LittleBigPlanet 2 - Out now! Get yer levels/games/genres today!

[quote name='dyeknom']So... costumes are absolutely pointless to buy with LBP2. I'm not sure if any of you have messed with this... but players can put sackbots in various costumes in their level. You can then copy the level, copy the costume.... and viola... you have the costume. This works for the costly ones too.[/QUOTE]

You sure about this? I guess it is for copyable levels which I haven't tried. But my son wanted me to buy a bunch of costumes because he got some prize bubbles from levels and while he had the costumes/objects in his create palette, it wouldn't let him place any of them because we didn't have the right DLC (and it even told us which ones to download to "unlock" the objects).

Do you have a copyable level you can point me to so I can try this? I get the feeling that this will be closed up soon via a patch so we should try to get some as quickly as possible ;).
[quote name='io']I hate you Chibi ;).[/QUOTE]

^^ LBP2 platinum is going to be a huge PITA to get. Active in Create Mode.. means active... not just running :( I have no desire to create... I'd rather let talented people make theirs... and play theirs.. rather than make people sift through my garbage.
[quote name='dyeknom']^^ LBP2 platinum is going to be a huge PITA to get. Active in Create Mode.. means active... not just running :( I have no desire to create... I'd rather let talented people make theirs... and play theirs.. rather than make people sift through my garbage.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the 24 hours of active create is gonna be a pain, but I can manage that vs acing some of those levels. But seriously, you can't set a controller to have your sackboy run into the wall for a day!? Oh well ;).

At least this game doesn't have all the high heart and played requirements (other people need to play and heart your community levels and you as an auther for various trophies) that the first game had. I'd be hard-pressed to get those trophies in the first game, especially if I devote my limited time to making LBP 2 levels.

Also, read your PMs ;).
I aced the levels the other day, and I think I had similar issues with the same level io (the one with sackbots and the giant robot at the end).

I'm not too worried about getting the 24 hours. I don't really care about making levels all that much, but creating contraptions/gadgets and just generally goof-offery should be able to reach that goal. My only real problem with the create mode in this instance is that I feel the tutorials are somewhat lacking. The amount of tools at hand can do a lot of stuff, and I feel as if MM may have only touched the surface and have a "find out for yourself" attitude. That's fine for some people who have a lot of time to spend figuring things out, but I have a more casual attitude about the whole thing and want to know what's available to me up front.

Speaking of levels, I just published a verses level:
queued up ur levels. I too kinda wanna go back and try to ace those last few levels in lbp1....i found getting the ace in lbp2 was waaay easy in comparison
Well, I spent about 2 1/2 hours last night playing Full Metal Rabbit and finally aced that bastard. So now I just have 2 left. I must have played it at least 50 times. Like the other level I mentioned, it is really 2 linked levels and nothing is outrageously hard, but there's just a lot of places to screw up.

I got pretty good at handling the first part (throwing bombs back and getting through the flamethrowers). Still, I'd only make it through the first part about half the time. The other times something stupid would happen like my finger would slip off the R1 button just as I was trying to grab a bomb, or the I'd mistime the flamethrowers by 1/4 second or something.

But what's particularly evil about this level is that the second part is so much harder. So you have to slog through that first part every time to get the harder second part. Some earlier linked levels were nice in that the first part was the hard one so once you got through that you were home free. And you could restart much faster if you screwed up. Plus a lot of the earlier ones have sticker shortcuts.

The second part is where you ride the rabbit and have to slam all the plasma shooters. By playing it so many times I figured out a lot of tricks, but, thatnks to more evilness from Mm, it is the very last part that is the hardest. First there are the two lights where you have to make 2 diagonal jumps in a row. It took me 4 or 5 deaths before I figured out that on the first jump you need to push the stick sideways. But if you do that on the second jump, it sends you right into the shooter and you get hung up on it and killed. It was just an instinct of mine to want to jump as far sideways as possible. What you have to do is jump straight UP on the second jump, then float over the light and slam it. THEN, the really hardpart comes up - where the 3 sackbots jump down and get in the three shooters in a row right before the end. I must have died here 10-15 times, which was beyond frustrating as the end is just above. Probably 10 times I finished it with just one death - I'd always make it after failing once. I still don't have a "trick" for those guys. You just have to jump up and then quickly make a small hop and nail the first one. From there it's easy. One time I actually got up there really quickly and stomped them as the sackbots were still getting in! But that was such a fluke and requires like 5 perfectly timed quick jumps - every other time I tried that I got killed so I went back to the slow method...

Anyway, I'm finally glad to be done with that bastard and never want to play that level again but I get the feeling that my kids will want me to ace it for them.

Also, we had fun last night playing with dykenom - he helped me and my 2 boys get a lot of 4x prize bubbles and other assorted tricky hidden ones. I'm pretty close to 100% now.
Aced every LBP 1 level months ago. Last night I finally got 100% of the items in LBP1, Monster DLC, Pirates DLC and MGS DLC. Have about 96% of the bubbles in LBP2, need multiplayer ones and a few randoms I missed. Have almost all of LBP2 aced. Missing maybe 8 levels, including the last boss and the shooter before him.
Love this game! But the final level of the story mode pissed me off so much lol. Maybe it was cause i was just tired, but i played it like 15 times last night and failed badly. I played again this morning and beat it on the 1st try so, idk lol.

Awesome game though. Beat story mode and now it's time to move on to Mass Effect 2, but i will be playing community levels alot.
OK. I just had a weird experience with this game. It loaded me into my pod, but the pod was weird. It shows a giant sack or something on most of my screen. I can't even see Sackboy unless I run him all the way to the right.

I can't even use the pod computer. It shows the prompt to press square for the pod computer, but when I do NOTHING HAPPENS.

[quote name='georox']Aced every LBP 1 level months ago. Last night I finally got 100% of the items in LBP1, Monster DLC, Pirates DLC and MGS DLC. Have about 96% of the bubbles in LBP2, need multiplayer ones and a few randoms I missed. Have almost all of LBP2 aced. Missing maybe 8 levels, including the last boss and the shooter before him.[/QUOTE]

The shooter before the last boss is one of the easier ones in the game IMO. It just gets a little tricky at the end. The key there is just to keep moving up and down and take shots at him as you pass through the middle.

The 2 levels before that are the hardest in the game, IMO. Like I chronicled above, it took me 2 1/2 hours/50+ tries to get through Full Metal Rabbit. I'd have to say that is by far the hardest just because of the inaccuracy of the rabbit control plus the tedium just in getting back to that part each time you have to retry.

Then I'd say the level after that (where you lead the plasma-shooting sackbots and destroy the giant robot at the end) and the final level are the next hardest. I aced the sackbot one last night and that only took me 10 tries or so. Once you get the pattern for the elevator part down it isn't too hard (where you hang and have to pop bubbles and wait for the sabkbots to shoot the aliens inside). That one gets a bit nasty on the last two parts when they are shooting at you - once again, just keep moving there.

I made around 10 runs at the final boss but I was just too tired last night. I know I can do it as I did it twice with just one death. Of course the first part is cake, though I blew it there a few times trying to rush it. To "guarantee" that one I have to wait a cycle before passing under the beast. When I tried to rush to the other side right after getting him I'd get caught sometimes.

Then the second part isn't really that hard too, but you are subject to the vagaries of the swing mechanic. I have little problem in these games when it comes to timed jumps and dealing with patterns. Where I often have trouble is with the wonky physics. In LBP 1 it was where you needed to jump off springy platforms (which thankfully were almost completely removed in this game thanks to bounce pads - so clearly Mm didn't like that mechanic either), and where you needed to hold on to rapidly spinning discs and let go at the right time, push in the right direction, and jump all at the same time. In this game it is the swinging, though I don't have as much trouble with that as I did with the other 2 in the last game.

I actually made it through to the third part twice and died there. Theoretically that seems like a pretty easy part because all you have to do is jump. But I would invariably jump over one beam, and land right where another was coming down. I think the key here is to run during the first part where they go across the screen, then stand in one place when they are "random". My problem was that I kept running in the second part. So, if I can get back there again, I think I can do it. At least I see the light at the end of the tunnel unlike in the original game ;).
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Are the spam levels reportable in LBP2? I looked through the TOS on for the report feature and didn't see anything that specifically stated that those types of levels should be reported, but it's kind of disgusting to see popular levels where they promise free PSN money or free DLC costumes and get a shit ton of hits because most people are stupid. Some of them have even made multiples of these levels to try to get one to hit big, so it would be nice to see these people get their sharing privileges revoked to send a message.
[quote name='FactionG']Truly love this game.[/QUOTE]

So do I. I think I might have an unhealthy amount of love for this game.
Like if somebody says they don't like this game, I wanna call them crazy and then punch them in the face. Then set their face on fire

Ok yeah maybe I'm a little sensitive about criticism of this game but it is soo awesome
I have a dilemma. This is one of the very few games that my gf likes playing but she can never just sit down with me and finish the game (or at least complete a bunch of the levels). She refuses to let me play by myself and honestly, it's way more fun with another person. We finally finished the 5th story level today (lol) and I've had it since day one. LBP took us like half a year. But, agreed on the general consensus of this game, I love it even in the short amount of time I've played it. It's definitely better than LBP in every way.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Are the spam levels reportable in LBP2? I looked through the TOS on for the report feature and didn't see anything that specifically stated that those types of levels should be reported, but it's kind of disgusting to see popular levels where they promise free PSN money or free DLC costumes and get a shit ton of hits because most people are stupid. Some of them have even made multiples of these levels to try to get one to hit big, so it would be nice to see these people get their sharing privileges revoked to send a message.[/QUOTE]

Well, if they're promising PSN money and costumes and not giving it, then it should be against the TOS. You can hit select and fill out a grief report.
[quote name='madbst']I have a dilemma. This is one of the very few games that my gf likes playing but she can never just sit down with me and finish the game (or at least complete a bunch of the levels). She refuses to let me play by myself and honestly, it's way more fun with another person. We finally finished the 5th story level today (lol) and I've had it since day one. LBP took us like half a year. But, agreed on the general consensus of this game, I love it even in the short amount of time I've played it. It's definitely better than LBP in every way.[/QUOTE]

Haha...I'm in the same boat, the first one took forever to beat and I finished it by myself cause I couldn't wait any longer and I'm a trophy wh*%3, and that was a mistake/fight. I had LBP2 since day one and only finished the first few levels, and haven't touched since. My g/f is an artist and I try my hardest to have her create a level so I can get trophies but she cannot sit through the tutorials and I have trouble as well, so far I created two POS. Anyways I may finish this game by summer...
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Just posted another level, Tic-tac-toe!

I'll be damned if that logic wasn't hell to work out. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I only have 2 more trophies left: 24 hours in create and 50 unique players.

On that note, play my versus level, if you haven't: and even if you have played it, take random strangers there if you play with people online.

I'm currently working on another level. A non-versus level. Currently at about 8-9 hours in create mode.
Fun game but I was sorta surprised how easy the end level was compared to LBP1; I remember that damn spinning electric wheel took me forever. Time to start creating!
Woo, just finished Ace'ing every level. Felt like less of an accomplishment compared to aceing LBP1 though. Prize bubbles are almost done too, just need the 4x challenges now. Anyone up for getting a team together to get 'em (along with any 3x's people need)?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I just finished the game myself. Now it's off to try some community levels.;)[/QUOTE]

There's still alot of shitty levels, just don't try to look for them.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Woo, just finished Ace'ing every level. Felt like less of an accomplishment compared to aceing LBP1 though. Prize bubbles are almost done too, just need the 4x challenges now. Anyone up for getting a team together to get 'em (along with any 3x's people need)?[/QUOTE]

Bunker was a fun level to ace in LBP1.
I'm actually playing a level a buddy of mine created on the first LBP called Dawn Of The Little Big Bus, but I don't remember him having two sentries in the first part, so I got stuck in the one room when they cornered me and I had to restart.
Just for fun, here's some of the logic that had to go into Tic-tac-toe:


The crazy part about that was that I had so many wires going so many different places that it was starting to get difficult to function in create mode as the game was stuttering along.

It would be nice to try and get 100% on prize bubbles sometime this week. I think I'm only missing them from the Asylum and Factory of a Better Tomorrow; will anyone be around tonight? I know for sure I'll need 4x for one of the Asylum levels.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Someone made a Peggle Level. This shit blows my mind, the possibilities are endless[/QUOTE]

It's a shame everybody uses their skills to rip off other games. I'd play Peggle if I wanted to play Peggle, lol. I hate to say it, but its "potential" is wearing thin with me.

I mean, hell. They should make a picture of a sackboy in it and call it something different... no sense in blatantly ripping off Peggle.
[quote name='dyeknom']It's a shame everybody uses their skills to rip off other games. .[/QUOTE]

This isn't true at all. There are PLENTY of original levels and games being made. It's just media outlets who are picking up on the replicated games. Look through Media Molecule blogs or read other places, and you'll see there are some quite original levels to play.
I just noticed that GS gave me an extra Tron/Even more animals costume pack. Post if you use.
[quote name='ssjmichael']This isn't true at all. There are PLENTY of original levels and games being made. It's just media outlets who are picking up on the replicated games. Look through Media Molecule blogs or read other places, and you'll see there are some quite original levels to play.[/QUOTE]

Maybe that wasn't fair, but the vast majority of levels being created by the LBP2 community fall into the following categories: trophy hunters (many just empty levels/ported from LBP1), copied levels, ripped IP (many of which aren't, by any means, bad), "movies" and demos about what the game "can" do. I'd rather play the real game than some LBP recreation of another popular game (they were fun/neat in the first game... now we need something new) or another demo. I got enough of a demo with Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves and the majority of the single player game.

I've always actively looked through the blogs and such for the best-of-the-best. And true, there are a handful of good original levels being made and ones worthy of the load times (LB Platformer 2, Prius level, vile anchorage, there was a cake factory level which blew the actual story mode level itself, and there are many quality mini-game levels (skurker has some that are good :) ), but what this game REALLY needs is quality control.

In all honesty, once I platinum the game I will put it down for 3-6 month intervals and check the MMPicks and most hearted/liked and try some community levels in those intervals.
[quote name='Invin']I just noticed that GS gave me an extra Tron/Even more animals costume pack. Post if you use.

Used! Thanks Buddy!
Anyone interested in a longterm DLC share group? I can host it if needed. Once I take the time to update my ps3 Ill start hearting people and what not
I'm done with my level, it's by no means epic... and pretty much incomplete... but I've completely lost my patience with it and just went ahead and published it. I may revisit it in the future and mess with it later, but there's a lot of other games I really want to hit up while I can.

If you dont mind giving it a play (need the 50 unique plays) I would greatly appreciate it as it's the last "trophy" I need. Mine is titled "rofl beach" I think there's a mk 2 after it, but I'm not positive on that. I'll gladly return the favor. :)
I managed to ace the final level (and thus all of them) the other day. It just took me 10-15 tries. But then I was trying to help my son do it tonight and he is good at the swinging part but gives it to me for the 3rd part. I made it through to the very last jump but since I was on the wrong side I had to run across. I thought the rays were done but one more came as I started running. D'oh... So close...

Then we just played random stuff.

The one trophy that shouldn't be hard to get but will be is the one where you "Dive In" and play 25 levels. We tried for an hour to "Dive In" with people and we got the gamut of errors and rejections and only managed to get 2 levels credited for that. So that one will take a while, unfortunately.

I have a level publushed, too, that my older son and I whipped up in about 2 hours. It actually isn't too bad for how long we spent on it. I plan to add to it. It just got 4 random plays the night I published it and nothing since so if any of you guys can play it that would be great. I believe it is called "More than 1 way". Hint: head to the left once you come out of the tubes and ride the soda cans to the end ;).
Does anyone have a collection of Dr. Herbert Higginbotham's witty quotes?

Can someone complete this quote from him for me?

.... thoughts on petal wings ....

I think it's something like that, it's very poetic and deep (a lot of his quotes are like that). I guess I could replay the levels and copy everything down :lol:
dkyenom and io (and anybody else) - I'd love to play your levels, so why not include an link in your posts? It would be really helpful for us lazy folks, since we can add it to our queue that way.
[quote name='mkernan']dkyenom and io (and anybody else) - I'd love to play your levels, so why not include an link in your posts? It would be really helpful for us lazy folks, since we can add it to our queue that way.[/QUOTE]

It's by no means, good... lol
[quote name='mkernan']dkyenom and io (and anybody else) - I'd love to play your levels, so why not include an link in your posts? It would be really helpful for us lazy folks, since we can add it to our queue that way.[/QUOTE]

Cause I don't know how to do that ;).

I figured for people on my friend's list (ie, most of you you guys) it is easy enough to find my levels anyway. That's how I got to dykenom's.

Alright, I guess mine is here:
Queued up your levels io and dyeknom. I know it's easy to search for your levels, but it's nice being able to click links to add or else I otherwise forget to do it. ;)

[quote name='io']The one trophy that shouldn't be hard to get but will be is the one where you "Dive In" and play 25 levels. We tried for an hour to "Dive In" with people and we got the gamut of errors and rejections and only managed to get 2 levels credited for that. So that one will take a while, unfortunately.[/QUOTE]

I was trying to do that the other night, but was getting "player is busy" messages and finally gave up. I'll probably try again sometime this week to see if I can't at least get it out of the way.
Posted a new level in LBP2 about a week ago. Its called 3 Player Racing. I still need to do alot more work to improve it but please try it out and heart me and my levels please. I'll try to play and heart anyone who posts their levels in this forum as well.
Can someone please help me with these trophies.

25 Online Versus Wins (Bronze)Win 25 Versus mode community levels against at least 1 other player - I got 17 already and hearted an easy level to win at.

Dive In 25 (Bronze)Dive in and play 25 random levels with other players, and don't immediately leave!
- don't have and plays yet

Play 75 Community Levels (Silver)Play 75 unique cooperative community levels
- got about 36 now
[quote name='finsfan0210']Posted a new level in LBP2 about a week ago. Its called 3 Player Racing. I still need to do alot more work to improve it but please try it out and heart me and my levels please. I'll try to play and heart anyone who posts their levels in this forum as well.[/QUOTE]

I queued yours up to play tonight.

Regardling your comment on my level: the soda cans are supposed to do that - they are a shortcut (ie, More Than 1 Way - to finish the level).

I plan on expanding the tubes part to make multiple branches and add more to the end as well.
bread's done