Heroes, Volume 5: Redemption - Season 4 airs Mondays at 8pm, starting Fall 2009

don't understand why some are perplexed about the gay angle that they are heading down, the series has always been soaked in political allegory. Though the first two seasons were subdued, it still had the allegory of the little people vs. big corporations. Last season they turned terrorists into heroes. This season with the way Jeremy died (Matthew Sheppard) and with Clair doing dyke, going by the other seasons, its obvious that they are now heading down the heroes are gay people allegory
Tonights ep was EXACTLY what they need to be doing more of. There was complete purpose the whole way through. Loved it.
This episode, I think, explains all of the actions we've seen Sylar take, as well as how he was in 5 Years Gone. This ep tied together a lot of the loose Sylar ends as well as his reasons for switching sides and going after love.
[quote name='Pookymeister']i thought there would be more of an uproar about a certain character reappearing at the end last nite[/QUOTE]

Well, you knew he'd be back at some point and that they'd have to explain where he'd been. That covers it.

I loved the Chrono Trigger reference, and thought the ep was pretty sound overall. Turns out their latest attempt to capture the magic of season one involves literally going back to it.
Last nights episode was pretty good but, I find some possible errors.
Why did past Hiro and Ando ask about Hiro's sword? Did he have the sword in the first season? I know he had it in Volume 2 but I can't remember if he first got it in Season 1. Another thing is HRG says he doesn't know what Sylar looks like when they are looking for him in Texas in the flashback to Season 1. However in Volume 3 Episode 8 there is a flashback of him and Elle where they were tracking Sylar for the company and sent him "bait". Therefore they feel partly responsible for what he becomes.

After killing for the first time, Gabriel tried to hang himself. He's saved by Elle! Bennet knew about Sylar before he became a serial killer!! They were watching Sylar because his power of transferring power is so rare. Elle continues to cultivate a friendship with Gabriel, even as he is fighting his compulsion. Bennet pushes Elle to introduce another Special person to Gabriel, so that they can see him kill. It was Bennet that turned Gabriel into a serial killer!

Elle justifies 'introducing' Gabriel to another Special person by comparing it to the AA. Trevor has a very cool power, can blow things up. By showing off Trevor's power and going on and on about how special he is, Gabriel snapped. They got what they wanted, to see how he takes anothers power.

Volume 3 Episode 11 part two
HRG begins telling Sylar that Arthur and Angela Petrelli aren't his parents and that they're manipulating him. Elle tells Sylar he's lying, but HRG says Elle helped create Sylar. HRG says they can never have a normal life since Sylar killed her father. Shortly after that Sylar kills Elle.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Last nights episode was pretty good but, I find some possible errors.
Why did past Hiro and Ando ask about Hiro's sword? Did he have the sword in the first season? I know he had it in Volume 2 but I can't remember if he first got it in Season 1.

I think from the conversation Peter had with Hiro season 1, Peter told Hiro that Future Hiro had a sword. So... Past Hiro asked about Future Hiro's sword.

Another thing is HRG says he doesn't know what Sylar looks like when they are looking for him in Texas in the flashback to Season 1. However in Volume 3 Episode 8 there is a flashback of him and Elle where they were tracking Sylar for the company and sent him "bait". Therefore they feel partly responsible for what he becomes.
Good catch, I didn't really notice it myself. Seems like a plot hole...
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Last nights episode was pretty good but, I find some possible errors.
Why did past Hiro and Ando ask about Hiro's sword? Did he have the sword in the first season? I know he had it in Volume 2 but I can't remember if he first got it in Season 1. Another thing is HRG says he doesn't know what Sylar looks like when they are looking for him in Texas in the flashback to Season 1. However in Volume 3 Episode 8 there is a flashback of him and Elle where they were tracking Sylar for the company and sent him "bait". Therefore they feel partly responsible for what he becomes.

After killing for the first time, Gabriel tried to hang himself. He's saved by Elle! Bennet knew about Sylar before he became a serial killer!! They were watching Sylar because his power of transferring power is so rare. Elle continues to cultivate a friendship with Gabriel, even as he is fighting his compulsion. Bennet pushes Elle to introduce another Special person to Gabriel, so that they can see him kill. It was Bennet that turned Gabriel into a serial killer!

Elle justifies 'introducing' Gabriel to another Special person by comparing it to the AA. Trevor has a very cool power, can blow things up. By showing off Trevor's power and going on and on about how special he is, Gabriel snapped. They got what they wanted, to see how he takes anothers power.

Volume 3 Episode 11 part two
HRG begins telling Sylar that Arthur and Angela Petrelli aren't his parents and that they're manipulating him. Elle tells Sylar he's lying, but HRG says Elle helped create Sylar. HRG says they can never have a normal life since Sylar killed her father. Shortly after that Sylar kills Elle.

Good catch...totally missed that.
Not really a good catch, since back then he went by the name Gabriel Grey, he took the Sylar name later.

Great episode as usual, and its been confirmed who dies and is off the show forever...
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Last nights episode was pretty good but, I find some possible errors.
Why did past Hiro and Ando ask about Hiro's sword? Did he have the sword in the first season? I know he had it in Volume 2 but I can't remember if he first got it in Season 1. Another thing is HRG says he doesn't know what Sylar looks like when they are looking for him in Texas in the flashback to Season 1. However in Volume 3 Episode 8 there is a flashback of him and Elle where they were tracking Sylar for the company and sent him "bait". Therefore they feel partly responsible for what he becomes.

After killing for the first time, Gabriel tried to hang himself. He's saved by Elle! Bennet knew about Sylar before he became a serial killer!! They were watching Sylar because his power of transferring power is so rare. Elle continues to cultivate a friendship with Gabriel, even as he is fighting his compulsion. Bennet pushes Elle to introduce another Special person to Gabriel, so that they can see him kill. It was Bennet that turned Gabriel into a serial killer!

Elle justifies 'introducing' Gabriel to another Special person by comparing it to the AA. Trevor has a very cool power, can blow things up. By showing off Trevor's power and going on and on about how special he is, Gabriel snapped. They got what they wanted, to see how he takes anothers power.

Volume 3 Episode 11 part two
HRG begins telling Sylar that Arthur and Angela Petrelli aren't his parents and that they're manipulating him. Elle tells Sylar he's lying, but HRG says Elle helped create Sylar. HRG says they can never have a normal life since Sylar killed her father. Shortly after that Sylar kills Elle.

Maybe the mission with Elle was double top secret, so he couldn't tell the other girl about it.
As for Hiro and the sword, Hiro got the sword near the end of season 1 (remember, he stabbed Sylar with it). But, when present (past?) Hiro and Ando were referring to was Peter met Future Hiro on the subway and he had the sword. Later, Peter met present Hiro and told him about the meeting with Future Hiro.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']As for Hiro and the sword, Hiro got the sword near the end of season 1 (remember, he stabbed Sylar with it). But, when present (past?) Hiro and Ando were referring to was Peter met Future Hiro on the subway and he had the sword. Later, Peter met present Hiro and told him about the meeting with Future Hiro.[/QUOTE]

That's right! I figured that one was not an error just couldn't remember.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Not really a good catch, since back then he went by the name Gabriel Grey, he took the Sylar name later.

Great episode as usual, and its been confirmed who dies and is off the show forever...

Youre right, Gabriel didnt take the name Sylar long after the HRG and Elle experiment...although Id have to go back over season 3 to definately verify that...it was still an interesting thought though.

As far as Nathan goes...Adrian Pasdar said already he wanted to get away from acting period so people saw that comming.
[quote name='Will']Youre right, Gabriel didnt take the name Sylar long after the HRG and Elle experiment...although Id have to go back over season 3 to definately verify that...it was still an interesting thought though.

As far as Nathan goes...Adrian Pasdar said already he wanted to get away from acting period so people saw that comming.[/QUOTE]

I read an article where he found out in a script that he was off the show.
[quote name='wildcpac']I read an article where he found out in a script that he was off the show. [/quote]

I really do wish I could remember where I got my info from but I was under the impression he was supopose to be gone last season. Wether I heard/read it from him or his wife, it had something to do with wanting to have more family time.

Back to the Sylar HRG ordeal...The more I thought about it, they knew what Sylar did to obtain others powers...so unless they were thinking there was another like him etc etc...then they would see the dead bodies and think Gabriel was Sylar.....
I think it's a testament to how convoluted this show has became that you're just now noticing a plot hole from two volumes ago.
So does Peter now have Sylar's power, since he took powers from Sylar (in Nathan form)? Theoretically, he should. Overall, the episode was ok.
Pretty sure Peter can only have one power at a time...in the case of Sylar, he can choose which power he wants to steal. IIRC, in last season's finale, he was able to steal just the shapeshifting. Since he was trying to keep up with Nathan/Sylar, he stole Flying. Too bad he didn't keep his healing power...cause he would have been able to bring Nathan back from the dead, kill Sylar/Nathan, and be done with Sylar for good.

And it's nice to see exactly why Samuel is trying to surround himself with mutants. Looks like we might finally see what this season is building towards.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Pretty sure Peter can only have one power at a time...in the case of Sylar, he can choose which power he wants to steal. IIRC, in last season's finale, he was able to steal just the shapeshifting. Since he was trying to keep up with Nathan/Sylar, he stole Flying. Too bad he didn't keep his healing power...cause he would have been able to bring Nathan back from the dead, kill Sylar/Nathan, and be done with Sylar for good.

And it's nice to see exactly why Samuel is trying to surround himself with mutants. Looks like we might finally see what this season is building towards.[/QUOTE]

I guess that makes sense. I'd even be happy with Peter being able to pick the powers he has seen and use them.

I really think Sylar ends up helping in the eventual fight against Samuel. We just can't have anyone more powerful than Sylar, not even the main good guy.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Doesn't Mohinder still have his super strength? Somehow I think if he wants out, he'll manage to find a way out.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure thats why hiro put him there, being sedated all day/night will keep him knocked out for as long as he needs him like that.
the whole mohinder mental hospital thing is stupid. There's no reason he has to be hidden for 8 weeks or whatever. Hiro could have just taken him to the future, no waiting. Or if he wasn't sure of a good time to do so - dump him in past somewhere, figure it out, then grab him 2 mins later in mohinder time.
[quote name='JolietJake']That was a really shitty thing for Hiro to do to Mohinder. Had him locked up in some sort of mental hospital.[/QUOTE]

That was a really shitty thing for Mohinder to do, tell the guy who saved your life 30 seconds ago fuck You I won't do you a favor
here is a rather simple question.

When and where did Sylar/Nathan get the ability to fly?

He can float with his TK I understand that... but he didn't take nathan's flying ability ... yet he has it now. How?
[quote name='Salamando3000']Pretty sure Peter can only have one power at a time...in the case of Sylar, he can choose which power he wants to steal. IIRC, in last season's finale, he was able to steal just the shapeshifting. Since he was trying to keep up with Nathan/Sylar, he stole Flying. Too bad he didn't keep his healing power...cause he would have been able to bring Nathan back from the dead, kill Sylar/Nathan, and be done with Sylar for good.[/QUOTE]

If I had to guess I'd say he abandoned the healing power because he's possessed by Sylar. Though I'm hoping they'll do something a bit less predictable.
[quote name='TJFreeman']here is a rather simple question.

When and where did Sylar/Nathan get the ability to fly?

He can float with his TK I understand that... but he didn't take nathan's flying ability ... yet he has it now. How?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was actually pretty weird. I think at the end of season 3 when Sylar and Nathan are fighting, he already assimilated Nathan's flight w/o slicing off his head. You notice this when Peter steps out of the room and talks to Claire, and he says something to the effect that Nathan took Sylar out through the window. Of course, Nathan comes crashing back, and Sylar hovers there, and we're left to assume that Sylar absorbed his power. It is doubtful that his TK is actually levitating him, but totally possible. We've never actually seen him use his power on himself like that, which is why I doubt it's TK

In season 4, we know Sylar's body can change his DNA and gains powers. Probably, when Sylar turns into Nathan, his brain and DNA changes to mimic Nathan's flight at least.
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[quote name='TJFreeman']here is a rather simple question.

When and where did Sylar/Nathan get the ability to fly?

He can float with his TK I understand that... but he didn't take nathan's flying ability ... yet he has it now. How?[/QUOTE]

Sylar can gain someone's powers by "empathizing" with them as has been shown in the past (e.g. with Elle), so he presumably got it that way.
[quote name='Magus8472']Sylar can gain someone's powers by "empathizing" with them as has been shown in the past (e.g. with Elle), so he presumably got it that way.[/QUOTE]

when did he have time for that? He killed him pretty quick ...can't empathize with the dead.
[quote name='TJFreeman']when did he have time for that? He killed him pretty quick ...can't empathize with the dead.[/QUOTE]

Presumably he can, since otherwise he wouldn't have telekinesis anymore. Honestly, the rationalization is thin and the writers probably didn't put this much thought into it, but it's not technically a plot hole.
[quote name='Magus8472']Sylar can gain someone's powers by "empathizing" with them as has been shown in the past (e.g. with Elle), so he presumably got it that way.[/QUOTE]

He also did it with the shapeshifter, I assume by that point he was able to do it a lot faster so when Nathan came along he could just steal the power like Peter used to be able to via close proximity. Still I think it was retarded his power was taken in that direction and imagine much like Claire's all saving blood it will only be mentioned here and there from here on out if at all.
I've actually been enjoying Heroes for the past few weeks. This last episode was pretty good
(except for every scene with the Petrelli's until Sylar came back but then again after Nathan "fought" him - that was unintentional comedy at it's finest. "Nathan, you must fight him!!!!" LOL!). I also hate when they time travel because they just don't use common sense - it doesn't matter how long Hiro and the tattoo lady were gone - they could reappear at the exact time they left! Instead, Samuel was wondering where they went. Lame.
Holy shitchrist, this may have been the worst episode of the season thus far. Choice moments include:

"We better eat or I'm gonna leave - FOREVER! And if you think I'm gonna help you with this whole your-brother-is-really-Sylar thing, well then I won't!"
"It's THANKSGIVING! Stop talking about this incredibly important stuff and say grace!"
"You have to be controlled. Oh, by the way, you have the power to kill millions, but forget I said that please."
"I want to go join a circus, Dad! WHY CAN'T YOU RESPECT THAT?!"
"Why did you cut yourself at the dinner table?!" "BECAUSE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!"
"You can't hurt him! He can kill millions, and is on a mad quest for power, but he knows where the girl I like is!"
"Let's go on a fun college lesbian adventure! We'll probably run into that girl that's been trying to kill you, but it'll be FUN!"

How the hell does time flow in this show? Up until now, it's like only a week had passed since the season began. Now it's Thanksgiving! Also, I thought Claire's roommate left. On a plane. And suddenly Hiro was concerned about not altering the past, even though that's what he's been doing this entire season up until now? For fuck's sake...
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Holy shitchrist, this may have been the worst episode of the season thus far. Choice moments include:

"We better eat or I'm gonna leave - FOREVER! And if you think I'm gonna help you with this whole your-brother-is-really-Sylar thing, well then I won't!"
"It's THANKSGIVING! Stop talking about this incredibly important stuff and say grace!"
"You have to be controlled. Oh, by the way, you have the power to kill millions, but forget I said that please."
"I want to go join a circus, Dad! WHY CAN'T YOU RESPECT THAT?!"
"Why did you cut yourself at the dinner table?!" "BECAUSE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!"
"You can't hurt him! He can kill millions, and is on a mad quest for power, but he knows where the girl I like is!"
"Let's go on a fun college lesbian adventure! We'll probably run into that girl that's been trying to kill you, but it'll be FUN!"

How the hell does time flow in this show? Up until now, it's like only a week had passed since the season began. Now it's Thanksgiving! Also, I thought Claire's roommate left. On a plane. And suddenly Hiro was concerned about not altering the past, even though that's what he's been doing this entire season up until now? For fuck's sake...[/QUOTE]

Throw out all logic when watching this show honestly. If you try to think logically with Heroes your head will probably explode.
Something I noticed....

Samuel has a fairly large number of Heroes working at the carnival...probably close to ten or so that I can count, with perhaps much more than that if I'd read the extra material. We know Joseph tried to keep as few Heroes near Samuel as possible, so it's unlikely he hired any of them, and since Samuel himself found out about his ability to increase in power from nearby Heroes from Mohinder 8 weeks ago, how was he able to find/hire all these Heroes in just 8 weeks?

I also kinda want to know how he was able to mass-produce Mohinder's compass prototype...
[quote name='Salamando3000']Something I noticed....

Samuel has a fairly large number of Heroes working at the carnival...probably close to ten or so that I can count, with perhaps much more than that if I'd read the extra material. We know Joseph tried to keep as few Heroes near Samuel as possible, so it's unlikely he hired any of them, and since Samuel himself found out about his ability to increase in power from nearby Heroes from Mohinder 8 weeks ago, how was he able to find/hire all these Heroes in just 8 weeks?

I also kinda want to know how he was able to mass-produce Mohinder's compass prototype...[/QUOTE]

No clue about the compass but the tattoo lady whose name escapes me right now seemed to be the one helping track the people down. Since a lot of those with powers are outcatss in their own heads anyway it shouldn't have been that hard to get them to join. Figure he visited a few a day and in a few weeks that adds up even if all of them didn't join.
bread's done