It's time for "300" (Official "300" Thread)

[quote name='crystalklear64']Just got back from the late showing and holy crap that was awesome. The plot was meh, but I was there for the violence, and it did not disappoint.[/QUOTE]

Same here. But one of the things that made it better was some of the audience interactions. Like when
the wolf appears some guy in the back yelled out "OH MY GODDD!!!!" or the giggling during the sex scene/some of the deaths (spinning head)
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Seeing this at 3:45. I hope it's not fucking sold out by the time I get there. If so no big loss, I'll just go grab some food.[/QUOTE]

The problem at my theater was the line to get seats :shock:
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']300, the comic, was published in 1998. The movie was effectively a scene for scene translation (including skin color, and dialog). So, no.

Stop thinking into things too much. Not everything is a thinly veiled attempt at either undermining american values or blind patriotism.[/QUOTE]

oh please =p It was so damn obvious. And if you actually bothered to look at the comic, they have relatively tanned skin.

Either way, like I said before it's still a very badass movie and worth watching, but i'm not going to ignore something so damn blatant =p.
[quote name='crazytalkx']The problem at my theater was the line to get seats :shock:[/quote]

yea, same...when we got tickets there was noone there, but when we went inside to get seats, there was a huge line into the room we were supposed to go in
It was funny seeing the monk from van helsing as a ripped up Spartan. I love these kinds of movies that really get your fighting side going. Me an my roommates just wanted to buy spears and shields and just start walking down the street.
I thought the movie was meh, there was nothing memorable about it. It's one of the most overhyped movies of this year that failed to deliver.
[quote name='coolsteel']Pretty much exactly how I felt about it, as a whole nothing really stuck out as all that special about the movie. BTW i'm curious, since you all probably had some lively audiences, during the first sex scene were people laughing in the audience? Almost the entire theater broke out in giggling or straight up laughing during that scene[/quote]it was quite... until he started doing her doggy style.
[quote name='CAG 79']I thought the movie was meh, there was nothing memorable about it. It's one of the most overhyped movies of this year that failed to deliver.[/QUOTE]

Failed to deliver what?
It was marketed to be a gore fest and that's exactly what it was.
I agree that it wasn't the greatest action movie ever but it sure lived up to the hype.
I'm hopefully going to see this tonight, it'll be my first movie of the year, but I really enjoy Miller's works, so it should be well worth it.
[quote name='PyroGamer']This movie looks terrible. Why are people so interested in it? Is it just the lack of anything else right now?[/quote]

:rofl: :lol::roll:
Saw it last night, and it was exactly what I wanted out of the movie. I loved the camera style during the later skirmishes, when it would speed up, then slow down.
[quote name='ReaperZER0']My favorite scene was
with Leonidas and Xerxes, where he says (paraphrased) "You don't know Spartan women, judging by what you've shown so far, perhaps we should have sent them." Classic.
That was funny.

My favorite part was from the very first battle scene when there was that extended shot of Leonidas tearing ass through the hordes of Persians. Especially when he cuts that guys leg off. That was so badass.

That clip is actually available on Xbox live right now, but it's only in standard definition. It really does have much more of an impact when its in high definition on the big screen with booming sound.

[quote name='crazytalkx']When the wolf appears some guy in the back yelled out "OH MY GODDD!!!!" [/quote]
I would have died laughing at that :rofl:
[quote name='bobo2k4']I agree that it wasn't the greatest action movie ever but it sure lived up to the hype.[/quote]
It really didn't. The movie was alright, but by no means what it could have been, what the reviews made it out to be, or what I really expected of it. There's so much more they could have done, or things they could have done differently to make that particular scene better. A few things come to mind.

First off, the scene with the "berserker." Leonidas killed it way too easily. That thing needed to be chained up with 5 guys holding it to keep it from going crazy and killing persian soldiers, yet Leonidas himself can manage to prevent him from slashing him when he's on the ground. After he stabbed it in the eye, he kind of just sat there waiting to get his head chopped off.

Secondly, the scene with the rhino. Again, taken down way too easily. One guy with one spear takes down the rhino? It could have been so much more had a few more spartans jumped in and attacked it from multiple sides with the rhino providing some sort of a challenge. I mean, I can understand the elephants, they were at the edge of the cliff and had basically nowhere else to go, but the rhino? Should have been way harder to defeat.

Thirdly, the dude with the blades for arms and Xerxes. What the hell is up with them? We really should have seen blade arms get taken down by the spartans. For as cool as he looks, I think he should have been in the film for more than 10 seconds. And as for Xerxes, for claiming to be a god and as powerful as he is, he could have shown it. He could have at least done something - but he didn't.

Lastly, I feel there are problems with both the first 30 minutes of the film, as well as the ending. My problem with the beginning is that I understand that they needed to tell a story, but they really drew it out as long as they could and waited too long to get to the first action scene. After that instead of pure action throughout most of the rest of the film, we ended up with spurts sparsely mixed throughout. My problem with the ending was really the lack of an ending. Why was there was no final battle scene? Sure, a couple of guys got hit with swords, spears and arrows, but what's with Leonidas just sitting there ready to take the arrows? He just throws the spear at Xerxes and sits there waiting to die? Lame.

300 is by no means a bad movie, but for the amount of hype it got and what I was expecting from it, I came out very disappointed. For me it was average and mediocre.
I normally don't go to movies on opening week but I'm on travel for work and have nothing better to do so I checked out 300 this morning.

Eh, overall it was ok. It was hardly a masterpiece and I don't expect it to be winning any Oscars...except maybe some of the visual based ones but it wasn't bad either. It was worth my 6 bucks but I won't be buying the DVD. I don't see any political undertones in the movie. Just because a movie champions freedom doesn't mean it has some deep political meaning. People see what they want to see.

But anyway the visuals were done very well. And if you want violence there is plenty of that. Plot? No. But since when do action movies need any of that. Now if only no one would have complained if I lopped off the head of the idiot to my left who kept CLAPPING everytime the Spartans won a fight. I thought I was at a movie not a baseball game.
Just got back from seeing it and I thought it was badass.

I'll probably get to see it again later tonight and I'm excited for it.

The only things I didn't like were the lame sex scene and worst of all, some fat fuck sitting next to me. I was forced to sit at an angle because he was even getting in the way of my seat. Not to mention he was breathing so heavily you'd think he was having a heart attack. He was so annoying I almost walked out, but I'm glad I didn't.

The theater was PACKED. Sold Out show which was not surprising.
[quote name='Trakan']
It really didn't. The movie was alright, but by no means what it could have been, what the reviews made it out to be, or what I really expected of it. There's so much more they could have done, or things they could have done differently to make that particular scene better. A few things come to mind.

First off, the scene with the "berserker." Leonidas killed it way too easily. That thing needed to be chained up with 5 guys holding it to keep it from going crazy and killing persian soldiers, yet Leonidas himself can manage to prevent him from slashing him when he's on the ground. After he stabbed it in the eye, he kind of just sat there waiting to get his head chopped off.

Secondly, the scene with the rhino. Again, taken down way too easily. One guy with one spear takes down the rhino? It could have been so much more had a few more spartans jumped in and attacked it from multiple sides with the rhino providing some sort of a challenge. I mean, I can understand the elephants, they were at the edge of the cliff and had basically nowhere else to go, but the rhino? Should have been way harder to defeat.

Thirdly, the dude with the blades for arms and Xerxes. What the hell is up with them? We really should have seen blade arms get taken down by the spartans. For as cool as he looks, I think he should have been in the film for more than 10 seconds. And as for Xerxes, for claiming to be a god and as powerful as he is, he could have shown it. He could have at least done something - but he didn't.

Lastly, I feel there are problems with both the first 30 minutes of the film, as well as the ending. My problem with the beginning is that I understand that they needed to tell a story, but they really drew it out as long as they could and waited too long to get to the first action scene. After that instead of pure action throughout most of the rest of the film, we ended up with spurts sparsely mixed throughout. My problem with the ending was really the lack of an ending. Why was there was no final battle scene? Sure, a couple of guys got hit with swords, spears and arrows, but what's with Leonidas just sitting there ready to take the arrows? He just throws the spear at Xerxes and sits there waiting to die? Lame.

300 is by no means a bad movie, but for the amount of hype it got and what I was expecting from it, I came out very disappointed. For me it was average and mediocre.
Sometimes people over think movies. Sometimes a movie is just a movie. Xerxes wasn't actually a god and was just some arrogant king who wanted it all. The reason he didn’t do anything was because he was a pussy and no body every questioned him.
[quote name='Trakan']
It really didn't. The movie was alright, but by no means what it could have been, what the reviews made it out to be, or what I really expected of it. There's so much more they could have done, or things they could have done differently to make that particular scene better. A few things come to mind.

First off, the scene with the "berserker." Leonidas killed it way too easily. That thing needed to be chained up with 5 guys holding it to keep it from going crazy and killing persian soldiers, yet Leonidas himself can manage to prevent him from slashing him when he's on the ground. After he stabbed it in the eye, he kind of just sat there waiting to get his head chopped off.

Secondly, the scene with the rhino. Again, taken down way too easily. One guy with one spear takes down the rhino? It could have been so much more had a few more spartans jumped in and attacked it from multiple sides with the rhino providing some sort of a challenge. I mean, I can understand the elephants, they were at the edge of the cliff and had basically nowhere else to go, but the rhino? Should have been way harder to defeat.

Thirdly, the dude with the blades for arms and Xerxes. What the hell is up with them? We really should have seen blade arms get taken down by the spartans. For as cool as he looks, I think he should have been in the film for more than 10 seconds. And as for Xerxes, for claiming to be a god and as powerful as he is, he could have shown it. He could have at least done something - but he didn't.

Lastly, I feel there are problems with both the first 30 minutes of the film, as well as the ending. My problem with the beginning is that I understand that they needed to tell a story, but they really drew it out as long as they could and waited too long to get to the first action scene. After that instead of pure action throughout most of the rest of the film, we ended up with spurts sparsely mixed throughout. My problem with the ending was really the lack of an ending. Why was there was no final battle scene? Sure, a couple of guys got hit with swords, spears and arrows, but what's with Leonidas just sitting there ready to take the arrows? He just throws the spear at Xerxes and sits there waiting to die? Lame.

300 is by no means a bad movie, but for the amount of hype it got and what I was expecting from it, I came out very disappointed. For me it was average and mediocre.

i think you went into it with too many expectations. for me the movie was exactly what i envisioned it would be like. could it have been better? of course. but it was an action movie first and foremost, and on that front i think it delivered in spades.

THIS . IS . SPARTAAAAAAA!!!! :applause: :rofl:

and hopefully this sucker takes in close to 100 million over the weekend, looks like it's feasible from the opening day.
[quote name='tehweezner']i think you went into it with too many expectations. for me the movie was exactly what i envisioned it would be like. could it have been better? of course. but it was an action movie first and foremost, and on that front i think it delivered in spades.

THIS . IS . SPARTAAAAAAA!!!! :applause: :rofl:

and hopefully this sucker takes in close to 100 million over the weekend, looks like it's feasible from the opening day.[/quote]

It's not going to do over 100 million. It'll probably be around 75 million.
[quote name='Trakan']
It really didn't. The movie was alright, but by no means what it could have been, what the reviews made it out to be, or what I really expected of it. There's so much more they could have done, or things they could have done differently to make that particular scene better. A few things come to mind.

First off, the scene with the "berserker." Leonidas killed it way too easily. That thing needed to be chained up with 5 guys holding it to keep it from going crazy and killing persian soldiers, yet Leonidas himself can manage to prevent him from slashing him when he's on the ground. After he stabbed it in the eye, he kind of just sat there waiting to get his head chopped off.

Secondly, the scene with the rhino. Again, taken down way too easily. One guy with one spear takes down the rhino? It could have been so much more had a few more spartans jumped in and attacked it from multiple sides with the rhino providing some sort of a challenge. I mean, I can understand the elephants, they were at the edge of the cliff and had basically nowhere else to go, but the rhino? Should have been way harder to defeat.

Thirdly, the dude with the blades for arms and Xerxes. What the hell is up with them? We really should have seen blade arms get taken down by the spartans. For as cool as he looks, I think he should have been in the film for more than 10 seconds. And as for Xerxes, for claiming to be a god and as powerful as he is, he could have shown it. He could have at least done something - but he didn't.

Lastly, I feel there are problems with both the first 30 minutes of the film, as well as the ending. My problem with the beginning is that I understand that they needed to tell a story, but they really drew it out as long as they could and waited too long to get to the first action scene. After that instead of pure action throughout most of the rest of the film, we ended up with spurts sparsely mixed throughout. My problem with the ending was really the lack of an ending. Why was there was no final battle scene? Sure, a couple of guys got hit with swords, spears and arrows, but what's with Leonidas just sitting there ready to take the arrows? He just throws the spear at Xerxes and sits there waiting to die? Lame.

300 is by no means a bad movie, but for the amount of hype it got and what I was expecting from it, I came out very disappointed. For me it was average and mediocre.

I'd have to agree with Trakan. 300 was good but not nearly as memorable as Sin City. I can't wait for Sin City 2! :bouncy:
I'm not gay or anything (not that there's anything wrong with that) but did anyone else notice the insane amount of six packs in this movie?
This movie had alot of homosexual overtones, but probably not on purpose. When the king had his back to Xerxes and Xerxes put his hands on his shoulders I started cracking up.

This movie was basically a 12-15 year old boy's wet dream. It had the "glorious" battle and honor and "badass" stills and slow motion. We didn't walk out because we wanted to see how bad the rest of it was. If I was still that young, then yes, I'd feel pumped and wanna go grab a spear and strut around thinking how tough I was.

I didn't realize I was seeing a comedy.

Edit: Frank Miller's work does not translate well to the screen. I didn't think Sin City was great and I love the graphic novels. I think it's the fault of the tone and the dialogue, it just doesn't translate to spoken word. Works much better as written text that you can play out in your mind.
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm not gay or anything (not that there's anything wrong with that) but did anyone else notice the insane amount of six packs in this movie?[/quote]

i think it was required that you had some visibile abdominal muscles in order to get a part
[quote name='swetooth9']i think it was required that you had some visibile abdominal muscles in order to get a part[/quote]

I was starting to wonder that. Or if they were somehow digitally created or something. Even that weirdo from Van Helsing (and Lord of the Rings?) had a six pack.
[quote name='Maklershed']I was starting to wonder that. Or if they were somehow digitally created or something. Even that weirdo from Van Helsing (and Lord of the Rings?) had a six pack.[/quote]

but seriously, on that preview dvd from best buy that came with a free ticket, it said that all the actors had to get physically fit for their role, and it explains how they were trained, etc.
[quote name='SithFran']Edit: Frank Miller's work does not translate well to the screen. I didn't think Sin City was great and I love the graphic novels. I think it's the fault of the tone and the dialogue, it just doesn't translate to spoken word. Works much better as written text that you can play out in your mind.[/quote]

All comics and graphic novels have some really cheesey dialouge, we just don't notice as much until we actually hear it.
[quote name='SithFran']This movie had alot of homosexual overtones, but probably not on purpose. When the king had his back to Xerxes and Xerxes put his hands on his shoulders I started cracking up.

This movie was basically a 12-15 year old boy's wet dream. It had the "glorious" battle and honor and "badass" stills and slow motion. We didn't walk out because we wanted to see how bad the rest of it was. If I was still that young, then yes, I'd feel pumped and wanna go grab a spear and strut around thinking how tough I was.

I didn't realize I was seeing a comedy.

Edit: Frank Miller's work does not translate well to the screen. I didn't think Sin City was great and I love the graphic novels. I think it's the fault of the tone and the dialogue, it just doesn't translate to spoken word. Works much better as written text that you can play out in your mind.[/QUOTE]

Wait, you were "cracking up" when a man had put his hands on another man's shoulders from behind yet you criticize this movie for being aimed at 12-15 year olds...
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Wait, you were "cracking up" when a man had put his hands on another man's shoulders from behind yet you criticize this movie for being aimed at 12-15 year olds...[/QUOTE]
I loved this movie--kicked all kinds of @$$. It also made me want to do lots of sit ups.

[quote name='pop311']I really liked that movie a lot. Also, the women had some really long nipples.[/quote]

No doubt, there was fine nippage in this pic. Gorgo and that red-haired oracle come to mind.
[quote name='gunm'] Gorgo and that red-haired oracle come to mind.[/quote]
One of the most hottest/coolest scenes ever :drool:

The way she moved was so cool
[quote name='Dead of Knight']:applause:[/QUOTE]

Well it almost seems like SithFran wants to be able to be "intellectually superior" to this movie while simultaneously pointing out how "OMG MOVIE IS FAGZORZ"...
Ask yourself this question, can a movie with violence, comedy and female nudity be bad as a guy? Nope. Movie was awesome, and exactly what I wanted. I too wanted to play God of War II, which comes out this tuesday, BTW.

My favorite scene was also the scene
where Gorgo kills the evil dude and repeates the words of the rape scene. Very nyce.
[quote name='dastly75']I'd have to agree with Trakan. 300 was good but not nearly as memorable as Sin City. I can't wait for Sin City 2! :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

I also agree with you and Trakan.
In a way I'm glad that the main character dies that way there won't be any sequels.
[quote name='Maklershed']I was starting to wonder that. Or if they were somehow digitally created or something. Even that weirdo from Van Helsing (and Lord of the Rings?) had a six pack.[/QUOTE]

you mean David Wenham?


I'm a big fan of his and I thought it strange to see such crazy ass muscles on the guy... after watching The Proposition and then this he keeps throwing me off. Awesome voice over though.

and to Trakan:
Ever consider how much fantasy, risk, and hoopla people like? Reality is boring so if it means I get to see a rhino die quick or a berserker die like a pansy I'm all for it. Hey, I'm surprised the unrealistic coloring of the movie and the fact that you were watching light projected on a wall showing mixes of colors and pictures didn't set you off. Just enjoy the damn movie. Details ruin alot of stuff sometimes.

ie. take a chill pill
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']and to Trakan:
Ever consider how much fantasy, risk, and hoopla people like? Reality is boring so if it means I get to see a rhino die quick or a berserker die like a pansy I'm all for it. Hey, I'm surprised the unrealistic coloring of the movie and the fact that you were watching light projected on a wall showing mixes of colors and pictures didn't set you off. Just enjoy the damn movie. Details ruin alot of stuff sometimes.

ie. take a chill pill[/quote]

Your post makes no sense. I said I liked the movie. I'd probably rate it about a 7/10. I was saying it didn't live up to the hype, and that to me, the movie could have been better. Certain scenes left me wanting more. The cinematography was fantastic, so I don't really get the unrealistic coloring comment either.
[quote name='Trakan']Your post makes no sense. I said I liked the movie. I'd probably rate it about a 7/10. I was saying it didn't live up to the hype, and that to me, the movie could have been better. Certain scenes left me wanting more. The cinematography was fantastic, so I don't really get the unrealistic coloring comment either.[/QUOTE]

:lol: sorry miss understanding ;)

I just have a problem with people being nitpicky about how fantasy movies don't make sense in reality. Some friends of mine drive me crazy with that whole thing.

as for the color thing, it's basically just saying that people who live too much in a realistic world can sometimes have a hard time appreciating the artistic stuff...

again, miss understanding.
I thought the movie was good. Alot of action, but the political scenes ruined the pacing of the movie. The visual style was great. I learned about the Battle of Thermopylae about 10 years ago in middle school so I was mildly hyped to see this movie. I was suprised about how similar the movie was to the story I learned. The movie also used alot of quotes too that I remembered learning like: "come take them" and the Persian arrows blocking out the sun, and there were quite a few more so I thought that was kind of cool.

I agree with Trakan that they could of fleshed out some of the scenes a bit more. The rhino scene was extremely underwhelming, and I thought the Persians would unleash the executioner guy similar to the berserker instead of that very brief cameo he had. I thought the berserker's scene was good though. The only other things I was disappointed in were just some of the other stuff I learned from history class that I didn't see in the movie, but it didn't bother me too much.
[quote name='ksuwild25']The only other things I was disappointed in were just some of the other stuff I learned from history class that I didn't see in the movie, but it didn't bother me too much.[/quote]You have to remember, though, that the movie is an interpretation of the graphic novel and not history books.
Just came back from it.

300 is a bad fucking movie.

In a good way.

I bought my tickets early today for the 10:45 show. Got there at 10:30pm and there was a huge line outside for the 11:30 show. Theater was packed to full capacity of a few hundred, don't know how many seats there are in one theater. No open seats at all. Had to sit in the shitty seats at the very front. Late movie means no fucking kids. So there was no laughing or annoying dumbasses being loud. Only real noise came when the Queen killed the guy who boned her, audience clapped.

I'm not a huge fan of these types of movies, but this is one of my favorite movies ever, mostly because of the presentation. Wasn't a great story, but the action was fucking bad. Getting this on HD-DVD or BRD for sure.
bread's done