Human Tornado's Wrestling Thread

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whats funny it how they don't know what each other is going to do and they do a better job then wwe trying to sell or perform the moves. Wwe matches seem too scripted nowadays. Then they half ass sell them. Its like ho ho hmm just going through the moves. Yep here come a drop kick. oh yeah that was suposed to hurt. Aggfgghhhh he got me! I'd better fall down now.

These guys either hit it or hit the floor. Thats what I want to see.

yes zen. I know. ROH!!!!!!!! I kid I kid!
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']whats funny it how they don't know what each other is going to do and they do a better job then wwe trying to sell or perform the moves. Wwe matches seem too scripted nowadays. Then they half ass sell them. Its like ho ho hmm just going through the moves. Yep here come a drop kick. oh yeah that was suposed to hurt. Aggfgghhhh he got me! I'd better fall down now.

These guys either hit it or hit the floor. Thats what I want to see.

yes zen. I know. ROH!!!!!!!! I kid I kid![/QUOTE]

Well, that's also because they are on the road 330+ days a year.

It isn't like the indy circuit where you get a few days off between matches.
yeah i know. Its way too long. They need to cut back on there house shows and all the traqveling. In the end it would be a better product
[quote name='Genocidal']I think this thread is a vehicle for Zen to see how fast he can get to 500 posts.[/quote]

Uh oh! The secret's out!
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Theres a PPV on?[/quote]

TNA and ROH PPV. I would tell you to order the ROH PPV. It's got a classic Match of the Year on it in Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries.
Yeah there's some TNA PPV that was on.

Main event was the Angle Alliance vs Nash/Cage/Joe. Tomko tapped out to Joe. TNA hyped up Joe vs Angle part 100,000 for Lockdown next month.

Edit: Oh, and fuck.... I completely forgot about the ROH PPV. :cry:
[quote name='Demolition Man']Yeah there's some TNA PPV that was on.

Main event was the Angle Alliance vs Nash/Cage/Joe. Tomko tapped out to Joe. TNA hyped up Joe vs Angle part 100,000 for Lockdown next month.

Edit: Oh, and fuck.... I completely forgot about the ROH PPV. :cry:[/quote]

Showtimes from in Demand for the ROH PPV.

Mar 10 3:00PM
Mar 11 3:00PM
Mar 12 6:00PM
Mar 13 9:00PM
Mar 14 12:00PM
Mar 16 10:00AM
Mar 17 6:00PM
Mar 19 3:00PM
Mar 20 8:00PM
Mar 21 3:30PM
Mar 22 7:00AM
[quote name='Demolition Man']Yeah there's some TNA PPV that was on.

Main event was the Angle Alliance vs Nash/Cage/Joe. Tomko tapped out to Joe. TNA hyped up Joe vs Angle part 100,000 for Lockdown next month.

Edit: Oh, and fuck.... I completely forgot about the ROH PPV. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Wow, anything else of note? Like Title changes or anything? I take it the AA still holds the World & Tag Straps right?
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Wow, anything else of note? Like Title changes or anything? I take it the AA still holds the World & Tag Straps right?[/QUOTE]

No nothing else of note. TNA pretty much has treated Destination X as an filler PPV. Not worth ordering the replay.

And yes AA still holds the World & Tag titles.
[quote name='Demolition Man']No nothing else of note. TNA pretty much has treated Destination X as an filler PPV. Not worth ordering the replay.

And yes AA still holds the World & Tag titles.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, I don't feel bad for not watching Impact since Nov.

TNA needs to pull its shit together.
i dont know why theres always so much hate.. their were some quality entertaining matches tonight

and the crowd was really into the show..
[quote name='guyver2077']i dont know why theres always so much hate.. their were some quality entertaining matches tonight[/QUOTE]

I don't know if I can take this seriously from someone with an John Cena avatar.....

.... and is an Goldberg mark.
- Kaz and Eric Young defeated Black Reign and Rellik in tag team action. Young was once again scared of Rellik and Black Reign, but left the match and later returned as his alter-ego "Super Eric" to battle the monsters and get the win! Using superhuman strength, Super Eric hit a DOUBLE Death Valley Driver on Reign and Rellik to pin Reign and get the victory.

-On April 13 at Lockdown, Samoa Joe will challenge Kurt Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship inside the Six Sides of Steel!
what the hell tna...
not sure if this was posted..

5. Wrestling and nostalgia goes well together, what are the chances of seeing classic models like Kevin Nash, Blonde hair Sting, and even Classic Raven?

Mark: I'd say the chances are very high! While we do have a robust roster and several surprises in the shipping title, we also support downloadable content such as new wrestlers. We are always listening to the wrestling fans and trying to provide what they are looking for.
guyver... seriously not being a douche. but, isnt it a bit strange that you have an avatar of cena with a sig of him gettin an rko?

not trying to offend in the least, just curious
Jonathan Coachman has been taking a lot of heat recently because he is not doing near that job that JBL was doing and doesn’t offer much. An incident happened a few weeks ago where the Undertaker was brawling by the announcers table, and Coach stayed in position when the action came close when he was suppose to run away to sell danger. He was punished by having to go to the ring after a show and take several main eveners’ finishes. He took a tombstone from Undertaker, a spear by Batista, and a shillelagh shot from Finlay.

Well thats got to be the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time, admittedly Coach is a terrible commentator, but having him stand in a ring and take a "shillelagh shot" seems quite ridiculous.
[quote name='benjamouth']Well thats got to be the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time, admittedly Coach is a terrible commentator, but having him stand in a ring and take a "shillelagh shot" seems quite ridiculous.[/quote]

Maybe it was a different kind of shillelagh? ;)
Coach is quite horrid, and adds next to nothing on SD, but he doesn't deserve to be hit in the face by Finlay or possibly dropped on his head by 'Taker as punishment.

I'm watching the TNA PPV now, and while the matches have been good, they seem completely meaningless as they've spent way too much talking about the ending of the Impact main event, and are treating that as more important than any match on the show. BTW, they're using the '98 Nitro knock-off set they used for BFG '07 for this show.

Funny DW quote (after EY kicks Black Reign low) - Kick him right in the nuts! That'll stop a monster every time!
[quote name='benjamouth']Well thats got to be the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time, admittedly Coach is a terrible commentator, but having him stand in a ring and take a "shillelagh shot" seems quite ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

Haw haw. I bet his ass runs away next time Undertaker comes around.
TNA DX '08 thoughts - good show overall. The matches were at least good, in forgettable, aside from Rhino-Storm, which was mostly horrid, and the Fish Market Street Fight, which was...something. The opener, Knockouts, and X title matches were very good. I'd call the X Division title match the best match on the show, with the women's match being the smartest-booked. I could have done without all of the emphasis on the Impact main event's "controversy", as they had Tenay and DW talk about it instead of the matches at hand, which were either for titles or for contention for titles.

The main event was good, but quite short for a PPV main event, and worse than the free TV main event from three days ago. Spending all of that time on the "controversy" made no sense given that they didn't end up reversing the decision, and made the heels into the faces by having them at a disadvantage for 5 minutes. They did an excellent job building up Joe-Angle for Lockdown with the match though, so I'll give them a pass on it.
[quote name='darekIsAwesome']wow. im sorry, but this guy is awesome.

he really needs to get signed to tna asap.[/QUOTE]

fuck TNA. He deserves ROH or WWE. Nothing less.

and RAW is on early.
Human Tornado was in WSX - otherwise, he's had no national exposure. He was fantastic on that show, by the way, which is available at stores everywhere for about $20, and he shined in the WSXTra matches, which are the only actual full matches from the fed shown on the DVD.

Geez, we're 50 minutes into this 3 hour show and we've had ONE actual match. They're clearly planning for the 8-9 PM time to have the lowest ratings, and are going to wait until late to have the good stuff on it.

Edit - Yup, we're getting Hardy-Jericho, which is on here despite the show being advertised as all WM rematches. Oh well, this should be quite good, and either man winning would make me happy. Oddly enough, Jericho winning the IC belt now means more than it would before when he's held it, as the belt is finally back up to being a main event-level belt.

Damn that was a great match, with an even better finish than the previous Jericho-Hardy match. The fans were into every near-fall, popped huge for the Lionsault, popped louder for the Twist of Fate/Swanton attempt, and then stayed hooked for the Codebreaker off the missed Swanton. Excellent stuff. Sheik/Volkoff are up next, and are hobbling in the back. Part of me is looking forward to seeing Rotunda and Windham in the ring again, and part of me is dreading this match due to how poor Sheiky's health is.
awesome IC title match between Y2J & Hardy. I'm honestly shocked that Y2J picked up the clean win (and his 8th IC belt, guess we should be calling him Mr. IC).
Wait, I don't watch the first hour of a poorly advertized 3-hour RAW, and the IC strap changes hands for the first time in forever. Did I miss anything else important?
JBL announced that his match with Finlay is a Belfast Brawl, otherwise, you missed nothing major. Good move for the WM I match given the condition of the wrestlers in it, although it is a massive copout. Oh goody, HHH vs. Kane in a rematch to a horrid WM match.
[quote name='xcoax']Wait, I don't watch the first hour of a poorly advertized 3-hour RAW, and the IC strap changes hands for the first time in forever. Did I miss anything else important?[/QUOTE]

Seriously, I hate how they didn't advertise the match at all AND it was stuck in the middle of the show as an after-thought when it could have very well been the ME.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Seriously, I hate how they didn't advertise the match at all AND it was stuck in the middle of the show as an after-thought when it could have very well been the ME.[/quote]

The main event is a rematch of the best match from all of the 2007 Monday Night Raws. I'd rather see HBK/Cena than Jericho/Hardy in the main event.
Big Show has a posse! I hope that was an intentional parody. And so much for losing 100lbs, Show weighed in at 441. It also looks like WWE might have finally realized that Mayweather should be the heel in this angle.
Very little wrestling on this show considering its long runtime, but the video packages have been quite good, and the Mayweather-Show segment was good. Funny to see Show weigh in at 441 after being billed as 399 pounds as recently as SD.
[quote name='Zen Davis']The main event is a rematch of the best match from all of the 2007 Monday Night Raws. I'd rather see HBK/Cena than Jericho/Hardy in the main event.[/QUOTE]

I'd rather see it the other way. Especially since a CHAMPIONSHIP was on the line.

Guess I'm just a sucker for the old days when being a Champ was actually worth something.
Being a champion is worth something now - the IC champ is one of the most over guys on the entire WWE roster, and the main event scene is all about the WWE Title. Aside from Summerslam '92, I can't recall the IC title match ever closing a show (not counting NM '02's main event, since it was mainly a World title match). Having Cena-HBK on last was the right move.

What a mixed bag this show was - the Show-Mayweather stuff was mostly good, with the Mayweather and his money video package being hilarious, the IC title match was fantastic, and the Cena-HBK match was good, but slightly beneath the standards of their past matches. The rest of the show was usually either bad (Maria-Melina, which saw Maria botch a foot choke in the corner and punches to the gut), boring, a bait and switch (Finlay-Kennedy, U.S. Express-Volkoff/Sheiky) or just a series of video packages.

Clearly WWE didn't really want to do this 3-hour show, but had to, so they through out some good matches that would build up 'Mania, and did whatever else they could possibly think of to fill 3 hours. This might've been the most video package-filled Raw show ever.

I can't wait to see what kind of debacle Cena/Orton vs. the Raw roster ends up being. It's either going to be every HHH burial of the tag division X100, or...I can't even fathom anything else. What a spectacle that thing's going to be.

Quotes -
J.R. - Thanks for the memories, for the man known as the Rembrandt of the wrestling canvas.
Lawler - You say that like he’s going somewhere - he said it himself - he is never, EVER going to retire!
Flair - Last week, Shawn Michaels looked me in the eyes and said he did not want to face me at WrestleMania. He said that he did not want to be the one to end my career. He had the audacity to say that the showstopper would stop my show. With all due respect, I need him to come out right now, cuz I’ve got something to tell him face-to-face! (HBK’s theme hits) You know, that is the best entrance in professional wrestling today. I love that music! But I got something I gotta tell you - when I started in this business, the word sympathy did not exist. In my vocabulary, the word pity doesn’t exist now. Last week, I felt a little sympathy. Here’s how you used to like to watch me - WOO, I’M THE NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR, AND IF I CAN’T COMPETE WITH THE BEST, like you, then I don’t want my career to continue. I don’t want to have someone save me, I want to stand on my own two feet, I want respect because I’ve earned it - not pity, not sympathy. If I win at WrestleMania, it’s because I’M THE MAN! If you beat me at WrestleMania, you have BEATEN THE MAN, and I’m not delusional, I’m not dreaming, I know that my career could come to an end, but if I have a good day, I could catch one on ya, and my career could go on forever. I’m asking you, in front of the world, to give me the showstopper Shawn Michaels at his very best, I want 100% commitment from you right now!
HBK - I never meant to show pity when I told you that I loved you, I meant it. There’s no pity in love. Let me put it to you like this, Naitch, I am Mr. WrestleMania, at that event, I revolutionized the ladder match, I wrestled for over an hour, and I’ve been in the greatest WrestleMania moments in history. You said “to be the man, you’ve gotta be the man”, well at WrestleMania, I AM THE MAN! I don’t have control over it - when that day rolls around, something happens. I can’t control it, it just happens! So guess what Naitch, whether your show gets stopped or whether your show goes on, there’s one thing I can tell you will without a shread of uncertainty is that the show is gonna get stolen! Let’s do it! Before I leave, it’s come to my attention that on SmackDown, you’re involved in a 3-on-1 handicap match with Edge and his two Edge guys. My Fridays are usually reserved for Dora’s the Explorer and Higglystown Heroes, but for you, I can make sure that it’s 3 on…both of us! (Orton’s theme hits)
Orton - What a touching moment! I wish I could just leave it with that, but I can’t. It’s not just WrestleMania Rewind, it’s also part 2 of the triple threat takeover. This week, it is my turn. So two things - first, HHH will face, in a WrestleMania rematch, one of his good old friends, KANE! Second, well Shawn, that’s why I’m out here. You’ve done many things at WrestleMania, but last year, you didn’t do something - you didn’t win. I’m gonna give you your chance to redeem yourself, Ric, Shawn can be beat, just ask his opponent - JOHN CENA!
Lawler - I think I’d rather have my head slammed into a casket than be thrown inside one!
J.R. - Mark Henry might’ve suffered some internal injuries due to that triangular choke from the Undertaker!
HHH - I live to be WWE Champion. Last year, it was supposed to be the REMATCH OF THE CENURY - HHH vs. Cena, but that couldn’t happen due to an injury. When I came back, he was gone, and I became an 11-time WWE Champion, then Randy Orton beat me and I never got a rematch! I will fight for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania as if my life depends on it, because in a way, IT DOES! GAME ON!
JBL - Hold on, don’t start that match. I’ve got something more important - JBL is about to speak! Finlay, you accepted my challenge for a match at WrestleMania. You want a Belfast brawl? Terrific. That means that I can beat you at your own game, and put you in a hospital next to that pathetic little mutant son of yours.
(as Hardy comes out)J.R. - This won’t be a WrestleMania rewind night.. Rewind match, I’ll get it right.
Lawler - Everyone wants to be Intercontinental Champion.
J.R. - Well, it is one of the most prestigious titles in history.
Lawler - Jeff Hardy is a hard man…to beat!
J.R. - Tonight, it’s a rematch of one of the most physical matches in WrestleMania history - HHH vs. Kane!
Lawler - Nikolai Volkoff and the Iron Sheik are headed to the ring!
J.R. - Good lord…
Lawler - This rematchh is 24 years in the making! These guys really hold a grudge
J.R. - It’s a deep-seated grudge.
Lawler - You remember the U.S. Express?
J.R. - I certainly do.
Lawler - I bet a lot of your memories in black and white.
Jillian - I wasn’t even born when you guys fought at WrestleMania 1, but I’ve done my history, and I know that you came out to “Born in the U.S.A.”. Well, unfortunately, you guys can’t even afford the rights to the song now because you’re has-beens, but that’s why I’m here - I’M GONNA SING IT FOR YOU! BORN IN THE U.S.A! (Rotunda airplane spins her out of the ring)
J.R. - Well, I think we can agree that this feud between the U.S. Express and the Iron Sheik and Volkoff can continue at a later date. I nominate it for 24 more years.
J.R. - Triple H’s win over Kane was one of the biggest in his career!
Orton - Kane, I picked you because HHH has handed you some of the biggest defeats in your career. He made you unmask on TV…(Kane throttles Orton)
Kane - When it comes to HHH, I don’t need a history lesson, I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!
J.R. - Kane has mighty big feet!
Cena - I’ve often been asked the question “what does WrestleMania mean to me?” - it means everything. I wasn’t supposed to be back for this one - I was sidelined with an injury that should have taken me out for a year, and in January, I risked it all for one shot. I’ve seen experts say that I should hate Randy Orton for tearing my pec, but I should thank him, because I’d become complacent. The injury made me hungry again! I respect Randy Orton and HHH for their contributions in this business. At WrestleMania, my time will come again!
(after counting cash)Mayweather - I can’t tell you who the current President is, but I can tell you who Ben Franklin is!
Shane - Allow me to introduce the only man to win the ECW, World Heayweight, and WWE Championships - the largest athlete in the world, the Big Show! And the Big Show’s opponent at Wrestle Mania (fans boo), he is the current WBC featherweight champion (fans boo more), Floyd “Money” May weather (fans boo even more).
J.R. - Floyd “Money” Mayweather IS boxing. He’s carrying boxing on his back! (Mayweather comes out with dollar-sign jeans and a “Philthy Rich” necklace”
Show - Floyd has brought along his posse, well now I’d like to bring out my posse!
Lawler - Show has a posse? Did you know about this?
J.R. - I did not. (WWE roster comes out, Mayweather goes insane)
Show - You see, I told you last week that NO ONE IN THE LOCKER ROOM LIKES YOU! And when they found out that we had a weigh-in, they wanted to see the 20 million dollar man! Now you’re in the shark tank, now. 20 million dollars is a lot of money. Maybe you can throw it out into the crowd so they don’t hate you so much. Maybe you should take it and give it to this pack of dogs so they can pretend to be your friends. Is the risk really worth it? There’s only gonna be TWO scenarios. The first, if I decide to take pity on you, I’ll just embarrass you and you’ll live to fight another day. Scenario two - if you continue to disrespect me, then I’m gonna guarantee that you never box again! (fans cheer wildly) So it is entirely up to you. So what do you have to say, little runt?!
(fans chant “you suck!)Mayweather (counts money) - Yeah. You right. I am the 20 million dollar man. (he throws money in Show’s face) It’s Money Mayweather. I respect, I respect, what you have done in the WWE. (Fans chant what), but I don’t respect you as a human being. And it’s possible, like I said, it’s possible, you may hurt me, but you gotta catch me first (he throws more money at Show, and the roster) WrestleMania 24 - the biggest and the best ever - I WILL BREAK YOUR JAW! (Show picks up Mayweather and tosses him onto roster)
Mayweather - THAT’S BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! (Mayweather’s posse and roster get into a shoving match, Shane gets knocked down, fans go insane)
Orton - You wanna know why I’m the perfect champion? Because you could take the strength of John Cena, the intelligence of HHH, the desire of Cena, the athleticism of HHH, the determination of Cena, the ruthlessness of HHH, and if you combine those attributes into one person, you get Randy Orton. The only difference is that I have one thing that neither Cena nor HHH has - the WWE Championship.
J.R. - The WWE Champ is humble as well.
J.R. - Ryder with the cap, Hawkins…the other gentleman.
J.R. - Edge can hit the spear at anytime on anyone and win - that’s the bottom line!
JR.R - Regal is not folically impaired.
Regal - At WrestleMania, it will be SmackDown versus Raw in a battle for brand supremacy. I must apologize because battle isn’t the right word for it, as that implies that it will be a back and forth contest. How can it be when the man representing Raw is THIS MAN!? (Umaga video package airs) Ladies and gentlemen, representing Raw at WrestleMania - YOUMANGA!
Lawler - You say Youmanga, I say Umaga. Either way, he’s a Samoan Bulldozer.
J.R. - Umaga’s an SUV on three feet!
Regal - I really pity SmackDown’s Batista. I mean Batista needs to know that NO ONE CAN STOP THIS MAN! Youmanga leaves a path of devastation wherever he travels, and at WrestleMania, Batista is going to find…(Batista comes out)
J.R. - Mr. McMahon will be honored with his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Friday.
J.R. - We have the unfortunate duty to inform you that Floyd Mayweather’s elbow was injured during the weigh in with the Big Show.
J.R. - Wherever Cena goes, he gets a passionate reaction, to say the least!
J.R. - This WrestleMania 23 rematch is probably the biggest one that I can think of that would be feasible.
J.R. - Let’s not forget that HBK beat Cena in a near-60 minute match last year in London.
Lawler - Iron man match, wasn’t it?
J..R. - It was a remarkable match!
HHH - You’ve gotta admit, it’s been a very entertaining couple of weeks, with Orton in charge last week, and Cena in charge this week. Next week, it’ll be Cena and Orton - you might be saying ‘OH NO, CENA AND ORTON ONE ON ONE!” - they’ll be tag partners, fighting for the common good. They’ll be facing THE ENTIRE RAW ROSTER!

Screens -

Here's Scott Hall vs. Keiji Muto from 9/23/01.
[quote name='xcoax']Wait, I don't watch the first hour of a poorly advertized 3-hour RAW, and the IC strap changes hands is defended for the first time in forever. Did I miss anything else important?[/quote]

Fixed. And I'm just tuning in -- 39 minutes into RAW; did I miss the match?
Jeff's probably winning MITB, so yeah, his push will continue. Taking the IC title off him now is the right move, as he won't need it with the briefcase, and it'll give Jericho the chance to keep the roll going with IC champs also being seen as main event-level threats.
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