Mr Unoriginal
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- 111 (100%)
I'm taking this over from WLogan and hopefully will be able to keep the OP updated. Please respond with any and all games you've beaten and how long it took you. Please also indicate if you got most or all achievements for 360 games or if you finished any side quest type things.
Original Instructions Below:
The original "How long will this game take" thread was started and updated by nachzeher and props go to him.
This post will contain the times it took for your fellow CAGs to play through a game (including just "beating" a game and actually "completing" a game - sidequests,etc). If you've played through a game, I'd appreciate it if you could give me an estimation of how long it took so that I can add it to the OP.
Original Instructions Below:
The original "How long will this game take" thread was started and updated by nachzeher and props go to him.
This post will contain the times it took for your fellow CAGs to play through a game (including just "beating" a game and actually "completing" a game - sidequests,etc). If you've played through a game, I'd appreciate it if you could give me an estimation of how long it took so that I can add it to the OP.
Arc the Lad: ?/28
Arc the Lad II: 59/?
Arc the Lad III: ?/67
Bloody Roar 2: 4
Breath of Fire IV: 30/?
Crash Bandicoot: 6/14
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: 8/12
Chrono Cross: 40/?
Chrono Trigger: 17
Crash Bandicoot 2: 7/16
Crash Bandicoot 3: 7/19
Crash Bash: 6
Dragon Warrior VII: 75/140
Final Fantasy I: 45/?
Final Fantasy II: 45/?
Final Fantasy IV: 30/?
Final Fantasy V: 34/?
Final Fantasy VI: 36/75
Final Fantasy VII: 28/80 (max levels, all sidequests completed)/130 (everything maxed)
Final Fantasy VIII: 50/135 (everything Maxed)
Final Fantasy IX: 30 - 40/125 (everything Maxed)
Final Fantasy Tactics: 50/100 (everything Maxed)
Grandia: 35/70
Koudelka: 13/15
Legend of Dragoon: 40/?
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete: 25/?
Lunar: Eternal Blue: 30/?
Metal Gear Solid: 6/12
Omega Boost: 2/?
Parasite Eve: 13
Parasite Eve II: 16
Rhapsody: 11/?
Rugrats Search for Reptar: 1.5 hours
Silent Hill: 10
Suikoden: 25/40
Suikoden II: 50/?
Tales of Destiny: 40/?
Vagrant Story: 25/35
Wild Arms: 40
Wild Arms 2: 55
Xenogears: 35/70
Arc the Lad II: 59/?
Arc the Lad III: ?/67
Bloody Roar 2: 4
Breath of Fire IV: 30/?
Crash Bandicoot: 6/14
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: 8/12
Chrono Cross: 40/?
Chrono Trigger: 17
Crash Bandicoot 2: 7/16
Crash Bandicoot 3: 7/19
Crash Bash: 6
Dragon Warrior VII: 75/140
Final Fantasy I: 45/?
Final Fantasy II: 45/?
Final Fantasy IV: 30/?
Final Fantasy V: 34/?
Final Fantasy VI: 36/75
Final Fantasy VII: 28/80 (max levels, all sidequests completed)/130 (everything maxed)
Final Fantasy VIII: 50/135 (everything Maxed)
Final Fantasy IX: 30 - 40/125 (everything Maxed)
Final Fantasy Tactics: 50/100 (everything Maxed)
Grandia: 35/70
Koudelka: 13/15
Legend of Dragoon: 40/?
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete: 25/?
Lunar: Eternal Blue: 30/?
Metal Gear Solid: 6/12
Omega Boost: 2/?
Parasite Eve: 13
Parasite Eve II: 16
Rhapsody: 11/?
Rugrats Search for Reptar: 1.5 hours
Silent Hill: 10
Suikoden: 25/40
Suikoden II: 50/?
Tales of Destiny: 40/?
Vagrant Story: 25/35
Wild Arms: 40
Wild Arms 2: 55
Xenogears: 35/70
007 From Russia with Love: 6 (00 Agent Difficulty all but one level unlocked)/?
007 : Quantum of Solace: 5
.hack//G.U. volume 1: 20/35
18-Wheeler: American Pro Trucker: 1/3
Ace Combat 4: 4
Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits: 40/?
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness: 23
Area 51: 10
Amplitude: 7/35
Another Century's Episode 2: 20/50
Atelier Iris: 22/45
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance: 12
Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 2: 12
Beyond Good and Evil: 10/13
Black: 6
Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter: 25/40
Brothers in Arms: Road To Hill 30: 10/?
Bully: 18 (almost 100%)
Burnout 3: 13/20+
Burnout Revenge: 15/20
Burnout Paraside: 12 ("A" Ranking)
Call of Duty 2: 10
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness: 22 (all Innocent Devils acquired, hidden areas found and optional bosses defeated in Hector's game), 8 hours
for Trevor's game.
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence: 11/?
Champions of Norrath: 13/?
Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms: 10/15
Condemned 2: 9
Crash of the Titans: 10
Culdcept: 25/?
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA's Stellar Master Mode:
-- 3 hours to breeze through to unlock all songs
-- 7 hours to get all VIP cards and noteskins (this takes SKILL)
-- 1.5-2 hours to unlock remaining modes and courses for Advanced Mode
Dark Cloud: 41
Dark Cloud 2: 35/100++
DarkWatch: 6(Easy), 8(Hard)/?
Dead to Rights: 10
Devil May Cry: 8/?
Devil May Cry 2: 20/?
Devil May Cry 3: 7
Disgaea: 32 (Just Game)/331 (Maxed Yoshitsuna and 3 SRAs for Laharl)
Disgaea 2: 35/?
Dragon Ball Z : Budokai: 4
Dragon Quest VIII: 80/100+
Dynasty Warriors 4: ?/ 180
Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick: 8/?
Front Mission 4: 30+/80
Final Fantasy X: 40/90
Final Fantasy X-2: 40/?
Final Fantasy XII: 40/120
Freedom Fighters: 6
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai: 5
Giants Citizen Kabuto: 9/?
God Hand: 7
God of War: 10/?
God of War II: 13/?
Gradius V: 17/17
Grand Theft Auto 3: 50 (60%)/?
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: 25/70
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: 25/70/100+
GrimGrimoire: 20/?
Growlanser Generations (II): 15/?
Growlanser Generations (III): 33/?
Guilty Gear X2: ?/50
Guitar Hero: 50-100 (get through ALL difficulties)
Guitar Hero II: 25/++
Guitaroo Man: 10
Gun: 6/10
Gungrave: 4/?
Gungrave Overdose: 5/?
Haunted Mansion: 10/15
Headhunter: 12/?
Hobbit: 10
Ico: 7
I Ninja: 12/17
Indigo Prophecy: 8
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy: 13/18
Jak II: 20/35
Jak III: 15/30
Just Cause: 6/12
Katamari Damacy: 8/?
KillZone: 15/?
Kingdom Hearts: 25 - 35/70
Kingdom Hearts II: 33/70
Klonoa 2 Lunateas Veil: 13/?
La Pucelle Tactics: 32/65
Lego Star Wars: 6/10
Lifeline: 14(100%)
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age: 22/24
Madagascar: 7/10
Makai Kingdom: 25/80
Manhunt 2: 15
Maximo: 15/?
Maximo vs Army of Zin: 12/?
Max Payne: 10/?
Max Payne 2: 6/?
Mercenaries 2: 23/28
Metal Gear Solid 2: 12/?
Metal Gear Solid 3: 15/20
Mister Mosquito: 3
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: 10/20
Need For Speed Carbon: 9
Okami: 38/?
Onimusha: 4/?
Onimusha 2: 6/12
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams: 25
Persona 3: 52 hours - LVL 75, 71 hours (Most of Elizabeth's quests done, main party level 99.)
Phantom Brave: 40/?
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time: 12
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within: 14
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones: 11
Project Snowblind: 8/?
Psi-Ops: Mindgate Conspiracy: 13/?
Pyschonauts: 15/?
Radiata Stories: 24/50
Ratchet and Clank: 15/17
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando: 15/?
Ratchet and Crank: Up your Arsenal: 12/?
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters: 8
Ratchet Deadlocked: 7
Rogue Galaxy: 40/100+
Rygar: 7/?
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love: 24
Second Sight: 7/?
Shadow Hearts: 25/35
Shadow Hearts: Covenant: 40-50/65-70
Shadow Hearts: From the New World: 30/50
Shadow of the Colossus: 8/?
Shark Tale: 16
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: 16/?
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga: 40/80-90
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne: 50/80
Sly Cooper: 9/10 (100%)
Sly 3: 12
Soul Nomad & the World Eaters: 45
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: 12
Star Ocean: Till The End of Time: 36
Star Wars: Force Unleashed: 9
Stella Deus: 40/?
Suikoden III: 40/50
Suikoden IV: 30/?
Suikoden V: 52
Tales of The Abyss: 45
Tales of Destiny 2 (not Eternia): ?/35
Tales of Legendia: 40/67
Tales of Rebirth: 41
Time Splitters: Future Perfect: 9/?
Tomb Raider Anniversary: 10
Tomb Raider: Legend: 12
Trapt: 4/7
True Crimes: Streets of LA: 12/15
Ultimate Spiderman: 5/?
Valkyrie Profile 2: Sylmeria: 30/45
Viewtiful Joe: 13/?
007 : Quantum of Solace: 5
.hack//G.U. volume 1: 20/35
18-Wheeler: American Pro Trucker: 1/3
Ace Combat 4: 4
Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits: 40/?
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness: 23
Area 51: 10
Amplitude: 7/35
Another Century's Episode 2: 20/50
Atelier Iris: 22/45
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance: 12
Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 2: 12
Beyond Good and Evil: 10/13
Black: 6
Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter: 25/40
Brothers in Arms: Road To Hill 30: 10/?
Bully: 18 (almost 100%)
Burnout 3: 13/20+
Burnout Revenge: 15/20
Burnout Paraside: 12 ("A" Ranking)
Call of Duty 2: 10
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness: 22 (all Innocent Devils acquired, hidden areas found and optional bosses defeated in Hector's game), 8 hours
for Trevor's game.
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence: 11/?
Champions of Norrath: 13/?
Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms: 10/15
Condemned 2: 9
Crash of the Titans: 10
Culdcept: 25/?
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA's Stellar Master Mode:
-- 3 hours to breeze through to unlock all songs
-- 7 hours to get all VIP cards and noteskins (this takes SKILL)
-- 1.5-2 hours to unlock remaining modes and courses for Advanced Mode
Dark Cloud: 41
Dark Cloud 2: 35/100++
DarkWatch: 6(Easy), 8(Hard)/?
Dead to Rights: 10
Devil May Cry: 8/?
Devil May Cry 2: 20/?
Devil May Cry 3: 7
Disgaea: 32 (Just Game)/331 (Maxed Yoshitsuna and 3 SRAs for Laharl)
Disgaea 2: 35/?
Dragon Ball Z : Budokai: 4
Dragon Quest VIII: 80/100+
Dynasty Warriors 4: ?/ 180
Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick: 8/?
Front Mission 4: 30+/80
Final Fantasy X: 40/90
Final Fantasy X-2: 40/?
Final Fantasy XII: 40/120
Freedom Fighters: 6
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai: 5
Giants Citizen Kabuto: 9/?
God Hand: 7
God of War: 10/?
God of War II: 13/?
Gradius V: 17/17
Grand Theft Auto 3: 50 (60%)/?
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: 25/70
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: 25/70/100+
GrimGrimoire: 20/?
Growlanser Generations (II): 15/?
Growlanser Generations (III): 33/?
Guilty Gear X2: ?/50
Guitar Hero: 50-100 (get through ALL difficulties)
Guitar Hero II: 25/++
Guitaroo Man: 10
Gun: 6/10
Gungrave: 4/?
Gungrave Overdose: 5/?
Haunted Mansion: 10/15
Headhunter: 12/?
Hobbit: 10
Ico: 7
I Ninja: 12/17
Indigo Prophecy: 8
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy: 13/18
Jak II: 20/35
Jak III: 15/30
Just Cause: 6/12
Katamari Damacy: 8/?
KillZone: 15/?
Kingdom Hearts: 25 - 35/70
Kingdom Hearts II: 33/70
Klonoa 2 Lunateas Veil: 13/?
La Pucelle Tactics: 32/65
Lego Star Wars: 6/10
Lifeline: 14(100%)
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age: 22/24
Madagascar: 7/10
Makai Kingdom: 25/80
Manhunt 2: 15
Maximo: 15/?
Maximo vs Army of Zin: 12/?
Max Payne: 10/?
Max Payne 2: 6/?
Mercenaries 2: 23/28
Metal Gear Solid 2: 12/?
Metal Gear Solid 3: 15/20
Mister Mosquito: 3
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: 10/20
Need For Speed Carbon: 9
Okami: 38/?
Onimusha: 4/?
Onimusha 2: 6/12
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams: 25
Persona 3: 52 hours - LVL 75, 71 hours (Most of Elizabeth's quests done, main party level 99.)
Phantom Brave: 40/?
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time: 12
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within: 14
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones: 11
Project Snowblind: 8/?
Psi-Ops: Mindgate Conspiracy: 13/?
Pyschonauts: 15/?
Radiata Stories: 24/50
Ratchet and Clank: 15/17
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando: 15/?
Ratchet and Crank: Up your Arsenal: 12/?
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters: 8
Ratchet Deadlocked: 7
Rogue Galaxy: 40/100+
Rygar: 7/?
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love: 24
Second Sight: 7/?
Shadow Hearts: 25/35
Shadow Hearts: Covenant: 40-50/65-70
Shadow Hearts: From the New World: 30/50
Shadow of the Colossus: 8/?
Shark Tale: 16
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: 16/?
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga: 40/80-90
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne: 50/80
Sly Cooper: 9/10 (100%)
Sly 3: 12
Soul Nomad & the World Eaters: 45
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: 12
Star Ocean: Till The End of Time: 36
Star Wars: Force Unleashed: 9
Stella Deus: 40/?
Suikoden III: 40/50
Suikoden IV: 30/?
Suikoden V: 52
Tales of The Abyss: 45
Tales of Destiny 2 (not Eternia): ?/35
Tales of Legendia: 40/67
Tales of Rebirth: 41
Time Splitters: Future Perfect: 9/?
Tomb Raider Anniversary: 10
Tomb Raider: Legend: 12
Trapt: 4/7
True Crimes: Streets of LA: 12/15
Ultimate Spiderman: 5/?
Valkyrie Profile 2: Sylmeria: 30/45
Viewtiful Joe: 13/?
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