HD collections - discussion and speculation

I'd love to see HD remakes/rereleases of
Ape Escape series
PaRappa The Rapper
Katamari Damacy collection
[quote name='Sinistar']I'd love to see HD remakes/rereleases of
Ape Escape series
PaRappa The Rapper
Katamari Damacy collection[/QUOTE]

fuck hd remakes, gimme a new TOMBA! I love those two games so much :D (though I admit I'd like a remake of them too)
[quote name='Enuf']everyone is still asking the same ? LOL

Screw IGN.

There is a reason they are being re-released and upgraded to HD, these are good games of the past. PS3 hasn't been backwards compatible for YEARS. I want more, even if I own the PS2 games, the upgrade is welcomed. I'd rather have these than lame DLC games they charge $15-20 for.

You can normally find these collections for $10~$20 on sale, and that is for 2-3 games bundled in one. I found God of War Collection (not Origins) for $7.48 at Target clearance once, the deals are out there!
Not to try to start a debate over the two consoles, but has anyone seen comparison of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection between 360 and PS3? Pure curiosity, because this is pretty much the first time, that I know of anyway, that a PS2 and PSP game been ported to 360 and curious how it looks.
[quote name='thunder_gamer']Not to try to start a debate over the two consoles, but has anyone seen comparison of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection between 360 and PS3? Pure curiosity, because this is pretty much the first time, that I know of anyway, that a PS2 and PSP game been ported to 360 and curious how it looks.[/QUOTE]

If you've been playing the MG series for some time, it might just come naturally to continue playing it on the DS control layout. The PS3 version has a full set of trophies for both MGS2 and MGS3, while the two games are grouped together on the 360. On the PS3 version, you can transfer (or "transfar") Peace Walker save data from the PSP.
[quote name='Enuf']everyone is still asking the same ? LOL

If they keep making money on remakes, they will keep producing them. And I am sure it costs MILLIONS (maybe 20 mil or more!) less to remake a game in HD than to produce a new one. And of it truly was a "classic" like GOW, or Metal Gear, its almost guaranteed to sell well. Lets also remember these games are actually upgraded graphically and in other ways, so at least we get something new out of the deal.

I cant wait for Jak and Daxter and hopefully Ratchet and Clank soon. Jak was one of the first PS2 games I played and I still remember how in awe I was of the graphics and size of the game world. I saw a video the other day of it and couldn't believe how small they looked now!
[quote name='wrencrest']If they keep making money on remakes, they will keep producing them. And I am sure it costs MILLIONS (maybe 20 mil or more!) less to remake a game in HD than to produce a new one. And of it truly was a "classic" like GOW, or Metal Gear, its almost guaranteed to sell well. Lets also remember these games are actually upgraded graphically and in other ways, so at least we get something new out of the deal.[/QUOTE]I think the main issue is there needs to be checks & balances...I don't wanna see 2 versions of a remake when they should put 4-5 titles(especially older ones that would definitely fit on blu-ray) out once. The DmC collection should include ALL 4 games that way a person new to the series gets the complete experience. The MGS coll should include ALL of the Metal Gear games there's no reason not too. And when there's a new game in the franchise offer either the complete package(all the games + the new title) in a truly SE with all the DLC for $100-$120. Or have a voucher in the new game that can get the collection at a discounted price.
Beat MGS 2 again -- what 10 years later? The ending is still confusing as fuck. Awesome game. Now they need to port MGS 4 to xbox. =-]
I have zero issues with all of these reissues. It probably takes very little resources to release them, compared to a new game, and it puts a lot of money into the pockets of publishers, money that they can then turn around and potentially invest in new projects. Also, as numerous people have already pointed out, these collections are excellent opportunities for new gamers to get into series. I mean, some series it doesn't really matter where you start. But something like Metal Gear, with its convoluted storylines and long cutscenes...it helps to play the earlier games.

[quote name='GUNNM']Beat MGS 2 again -- what 10 years later? The ending is still confusing as fuck. Awesome game. Now they need to port MGS 4 to xbox. =-][/QUOTE]

I'm an achievement whore on the 360, so a MGS4 would give me a nerdgasm for sure, especially if it gave me a reason to play MGO some more.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']What's the verdict on MGS Collection with regards to textures, etc? Is it a res bump only, or was there some work done on the games?[/QUOTE]

I don't think they added new textures. At least it didn't seem like it when I was playing MGS2.
I am all for HD collections. They get the studios more money for future projects and they don't take up too many resources from said studios. Then we get to enjoy older games that we might not own anymore/never owned. I sold some of these games (Sly, MGS, Jak and Daxter) to friends a long time ago and would love the chance to play them redone in HD.
[quote name='wrencrest']I cant wait for Jak and Daxter and hopefully Ratchet and Clank soon. Jak was one of the first PS2 games I played and I still remember how in awe I was of the graphics and size of the game world. I saw a video the other day of it and couldn't believe how small they looked now![/QUOTE]

Unfortunately my first PS2 game played was Summoner, but it did have a funny Cheetos D&D easter egg. But keeping with Naughty Dog awesomeness, my first PS3 game played was Uncharted 1 at a friends, that made me want a PS3 and look how much has improved over the years now.
Can't wait for the Jak trilogy, never finished them on PS2.

I just finished MGS3 HD today, got all the animals and frogs. Three more trophies until the platinum. MUCH easier than MGS2. Shouldn't be too hard for the last three with the stealth camo from the frogs. Just have to run through and get a camo I missed, no kills, and a face paint I missed (forgot to carry the snake fish until the end of the game). I would have had no kills, but apparently if you tranquilize someone in the mountain levels a vulture will come along and start eating them. I finished with one kill because of that, pretty frustrating.
[quote name='blindinglights']I don't think they added new textures. At least it didn't seem like it when I was playing MGS2.[/QUOTE]

Is it noticeably better looking than the original?
Yes, both Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are much better looking, IMO. You just have to keep in mind that MGS2 still has that overall bland look due to the Tanker part all being on open water with the buildings all the same color. Snake Eater was awesome, it looked great. Especially all of the wooded areas.

I think it's worth it even if you already have the previous PS2 copies (I have the original PS2 releases and the Essentials Collection and still bought this). So far I've played through 2 and 3 twice. Haven't touched Peace Walker yet.
[quote name='blindinglights']Yes, both Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are much better looking, IMO. You just have to keep in mind that MGS2 still has that overall bland look due to the Tanker part all being on open water with the buildings all the same color. Snake Eater was awesome, it looked great. Especially all of the wooded areas.

I think it's worth it even if you already have the previous PS2 copies (I have the original PS2 releases and the Essentials Collection and still bought this). So far I've played through 2 and 3 twice. Haven't touched Peace Walker yet.[/QUOTE]

Excellent, I'll probably pick it up when it lowers in price some. Love the series, haven't played 2/3 in a few years - never played Peace Walker. Thanks for the info
I fired up the TR collection and I gotta say, the games really look great. I didn't think they would look as good as they do...

It's too bad that my Underworld save isn't recognized even though the trophies are (not trying to double dip, that game is too glitchy in regards to trophies).:whistle2:?
They really need a Kingdom Hearts HD collection, oh wait, scratch that...they need a KH3 -_- FF13 Versus is already taking super long, I'm sure KH3 will probably come out for PS4 instead since the KH crew is working on versus.
[quote name='Vinny']I fired up the TR collection and I gotta say, the games really look great. I didn't think they would look as good as they do...

It's too bad that my Underworld save isn't recognized even though the trophies are (not trying to double dip, that game is too glitchy in regards to trophies).:whistle2:?[/QUOTE]

Strange, none of the trophies glitched for me. Guess I was lucky
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Strange, none of the trophies glitched for me. Guess I was lucky[/QUOTE]

I didn't have any issues with trophy glitches, I just meant that I ran into more than my fair share of in game glitches while trying to get trophies. The game's far from perfectly in regards to polish.
Ohhhhh. Gotcha. I didn't have any of those, guess I'm lucky.

NBA 2k11, though... oof.

Gonna get to the GoW: Origins Collection before I finally play GoW: 3. I'm glad the Collections came out for the GoW series; never did play 2 on PS2, and I've never had a PSP, so I'll get to play those now as well.
[quote name='Vinny']I fired up the TR collection and I gotta say, the games really look great. I didn't think they would look as good as they do...

It's too bad that my Underworld save isn't recognized even though the trophies are (not trying to double dip, that game is too glitchy in regards to trophies).:whistle2:?[/QUOTE]

How good would you say TR looked? I was considering getting the collection but thought there would be no way they would look very good even in HD. Did you play the God of War HD collection? How would the graphics compare to those?
[quote name='Gannikus']They really need a Kingdom Hearts HD collection, oh wait, scratch that...they need a KH3 -_- FF13 Versus is already taking super long, I'm sure KH3 will probably come out for PS4 instead since the KH crew is working on versus.[/QUOTE]

And yet they had time to make like 4 portable KHs and multiple FFs since Kingdom Hearts 2 in 2006. I've been waiting since then for KH3, but I'll settle for an HD collection
[quote name='Organization_XIII']And yet they had time to make like 4 portable KHs and multiple FFs since Kingdom Hearts 2 in 2006. I've been waiting since then for KH3, but I'll settle for an HD collection[/QUOTE]

It never occurred to me they'd do a HD collection for KH. Since KH3 has been in the works for years. It's the new Duke unfortunately. Maybe Last Guardian, but longer.

I would settle for a HD collection because KH1 is so nostalgia and KH2 improved on so much, the improvements to battle are so fun. Of course the story goes wonky, but that's what I love about it. I never played a hand-held one, so you can imagine how much I'm aching for one. The 3rd game in a HD collection could be "Re:Chain of Memories" since it was already upgraded from hand-held to a PS2 title.

I'm also glad to see the trend of titles like Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker and the God of War PSP titles hit HD remakes. As I never got to play them before and I'd rather play games on my TV.
[quote name='wrencrest']How good would you say TR looked? I was considering getting the collection but thought there would be no way they would look very good even in HD. Did you play the God of War HD collection? How would the graphics compare to those?[/QUOTE]

Obviously not as good as the Xbox 360 versions but basically, the graphics quality is on par with how good the GoW HD Collections look, which is surprising since the PS2 versions of the TR Legend/Anniversary pale in comparison to the PS2 versions of GoW1/2. The character/enemy models (besides Lara, who looks fantastic) look pretty bad, like low polygon count bad, but the levels look great thanks to better textures and lighting is excellent.

If you can find it at BBY, it should still be $10 form what people have been saying.

EDIT* I found these, it will give you a better idea of how things look. The textures really make a huge difference (even better than the PC version) and there's also less fog in the PS3 version too...

[quote name='Organization_XIII']And yet they had time to make like 4 portable KHs and multiple FFs since Kingdom Hearts 2 in 2006. I've been waiting since then for KH3, but I'll settle for an HD collection[/QUOTE]

And outside of BbS, they weren't exactly good either. If they want an easy cash cow, an HD port would do wonders.
They timed the GoW Collection right with God of War 3, although they also had a poll where they asked what people wanted and they voted overwhelmingly for the HD Collection.

I'm sure they would release at the very least, KH 1 & 2 HD collection before 3 came out, and maybe at some point a PSP HD Collection like they did for Origins at a later date. It's an easy cash cow for them.
[quote name='GUNNM']half way done with the dog tags

You are insane.

I tried to hold an enemy up in MGS2 and found that I completely forgot the process. I'd worry about learning it again but realistically, the chance of me ever running through the whole game sticking everyone up is exactly zero.
[quote name='62t']Playing Metal Gear Solid 2 HD on Xbox 360, and the load time is horrible for Codec. Is it as bad on PS3?[/QUOTE]

Maybe I wasn't paying that much attention but I don't remember dealing with any slow loading in 2 or 3 on PS3.
[quote name='blindinglights']Maybe I wasn't paying that much attention but I don't remember dealing with any slow loading in 2 or 3 on PS3.[/QUOTE]

There is a slight delay, but I didn't notice it until you mentioned it.
[quote name='Halo05']You are insane.

I tried to hold an enemy up in MGS2 and found that I completely forgot the process. I'd worry about learning it again but realistically, the chance of me ever running through the whole game sticking everyone up is exactly zero.[/QUOTE]
I finished it a couple of days ago. From very easy to extreme. Fatman on extreme was so hard

[quote name='62t']Playing Metal Gear Solid 2 HD on Xbox 360, and the load time is horrible for Codec. Is it as bad on PS3?[/QUOTE]
No problems with my version on the codec and I'm playing the xbox version as well
dmc2 was definately the fail of that trilogy. can't wait for it!
also yeah, kh3, omg, hopefully some day.
arent they doing ff hd too, wow
n yeah, gow hds have been perfect, i know tr and pop and sc will be horrible, lol.
but mgs should be awesome.
n yeah psp games in hd is awesome cuz i never touched a psp in my life.

peace all
The Great Dane(all dog tags) Trophy for MGS2 HD can be glitched. I have all the Plant dog tags, but still got the trophy while I'm missing Hard and Extreme for the Tanker.
bread's done