Human Tornado's Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Being a champion is worth something now - the IC champ is one of the most over guys on the entire WWE roster, and the main event scene is all about the WWE Title. Aside from Summerslam '92, I can't recall the IC title match ever closing a show (not counting NM '02's main event, since it was mainly a World title match). Having Cena-HBK on last was the right move.


How so?

WWE Champ: Midcarder who's keeping the belt warm for H or Cena.

ECW Champ: A Freaking Jobber (granted, it's pretty much the new TV / Euro Title)

Tag Champs: Non-existant.

Cruiser Champ: See above.

IC & US Champ: A cosmetic accessory. It's rarely defended (and NEVER on PPV).

Womens Champ: :rofl:

That leaves the one and only credible Champ, and thats Edge. Now granted the WWE strap will gain some prestige back when WM comes round, but that'll leave us with an even bigger problem; H or Cena as champ.

Oh and I'm not arguing the fact that Cena Vs Micheals shouldn't have been the ME, just that the Y2J / Hardy match should have been an ME. Seeing how this Raw was all about WM rewind, they should've just hyped it up for next week.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']How so?

WWE Champ: Midcarder who's keeping the belt warm for H or Cena.

ECW Champ: A Freaking Jobber (granted, it's pretty much the new TV / Euro Title)

Tag Champs: Non-existant.

Cruiser Champ: See above.

IC & US Champ: A cosmetic accessory. It's rarely defended (and NEVER on PPV).

Womens Champ: :rofl:

That leaves the one and only credible Champ, and thats Edge. Now granted the WWE strap will gain some prestige back when WM comes round, but that'll leave us with an even bigger problem; H or Cena as champ.

Oh and I'm not arguing the fact that Cena Vs Micheals shouldn't have been the ME, just that the Y2J / Hardy match should have been an ME. Seeing how this Raw was all about WM rewind, they should've just hyped it up for next week.[/quote]

Orton is a credible champion. I can't see him losing at Mania.
Orton isn't a mid-carder, and he's held the belt for roughly five months now - hardly a "keeping the belt warm" reign. The ECW title isn't worth a whole lot, true, but the WWE Title does mean something, and the World title of SD isn't exactly very meaningful right now. It's just been stuck in neutral for a long time, like the ECW belt, but is on someone with credibility as a main eventer, unlike ECW's title. The tag champs of Raw don't do much, but the WWE Tag Titles are involved in a fairly hot feud with Dreamer and Delaney, while the cruiser belt is dead, and the women's title is being protected fairly well with Beth Phoenix as a dominant champion.

The U.S. title is in cruise control until the Hardy-MVP feud, but they did a nice job bringing MVP into a fairly regular main event/semi-main event position since NWO, including having him defend the belt on SD this past week. The IC title was rarely defended, yes, but it was also protected very well over the past year (outside of Santino's run, which killed the belt until Umaga killed him and put it back on a credible main eventer/semi main eventer). Hardy, the most over act in the company in January, holding the title helped it by association even though it wasn't defended. Likewise, having the U.S. belt on MVP, one of the best all-around wrestlers in the company, and one of it's best talkers, helped it by association, as it's seen as important because he holds it and treats it like a meaningful title.
Dammit Jeff. Didn't you learn anything the first time?

There goes his push, and just as he was really starting to enter the main event scene.

I guess Kennedy is winning MtB now.
Man, back to TNA mirite?

I figured Hardy lost the IC title because A.) Jericho is going back to his midcard ways and B.) Hardy was going to continue to feud for the World Title.

Interesting if you look at the match with hindsight. It's like Hardy really let it all out to prove that he's still a valuable commodity.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]ROH Rising Above Dave Meltzer Ratings!

Delirious v Brent Albright **1/4
Kevin Steen/El Generico v Vulture Squad v Hangman 3 v Age of the Fall ***1/4
Daizee Haze v Sara Del Ray v Lacey **1/2
Erick Stevens v Davey Richards **1/2
Claudio Castagnoli v Chris Hero ***
Bryan Danielson v Takeshi Morishima ***1/2
The Briscoe Bros. v NRC ***1/4
Austin Aries v Nigel McGuinness ****3/4
[quote name='tangytangerine']Nope, Jericho got the IC title last night cause of:


Hardy fucked up, so now he's out of the MitB match and also no longer on the WM card. Which means, we'll be seeing another qualifying match soon.[/QUOTE]

Well, fuck. Looks like nothing has changed then now has it? I wonder who will be replacing him in the match?

Interesting that they're actually advertizing that he got suspended for violation instead of just having Orton kick him in the head and him being "concussed" for two months.
[quote name='xcoax']
Interesting that they're actually advertizing that he got suspended for violation instead of just having Orton kick him in the head and him being "concussed" for two months.[/quote]

Yeah that is interesting cos they still need a reason for him not being in the MITB match.
[quote name='D_Icon']Jeff Hardy suspended for 60 days. He is on his 2nd strike.
You guys think they will release him after one more?[/quote]

I know they will release him.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Jesus will Jeff Hardy ever learn? Stay the fuck away from the brownies.[/quote]

Really, if thats all he did then it seems a bit harsh.

I mean if he's failing for that how the hell are guys like Batista getting through these drug tests?
Hey, on the bright side, this'll make the MITB way more interesting, since I honestly have NO idea who'll take it now. Hardy seemed like a lock, and after him I could see any of them walking away with it.

Maybe after all the unfortunate shit that happened to Kennedy, he'll finally get his break from this.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Jesus will Jeff Hardy ever learn? Stay the fuck away from the brownies.[/quote]

WWE isnt suspending for mary jane violations, those are apparently only warranting a $1,000 fine. id assume he's back on some harder drugs which led to his inital departure from the compnay a few years back.
Regarding Jeff, it's disappointing to see him once again fuck his career over. It's more disappointing now than it was in August since he's had a run as a main eventer, was the most over act in the company for a brief time, and has basically doomed himself to being someone who simply cannot be trusted in a main event role for any prolonged length of time in either TNA or WWE. He's lucky that WWE has a wellness policy, and that they were willing to push him after his previous wellness violation.
I'm a Jeff mark...and since he's out of MITB...I'd like to see Matt win it. I could see MVP winning...but with them two feuding...I don't know really. Michael Hayes is apparently really high on the Hardys so I guess he could get Matt in there...but I doubt it. I guess I'll jump on the "Kennedy is winning!" bandwagon since they could play off of how he was "screwed" out of his briefcase last year. Plus, I could see them just dumping it and making Kennedy look like a moron by having him fight Trips for the title at the finish of the night and getting squashed...yea...
Ouch. Got a message from a friend asking about Jeff Hardy and had no idea what was going on, I thought he finally fucked up some stunt on Raw and got hurt or something. This may be worse than that from a career perspective...

[quote name='Purple Flames']Dammit Jeff. Didn't you learn anything the first time?[/QUOTE]
No, nor did he learn anything the second or third time. Think it's pretty safe to say he'll be released within the next 12-18 months (provided they stick to their policy and actually test him), this guy just doesn't get it.
In all fairness, he's prob on painkillers from everything he's been through since hitting the mid-high card. He's been in pretty bad shape these past few months.

And how is Orton a credible champ when he's not even close to being the focal point of Raw? Take the strap off him and you would barely know he's even on Raw. He's pretty much in Y2J's shoes from 2002 and this is WM18 all over again.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']In all fairness, he's prob on painkillers from everything he's been through since hitting the mid-high card. He's been in pretty bad shape these past few months.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's not very surprising if you read any of Hardy's interviews in the past few months with various newspapers. He talked about how he was working through multiple injuries.

I'm really disappointed they didn't wait until after Wrestlemania to suspend him. What good is a Money In The Bank match without Jeff Hardy stupidly jumping off of something massive?

I hope this means they finally pull the trigger on CM Punk and give him Jeff Hardy's spot.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']In all fairness, he's prob on painkillers from everything he's been through since hitting the mid-high card. He's been in pretty bad shape these past few months.

And how is Orton a credible champ when he's not even close to being the focal point of Raw? Take the strap off him and you would barely know he's even on Raw. He's pretty much in Y2J's shoes from 2002 and this is WM18 all over again.[/quote]

I disagree man.

Orton has been a refreshing change from Cena/Triple H. He carries himself like a genuine heel as opposed to Cena's "Poochie" and Triple H's "Too Cool For School" approach to wrestling. His title defenses have generally been more dramatic and interesting than the previous few champions.

His No Mercy matches against Triple H were great. The HBK defense at Survior Series was great and told and awesome story. I loved how Orton's RKO on Michaels came off like a gunshot.

He had a good defense against Jericho brought down by bad booking at Armageddon.

Jeff Hardy didn't get as over as he did until he started feuding with Randy Orton. And the title defense against Cena was well worked by a devilishly hilarious self-DQ by Orton at No Way Out.

Prior to this all you had were John Cena squashes which I think just about everyone hated.

All in all, he has been a focal point of Raw for a long, long time. Six months now. In fact, even on this last Raw, he was in the opening segment and closed out the show with a run-in.

The Raw prior to that he was in the opening segment and closed out the show standing tall over Cena and Triple.

And the show prior to THAT, Orton was in the opening segment and closed out the show as well.

I just think you blatantly hate the guy and it's making you biased as to his role in the company and the kind of work he's been doing lately.
I'd love to see CM Punk in and win the MiTB match and get the hell out of ECW, but having lost to Chavo last Tuesday, and jobbing to Edge last night tells me that most likely won't happen.


[quote name='Zen Davis']
I just think you blatantly hate the guy and it's making you biased as to his role in the company and the kind of work he's been doing lately.[/quote]:applause:
jeff is a HIGH flyer.....

ha ha ha I kill me!!!!!!! A HIGH FLYER!!!!!! Wow I got a case of the jokes!!! I don't care who ya r thats funny!
Tuesday's Observer site news update, with more on Jeff's suspension (although no word yet on what drug he was suspended for), and info on Hogan's Celebrity Wrestling show has been green-lit for 8 episodes with a two-hour finale, although the network isn't known -

At this rate, I'd expect Jeff to be gone by the end of the year unless he gets clean. Hopefully he either gets his shit together and goes to rehab, or is gone and takes WWE up on their offer of rehab for anyone who was at one time employed by WWE. Realistically, the best thing for him is probably retirement, as he's battled a lot of addictions (including a meth addiction that cost him his job the first time), but it's also unrealistic to expect him to actually retire after having the best run of his career as a wrestler and drawing card for WWE.

Edit - Interview about his many injuries -

Also, ESPN has covered the Jeff Hardy suspension, but hasn't covered the Mayweather deal from last night yet.
[quote name='Zen Davis']
I just think you blatantly hate the guy and it's making you biased as to his role in the company and the kind of work he's been doing lately.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't be farther from the truth. Hell, I bitched out Brak when No Mercy rolled around cause of Orton. I like the character and really wish he had an expanded role.

I just think he's been downplayed as a Champion, especially compared to HHH & Cena. Seriously, he's the Heel (and Champ) heading into the match, yet he's easily the underdog that looks much weaker than the other two walking in.

I honestly hope I'm wrong and he walks out Champ. It'd also love to see HHH get a career-ending injury.
Much weaker? He laid out Cena a couple of weeks ago, and was built up by Cena as the most devious man in ALL OF WRESTLING last week on commentary. Sure, he could be built up better in this feud (which hasn't been anywhere near as good as the HBK-Cena build last year), but he's being booked better now than he was in November, when he was eating superkicks every week and only kept his belt by being a chickenshit.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']The Great Khali in MitB. Count on it.[/QUOTE]

I'd be down with that as long as he superplexs somebody off the "holy fuck that's HUGE" ladder
[quote name='Sporadic']I'd be down with that as long as he superplexs somebody off the "holy fuck that's HUGE" ladder[/quote]If that actually happened...I think I'd pay to watch WM.
For anyone interested, an early Vader match (with him wrestling under his real name) will be airing during tonight/tomorrow morning's AWA broadcast on ESPN Classic. The previous airing featured an excellent interview segment with Larry Zbysko putting himself over, a match where he did that AND beat a jobber, then complained on the mic until time ran out, a Nick Bockwinkel video package aired with the '80-est '80s graphics EVER preceding it, and Stan Hansen destroyed Jerry Blackwell leading to him facing Curt Hennig in an AWA World title match that went to a time limit draw, and established Hennig as someone who could fairly contend for the world title, and COULD have won it had the time limit not expired.

There's PLENTY of good wrestling out there - TNA had a good show on Sunday (instantly forgettable, however) Raw from LAST NIGHT featured two good matches and an incredible near-riot segment with Mayweather, NOAH's got some awesome stuff, and ROH has some great stuff going on.

Also, the AWA shows on ESPN Classic are incredible.
For anyone interested, an early Vader match (with him wrestling under his real name) will be airing during tonight/tomorrow morning's AWA broadcast on ESPN Classic. The previous airing featured an excellent interview segment with Larry Zbysko putting himself over, a match where he did that AND beat a jobber, then complained on the mic until time ran out, a Nick Bockwinkel video package aired with the '80-est '80s graphics EVER preceding it, and Stan Hansen destroyed Jerry Blackwell leading to him facing Curt Hennig in an AWA World title match that went to a time limit draw, and established Hennig as someone who could fairly contend for the world title, and COULD have won it had the time limit not expired.

Screens -
Featuring Earthquake Ferris ahead of Larry Zbysko. He had 12 glorious years!


Larry Nelson flips the bird

Aforementioned '80-est '80s graphics

[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Great khaili is a great big pile of shit!!!!

Man wrestling sucks nowadays.

Except ROH I know. I know.[/quote]

Watch this all the way through.

KENTA vs. Marufuji

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
[quote name='beane316']GAH, so much for the Stevie push officially[/quote]

I don't think so. I believe he's in what's called a feud.

Anyway, I've come to the theory that anytime a wrestler gets suspended for a wellness policy violation, CM Punk will get a push.
I'm interested in seeing just who WWE puts in the ECW title invitational, which is continuing the tradition of the cruiserweight invitational as the match to put Chavo in when they have no actual plans for him. Khali destroying Stevie tonight was utter bullshit - they had something really good going with Stevie, and then firmly established that he's still just a jobber and there's no point in caring about him.

That was the worst part of the first half, which was quite great, especially the tag title match, which had some classic ECW wrestler spots thrown in (Acid Drop attempt, WAAZZUUP headbutt with a helmet, Morrison's garbage can moonsault) some innovative stuff (double tree of woe dropkick, Dreamer slinging Morrison onto Miz, who was under a trashcan) and really had the crowd hooked. Festus-Burke was sad, as now Burke isn't just a jobber to the stars, he's jobbing to Festus, which puts him at about the level of Deuce.

The main event was... a match. I'm not quite sure why they couldn't just have Punk knock V down and beat him with the Anaconda Vise, but the visual of Matt Striker quickly running to get V water to get him back in the ring was humorous, and led to a G2S, so I'll give them a pass on it. Punk's win got a big pop from the crowd, except for the guy with the C.M. Junk sign in the front row.

Stevie is now feuding with Mike Knox - that does not signal a push continuing.
fucking hell... down to about 1.5 reasons to order WM now.

Thanks, Jeff. You've farily well pissed away the push you got RIGHT AFTER RETURNING from a suspension.

My money's on Kennedy now. He was about 3 days away from cashing in last time. He's due.
[quote name='D_Icon']TNA Chris Harris on ECW/SmackDown tapings.

Loses to Shelton Benjamin.[/quote]

Do you mean earlier tonight or next week? If that's the case.. I'm gonna watch ECW.
[quote name='D_Icon']TNA Chris Harris on ECW/SmackDown tapings.

Loses to Shelton Benjamin.[/QUOTE]


I give Chris Harris six months tops before he's back in TNA.
[quote name='Purple Flames']America's Least Wanted?[/quote]

Come on man. They're like two inevitable black holes drawing upon each other. :)
have to catch up... been on the road the last two days so havent seen raw or ecw..

i had one awesome moment though.. i was walking around at the memphis airport monday morning and i happen to walk by JOHN CENA.. i thought i was imagining things since it was real early and i was tired but it was him.. complete in his 8 bit shirt and raw gear..Walking by himself and sat down at his gate...

i wish i would of gotten a pic or something..
[quote name='guyver2077']have to catch up... been on the road the last two days so havent seen raw or ecw..

i had one awesome moment though.. i was walking around at the memphis airport monday morning and i happen to walk by JOHN CENA.. i thought i was imagining things since it was real early and i was tired but it was him.. complete in his 8 bit shirt and raw gear..Walking by himself and sat down at his gate...

i wish i would of gotten a pic or something..[/quote]

You fool. I totally would have said something to him.
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