League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='crystalklear64']stop spreading this proper lane bullshit. go where ever you want.[/QUOTE]

I definitely agree, but the majority of the people who play don't. If you do anything aside from the standard lane setups they freak out and immediately start trying to get people to report you.
i just have to count myself lucky with the people i play with i guess. it seems that most people fix this problem themselves though. if we start picking weird shit they either dodge or stay and the ones that stay usually don't' care.
[quote name='icedrake523']You always go in the proper lane with me and Waughoo.[/QUOTE]
yea cuz you guys get butthurt if we do anything different. its fine every now and then but you know me and preston and kyle play different.
Had a nice game last night. The rule of dodging was in full force, had people dodging us left and right. When 2 people finally stayed they turned out to be bros. We owned in all lanes, kept the jungle warded and ganked Nasus frequently. As our Talon declared about 5 mins in and we were 5-0, "fuck the meta."

Talon+Ashe top (pubs)
Karth mid (zin)
Malz+Trynd bot (fucking guess)


Gangplank top
Malzahar mid
Leona+Caitlyn bot
Nasus jungle

also no varus, which was weird since hes in like... every game.
Nasus is such a crap jungler. He relies on top lane, lol. As for Varus: He is so much fun, but yeah, he's practically in every single match. I can't really complain about it since I usually play him and have been doing surprisingly well with him.

The Meta exists now because people got used to it and until it is changed somehow, most players won't want to try anything different. I usually follow it unless I'm playing with friends.

Oh, that reminds me! The other day I decided to go Panth/Morgana bot with a friend since she (Morgana) actually didn't get banned in Draft. Here I was thinking the lane was going to get owned. I was wrong. Guess who goes bot? Singed, Alistar, AND Blitz. There was so much CC that it was impossible to do anything. Sometimes not following the Meta is the best way to go since players usually have difficulty adapting to something different.
Had a fun game with waughoo, duskwraith, ck, and zinrae.

We were getting beat pretty badly early since they were one of those teams where all 5 of them would gank you and dive the tower. Their Talon got fed and had 3 Bloodthirstesr at one point. But we battled, got baron and used it to defend. Then they couldn't ace us, we'd kill their Warwick, Lee Sin, and Talon. Cait always ran away and Janna just protected her. They got the next baron but we killed the usual 3 before they could do anything with it. Then we just pushed hard mid and won.

I think it was like 12-24 and we ended up winning 37-38. I was Yorick so I'd just ult Waughoo so there were 2 Varuses dealing tons of damage and I couldn't die since I kept spamming my Lifesteal ghoul and had over 3k mana. Yorick is so fun.
Had two horrible games tonight with retards.

First game I was jungle Nunu. Top was doing not so good, but it was fine. Mid was fine, bot was horrible. It was Lulu and Twitch. Lulu built AP (and a shitty AP build) and was stealing farm from Twitch. So Twitch got underfarmed fast. They kept pinging me for ganks and whenever I went down there, they always had it either pushed or there wasn't a chance to gank. Lost pretty bad.

Next game, we had a 4 people pick and we really needed something more tankier. So the 5th person picks Trist and we are like hey we need something else, and she picks Kayle and locks. Dear lord she was fucking horrible :lol:. Needless to say top lane was horrible, bot lane got fucked, and mid was good, but could not hold anything.

I had to quit because of the fucking disappointment. It was that bad.
i had been looking at getting sejuani since i thought she would combo well with tryndamere and theres usually one in my games, so i did and tried her for the first time last night.

the rape train had no breaks.
Played a game with Varus earlier. Went 22-3-7 and almost had a double penta. Got my first penta no problem, then probably 8-10 minutes later, got a quad. It would've been a penta if I could've caught Akali, but she was able to get to their base too fast.
Me and Flip had the worse teams ever last night. We were in pre-game and Flip asks who was pre-mades. Our Teemo says he's with our Sejuani. Then the game starts, we're all ready to leash blue and Sejuani isnt moving. So great, an AFK off the start. I take blue, and am able to keep Ziggs pushed the whole time. Flip (Naut) is bot with Teemo, and we have a Poppy top. Poppy isnt doing so great, but it getting kills and dying to get them. However, over all we're doing OK considering its a 4v5. Then Teemo dies and goes AFK. Now it's a 3v5. Poppy goes into rampage mode and is kill chasing everyone and not doing too bad. I'm getting killed under my towers thanks to 4 or 5 man ganks, but usually Flip and Poppy clean up a few of them. But then we get aced a few times, and can't really stop them from taking towers. We dont surrender though, becuase that way our AFK's cant start new games. Eventually Teemo comes back (of course it's at the point were theres no way we can win). He's like "My power went out in the appartment" and we're like "Yeah right". We say something about reporting him and his friend, and he's like "I didnt queue with him". Even though he said he was at pregame.

Then the next game we have a jungle Amumu, a Ryze, and a Lee Sin. I'm Kog and Flip's Naut again. Flip and I are doing well, but the other team has a Riven who is getting fed. Ryze and Lee are dying to her a lot. They also run every fight, and get killed while running away. Our Amumu is pretty much avoiding fights entirely. He was one of those junglers who flat out would not gank anywhere at all, and when you're teammates are nearby and in trouble he'd go get wolves instead. We eventually excuse him of trolling and he's like "lol yeah I'm trolling". Fed Riven starts destroying us, and their team is roaming as one big gank squad. We can't do anything with them. ONE time I saw Amumu use his ult in a fight. He sat in river and watched 2 of us die, then ran in and ulted only the player with full health left. He ignored the other 4 that were low and he may have been able to kill. The only other time I saw him ult was when he took blue, then walked all the way back to base. He ulted on his way past the Nexus for some reason. We ended up surrendering. In post-game he's like "I wasnt trolling" and I say "Bull", as in "Bullshit". The other team's fed Riven is named Bull-something and is like "What?". And I say "Sorry", "I meant Bull as in BS" and started to type out that I had been talking to Teemo. Riven is like "Oh, Ok, you can goto hell" and leaves. Really? I'm not even talking to this person.
hey guys, i broke 1500 ELO

If you want to play with me, it will cost you 50 cents because I am so great at this game and can kill everyone with my pinky finger
[quote name='morphx2']hey guys, i broke 1500 elo

if you want to play with me, it will cost you 50 cents because i am so great at this game and can kill everyone with my pinky finger[/quote]

haven't had a leaver in a game for awhile so it was extra frustrating tonight when me and zin had one which literally cost us the game.

i cannot believe LoL hasn't implemented something to compensate a team with fewer players yet. Every other MOBA I've played does something.
[quote name='crystalklear64']haven't had a leaver in a game for awhile so it was extra frustrating tonight when me and zin had one which literally cost us the game.

i cannot believe LoL hasn't implemented something to compensate a team with fewer players yet. Every other MOBA I've played does something.[/QUOTE]
I agree, lately I been noticing a lot of my games where someone leaves due to rage or something and then it's pretty much gg. I would like them to implement something to either discourage leaving besides the afk flag or give something to the people who had to fight 4v5 most of the game.
Had a couple good ones last night. I was with Dusk, Duck, and thier people. I was Varus and did pretty good. I think I died like once that game. I was like 10/1 or something. I keep getting annoyed as Varus though because I'll land my ULT and everyone will just stand around instead of attacking. I nailed like 4 of the enemy once with it and everyone is like "Nah, I'm not going in there", even though we were killing them every teamfight.

I also bought Blitz. Had one game as him, and I died alot. I was under leveled all game, and wasnt allowed to farm. I did however end up with more assists than deaths, so I guess I was helping. I also have the same problem with him as I do with Varus, I'll land a grab and noone will do anything. I was laning with a Varus on bot and right at the first minion wave I grabbed one of the other team (Cait I think?). Varus just stood in the bush till it was too late, and she got away with like no health. After that I had trouble on my grabs. I swear every time I have a clear shot a minion decides to walk in front of it. But we won that game anyhow. I'll probably do better with him when I build some GP5 items on him.
yay, waughoo can finally support!

And you LANDED your ult as Varus? Wohooohoohohohohohoo, finally

:D :D :D :D :D

I played like 6 dominion games last night, 4 of them we had at least one leaver. I like playing silly champs in Dominion!
[quote name='Waughoo']Had a couple good ones last night. I was with Dusk, Duck, and thier people. I was Varus and did pretty good. I think I died like once that game. I was like 10/1 or something. I keep getting annoyed as Varus though because I'll land my ULT and everyone will just stand around instead of attacking. I nailed like 4 of the enemy once with it and everyone is like "Nah, I'm not going in there", even though we were killing them every teamfight.

I also bought Blitz. Had one game as him, and I died alot. I was under leveled all game, and wasnt allowed to farm. I did however end up with more assists than deaths, so I guess I was helping. I also have the same problem with him as I do with Varus, I'll land a grab and noone will do anything. I was laning with a Varus on bot and right at the first minion wave I grabbed one of the other team (Cait I think?). Varus just stood in the bush till it was too late, and she got away with like no health. After that I had trouble on my grabs. I swear every time I have a clear shot a minion decides to walk in front of it. But we won that game anyhow. I'll probably do better with him when I build some GP5 items on him.[/QUOTE]

Naut's hook is 100x times easier than Blitz's I think. I think the hook has a bigger hitbox. You should of tried him out instead! He is a badass and then you can try jungling :)
[quote name='Waughoo']Had a couple good ones last night. I was with Dusk, Duck, and thier people. I was Varus and did pretty good. I think I died like once that game. I was like 10/1 or something. I keep getting annoyed as Varus though because I'll land my ULT and everyone will just stand around instead of attacking. I nailed like 4 of the enemy once with it and everyone is like "Nah, I'm not going in there", even though we were killing them every teamfight.

I also bought Blitz. Had one game as him, and I died alot. I was under leveled all game, and wasnt allowed to farm. I did however end up with more assists than deaths, so I guess I was helping. I also have the same problem with him as I do with Varus, I'll land a grab and noone will do anything. I was laning with a Varus on bot and right at the first minion wave I grabbed one of the other team (Cait I think?). Varus just stood in the bush till it was too late, and she got away with like no health. After that I had trouble on my grabs. I swear every time I have a clear shot a minion decides to walk in front of it. But we won that game anyhow. I'll probably do better with him when I build some GP5 items on him.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you should try jungle Blitz. Those ganks are godly.

If anyone wants to add me to play some, my name is joepoop2.
[quote name='Morphx2']i bet you like playing Taric too

Sadly yes because he is so gay, but still a decent support. Still waiting for the pink Taric skin to go on sale. :lol:
since i just started playing i have to use the free champions.

sona is so funny.
i think i went 0/0/26 or something.
I had a funny kill as Graves last night. We were purple team and fighting bot in the tri bush near dragon 3v3. I was low so I flashed over the wall by dragon, but I waited there for a bit. Cass was low after the fight and we had a ward in the bush, so I Q'd and auto-attacked her through the wall for the shutdown kill :D
You should play Wukong again Ice, hes getting fun again for some reason!

The other team didnt have smite, and i didnt think I could 1v2 top, so Galio and I switched.

So I went mid vs ANIVIA. Played it safe and poked her with my E/Q a lot so she got scared and would barely come in for last hits.

Late game, I was the destroyer of worlds! One the enemies were chasing our Galio and my team was coming, i was just following the other team and galio on the other side of the forest trees. Once my team came, I flashed over and just ulted everyone.


It still didnt beat my other game as Wukong where I took the enemy Ezrael and Heimer out of the fight every time by charging them before they could even help out their team in fights.
Added my name to the list. Real new to it. Never got into DOTA, but really got into Awesomenauts. Trying this out, but I'm a super newb.
It was an unofficial penta kill. It was a quadra plus 5th kill for the ace. That is an unofficial penta kill. Do not dismiss the greatest accomplishment in my life!* :evil:

*for the next 36 hours
Maybe when I start playing it again everyone will have learned not to kill chase enemies, or tower dive when theres like 5 of them. Then again maybe I'll win the lottery and move to my personal island. Both scenarios are equally likely.

New champ's abilities are out. Sounds kinda boring to me.

Hemorrhage (Passive): Darius aims his attacks strategically, causing his target to bleed. This effect stacks up to five times.
Decimate: Darius swings his axe in a wide circle. Enemies struck by the blade take more damage than those struck by the shaft.
Crippling Strike: Darius's next attack severs a crucial artery. As the target bleeds out, their movement and attack speeds are slowed. Crippling Strike's cooldown is lower the more bloodied its target.
Apprehend: Darius hones his axe, granting him passive armor penetration. When activated, Darius sweeps up his enemies with his axe's hook and pulls them to him.
Noxian Guillotine (Ultimate): Darius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. If Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed.
This happens with every new champ to me. Something sounds awesome: Darius's next attack severs a crucial artery. As the target bleeds out, their movement and attack speeds are slowed.

But then the LoL reality sets in.
Translation: Darius's next attack ever so slightly inconveniences the target for 1 second.
[quote name='crystalklear64']This happens with every new champ to me. Something sounds awesome: Darius's next attack severs a crucial artery. As the target bleeds out, their movement and attack speeds are slowed.

But then the LoL reality sets in.
Translation: Darius's next attack ever so slightly inconveniences the target for 1 second.[/QUOTE]

lol (and by lol i mean lol not LoL)
stfu noob, you wish you were half as good as waughoo. he tricks the enemy into thinking they've gotten away and then, when they least expect it BAM! he does it again.
bread's done