone is still looking for them. I was surprised when I found GG as I don't remember ever seeing it there.
Went to wal-mart on Sunday and they only had GG. I of course bought it, but i was looking for Rogue Galaxy. So, feeling unsatisfied, i drove to target and found Rogue Galaxy in the Bargain bin for 20 bucks. Now i feel better
i have been playing grim for 4 1/2 hours right now it is realy good if you like anime with your rts and yes the story is right out of hairy potter but good none the less
This thread flew under my radar. I'll have to run over to Wal-Mart to check if they have any copies of RG left--I believe they do.
Slightly less OT, I remember a thread explaining what the prices of Wal-Mart meant. i.e. .88 is a closeout price IIRC. I forget what 82 is, but I think it's just a regular Wal-Mart "everyday low"?
Nope, I was wrong: no copies of RG @ my nearest Wal-Mart. They did have copies of SF:Ex and GG tagged regular price. I assume they'll scan as $19.82, but since I'm not really interested in either title, I didn't try.
Now that I think about it, I do remember seeing copies of RG in stock with the $19.82 sale tag under it, but I held back on it for some reason--possibly in anticipation of an Amazon or other deal.
Got the last copy of GG (which was taken out of the display case and into the clearance aisle) at the Corona, Cali, store off of Mckinley. Saw one copy of RG and a couple of SF:EXA at the bottom of the PS2 display case.
Copes of GG, RG, and SF EXA were in-stock in the case at the wal-mart in Charlotte down south near Tryon and 485 if anyone is interested...I was considering getting them but ended up not..several copies of all three as far as I could see. GG and RG were 19.xx but SF EXA was stacked at the bottom w/ no way to tell the price it is marked.
i FINALLY manage to find Grimgrimoire for the mentioned price! i bought 2 and 1 Shining Force EXA. didn't bother with Rogue Galaxy since i already bought that from Kmart.
If my Walmart doesn't have GG and RG, how would i go about prce matching this at, say... Best Buy? Since it's not advertised, proof is hard to come by.
[quote name='Chronis']If my Walmart doesn't have GG and RG, how would i go about prce matching this at, say... Best Buy? Since it's not advertised, proof is hard to come by.[/quote]
Best Buy is supposed to call your Walmart to get confirmation on the price and to see if they have it in stock. If it's not in stock, then you can get denied.
I scored Tales of the Abyss and Xenosaga 3 at $19.82 apiece. They rang up $29.99 but were placed on a display with GG and Rogue Galaxy plus other $19.82 dollar games. YMMV on that.
[quote name='Dkellar']I scored Tales of the Abyss and Xenosaga 3 at $19.82 apiece. They rang up $29.99 but were placed on a display with GG and Rogue Galaxy plus other $19.82 dollar games. YMMV on that.[/quote]
damn i should have checked them! they had a ton of those games too!
btw, i saw .Hack Outbreak Vol 3. they had it at the bargain price of $49.82
Went to Walmart yesterday and found a bunch of copies of Rogue Galaxy that I'm sure weren't there when I looked earlier this week and last week. Don't know if it was just backroom stock, but it might be worth revisiting to check again if the games weren't there before.
On another note, is there any reason to get Shining Force EXA if I already have Shining Force Neo? I haven't played SFN yet, but in the case that I do like it, is there any reason I'd want EXA? I've seen mixed reviews on which is the better of the two.
I found these in a box marked "Video games $20 or less." They were mixed in with a bunch of old Xbox Platinum Hits titles. There was also a copy of Soul Nomad in there, but it rang up $40 and so I didn't buy it.
I got GG and RG, but I would also like to know whether Shining Force is worth $20. I haven't heard anything about it. In my opinion, a game has to be either really bad or really formulaic and easy (i.e. licensed crap) to not be worth $20 new. So unless it's really bad or buggy I'll probably go get it too.
[quote name='mguiddy']If that isn't the stupidest thing. If the other store had them in stock, why would someone bother to get them price matched?[/quote]
Because you can get 110% of the difference, perhaps?
[quote name='eau']Found 2 GrimGrimoire but both had the disc dislodged/loose. I didn't know it's even possible in a PS2 game case. WTF![/quote]
I usually do the shake test to hear if the disc is loosed inside, this is what happens with UMD games for PSP the spine is very weak. PS2 games I rarely get that issue.
Yeah, I got Grim Grimoire (PS2) and Command & Conquer (360) today for $20 each and yesterday I bought Oblivion (original version for 360) for $20. I only did this because they were the last copies and since I'm on Christmas vacation and don't have a Wal-Mart anywhere near me, I thought I'd better bite while this deal is good...