It's time for "300" (Official "300" Thread)

[quote name='chaarlieee']Late movie means no fucking kids. So there was no laughing or annoying dumbasses being loud. Only real noise came when the Queen killed the guy who boned her, audience clapped.

:applause: I went on opening day (Friday) and was worried because that is usually the day when all the assholes and loud kids go. Luckily it appears that they all left before the 10:30 show started. By-the-way I'm 17 and would just like to disassociate myself from people like that ;). Great movie.
There were some annoying ass kids waiting in line when I went. Fortunately the manager noticed that they acted and dressed like douchebags and made them leave when he IDed them shortly before the movie started. What a good manager ;d
Saw it yesterday and I thought it was really good.

Although I didn't follow, can someone quickly explain who the guy with the big whip was?
[quote name='CAG 79']I also agree with you and Trakan.
In a way I'm glad that the main character dies that way there won't be any sequels.

Dur, that's not even really a spoiler if you know anything about history.
[quote name='Zoglog']There was alot more bare penis hanging out in the comic. I didn't even see one hanging penis![/QUOTE]

:cry: This disappointed me too.... ;)
[quote name='seanr1221']Saw it yesterday and I thought it was really good.

Although I didn't follow, can someone quickly explain who the guy with the big whip was?[/quote]

I think he was just a lead emissary sent to allow the Spartans to surrender to Xerxes before the Persians do a major attack.
I just saw 300... I feel sick. In other words I'm dissappointed. I'm sooo glad I had free tickets. That will be the last time I ever go to the movies. A Kia commercial? A fucking Kia commercial!? Give me a fucking break... 20 min. of that shit and then another 10 of fucking previews!? MPAA you can kiss my ass as much as the RIAA.

Oh yeah... And some fucking idiot actually bought their infant to this movie...

Anyway, I tried... I tried to say it was good but my friend was right. He's the one that hype it up for me in the first place too. Sadly I say Troy was probable just as good or :gasp: better.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Oh yeah... And some fucking idiot actually bought their infant to this movie...

At the 12:01 show someone brought a god damn baby with them. It was crying for a while but then a few people in the crowd yelled at the person and they left.

Parents need to learn that babies don't like loud noises.
That's the problem though... the stupid ass parents are still kids themselves... :cough: responsiblity :cough: :cough: common sense :cough:
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I caught the early showing this morning at 11:00, and honestly, I wasn't too impressed. The art style is sweet, but overall, the film just isn't compelling. There's nothing that makes the movie stand out whatsoever. It's just a stupid, boob-filled ultra-violent romp (which I would normally love), but it just takes itself too seriously and tries too hard to force that "epic" feeling down your throat. Snyder has some serious visual talent, but he can't pace an action movie for shit. Color me disappointed.[/quote]
Takes itself to seriously? I dont think you know what that means... cause I felt it didnt take itself seriously at all. Thats why I liked it.

How come CAGers seem to hate every movie? o_O
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Takes itself to seriously? I dont think you know what that means... cause I felt it didnt take itself seriously at all. Thats why I liked it.

How come CAGers seem to hate every movie? o_O[/QUOTE]

Its not really just CAg, its the internet in general.
"Get" to see it again tonight. Between yesterday and today this will be the 3rd time and I really really don't want to see it again...oh well, at least its an entertaining movie.
Frank Miller's dialogue doesn't translate to screen very well at all. At least most lines in this movie. I like it, i was entertained though. The battles were cool, the talking...not so much.
[quote name='oNeWiNgEdAnGeL']Just saw it . Wow, are people crazy or what? There were like 4 sold out showing tonight...[/quote]

i tried to watch it at 9pm and it was sold out at the 3 major theaters in my area. i opted for tickets at the 10pm showing instead and went to buy tickets, but they were sold out lol! i had to wait until 11pm to finally watch the movie :bomb:

i had a good time though and the movie was worth the wait.
[quote name='AshesofWake']Frank Miller's dialogue doesn't translate to screen very well at all. At least most lines in this movie. I like it, i was entertained though. The battles were cool, the talking...not so much.[/quote]

I felt the same way, although some of the dialogue contains historical quotes from the battle.
[quote name='zionoverfire']I felt the same way, although some of the dialogue contains historical quotes from the battle.[/quote]

as far as i know only two lines do.

anyway, i was very disappointed by the movie. first let me say that the cinematography was great, the direction was great, the action sequences were great and it definitely got me pumped some parts.

unfortunately the characters were severely lacking any personality and development, the story was very straight forward and not very enthralling, the slipknot butt rock that pops in seems very out of place and i couldnt help but laugh at that part.

i dont plan on seeing it again in theatres, although id probably buy an extended edition dvd (which im expecting a la sin city) and hopefully that adds a little more depth to the movie.
I like the 300 trailer more than the actual movie. It's not the same without the NIN song. I also saw Troy again and it was just as good. Not gory/bloody enough though.
[quote name='chaarlieee']Only real noise came when the Queen killed the guy who boned her, audience clapped.[/quote]

ha ha, yeah, same with the audience I sat with too. That was the most vigorous/excited clapping I've heard recently.

And I'll definitely be getting this on HD-DVD/Blu-Ray, assuming Warner follows through with their multi-format plans...
I saw it last night and though it was great. Of course it has its flaws, but that's fine. There are really no perfect films, well maybe a few.

Anyway, this movie could have been an hour and a half if they cut out all of the damn slow motion. It's become a crutch in action movies now a day. I wish they'd take it out.
For what it's supposed to be; a purely hyper-violent, over the top action flick about a small group of Spartans kicking ass against impossible odds with some boobies thrown in for good measure; I thought it was excellent. The movie never sells itself otherwise. If you're going in expecting to see a realistic portrayal of the battle, you're obviously going to be disappointed and should go watch the Histroy channel (seriously, they had a great episode about it not that long ago). If you're going in expecting to see Shakespearean character development, you're obviously going to be very dissapointed, but honestly you should have known better.

I thought Troy sucked but then again, I'm a classicist at heart who was hoping for a more true-to-life depiction of the Iliad. At least the second in command of the Myrmidons in that movie was the same guy as the Spartan second-in-command in 300.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Yeah, there was 12 year old kid next to me. Parents need to be parents these days...[/quote] Eh Im 15 and went with 4 15 year old friends, a cop was even standing there and he didnt question anything, the dumb part was that one of my friends snuck in his 8 year old brother cause his mom just left the little kid with him.
[quote name='chaarlieee']Only real noise came when the Queen killed the guy who boned her, audience clapped.
[/quote] The noise on my showing came when the two guys pulled ahead of the pack and started completly raping in slow mo with hardcore music blasting. I think I heard 20 fuck yeahs during that sequence.

...... and then he got his head axed off.
300 was okay. It was pretty much exactly what I expected (macho action flick that looks pretty). I appreciated the action sequences and the artistic style for the most part. My least favorite part was the sex scene (totally stupid, IMO). My favorite part was
Thelon dies, and one counselman finds out he was a traitor. And then all the wise fogies in Sparta start yelling "Traitor!" like a retarded mob.
I checked out the graphic novel over the weekend, and I'm impressed the they were able to interpret all that movie from such a short series.

[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']At the 12:01 show someone brought a god damn baby with them. It was crying for a while but then a few people in the crowd yelled at the person and they left.

Parents need to learn that babies don't like loud noises.[/QUOTE]Ugh, I could rant all day about these people. Some idiot brought their toddler to Curse of the Golden Flower, and that child wouldn't stop crying (go figure). Freaking morons need to not have kids or not come to the movies.

Edited to add: Sorry, still reading the thread...
[quote name='Trakan']
Thirdly, the dude with the blades for arms and Xerxes. What the hell is up with them? We really should have seen blade arms get taken down by the spartans. For as cool as he looks, I think he should have been in the film for more than 10 seconds. And as for Xerxes, for claiming to be a god and as powerful as he is, he could have shown it. He could have at least done something - but he didn't.

Lastly, I feel there are problems with both the first 30 minutes of the film, as well as the ending. My problem with the beginning is that I understand that they needed to tell a story, but they really drew it out as long as they could and waited too long to get to the first action scene. After that instead of pure action throughout most of the rest of the film, we ended up with spurts sparsely mixed throughout. My problem with the ending was really the lack of an ending. Why was there was no final battle scene? Sure, a couple of guys got hit with swords, spears and arrows, but what's with Leonidas just sitting there ready to take the arrows? He just throws the spear at Xerxes and sits there waiting to die? Lame.
[/QUOTE]I totally agree with you on these points. I think I had the expectation that that last battle would be just as extravagant as the previous battles, but it was pretty weak sauce. Maybe I was expecting some sort of fistfight with King Leonidas and Xerxes.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']300 was okay. It was pretty much exactly what I expected (macho action flick that looks pretty). I appreciated the action sequences and the artistic style for the most part. My least favorite part was the sex scene (totally stupid, IMO). My favorite part was
Thelon dies, and one counselman finds out he was a traitor. And then all the wise fogies in Sparta start yelling "Traitor!" like a retarded mob.
I checked out the graphic novel over the weekend, and I'm impressed the they were able to interpret all that movie from such a short series.

The sex scene was beautiful IMHO. If you can get past the fact that it's just sex and actually the deepest bonding between a husband and a wife, it's very touching. especially when you factor in
the fact that that was the last time they would ever sleep together again
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']The sex scene was beautiful IMHO. If you can get past the fact that it's just sex and actually the deepest bonding between a husband and a wife, it's very touching. especially when you factor in
the fact that that was the last time they would ever sleep together again
[/QUOTE]I really think sex is something that can be done artistically and beautifully, but I don't feel it was done here. I guess when I think artistic, I think more romantic and sensual, more emphasis on closeness and intimacy. The sex scene, while the lighting was nice, the several cuts of breast-bouncing, thrusting, and different positions seemed silly to me. The half-second they showed in the trailer looked good to me, so I'm guessing it's the different cuts that I didn't like.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I really think sex is something that can be done artistically and beautifully, but I don't feel it was done here. I guess when I think artistic, I think more romantic and sensual, more emphasis on closeness and intimacy. The sex scene, while the lighting was nice, the several cuts of breast-bouncing, thrusting, and different positions seemed silly to me. The half-second they showed in the trailer looked good to me, so I'm guessing it's the different cuts that I didn't like.[/QUOTE]

The way I see it is that the movie was raw about the violence thus the sex came off as very raw. It was just all set in a wonderful looking world. Good points, but I guess it's preference.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I really think sex is something that can be done artistically and beautifully, but I don't feel it was done here. I guess when I think artistic, I think more romantic and sensual, more emphasis on closeness and intimacy. The sex scene, while the lighting was nice, the several cuts of breast-bouncing, thrusting, and different positions seemed silly to me. The half-second they showed in the trailer looked good to me, so I'm guessing it's the different cuts that I didn't like.[/QUOTE]
It was silly? What? Are you a virgin?
great flick, two parts bothered me,
why would the guy carry around Xerxes money around with him, just seems like a real easy way to be caught
somehow a lil goat path was able to turn tide of the war and get all those persian soldiers in position to attack
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']great flick, two parts bothered me,
why would the guy carry around Xerxes money around with him, just seems like a real easy way to be caught
somehow a lil goat path was able to turn tide of the war and get all those persian soldiers in position to attack

1. Silly but useful in keeping him as a minor villain. 2. That's what actually happened, although it did take some time to surround the 300, which historically gave the rest of the Greek army time to retreat.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']well, I know your avatar isn't a virgin and (hopefully) his is.[/quote] I said that because the scene didn't seem "silly" at all to me. It was sex. I thought the point of the whole scene was for the audience to understand their relationship, and watching the scene you could tell they had a serous relationship. It wasn't like they just fucked and the scene was pointless--which is how a lot of movie sex scenes are.

And you're right, no way the girl in my avatar is a virgin.. I've seen plenty of her poses.
[quote name='chaarlieee']It was silly? What? Are you a virgin?[/QUOTE]I thought it looked raunchy and out of place. Is that better than "silly"? I mean, I didn't see a point in showing that the Spartans knew all the basic sex positions.
I saw it last Friday, and absolutely loved it. For me, the movie delievered on the most significant of my expectations - a 2 hour surge of testosterone. Anyways, I let out a laugh when
Leonidas pounds his wife from behind

My only disappointment was
the rather weak display of the fall of the 300 Spartans. Granted they stood no chance of survival what so ever, surrounded as they were. However, it would have been nice to see a longer final stand to show a greater sense of appreciation towards their heroics
, but still a great flick non the less.
[quote name='chaarlieee']I said that because the scene didn't seem "silly" at all to me. It was sex. I thought the point of the whole scene was for the audience to understand their relationship, and watching the scene you could tell they had a serous relationship. It wasn't like they just fucked and the scene was pointless--which is how a lot of movie sex scenes are.[/QUOTE]I have to disagree with you there. To me, it seemed liked they just fucked and the scene was pointless. I didn't understand anymore of their relationship not did it make their relationship seem more serious. It emphasized more sex than love. I'm fine with sex scenes; I just didn't think this was done well nor did it contribute anything to the movie except filler time.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I have to disagree with you there. To me, it seemed liked they just fucked and the scene was pointless. I didn't understand anymore of their relationship not did it make their relationship seem more serious. It emphasized more sex than love. I'm fine with sex scenes; I just didn't think this was done well nor did it contribute anything to the movie except filler time.[/quote] That was my impression, but I have a horrible short term memory. I'm actually going to watch it again tomorrow, so I'll make sure I pay attention to the sex scene and what happened before it. :lol:
Just saw it a few hours ago and I really enjoyed. It's definitely an awesome movie. As for reviews, I like Mielke's review of the film along with Phil Villarreal's review, as well.

I just got back from seeing it for the first time. I think it's a really good movie, but not great. In my eyes it fell as being another victim to over-hype.

I think the end "battle" was fairly disappointing considering the previous scenes in the movie were incredible.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I really think sex is something that can be done artistically and beautifully, but I don't feel it was done here.[/QUOTE]

Top Gun FTW.

Eh ... I liked it -- particularly the visuals, of course -- but I thought it really could have used some nuance, badass action movie or not. It's tough to maintain one note for two hours, no matter how interesting that single note might be in small doses.

There was just a point when they've literally killed bajillions of persians (who are all faceless, disfigured, or perverts), made ancient Greece safe for democracy, disavowed all their own boy-buggery, instituted progressive roles for women, and managed to TALK! LIKE! THIS! FOR! TWO! HOURS! that I wondered if they were such supermen, why didn't they just ignore the kryptonite and throw the damn island into the Sun already?

To continue that metaphor, I just can't muster any excitement when I read a comic where Superman stops a bank robbery, and this take on the Spartans is so fawning, it's incapable of giving them any kind of flaw or vulnerability, and that's dull, slo-mo dismemberment or not.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I have to disagree with you there. To me, it seemed liked they just fucked and the scene was pointless. I didn't understand anymore of their relationship not did it make their relationship seem more serious. It emphasized more sex than love. I'm fine with sex scenes; I just didn't think this was done well nor did it contribute anything to the movie except filler time.[/QUOTE]
Saw it again. My first impression still stands. Didn't seem silly to me at all.
bread's done