HD collections - discussion and speculation

[quote name='Dahk']Anyone?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, you've just got to time it carefully. Find a video on youtube to see how it's done.

SotC is kind of infuriating me with Wander's limp noodle wrist strength. I put up with it alright during the regular mode, but Time Attack is a fucking chore now. It's become akin to gambling. Every stab charge is a roll of the dice that you're probably going to lose as you watch the precious seconds tick away. After watching him drunkenly stumble up Barba's beard and then fall off for running out of stamina I threw in the towel for the night.:wall:
I hope Blue Point releases a patch for this. You can't have a time attack mode with this much random chance and fucking poor control.
Capcom announces Devil May Cry HD collection out of nowhere, well not really. The surprise, I think would have to be the first 3 games for $39.99. Great price for the three games, that is if Capcom put in some effort for the remaster unlike a recent Capcom game remaster.
[quote name='retro.elite']that is if Capcom put in some effort for the remaster unlike a recent Capcom game remaster.[/QUOTE]
Doesn't look like they did. It looks like a higher res and AA, but the textures still look blurry in the screens they released.
I beat SOTC a few days ago and the game is even better than I remember it. Castlevania was a nice attempt, but the simplicity and environment really draws you into SOTC even though it's light on the dialogue. My only complaint really lies in the how precise you have to be positioned over a rune in order to stab it and once you get to that spot, you can literally charge all the way to attack until the rune dims because the colossus doesn't move. It's really fucking nuts and frustrating. Because of this, I don't think I'm going to even bother trying to platinum it. I can't wait to try Ico after I beat hard mode.

As for the DMC collection, I don't know if I want to go through the pain of S-ranking 1 and 3 again. 2 is going to be impossible with the ranking system, but the screens look pretty damn good to me considering how crappy they look on the fatty. It's going to be a tough call because I'm not even sure I'm going to get MGS HD.
[quote name='retro.elite']Capcom announces Devil May Cry HD collection out of nowhere, well not really. The surprise, I think would have to be the first 3 games for $39.99. Great price for the three games, that is if Capcom put in some effort for the remaster unlike a recent Capcom game remaster.[/QUOTE]

Considering how they just just upscaled Code Veronica and RE4 and charged $20 for each, at $40 for 3 games, I bet we'll get even less. I'm guess is they'll be upscaled to 1080i.:lol:
So I just beat Ico the other night and as someone who never played the PS2 version, I thought it was pretty good. Not sure if I agree with all of the hype though. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't gone into the game with super high expectations after everything I have read about the game on these forums. I was definitely hoping for more story. I thought the tone of the game was very good though. I didnt really understand the ending.

I am definitely hoping for more out of SotC, as I have never played that game either. I don't want to get myself too hyped though.
[quote name='Dahk']So I just beat Ico the other night and as someone who never played the PS2 version, I thought it was pretty good. Not sure if I agree with all of the hype though. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't gone into the game with super high expectations after everything I have read about the game on these forums. I was definitely hoping for more story. I thought the tone of the game was very good though. I didnt really understand the ending.

I am definitely hoping for more out of SotC, as I have never played that game either. I don't want to get myself too hyped though.[/QUOTE]
The story in SOTC is very minimal. It's pretty much up to you to fill in the gaps from the little info they give you.
I played SOTC on PS2 & was hella impressed across the board, I got the collection but probably won't play it until early 2012. The sales seem pretty good 350,000 so far & will probably seem 800,000 by yrs end.
Does anyone think either title or both will see a sequel(s) considering that's a primary reason why these are being released. If so, because they didn't exactly set the sales charts on fire will 1 or both go multi-plat for a possible sequel?
It would be nice to see some different titles come out each yr that go a different route then "just another shooter/brawler/fighter" & when companies do take a chance & delivery they should see some sales rewards. Right now Dark Souls is the one.

Back OT,
Can't wait for the MGS coll & tekken Hybrid
I think it was a way to gauge interest in re-releasing PS2 games and feeling out the price points to charge them at. This also helps them get around the pesky problem of BC that's been like a thorn in their side for a while. They won't make a lot of money from them, but I'm sure it gives them ROI.

My next 3 purchases include MGS(mostly for Peace Walker) and DMC(lost DMC2 somewhere). I guess I'll be putting my PS2 copies in storage.

And since I have $20 credit from Newegg because of the Dark Souls mishap, $30 for MGS HD is a no brainer imo.
[quote name='Dahk']So I just beat Ico the other night and as someone who never played the PS2 version, I thought it was pretty good. Not sure if I agree with all of the hype though. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't gone into the game with super high expectations after everything I have read about the game on these forums. I was definitely hoping for more story. I thought the tone of the game was very good though. I didnt really understand the ending.

I am definitely hoping for more out of SotC, as I have never played that game either. I don't want to get myself too hyped though.[/QUOTE]

Hype around these games is dangerous because they're greatness is very much within their subtleties more than anything else -- they aren't games that blow you away every second like an Uncharted 2 or what have you, instead their power lies in your personal reflection of the experience. Go in open minded, have a bit of imagination, and play in solitude if you can. SotC features one of the most powerful tales I've ever experienced and there's probably only half a page of dialogue.

I'm sure I sound like a pretentious douche ;)


As for MGS I will wait for the $25 mark or so. That LE artbook looks amazing but yeah.. =[
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So I take it "transfarring" for the PS3 version of Metal Gear Solid HD collection isn't going to be available in the U.S., least that's what Joystiq's website is saying.

I hope there will be DLC for the ability of transfarring. I have the PSP version of Peace Walker in my backlog and wouldn't mind.
[quote name='Enuf']I played SOTC on PS2 & was hella impressed across the board, I got the collection but probably won't play it until early 2012. The sales seem pretty good 350,000 so far & will probably seem 800,000 by yrs end.
Does anyone think either title or both will see a sequel(s) considering that's a primary reason why these are being released. If so, because they didn't exactly set the sales charts on fire will 1 or both go multi-plat for a possible sequel?
It would be nice to see some different titles come out each yr that go a different route then "just another shooter/brawler/fighter" & when companies do take a chance & delivery they should see some sales rewards. Right now Dark Souls is the one.

Back OT,
Can't wait for the MGS coll & tekken Hybrid[/QUOTE]

Actually Shadow of the Colossus is the "Spiritual Sequel" to Ico
There is a deeper meaning to this, and the 2 games are very linked. Part of the joy I had with these back on the PS2 was figuring this out, so I won't spoil it even in spoil tag, PM me if you want to know.
and the upcoming PS3 game The Last Guardian should be the "Spiritual Sequel" to both Ico/SotC. So in short "Yes" :D
Goddamn, did anyone see the trophy lists for the MGS collection?

One of the trophies for MGS2 is collect all dog tags...holy fuck. That means playing in every single difficulty, including INSANE. Anyone ever play MGS2 in Insane? The MGS Ray fight? Holy fuck, ANNOYING.
[quote name='IRHari']Goddamn, did anyone see the trophy lists for the MGS collection?

One of the trophies for MGS2 is collect all dog tags...holy fuck. That means playing in every single difficulty, including INSANE. Anyone ever play MGS2 in Insane? The MGS Ray fight? Holy fuck, ANNOYING.[/QUOTE]
Not even buying it. I'm over MGS TBH.
[quote name='IRHari']Goddamn, did anyone see the trophy lists for the MGS collection?

One of the trophies for MGS2 is collect all dog tags...holy fuck. That means playing in every single difficulty, including INSANE. Anyone ever play MGS2 in Insane? The MGS Ray fight? Holy fuck, ANNOYING.[/QUOTE]
Wow...wtf. On the brightside, you can make hard and extreme easier by getting the tags in very easy, easy, and normal.

I had a harder time on Solidus than the Rays tbh. YMMV...lolzz
[quote name='IRHari']Goddamn, did anyone see the trophy lists for the MGS collection?

One of the trophies for MGS2 is collect all dog tags...holy fuck. That means playing in every single difficulty, including INSANE. Anyone ever play MGS2 in Insane? The MGS Ray fight? Holy fuck, ANNOYING.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? That would be painful for people that are not that hardcore.

[quote name='Jodou']Not even buying it. I'm over MGS TBH.[/QUOTE]

I kind of am too. Do not like how they milking money from fans, so many editions. By the time of the next next generation, 720, PS4, whatever, they probably going to have MGS UHD bundle. I probably will still buy it for Peace Walker, but maybe not playing them sinc eI am already done with the PS2 versions of 2 and 3.
[quote name='IRHari']Goddamn, did anyone see the trophy lists for the MGS collection?

One of the trophies for MGS2 is collect all dog tags...holy fuck. That means playing in every single difficulty, including INSANE. Anyone ever play MGS2 in Insane? The MGS Ray fight? Holy fuck, ANNOYING.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I did it one summer to get all the dog tags. Wasn't so bad until I got to the Ray part.
Bluepoint screwed up badly with the Trophies in ICO and SOTC being so ridiculous (and the fact it's the European versions, meaning they're much harder on top of the hard trophies)...seems like they did it again with MGS.
[quote name='KingBroly']Bluepoint screwed up badly with the Trophies in ICO and SOTC being so ridiculous (and the fact it's the European versions, meaning they're much harder on top of the hard trophies)...seems like they did it again with MGS.[/QUOTE]
After 5+ playthroughs just getting the max stamina trophy, I said fuck this.
[quote name='Jodou']After 5+ playthroughs just getting the max stamina trophy, I said fuck this.[/QUOTE]


On a different note, seems like Amazon has sold out of their LE MGS Collection. Glad I bought one as I suspected it'd be a honest LE as Konami is like to do.

I may just buy a regular version and keep my LE sealed.
[quote name='thunder_gamer']
I kind of am too. Do not like how they milking money from fans, so many editions. By the time of the next next generation, 720, PS4, whatever, they probably going to have MGS UHD bundle. I probably will still buy it for Peace Walker, but maybe not playing them sinc eI am already done with the PS2 versions of 2 and 3.[/QUOTE]

It's not necessarily milking. It's only milking if you've played the series since it's inception and you buy the game. Honestly, it gives new gamers a chance to see what the series was about. There are plenty of people where PS3 is their first console.
Am I out of luck or will Amazon have more in stock later for LE MGD Collection?
I had this in my cart completely forgot to pre-order.

The Gamestop around my area only has enough for pre-orders.

I'm so upset at myself :(
[quote name='GUNNM']I remember MGS 2 being better. =I[/QUOTE]
It was great in the PS2 era, but a lot was refined for MGS3, which makes MGS2's flaws a bit more exaggerated IMO. It's almost 10 years old, remember?;)
[quote name='GUNNM']I remember MGS 2 being better. =I[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dohdough']It was great in the PS2 era, but a lot was refined for MGS3, which makes MGS2's flaws a bit more exaggerated IMO. It's almost 10 years old, remember?;)[/QUOTE]

10 years old in a few days, right? Crazy!
By the way is the MGS3 in the HD Collection the Subsistence version? THat is, is there a 3d camera you can adjust, or is it stuck on overhead like MGS2 is?

Thinking of getting this, but it will likely be on sale Black Friday. I'll snag it then.
[quote name='IRHari']By the way is the MGS3 in the HD Collection the Subsistence version? THat is, is there a 3d camera you can adjust, or is it stuck on overhead like MGS2 is?

Thinking of getting this, but it will likely be on sale Black Friday. I'll snag it then.[/QUOTE]
yeah its the sub version also comes with MG 1 and 2
[quote name='thunder_gamer']I kind of am too. Do not like how they milking money from fans, so many editions. By the time of the next next generation, 720, PS4, whatever, they probably going to have MGS UHD bundle. I probably will still buy it for Peace Walker, but maybe not playing them sinc eI am already done with the PS2 versions of 2 and 3.[/QUOTE]what they need to do is offer a complete collection when a new title in the series is available(once per gen with warranted franchises), make it truly a LE with all the bells/whistles & price it accordingly $90-$125.

[quote name='JMEPO']http://ps3.ign.com/articles/121/1212038p1.html
Jak and Daxter trilogy confirmed! :D[/QUOTE]TBH, at this point I fully expect to see most of the really popular franchises with at least 3 titles find there way back thru HD collections(some merged with new releases). Twisted Metal, Soul Reaver, Parasite Eve, Final Fastasy, Crash Bandicoot, Max Payne, Persona, Onimusha, GTA & Disgaea.
[quote name='finsfan0210']What did the patch do for the MGS HD Collection?[/QUOTE]

From what I've read so far, it fixed some trophy syncing issues.
[quote name='wrencrest']Awesome, but they also need to have Ratchet and Clank trilogy at the same time.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure they will. I mean, shit, everything else is being re-released in HD. I still haven't picked up Sly yet but I'll get it when it's cheap enough. I might get Jak early on though since it is made by ND.
[quote name='Vinny']I'm sure they will. I mean, shit, everything else is being re-released in HD. I still haven't picked up Sly yet but I'll get it when it's cheap enough. I might get Jak early on though since it is made by ND.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I just wish they would announce it though and get it over with. I have always loved the different wacky weaponry in Ratchet and Clank games and would love to play through the old ones for trophies in glorious HD.

I know a lot of folks enjoyed Sly, but I just couldnt get into it. The jumping mechanic bothered me and it was just too slow. Again, my ADD catches up to me. I just need more action now a days!
I too couldn't deal with the Sly games this time around. I had more fun watching a kid I was babysitting play them back in like 2005.

Gotta get MGS HD sometime soon. Maybe. I think Skyrim would distract me too much. Plus I'm trying to replay RDR sometime soon.
Played MGS2 pretty much all night. So far I have 13/46 trophies, but I missed a few easy ones plus I couldn't figure out for the life of me what you're supposed to do to get the Kissing Booth one yet. Getting all the tags is going to be a pain like mentioned before.

I totally forgot how cutscene and dialog heavy the game is. The extra playthroughs won't be as bad when I skip them all, but I'm watching this time through since it's been so long since I played the game.

I was tempted to start MGS3 first, but I figured since it was my favorite I should save it until I get 2 finished, which is definitely my least favorite in the entire series. I think I like it a little more now that the "We lost Snake in favor of this pansy?" has fully worn off, but still.

One other thing, I noticed the part where you put in your info always defaults to United Kingdom instead of the United States. I thought that was strange, guess they got lazy for the North American release.
[quote name='wrencrest']Awesome, but they also need to have Ratchet and Clank trilogy at the same time.[/QUOTE]

Yes! I just recently got into the Ratchet & Clank Future series and I've never played the PS2 games. They're cheap now but I'd rather an HD collection come out instead.
[quote name='blindinglights']I couldn't figure out for the life of me what you're supposed to do to get the Kissing Booth one yet. [/QUOTE]

I think if you go into a locker that has a girly poster and enter FP view, Snake will start kissing the poster.
[quote name='blindinglights']Played MGS2 pretty much all night. So far I have 13/46 trophies, but I missed a few easy ones plus I couldn't figure out for the life of me what you're supposed to do to get the Kissing Booth one yet. Getting all the tags is going to be a pain like mentioned before.[/QUOTE]

Aren't there a bunch of pin-up posters with models on them, in the Big Shell? Maybe you have to rub up against one or something.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I think if you go into a locker that has a girly poster and enter FP view, Snake will start kissing the poster.[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought too, but nothing happened when I tried that. Maybe I didn't wait long enough?
[quote name='Vinny']Saw that... but I still can't make myself buy it. For the first time in a long time, I just can't bring myself to buy a game I want for $20. I'm nearing the 1000 game mark and I feel like I should be selling off my games instead of buying more.[/QUOTE]

Might be a good idea since it will be impossible to ever play all those games. Unless you never buy another game again, but we all know that wont happen! lol
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I think if you go into a locker that has a girly poster and enter FP view, Snake will start kissing the poster.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IRHari']Aren't there a bunch of pin-up posters with models on them, in the Big Shell? Maybe you have to rub up against one or something.[/QUOTE]

You guys were right. It worked when I tried it again but on a different poster this time.

I beat the game tonight, I think it's safe to say I will never go through Metal Gear Solid 2 and actually watch all of the cut scenes and dialog segments ever again. I think when I was younger I must have skipped some of them because I definitely do not remember that scene before the
fight being nearly an hour long. My girlfriend was looking at me sit in the chair with the controller laying on the arm rest and said "Does it ever let you actually play?" It got really old after a while.

Looking through the trophies, I don't know if taking on the Platinum is worth it. I have 28/46 so far, but the reality of how much time it will take to do all dog tags on all difficulties plus all the VR/alternative missions plus getting first place in 50 or more VR/alternative missions is really starting to sink in. I might try to finish the VR, alternate, boss survival, and snake tales but I don't know about much more than that. I don't like going for a platinum unless I really like the game, and I have a feeling that going for it on this game will just make me hate it.
Yeah man like I said, I got all the dog tags in the PS2 version. SO FRUSTRATING because you have to play in Extreme mode. 25 MGS Rays bro. 25. And don't forget about the Harrier, which of course, has one shot kills and shit.
bread's done