Kmartgamer Kinect 4GB $60 coupon, Dirt 3 $15 coupon, Enslaved $14.99

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To receive gaming coupons you must be a Shop Your Way Reward member. It's free and only takes a couple of minutes to sign up in store.

May 22nd through the 28th: (Light week, believe me, I need it!)

:360::ps3: Enslaved $14.99 (Reg. $19.99)
Splatterhouse $19.99 (Reg. $39.99)
:360::ps3: Dirt 3 $15 Gaming Coupon
:pc: Civilization 5 $29.99 (Reg. $49.99) Not available in all stores, recommend calling ahead.

Kmart Weekly Ad: (Circulars not effective in all stores, NYC and Offshore in particular - Savings coupon offers effective everywhere)

May 22nd through the 28th:

:360: Xbox 360 4GB Kinect Bundle $60 Gaming Coupon ($299.99)
:360: Kinect Sensor $25 Gaming Coupon ($149.99)
:360: Halo Reach $39.99 ($59.99)

Coming Soon:

To receive gaming coupons you must be a Shop Your Way Reward member. It's free and only takes a couple of minutes to sign up in store.

:360::ps3: 5-31 Hunted Demon Forge $15 Gaming Coupon
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[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Well, I think LA Noire is finally behind me. Finished up this weekends emails tonight. If you have not heard back from me please resend.[/QUOTE]

hope you can atleast enjoy the game without getting flashbacks of the all the horror stories you had to deal with lol ;)
[quote name='caponesgun']The vast majority of people that play PS3 games already owned most if not all of those games offered. So offering them to the experienced gamers was essentially pointless. It's shameless advertising for new users, but for those of us long term users it was nothing but a reminder of how uninformed Sony is of their market.[/QUOTE]

They're offering a great selection of wonderful games. Obviously, people that will have tons of games will have them... because they're great games. If they offered junker games, people would be complaining too.

I can't believe people are complaining about having the option to get 2/4 free games that include big hits.

[quote name='thehoweller']I can definitely see where his frustration's at. If Sony didn't want complaints such as his, they would have offered a credit.[/QUOTE]

A 'credit' isn't really financially feasible. There's a huge difference between someone downloading infamous and someone having $20 in credit to purchase anything on PSN. They came up with a solid selection of games, and are letting people download multiple games. It takes a certain type of person to think that's not above and beyond. Before they made this public, people were complaining that Sony wasn't going to give anything. And once they did, people still complain. Big surprise.

[quote name='aznhero913']Sony really disappointed me with their welcome back package.

I don't understand how numb nuts go online and preach that Sony doesn't owe anything.
Really?!?!? I had to take security measures and re-order credit cards, keep an eye on my credit report for the next few months, and have had no PSN for about a month. To put a cherry on top of it, Sony blatantly lied repeatedly about the loss of personal data.

Sony's compensation is a couple worthless titles for PS3, PSN+, and a couple shitty psp games?!?!?[/quote]

Exactly when did they "lie repeatedly" about the loss of personal data? Plenty of blogs lied, that's for sure... misreporting was atrocious. They got our names, addresses, and date of birth. They probably didn't get any CC info, and if they did, it was encrypted. They may have gotten passwords, but if so, they were hashed and likewise unusable. So, basically, they got the phone book. Big deal, and if blogs didn't report nonsense every other day that got disproven the next day the fallout wouldn't have been so ridiculous. Sony brought down PSN to protect you - and me, and us... yet that's also part of your complaint. Would you rather they didn't and instead sweep the intrusion under the carpet? Instead, they hired multiple high end security firms and rebuilt security from scratch.

Read Sony's letter to the gov't inquiry. It's pretty interesting -- it was a serious attack done under the cover of a denial of service attack that was headed by Anonymous (the denial of service, not the hack). While Sony techs were dealing with that, the hacker got in -- and thankfully, someone noticed a server rebooting that wasn't supposed to be doing so. They immediately started shutting everything down. They hired multiple security groups, and reported everything major they learned fairly quickly - but it takes time.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste any more time defending some huge corporation i don't actually care about. But while many people seem pissed at the way Sony handled it, I think they did a fantastic job. Am I pissed someone got my address? Sure. But they could have looked that up in a phone book. Am I pissed they got my CC info? Well, maybe I would be if that actually happened, but based on all actual reports so far, it didn't -- but Sony didn't rule it out, because it's impossible to rule out given the sophistication of the hack. But neither security firm found any evidence cc data was stolen, whereas they did find evidence of the less private data.
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[quote name='sevendayrevolution']You are really into price points man, that's dedication! :p I wouldn't wait on a game for .60. But it's your system, so whatever works for you![/QUOTE]
If I planned to play Splatterhouse immediately then I certainly wouldn't worry about a buck or 2 difference. But the fact is that I own nearly 2000 games, and it'd be 2 or 3 years yet before I ever get around to playing that game, so there is absolutely zero logic behind paying a cent more than what I feel it is really worth. I've got all the time in the world.
[quote name='xmbri']After reading all this aggravation that you have and your complete disdain of everything sony does at this point, you can give me your PS3 for free. As a matter of fact, I will even pay for shipping to my place. I could use another one. Just saying. I think Sony at the very most only owes people that were TRULY affected, instead of those complaining, the identity theft protection. How in the hell is SONY supposed to know what games you have and ones you don't. If they did, they would have the biggest market analysis people in the business. Like I said, my offer still stands brother, give me your address and I will send you the money to ship that PS3 to me :D[/QUOTE]
You obviously didn't comprehend my rant. I have no dislike for Sony in any way, in fact I stated how pleasantly surprised I was with the welcome back offerings. The only thing that I have disdain for is PS+, which is a complete and utter ripoff. Can you imagine how livid I'd be if I had actually paid $50 when they started it, only to wait nearly a year before getting a single piece of content actually worth downloading? PS+ will never be able to offer anything that justifies its price.
[quote name='gamerdogbert']Can you imagine how livid I'd be if I had actually paid $50 when they started it, only to wait nearly a year before getting a single piece of content actually worth downloading? PS+ will never be able to offer anything that justifies its price.[/QUOTE]

well you don't. So please stop complaining already.
[quote name='Ratsult2']I have a $20 coupon from the LA Noire deal, will I be able to use it on a 1600 microsoft points card?[/QUOTE]

Not without another gaming item to make up the penny difference. 1600 cards are 19.99 exactly.
[quote name='gamerdogbert']If I planned to play Splatterhouse immediately then I certainly wouldn't worry about a buck or 2 difference. But the fact is that I own nearly 2000 games, and it'd be 2 or 3 years yet before I ever get around to playing that game, so there is absolutely zero logic behind paying a cent more than what I feel it is really worth. I've got all the time in the world. [/QUOTE]

On this episode of Hoarders :p I kid, I kid. But if you have all the time in the world, your backlog wouldn't be every title known to man. Sounds like you might be wasting money buying anything if you never get around to playing it.
[quote name='jaredstorm']4000 point cards for 20 bones would be nice again.[/QUOTE]

I agree.

Missed out on the DA2 deal and donated my $50 card from C2 deal to the Japan earthquake relief.

Really need a point card but I'd rather hold out til' Josh gives a deal.

One more thing Josh, I know you said June is going to be a good for deals on recently released games but will there be a $20 offer on NBA Jam?
[quote name='aznhero913']
One more thing Josh, I know you said June is going to be a good for deals on recently released games but will there be a $20 offer on NBA Jam?[/QUOTE]

? why would there be a deal on NBA Jam? I thought the next version was a download.
SHC - Any word on carrying Infamous 2: Hero Editions in store?

It seemed like you were starting to warm up to them (KZ3), but those are still sitting on the shelf so it had me worried.
[quote name='confoosious']? why would there be a deal on NBA Jam? I thought the next version was a download.[/QUOTE]

b/c it comes out over 4 months from now.

Besides, w/ the PSN/XBLA version coming out, it would be extra incentive to get the disc copy off the shelf. Not to mention the DL game will be in the price range of $15-$20.

If it wasn't so far away, I'd just get it off PSN/XBL. The on fire edition will have updating rosters and offer some some upgrades in AI.
[quote name='aznhero913']

b/c it comes out over 4 months from now.

Besides, w/ the PSN/XBLA version coming out, it would be extra incentive to get the disc copy off the shelf. Not to mention the DL game will be in the price range of $15-$20.

If it wasn't so far away, I'd just get it off PSN/XBL. The on fire edition will have updating rosters and offer some some upgrades in AI.[/QUOTE]

well yeah, we already knew about the psn/xbla version.

I thought maybe there was a new msrp on it or something.
Just got back from picking up Dirt 3 and Castlevania LOS LE. It took a while to get an associate, but the transaction went perfect using my $20 coupons, getting the $15 coupon all while finding and getting Castlevania LOS LE (PS3 clearanced at $29.99) for just $10 +change. KMart is definitely my go to for gaming!
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lol funny how when it's a game that isn't very popular there's no problems with the deal.. just josh's luck! haha Enjoy Dirt 3 :0
I just finished L.A Noire. GREAT finish, now I just wait to be able to play the extra cases I got via DLC. Now I wait for Infamous 2 and seeing if I buy it or just rent it. If I get decent bonuses for buying it, I will otherwise gamefly wins. Amazon has no bonus available as of right now, so I'll pass there. Yes a couple bonus items but really not much. I want at least a $10-20 bonus hopefully for a major release.
[quote name='jer7583']lol funny how when it's a game that isn't very popular there's no problems with the deal.. just josh's luck! haha Enjoy Dirt 3 :0[/QUOTE]

I'm sure doesn't mind that even a small release title didn't have any problems.

Poor guy has been hammered during this month about the last 3 new release weeks.
[quote name='jer7583']lol funny how when it's a game that isn't very popular there's no problems with the deal.. just josh's luck! haha Enjoy Dirt 3 :0[/QUOTE]

Sad thing is, I'll probably have more fun with Dirt 3 than I will with LA Noire. I'm half through the game and it's getting harder and harder to go back and finish it. Gotten pretty repetitive and dull. Plus the bugs, cars disappearing off and on and I finally had the joy of having the game lock up on me today. But it sure does look purty. :roll:
Thanks again Josh for helping out with my hiccup. Almost made it to the finish line but the last snag. It's ok though. Still love the deals and keep going to them. This was my first time emailing you, so there is that at least. I told my friend "Eh, whatever, I'll get to see how Josh is now."
I have to report a not quite unexpected Dirt 3 fail from my local (#3873) store. Despite Josh's heads-up that the game will be cheaper next month, I am a big fan of the series, and wanted to carry over the coupon train, so I went in at lunch to grab a copy.

None were in the case for either system, so I went and asked the new-ish (at least to me) guy at the counter. The exchange went roughly as follows:

Me: I am looking for a copy of Dirt 3, but it's not in the case.
Guy: Okay, what game?
Me: Dirt 3.
[We go over to the case where he stares at it.]
Guy: Which system?
Me: Xbox.
[Nothing happens.]
Me: It came out today.
[We go back to the counter, he briefly looks around, peeks in the cage, doesn't see anything.]
Guy: I didn't see it, I didn't put it out.
Me: It's even in the ad.
[Guy briefly looks around again.]
Guy: Well, I don't have an ad here.
[I try not to stare in disbielief.]
Guy: It will probably take a couple of days before we get it.
[I give up and walk out.]

This is still by far the most frustrating aspect of trying to get anything on release day. Sure, every so often the deals themselves aren't working right, but Josh takes care of that very well. This though is a chronic problem that's now going on for close to a year (since I started buying games at K-mart). I mean, at the end the employees should just reach over and put on their preprinted sign that says "As a representative of K-mart, I am too lazy to even try to help, I don't care about your business, so please take your money to one of our competitors."

If it weren't for the fact that Josh tries really hard and I want to support his efforts, I would just go to Best Buy, pay retail price, knowing that for a title like this somebody (at least K-mart) will have it cheaper within 30 days, and I can get the difference back, which is one of the few nice aspects of shopping at BB. As it is, I continue the abused marriage to K-mart and their good deals.

/Rant over. On a good note, it's a really nice day out today. :)
[quote name='splintercell']I have to report a not quite unexpected Dirt 3 fail from my local (#3873) store. Despite Josh's heads-up that the game will be cheaper next month, I am a big fan of the series, and wanted to carry over the coupon train, so I went in at lunch to grab a copy.

None were in the case for either system, so I went and asked the new-ish (at least to me) guy at the counter. The exchange went roughly as follows:

Me: I am looking for a copy of Dirt 3, but it's not in the case.
Guy: Okay, what game?
Me: Dirt 3.
[We go over to the case where he stares at it.]
Guy: Which system?
Me: Xbox.
[Nothing happens.]
Me: It came out today.
[We go back to the counter, he briefly looks around, peeks in the cage, doesn't see anything.]
Guy: I didn't see it, I didn't put it out.
Me: It's even in the ad.
[Guy briefly looks around again.]
Guy: Well, I don't have an ad here.
[I try not to stare in disbielief.]
Guy: It will probably take a couple of days before we get it.
[I give up and walk out.]

This is still by far the most frustrating aspect of trying to get anything on release day. Sure, every so often the deals themselves aren't working right, but Josh takes care of that very well. This though is a chronic problem that's now going on for close to a year (since I started buying games at K-mart). I mean, at the end the employees should just reach over and put on their preprinted sign that says "As a representative of K-mart, I am too lazy to even try to help, I don't care about your business, so please take your money to one of our competitors."

If it weren't for the fact that Josh tries really hard and I want to support his efforts, I would just go to Best Buy, pay retail price, knowing that for a title like this somebody (at least K-mart) will have it cheaper within 30 days, and I can get the difference back, which is one of the few nice aspects of shopping at BB. As it is, I continue the abused marriage to K-mart and their good deals.

/Rant over. On a good note, it's a really nice day out today. :)[/QUOTE]

This is why I gave up on Kmart.
I have had the same experience over and over.
Thanks again for a perfect transaction, Dirt 3 + coupon and out the door in five minutes. Now to see if I can wait for the PS3 deal or if I bite on the Target $160 in gift card deal.
[quote name='sharingan501']Any idea if K-Mart plans to have a deal for the Oblivion 5th Anniversary edition?[/QUOTE]If you check Josh's FB page, you'll see he mentions that he wants to throw in an additional "spiff for Skyrim" to go along with the included $10 coupon, but he's not sure. Here's hoping he decides to throw something else in to seal the deal! :pray:
[quote name='confoosious']that he has a girlfriend?

The Target deal definitely is a mistake. It looks like they meant to randomly distribute the $100 coupon but forgot they had a $60 deal as well this week. I wonder if it will even last through the night.[/QUOTE]

That was harsh. And yeah, I think Target kinda dropped the ball there.

@ Josh,

The point I needed clearing up was whether or not AC: Brotherhood had been dropped in price to $30 at K-mart, because I was there yesterday and I swear it had a price-drop sign. What I was saying though is that I went to Walmart right after, and I may be confusing the two.

@ Above Post:

If they threw in Oblivion 5th Year, for free? I think I would gladly reverse my current video-game embargo, and probably crap myself. This coming from someone who has never played an Elder Scrolls game.
[quote name='aznhero913']I agree.

Missed out on the DA2 deal and donated my $50 card from C2 deal to the Japan earthquake relief.

Really need a point card but I'd rather hold out til' Josh gives a deal.

One more thing Josh, I know you said June is going to be a good for deals on recently released games but will there be a $20 offer on NBA Jam?[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately nothing is planned for points/PSN at this moment or NBA Jam. Thanks!
[quote name='BobbyTastic']That was harsh. And yeah, I think Target kinda dropped the ball there.

@ Josh,

The point I needed clearing up was whether or not AC: Brotherhood had been dropped in price to $30 at K-mart, because I was there yesterday and I swear it had a price-drop sign. What I was saying though is that I went to Walmart right after, and I may be confusing the two.

@ Above Post:

If they threw in Oblivion 5th Year, for free? I think I would gladly reverse my current video-game embargo, and probably crap myself. This coming from someone who has never played an Elder Scrolls game.[/QUOTE]
Ah, sorry about that. ACB should be $29.99 in store. .com as well to be honest.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Ah, sorry about that. ACB should be $29.99 in store. .com as well to be honest.[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought, thank you. Might wanna go check out your .com then.
Keep up the good work, I'm surprised you didn't mention that in your weekly considering almost everyone else who did the price drop, did.
Well maybe not GameStop.
quick questions josh, any deals lined up for prince of persia trilogy, tomb raider trilogy ( i missed this one when it went out of stock in ny :cry:) and or splinter cell trilogy? trying to see if i should hold off and just buy them somewhere... thanks again!
[quote name='Vacabck']Thanks again for a perfect transaction, Dirt 3 + coupon and out the door in five minutes. Now to see if I can wait for the PS3 deal or if I bite on the Target $160 in gift card deal.[/QUOTE]
I confirmed that it looks like a mistake. If it is available, jump on it.
[quote name='splintercell']

This is still by far the most frustrating aspect of trying to get anything on release day. Sure, every so often the deals themselves aren't working right, but Josh takes care of that very well. This though is a chronic problem that's now going on for close to a year (since I started buying games at K-mart). I mean, at the end the employees should just reach over and put on their preprinted sign that says "As a representative of K-mart, I am too lazy to even try to help, I don't care about your business, so please take your money to one of our competitors."

I have to agree here 100%. One of the reasons I dislike shopping at k-mart (no offense), is the employees around me are basically young people who don't give a shit. Now I know your job sucks, but that doesn't give you any excuse to be lazy, or to talk to other employees while I am trying to get your help, or just be idiots about deals.

When shopping at the Wilkes Barre PA store, when I went there twice for PSN cards (since they were in deals), the clerk was like well if they are not on the rack then we don't have them. Didn't even try to look in the back, or nothing. Just flat out told me nope, sorry. (For at least jan-feb it was like that, no clue about now).
[quote name='medetron']quick questions josh, any deals lined up for prince of persia trilogy, tomb raider trilogy ( i missed this one when it went out of stock in ny :cry:) and or splinter cell trilogy? trying to see if i should hold off and just buy them somewhere... thanks again![/QUOTE]
I believe Tomb Raider is lined up but not Ubisoft's just yet.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Unfortunately nothing is planned for points/PSN at this moment or NBA Jam. Thanks![/QUOTE]

I was afraid of that since there is no big ticket game coming out til' Sept.

As far as NBA Jam goes, does a promotion for that game interest you or is it pretty much a dead title right now that even a sick promo wouldn't do anything to move?
[quote name='aznhero913']I'm sure doesn't mind that even a small release title didn't have any problems.

Poor guy has been hammered during this month about the last 3 new release weeks.[/QUOTE]
I sooo do not mind having limited issues for a week. Maybe I'll have time to actually game a bit this week!
[quote name='aznhero913']I was afraid of that since there is no big ticket game coming out til' Sept.

As far as NBA Jam goes, does a promotion for that game interest you or is it pretty much a dead title right now that even a sick promo wouldn't do anything to move?[/QUOTE]
I'd say it may be tough to reinvest into NBA Jam
[quote name='nbballard']SHC - Any word on carrying Infamous 2: Hero Editions in store?

It seemed like you were starting to warm up to them (KZ3), but those are still sitting on the shelf so it had me worried.[/QUOTE]
Very limited, definitely email Stock Boy to see if any are inbound to your location. Good to hear from you!
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']I confirmed that it looks like a mistake. If it is available, jump on it.[/QUOTE]
Sweep the leg.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']I sooo do not mind having limited issues for a week. Maybe I'll have time to actually game a bit this week![/QUOTE]

I would hope not, unless you're into that pain/torture stuff......Hope you get to play some LAN brother. Don't waste your time on Brink though.

[quote name='SHC-Gamer']I'd say it may be tough to reinvest into NBA Jam[/QUOTE]

Josh, since you seem to be around right now. If I lost my receipt and want to return an item I bought at Kmart, can they look it up by my credit or debit card and put the money back on the card without the receipt? Thanks

EDIT: Brand new and still sealed. I am not trying to rip Kmart off here.
Any chances there will be a deal with Ocarina of Time 3DS in June? Maybe something with Twilight Princess? Just sayin lol. Regardless, keep up the GREAT work with
[quote name='wrencrest']Josh, since you seem to be around right now. If I lost my receipt and want to return an item I bought at Kmart, can they look it up by my credit or debit card and put the money back on the card without the receipt? Thanks

EDIT: Brand new and still sealed. I am not trying to rip Kmart off here.[/QUOTE]
To be honest, I am not sure. By chance do you have a SYWR membership? If the transaction was recorded there that may help.
[quote name='Vigilante']If you check Josh's FB page, you'll see he mentions that he wants to throw in an additional "spiff for Skyrim" to go along with the included $10 coupon, but he's not sure. Here's hoping he decides to throw something else in to seal the deal! :pray:[/QUOTE]
I dont see where he says that, or what a "spiff for Skyrim" even means, but that would be awesome.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Very limited, definitely email Stock Boy to see if any are inbound to your location. Good to hear from you![/QUOTE]
Thanks, Josh. Email sent.

[quote name='wrencrest']Josh, since you seem to be around right now. If I lost my receipt and want to return an item I bought at Kmart, can they look it up by my credit or debit card and put the money back on the card without the receipt? Thanks

EDIT: Brand new and still sealed. I am not trying to rip Kmart off here.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SHC-Gamer']To be honest, I am not sure. By chance do you have a SYWR membership? If the transaction was recorded there that may help.[/QUOTE]

I bet if you go to the SYWR site, you could get a transaction ID for the purchase and someone with SHC customer service could probably have a copy of your receipt emailed to you.
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