It's time for "300" (Official "300" Thread)

The Times ripped it to shreds:

Zack Snyder’s first film, a remake of George Romero’s “Dawn of the Dead,” showed wit as well as technical dexterity. While some of that filmmaking acumen is evident here, the script for “300,” which he wrote with Kurt Johnstad and Michael B. Gordon, is weighed down by the lumbering portentousness of the original book, whose arresting images are themselves undermined by the kind of pomposity that frequently mistakes itself for genius.

In time, “300” may find its cultural niche as an object of camp derision, like the sword-and-sandals epics of an earlier, pre-computer-generated-imagery age. At present, though, its muscle-bound, grunting self-seriousness is more tiresome than entertaining. Go tell the Spartans, whoever they are, to stay home and watch wrestling.

More at the link above.
I caught the early showing this morning at 11:00, and honestly, I wasn't too impressed. The art style is sweet, but overall, the film just isn't compelling. There's nothing that makes the movie stand out whatsoever. It's just a stupid, boob-filled ultra-violent romp (which I would normally love), but it just takes itself too seriously and tries too hard to force that "epic" feeling down your throat. Snyder has some serious visual talent, but he can't pace an action movie for shit. Color me disappointed.
I don't give a rats ass what anyone or any sorry ass newspaper says.
This movie wll be fucking awesome. PERIOD!
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Since when should the Times be the authority on balls out awesome? This isn't the type of movie to appeal to them.

In addition, the Dawn remake was shit, I see no way for people to saw that's better than 300.[/quote]

I agree with who made the Times the authority on good movies, but the Dawn remake was still good. I hold both Dawn in a high sense, though the first is indeed better than the remake.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Screw the Times. There's a reason why their readership is dwindling and they can barely keep the company afloat. I used to read them religiously, but canceled my subscription year's ago after the articles' quality began to diminish and they started to take crazy stances on different issues.[/QUOTE]
QFT I only get the times to read the fry's ad without using my computer o yah and its good for pming
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I caught the early showing this morning at 11:00, and honestly, I wasn't too impressed. The art style is sweet, but overall, the film just isn't compelling. There's nothing that makes the movie stand out whatsoever. It's just a stupid, boob-filled ultra-violent romp (which I would normally love), but it just takes itself too seriously and tries too hard to force that "epic" feeling down your throat. Snyder has some serious visual talent, but he can't pace an action movie for shit. Color me disappointed.[/quote]
I pretty much agree with Fez. It was a combination of things for me. I hyped this movie up way too much in my head and expected a lot out of it. I've been seeing trailers for it for so long that I really couldn't help but be excited. Of course it looks pretty good visually, but I guess I just expected too much from the rest of the movie. I tried to stay away from the reviews so I could judge it myself, but I gave in. One review I read portrayed it as a total non-stop action movie with little to no plot. That was pretty much exactly what I expected from it, but came out of it very disappointed. The 2 hour movie only had about 40 minutes of good action in it, and although it was good, I felt it could have been much, much better. Some of the ways things happened I envisioned happening a lot differently. The other 80 minutes of the movie was well.. boring.

To sum it up in one word;

I thought it was a fantastic movie. Just expect balls to the walls action and you will be pleasently surprised. It isn't an emmy winner, but I thought it was a damn fine piece of cinema.
[quote name='Scrubsy']I thought it was a fantastic movie. Just expect balls to the walls action and you will be pleasently surprised. It isn't an emmy winner, but I thought it was a damn fine piece of cinema.[/QUOTE]

maybe the resulting spin-off TV series will have more luck
Getting so hard for this movie. Keep hearing people talking about it and its making me more and more anxious. Must find a way to see it this weekend between the drinking and the chasing snow bunnies.
I just got back from it. Holy shit, that was awesome. Although I must admit that what others have said about the movie not being too compelling is true. There were times where I found myself having a hard time getting into it.

But there are so many other good things about this movie, so that doesn't really seem to matter. Definetly one of my favorites.
Just came from watchin 300
* Read if you watched it already*

-Very [SIZE=-1]exaggerated number of soldiers
-Simulated Greek sex
-Etremely epic
-Awesome/realisctic CGI
-Great acting and memorable characters
-Jaw-dropping gore

-Minimal camera movement
-For some the story might be confusing, if you don'y pay attention
-Some severed limb scenes are pretty gross (But still cool)
-Uhhhh i think thats it

Overall I wasn't dissapointed

BTW: Whats your guys favorite scene?

Mine was when [/SIZE]
the oracle was moving all cool-like
Saw 300 this morning, I thought it was a great movie, enjoyed the battle scenes. Looking forward to picking it up on DVD when it comes out.

Not sure about my favorite scene, maybe
Leonidas fighting and decapitating the giant.
I fucking loved the movie. Felt sorta like Gladiator meets Berserk, which is a fantastic combination. I've become extremely negative when it comes to movies, so to see something like this that I thoroughly enjoyed... definitely nice.

I recommend the fuck outta this movie.

Edit: Favorite scene by a mile was
the battle that takes place at night where that monster guy who's pretty much unkillable shows up. Reminded me a lot of Zodd the Immortal from Berserk.
ok i've been hyping this one up in my brain since i saw the first trailer. and let me tell you, it does not dissapoint.

the fight scenes are AWESOME. really stylized, bloody, and nothing too over the top corny. some truly refreshing stuff after watching typical crap hollywood fight/chase scenes.

the plot and acting was pretty decent, nothing spectacular but definitely adequate. everything flowed well, the "talking" bits helped break up the action i suppose.

basically, if you're looking for some hyper-realistic violence with some stunningly beautiful cinematography, you will love this shit. good movie, almost great.

my favorite part was:
when the queen stabs the guy and repeats what he told her during the rape scene, fucking sweet :applause:
Alright, I just got back. Granted, it was good, but I was expecting a 9-9.5 out of 10 and got about a 7.5-8 out of 10. So, a little disappointing. Honestly, everyone's saying it was balls to the wall action, but I actually felt there wasn't enough action, and some of the excess story could have been...excised. It was still pretty cool though, definitely worth seeing.

Favorite scene:
When the dude's son gets decapitated (not because I'm a heartless bastard, but I don't know, it just got to me)
If you guy liked the movie seriously go out and pick up some Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. After that, read the Watchmen. Then you'll have successfully read the 2 best comics ever and you won't have to read another one...unless you want to.
went to see it with my friends and we all loved it...good stuff; great cinematography, really engrossed me on the scale of battle

if you liked Sin city, you will most likely enjoy this film..i loved both

favorite part was
when it looked like the dude was kneeling and about to give up, but then that dude did the whole jump-off thing like i nba street homecourt hahaah...a valiant effort that is engraved in my mind now
My favorite scene was
with Leonidas and Xerxes, where he says (paraphrased) "You don't know Spartan women, judging by what you've shown so far, perhaps we should have sent them." Classic.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I caught the early showing this morning at 11:00, and honestly, I wasn't too impressed. The art style is sweet, but overall, the film just isn't compelling. There's nothing that makes the movie stand out whatsoever. It's just a stupid, boob-filled ultra-violent romp (which I would normally love), but it just takes itself too seriously and tries too hard to force that "epic" feeling down your throat. Snyder has some serious visual talent, but he can't pace an action movie for shit. Color me disappointed.[/quote]

Yeah this is pretty much exactly how I feel about the movie. Some of the dialog was so bad I started laughing. If this movie didn't look awesome it would be called Alexander. A few select parts were cool but overall it felt like it had absolutely no substance, no depth. It is a fun watch but ultimately nothing more than a very stylish turd.
good... no awesome flic... virtual studios need to do more pictures...

David Wenham never ceases to make me like him more and more. First loved him in LotR as Faramir, great in the Proposition, and 300 even better.

anyone ever see the cowboy movie he did called Dust? is it any good?
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I caught the early showing this morning at 11:00, and honestly, I wasn't too impressed. The art style is sweet, but overall, the film just isn't compelling. There's nothing that makes the movie stand out whatsoever. It's just a stupid, boob-filled ultra-violent romp (which I would normally love), but it just takes itself too seriously and tries too hard to force that "epic" feeling down your throat. Snyder has some serious visual talent, but he can't pace an action movie for shit. Color me disappointed.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much exactly how I felt about it, as a whole nothing really stuck out as all that special about the movie. BTW i'm curious, since you all probably had some lively audiences, during the first sex scene were people laughing in the audience? Almost the entire theater broke out in giggling or straight up laughing during that scene
[quote name='coolsteel']Pretty much exactly how I felt about it, as a whole nothing really stuck out as all that special about the movie. BTW i'm curious, since you all probably had some lively audiences, during the first sex scene were people laughing in the audience? Almost the entire theater broke out in giggling or straight up laughing during that scene[/QUOTE]

my theater was dead quiet. Personally I thought that was a beautiful scene.

the main thing where people laughed was when
the queen said the giving birth thing to the Persian
Damn good movie!

I might have to check out the graphic novel but....
What was the point of the hunchback? He didn't exactly do anything.
[quote name='bobo2k4']Damn good movie!

I might have to check out the graphic novel but....
What was the point of the hunchback? He didn't exactly do anything.[/QUOTE]

my guess is he had either a larger role in the novel or he did have a larger role initially, but was cut slightly due to time restraints.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']my guess is he had either a larger role in the novel or he did have a larger role initially, but was cut slightly due to time restraints.[/QUOTE]

Yea I'm betting on lots had to be cut. They used a lot of makeup for someone that only had 3 minutes of screen time.
I almost don't want to see any other movies ever again cause I know they can't live up to the awesomeness of this one...
It went by so fast. My only complaint is that it wasn't longer, and that's a testament to how incredible it was. I plan on seeing it again, and my friends who saw it want to see it again also.

The Dawn of the Dead remake is awesome. Not as good as the original, but great nonetheless.
The hunchback had almost a smaller role in the book and was flushed out more in the movie. He still betrayed them in the novel and did basically everything the same.
Didn't get to see it tonight...all 3 theaters were Sold Out...made me sad. And at one theater there were crowds of people standing outside the front of it because 300 was sold out. Who's bright idea was it to have it only on 2 screens? I remember they put Ghost Rider on 4.

I'm going to the first showing tomorrow for sure though.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I almost don't want to see any other movies ever again cause I know they can't live up to the awesomeness of this one...[/quote]

Haha, I said something similar after exiting. Mine was more along the lines of "Any movie that ever is released will be compared to 300 on the grounds of awesome. It is a benchmark to aim for."
This movie kicked ass! I came in expecting one thing and this movie fully delivered on all fronts. It didn't try to come off as a comedy, but in reality was a drama (I'm looking at you Man of the Year). Loved it. Totally engrossing. Some dialogue wasn't that great, but every scene was visually stunning and breath taking. The story was cohesive, the characters were likable and memorable, and overall the acting was pretty good (some scenes were so-so). The combat was great. I like the way that they tied it up at the end, but it left me wanting so much more. I would have loved to see the final battle. Still, I loved the action, violence, and gore. The slow motion during the combat scenes was done perfectly. Awesome movie. There were parts (such as when he climbes the mountain at the beginning) where it reminded me of God of War and you can really see how one impacted the other. The depiction of King Leonidas definitely reminded me of Kratos. Simply put, this is a non-stop, balls-to-the-wall, adrenaline pumping, testosterone racing flick on the likes that we haven't really seen in along time in cinema. Damn great film.

Edit: This flick was sold out at my theatre from the morning and I had to see it at 2 in the afternoon. My theatre ended up being pretty packed as well.
I think I ejaculated 300 times during that film.

One for each Spartan.....

ok maybe 301, that fucking goat playing the instrument was nuts

Anyway, did anyone notice the retarded political undertones of the movie paralleling current events. Persians = Iranians..... hmm send more troops eh? FREEDOM isn't FREE (didn't team america make fun of this?) and somehow the Spartans (Historically not that different in appearance from other Middle Eastern people) turned more Euro White and had European accents?..................... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Either way, not enough to detract from the movie's fun battle scenes.
[quote name='Zoglog']I think I ejaculated 300 times during that film.

One for each Spartan.....

ok maybe 301, that fucking goat playing the instrument was nuts

Anyway, did anyone notice the retarded political undertones of the movie paralleling current events. Persians = Iranians..... hmm send more troops eh? FREEDOM isn't FREE (didn't team america make fun of this?) and somehow the Spartans (Historically not that different in appearance from other Middle Eastern people) turned more Euro White and had European accents?..................... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Either way, not enough to detract from the movie's fun battle scenes.[/quote]

300, the comic, was published in 1998. The movie was effectively a scene for scene translation (including skin color, and dialog). So, no.

Stop thinking into things too much. Not everything is a thinly veiled attempt at either undermining american values or blind patriotism.
actually, i also like the scene where
xerces first offers the dude a role as his lead commander or whatever if he would only kneel to him, and the guy (leonis?) just says that his calves are a little sore from killing all his men, so there won't be any kneeling by him hahahaha
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']This flick was sold out at my theatre from the morning and I had to see it at 2 in the afternoon. My theatre ended up being pretty packed as well.[/quote]
This is what happens when you plaster ads all over MySpace. I could just tell that almost each and every person I looked at had a profile on there. Loved seeing some kid trying to be cool in a Hot Topic-bought blazer and complaining about the need to form a line because he didn't want to conform. Yum, irony.
I don't know if the people who complained about this movie saw the same thing I did, but I loved it.

One of my favorite parts was
when Leonidas first meets up with Daxos (as he and the Spartans march towards the Hot Gates) and Daxos mocks the size of the Spartan army and the conversation ends with "See, old friend, I did bring more soldiers than you."
I went to go see this with my wife. Surprisingly, she liked it just as much as I did. I saw her smiling practically throughout all the battle scenes. Besides that point, I haven't had seen a movie in a theater this fun for while.
bread's done