League of Legends anyone?

You farmed pretty well. Sivir is a beast at pushing down waves and maxing those bloodthirster's.

Didn't know there was a LOL thread, feel free to add me Finishoff
Mainly play normal. Characters I mostly play are MF, Rammus, & Shen. Currently looking for another character to play as, recommendations?

I ip farm a lot, next champion purchase will be Ken or Swain? Not too sure which...
Wow, that score is great. I tend to do 3 v 3 though, so I don't normally pick up Teleport. It's an instant get when I'm in 5 v 5 though. I haven't tried Ignite yet, but looking at the mastery that guide mentions, I see how great it can be, even on CD. I'll try that out later tonight.

I don't have anything as good as your score with Sivir and I've been playing her for a week straight. x_x But I did end up almost solo winning a 1 v 3 match with her


We were both attacking each others Nexus (or whatever it's called) at the same time. Sadly, they got the win.
Took me an hour to win my last game. I was owning as Nunu, bought my Randuin's and Banshee's fast, so I just went AP after that, eventually built both Rabadon's and Zhonya's, which is like 280ish AP. We could have won 10-15 min earlier if our entire team was with us.

Rammus was awful, built Warmogs before any armor. Then went to protect a full health turret, leaving us 4 at their base with no real tank. Later we got Baron but Zilean HAD to have Blue, the rest of us went in and all died. Then he nearly died protecting a turret. Then finally we pushed and won.

I think I'm stuck in ELO hell since I keep getting stupid teammates like that.
i was on a team. Swain (me), Kat, and Tryn, Blanc, and jungle malph

malph sucked
blanc sucked
Kat had 20 stacks mejia and 900+ AP
Tryn was fed too
and i was just having fun :D
so i never got to say hi to ice for you waughoo, i got home and i was so tired i was decided to just rest in the car for a few, figured it wouldnt be comfortable enough for me to sleep, 2 hours later i woke up and went into the apt and went to bed =P
sorry i was late to your party too =( but it was fun while i was there.

and for everyone else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrsTE1vpoXM
Been playing it more and more lately. Currently 5 and 8. I've only been playing 3v3 and using Ashe. Was using Renekton but I prefer ranged. Ashe is a pain in the begining but with enough farming she can be quite the distance player. Carried the team a couple times with her. Any recommendations on next champion purchase. Nearing enough IP to unlock a new one.
[quote name='Spanky']Been playing it more and more lately. Currently 5 and 8. I've only been playing 3v3 and using Ashe. Was using Renekton but I prefer ranged. Ashe is a pain in the begining but with enough farming she can be quite the distance player. Carried the team a couple times with her. Any recommendations on next champion purchase. Nearing enough IP to unlock a new one.[/QUOTE]

If you like ranged then Lux, Caitlyn or Ez. Caitlyn's kinda difficult to carry with though unless your teams good.
[quote name='Duskwraith']so i never got to say hi to ice for you waughoo, i got home and i was so tired i was decided to just rest in the car for a few, figured it wouldnt be comfortable enough for me to sleep, 2 hours later i woke up and went into the apt and went to bed =P
sorry i was late to your party too =( but it was fun while i was there.

and for everyone else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrsTE1vpoXM[/QUOTE]

Did anybody else laugh at the "It makes Cookies" part? Or was it just me...

She looks like somebody I'll have to buy and try out. Thank goodness she's only 1350rep. Are support characters like that any decent in 3 v 3 though? I see Sona pop in every now and then, and she's never been that stellar. Even in groups.

@ Spanky

Try out Sivir! I just started as well, and I was able to easily move to her from Ashe. She has a Toggle skill like the Slowing Shot, but its effect is for bouncing and attacking near by enemies of your target. It makes farming minions easy. Sivir's BB is kinda like a smaller ranged Spread shot that Ashe uses, only it can strike an enemy twice since it returns to her. Her third skill blocks enemy skill attacks and restores mana when successful too, which is great for defensive purposes. Instant block of Lux's ultimate skill ftw.

I'd say the only part where Ashe might be better than Sivir is with her Ultimate skill. Even then, it could just be preference. Sivir's ultimate is a skill that grants extra movement speed, and attack speed to all nearby allies (with a giant radius). Its not a powerhouse shot that'll shoot across a map, but it'll save your butt, help you take and chase down enemies/turrets time and time again.
[quote name='Spanky']Been playing it more and more lately. Currently 5 and 8. I've only been playing 3v3 and using Ashe. Was using Renekton but I prefer ranged. Ashe is a pain in the begining but with enough farming she can be quite the distance player. Carried the team a couple times with her. Any recommendations on next champion purchase. Nearing enough IP to unlock a new one.[/QUOTE]

I suggest playing the free champions for a couple weeks before buying one. Definitely on't buy any champion over 3150 IP unless you've played them and like them.

After 4 attempts, I finally had a good Xin game and won. First game I got a good start, but a useless Karthus ruined our team and I was kinda ramboing. Second game I got off to a good start, but had to leave because of a fucking fire drill :bomb: Third game I died once because of my own stupidity but our mid and bot failed hard (1-14 before 25). Finally the last game I did good. A few times they were just barely in range of my E and got away with a sliver of health. Had a good gank at Dragon. We got 3 of them (almost 4) and I got away with barely any health.

I've become adapted to the melee DPS mindset. As a tank, I run if I'm alone since I can't do enough damage on my own. But as Xin I fight and don't fear turret hits or death. That last game I initated at fight at their turret, drew aggro the entire time, which let my team attack freely and we got 4 of them.
[quote name='Morphx2']YAY Waughoo

happy late b-day too :D

Hey Rabbit, I played Sivir yesterday and tore it up.

Get Ignite (optional) and teleport is a MUST. Lets you go to a lane ASAP to push it.

I used this build:


I would also recommend teleport w/ Sivir if you don't want flash (flash can be tricky to use correctly). Sivir is such a strong pusher. If your minions are pushed pretty far on top and everyone is on bottom, teleport to minion on top push tower, then b. Even if your team is behind on kills stuff like this will win the game for you.

At low level when you have bad teamwork (or at high level lol), strong pushers like Sivir and Yi are very good.

I think I am going to get Kennen next with my ip!! BIGGEST PURCHASE EVERRRR!!


Rabbit: Janna is a bad-ass. Not REALLY suited for 3v3 though (at least i dont think so). She is super support. Her Q is an almsot instant knock-up of enemies in a line. Her W gives her a passive speed boost and if you cast it on enemy she loses the speed boost but slows down the enemy, and her E is GODLIKE. It is a shield that absorbs damages on a short cooldown AND gives your ally + 50? AD!! Last night with her I went with an AP build instead of a usual aura support and did awesome for my team. I was like 1-1-13. Perfect support score! My shield was blocking around 600 damage on around a 6-sec cooldown. I had 10 stacks of mejia too :D

Oh, and her R is awesome. Big radius heal for your team AND knocks the enemies back. GREAT during a team fight. All the enemies cluster on your team. Use your R and spread them out!

A good trick is if you have flash, to flash behind the enemy, and R them into your tower :D

For favorite super supports: 1) Taric 2) Janna
Support with DPS: 1) Zilean

I think those are my usual support crew.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Wow, that score is great. I tend to do 3 v 3 though, so I don't normally pick up Teleport. It's an instant get when I'm in 5 v 5 though. I haven't tried Ignite yet, but looking at the mastery that guide mentions, I see how great it can be, even on CD. I'll try that out later tonight.

I don't have anything as good as your score with Sivir and I've been playing her for a week straight. x_x But I did end up almost solo winning a 1 v 3 match with her


We were both attacking each others Nexus (or whatever it's called) at the same time. Sadly, they got the win.[/QUOTE]

lol at those builds. Are you the only one with boots? Does TF have sunfire as his only item???

Does Veigar have malady??
With Sivir, you don't need Madred's Razors or Sunfire, she already farms/pushes like a boss with that toggle ability. Madred's is mostly for junglers and Sunfire for tanks who can't farm well like Rammus and Shen.

Just rocked Xin in my last game. Finished 10/2/8. My first death was stupid, tower dove for their Kog Maw. The 2nd it took 5 of them as well as GP's ult and Udyr's stun to get me. I usually get tank items but I was rocking and get Phantom Dancer. I had a triple kill as well.

I also changed my masteries, got a point in Archaic Knowledge for the 15% magic pen since Xin's ult and E do magic damage. Makes more sense than an extra 2 armor pen.

Also, I just have to laugh at Xin using mana. You can spam your abilities as much as Garen and still never run out. I'm surprised he hasn't been nerfed in that regard to need Manamune.
Xin is still one of the OP champs I think.

I usually go 0/21/9 for xin. I run out of mana if I farm with my R, which I do when im bored in a lane :p

You should play with us Rabbit, will be fun :D You will learn to play like us, the pro's, by playing with us! You will just have to lane with one of us so we can babysit you :D
I like that Razor thing. It leads up to that epic hand which deals an additional 4% of the enemy's total health in damage per hit. Sunfire, yeah, I'll give you that. Poor choice on Sivir, but I didn't need Thorn Mail or that Auto-Revive thing. They all fled on sight.

And sounds good. I'm free Thursday afternoon if you folks are up to it. But let me warn you, I reallllly suck at 5 v 5. I've yet to have a single 5 v 5 match end well for me. The best so far was a 4/8/7 with 3buildings down (if I recall correctly).
I'm really enjoying this champion update. I wanted to try out four of these champs. Turns out I dislike them all though >_>.

I'm online now if you want to play a round or two Morph. My IGN is Siamak
[quote name='RabbitSuit']x.x The only Sunday I have free this month is the 27th.

And udyr is.. really different.[/QUOTE]

He's a really interesting champion. You have to jungle with him, but you have to be level 30 to do it successfully since you need full runes and masteries. Check videos of it on YouTube if you're curious.
[quote name='Morphx2']i think our vlad failed us that last game too

he waited 2 long to ask for a lane swap against heimer[/QUOTE]

That game they had a strong pusher and 2 strong backdoorers. I didn't realize it until it had already happened, but that's why we lost.

Heimer is sorta a BS laner. And tryn can farm and push a lane, and then can spin through walls and pop endless rage to survive. And Udyr just kept running away from us and backdooring.

At least our team realized it, when with randoms hell they probably would have blamed me. SHEN PUSH!!!!!! YOU NOOOOOOB!!!!! WTF!!!!!
yeah, we usually dont have an AD pusher on our team, which isnt good.

I will gladly use Sivir next time :)

But it happens, it was a back and forth game. I messed up my ultimate at the end. I used it too early and got stunned before I could use my hourglass :\

Maybe next time after we get a tower, we should push that lane some, then help the lane next to it, then go back to our original lane so the enemy doesnt get closer.

But yeah, Heimer is a bitch :p
I just bought..........THE MASTER OF STUNS, KENNEN!

Tried him out for like 10 min in a bot game. Owned that Master Yi in mid-lane!

When I play Heimer and my turrets get eatin or smited I get a bit upset. I understand their pets but considering the character it seems a bit much to let people one shot them. Nunu can end up eating one and smiting the other. That's beyond not cool.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']When I play Heimer and my turrets get eatin or smited I get a bit upset. I understand their pets but considering the character it seems a bit much to let people one shot them. Nunu can end up eating one and smiting the other. That's beyond not cool.[/QUOTE]

Nunu is the anti-Heimer. Anyone who can outrange his turrets with autoattacks or spammable casts breaks his heart, too.
anyone know any good guides to LoL macro? as in, good places to set up ganks, ward locations, when to push, when to defend, how much time it takes to travel the map from point to point with X movespeed, etc? more of a strategy guide for the team as a whole rather than how to play your hero well.
[quote name='crystalklear64']anyone know any good guides to LoL macro? as in, good places to set up ganks, ward locations, when to push, when to defend, how much time it takes to travel the map from point to point with X movespeed, etc? more of a strategy guide for the team as a whole rather than how to play your hero well.[/QUOTE]

Basically, it just takes experience :)

Usually in a 2v2 lane, you want to chip away/harass at the opponents life and try to find an opportunity to finish them off with a burst or to make them recall.

You also want to try to keep the minions/creeps either in the center of the lane or closer to your tower. If they have a jungler, you will not get ganked. If you have a jungler, the enemy can be ganked since he is closer to your tower.

Also, you want to get last hits (which you probably know). That is a good way to keep the minions in the middle/closer to your tower AND you get gold from last hitting them.

What is your LOL name?
i know ward locations and how to lane and i probably know what would be in such a guide, i was just curious if one was made to read for entertainment or to blast the creator and tell him he knows nothing about the game.

and i'm ck64. i might have played with you, i played with waughoo and some others (i think they were just learning the game or something) a few times a couple days ago.
I just noticed that Xin and Sivir's new skins are able to be seen in Champ Selection but aren't in the store yet.

Kind of disappointed I got good with Xin after his cheap skins were on sale, not that either are really cool, IMO. Guess I'll just wait for the gladiator one to go on sale.
Lost 6 games in a row... I went from 24:12 to 24:18.

Ran into this arranged team three times now of Tardic, Urdy, and LeBlanc. They're really good together.
[quote name='Morphx2']waughoo is still learning the game too :)[/QUOTE]

I'm actually trying to learn how to win a game if you're on my team, Flippr drags you down bad.
Arcane Smash: Maokai slams the ground, the force of which knocks nearby enemies back and sends an arcane shockwave forward damaging and slowing his enemies.

Twisted Advance: Maokai dissolves into a cloud of arcane energies. He regrows near a target enemy, dealing damage and rooting it in place.

Sapling Toss: Maokai hurls a sapling, dealing damage on impact. The sapling becomes implanted in the ground warding a nearby area. When enemies approach, the sapling attacks, exploding in an arcane blast that damages enemies.

Vengeful Maelstrom (Ultimate): Maokai shields his allies by drawing power from hostile spells and attacks, reducing non-tower damage done to allied champions in the area. Maokai can prolong the effect as long as he has mana to spend on it. When the effect ends, Maokai unleashes the absorbed energy to deal damage to enemies within the vortex.

Sap Magic (Passive): Each time a champion near Maokai casts a spell, he gains a charge of Magical Sap. When he has 5 charges, his next melee attack drains energy from his target, healing Maokai for a percentage of his maximum HP.
[quote name='Waughoo']I'm actually trying to learn how to win a game if you're on my team, Flippr drags you down bad.[/QUOTE]

But....i bought Kennen to help you with your Kat ult, you know so they dont escape at all due to bad timing of Kat's ult. neener neener! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::applause::applause::applause::applause:
[quote name='Morphx2']But....i bought Kennen to help you with your Kat ult, you know so they dont escape at all due to bad timing of Kat's ult. neener neener! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::applause::applause::applause::applause:[/QUOTE]

I usually only do bad timing on my ULT when I'm using it to try and save you after you did something stupid ;)
bread's done